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Posts posted by geauxtee

  1. That raises a very good point: do they not have live in servants? We never see them, not even in the background going on about their business. Tis weird.

    I think she could discretely ward the house or the gates, though.


    This is what I have been wondering too. In a house of that size, they would need a full housekeeping staff, right? Would someone of Vanessa's social class normally have a lady's maid or was that very upper class British?

  2. Bunch of entitled famewhores. Who wants to marry a woman who is all about what a spoiled princess she is and she always gets her way? Enough, SYTTD. We have seen enough of these people.


    Just coming here to say the exact same thing! I am so sick of the princess brides and daddies' girls who have to obliterate their generous $5000 budget or whatever and add more BLING AND MORE POUF. They have to customized it because it it makes it so special! Yuck.  Seriously, these women are going to be married and they can't stick to a wedding dress budget?


    • Love 1
  3.  I think Holmes knows things and, for once, just maybe some of these idiots fear her.

    Holmes' whole escape was at least a two year ordeal. Her attorney father helped her plan her escape. She was able to quietly dismiss her Scientology staff, so Cruise did not realize she was leaving until she physically left. 


    • Love 5
  4. Yes, I am surprised they left out Shelly Miscavige. 

    Will Smith has never publicly been a Scientologist. He just issued a statement saying he is "spritual" and interested in all faiths. J.Lo is also into Scientology just not publicly. I think if you are celebrity then Scientology is just a big self-help religion with Hollywood contacts. It's the no-names that are being abused and brainwashed. 

    • Love 2
  5. I am surprised that a NYC prosecutor was not more blunt with Rosie and would say straight up, "Your parenting is going to be cross examined mercilessly,is that ok?" I can't believe Rosie goes on the stand and is shocked that her drinking/postpartum depression are brought up. The trial was almost levels of Kimmy Schmidt bad. Did Hugo get a psych eval that would discuss lasting trauma? It seems everyone  just assumes he has lasting trauma because Rosie says so. 


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  6. I can believe teachers are told to be aware of the issue.  However, the rest seems farfetched, difficult to enforce and extremely counterproductive.  However, if there are school districts that act in that manner, I feel bad for both the students and teachers.   


    I did appreciate the writers aren't afraid to show that a character appears to have made the right choice by staying away from Hannah and her drama. 

    I have worked in two public schools and I think it varies depending on administration. I have tutored kids one-on-one after school with my door open and there were no issues. Though, I could totally see some principals being very strict with the "never be alone with a student" rule. It depends on the administration/ tone of the school district. 

    • Love 1
  7. Sadly, I knew a "Hannah" type when I taught middle school. She have "tutoring" after school which would devolve into students just gossiping with her. She had a wall of "You're my favorite teacher" notes like a students puts notes up in their locker. 

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  8. Well, I am thinking Adam was a "time filler" or something for Mimi-Rose. She didn't seem the least bit concerned when he walked out. 

    The boundaries talk from the principal was cringe-worthy.

    • Love 2
  9. My daughter, who is currently slaving away looking for a permanent teaching job, was incensed that Hannah would be able to just walk into a school and get a teaching job!  It was actually kind of funny.


    I know! I'm a teacher in the South, but I used to visit a lot of teaching message boards. There were some teachers in the Northeast who had been job searching for years. Like people saying, "I have been subbing for 5 years, will it ever happen for me?" So the fact that Hannah can walk into a school and get hired is over-the-top crazy.

  10. So are Shoshana's parents supporting her indefinitely until she finds her "dream job?"  I get she just graduated, but she seems really unconcerned about supporting herself.  Is anyone working out of the 4 core girls at all? At least, Hannah is job searching.

    • Love 3
  11. It's pretty difficult to find teaching jobs in the Northeast for both public and private. I am wondering of Lena is modeling this school off of of her old private school in Brooklyn.  St. Ann's is progressive so they might not have a problem with tattooed teachers. 

    I am not sure what I think of Mimi-Rose. Is she suppose to be the opposite of Hannah in every way? Successful, confident, independent artist in the city? 


    Kleinfeld's seems to have more brides with bigger budgets compared to Lori's customers.


    Yes. I think this a cost-of-living difference between NYC and Atlanta. Also, Atlanta has younger brides from 18-25 ish, so they are more relying on their parents. A lot of the NYC brides seem to have been in the working world longer and have a bigger budget. Though NYC has it's fair share of "Daddy's girls" too. 


  13. I loved the use of "On Eagle's Wings" at the shiva! I went to Catholic school for all of K-8 and they would sing that song at least once a month at mass. Hysterical choice to hear in the background when discussing pegging. 

    • Love 2
  14. I don't understand the brides with the smaller budgets who fly cross-country for this store, especially if they come from larger cities like Miami, L.A. You have a $3000 budget for a wedding dress but you have just spent $2000 on airfare and hotel to get to NYC. I can't believe you cannot find a nice wedding dress for $5000 in L.A. or Miami. 


    Anchorage bride flew in because there wasn't a good selection in Alaska. I get it, but she could probably found something in Vancouver/Seattle for a lot less travel distance.    

    • Love 6
  15. 17 year old bride with pastor dad -- I loved how weirded out Monte and consultant looked when they found out the bride was 17. She looked 14 with all the braces and acne. The dad was a creep as he explained she basically "30" and had organized the whole courting thing.


    18 year bride who loves Kim K. -- I like how this girl met her fiance in the Dairy Queen parking lot and both moms seemed very "pro marriage."


    Bride with enormous entourage from Michigan -- The entourage acted like they were on an episode of Maury with all the jeering and generally just being very loud and obnoxious in a bridal salon. I was so embarrassed for the bride and I would have loved if Monte or Lori had kicked them out.


    Towanda mom -- Again, generally embarrassed about the mom being "Towanda." The bride had a awkward shaped body so I wasn't quite sure if the first dress was a complement.


    High neck dress wedding photographer -- I totally understand why the bride wanted sleeves or another neck line other than strapless. Sing it, sister! The dresses all blend togethher and look the same. I am not sure why sleeved dresses in Lori's salon are all so unflattering. I thought the dress she picked was pretty.

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