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Posts posted by missalanny

  1. Young Lorna Morello was a huge miss - it was like they didn't even try, looks-wise, and there was not a hint of her accent. Now that I think about it - has it ever been made clear exactly where Morello is from? Staten Island? Well anyways, my point is that her flashback to her communion was sloppy work on the show's part. If you saw it apart from its placement in the episode, you wouldn't know for sure which character that was supposed to be. 

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    The funny thing is with Laura Prepon is that it can get way, way, way worse than it is on this show.  Did you ever watch "That 70's Show?"  One of my all time favourite shows, but she was horrible on it.  Showed absolutely zero range, expression, and emotion.  It used to drive me nuts.  On "Orange is the New Black" she's actually shocked me with her acting, how much improved it is.  That's how bad she was on 70's.

    Oh yeah, I agree that she's always been a terrible actress, but it bothers me more on this show than it did on 70s. Probably just because I didn't give too much of a crap about that show in general but I think she is the worst part about this show, which is a show I generally love. The Alex-Piper relationship is toxic regardless, but it could at least be interestingly toxic if her acting didn't sink all of the scenes Alex is in like an anchor. Well, that and the complete lack of chemistry between her and Taylor Schilling. (She had more with Eric Foreman, IMO! ;) 

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    Taryn Manning has been the best actress on this show from the start.    She outshines the rest.

    Agree. Very few of the others are in her league. I'm glad they paired her with Boo so much this season, because I think they have a good chemistry. And I hope Taryn Manning finally gets some of the Emmy attention after this season (if the show continues to get Emmy attention). Nobody else deserves any for S3, in my opinion... although, I did take note of the actress who plays Gloria this season. She's solid. There is just a lot of amateur acting in this show, to be honest (and not just from the actual amateurs... I think Laura Prepon is the worst.) 

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    I wonder if there's a slot for things like "I'm planning to bring my friend who's always wanted to be an asshole on reality TV"



    I haven't watched this show in forever, but I caught the horrible friend episiode last night. She said this was like the 21st (I think?) time she was a bridesmaid and I'm just baffled that such an obnoxious woman has so many close friends that she's been invited into 21 wedding parties. Unless it was all just a tv thing... 

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    Why does she have to end up with anybody? Why can't be she her own strong independant woman in her mid-20s who doesn't necessarily need to be with someone to be fullfilled and happy? I mean, I can understand people wanting everything tied up for the characters, but (and this applies to all of them, not just Rachel) they're all way too young for that now. If it were 20 years later, I'd agree, but 5 years later? Let these early to mid-20s people live it up and have fun.


    Couldn't agree with this more. 


    As for the "Finn was worse" argument that some of your are piling on out of nowhere... uh, yeah, who said he wasn't? I know I never said anything about Team Finchel myself.  But, say what happened never happened and it all ended with Finn and Rachel together... well, we would have seen those characters come back together, I assume.  My point is that we didn't SEE Rachel and Jesse come together.  In the actual show, we have just the smallest moments of evidence that Jesse isn't a slimeball, and one pivotal one - when he vouched for Rachel to Carmen Tribideaux - we have to just assume Rachel found out about at some point, because like someone already pointed out earlier, he did that without her knowing. We didn't see the part where Jesse fully redeems himself to Rachel... is all I'm saying. We saw plenty... PLENTY... of Finchel.  And undoubtedly would have gotten plenty more... If Finn was alive and they were really "endgame" afterall, I'm sure that regardless of whether I agreed with it (and I wouldn't have, if only for the same reasons I think it's dumb that any of the characters are married... they are children, imo), I would have gotten plenty of footage of their "love story." 


    What did Jesse do to Rachel in season 2?

    Typo, I meant season 1. A major season arc that ended in a reveal that Jesse was manipulating Rachel throughout the course of their entire relationship, culminating in the brutal, humiliating egg attack just wasn't all made better for me with a "sorry about the eggs!" later on. That shit would have scarred a 16-year-old girl forever, and whenever Jesse popped back up, he remained a villain in my eyes.  I get that there were a few redeeming moments throughout (i.e. the Carmen Tribideux thing), but they weren't enough - FOR ME (this is just MY opinion) - to carry those characters from where they were to marriage.  I personally think it's asking the audience to fill in a bit too much and relying on the general reverence fans have for Lea and Jonathan's real-life friendship. 

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  7. All of the debate here about the relevancy of the respective social networking sites in 2009 has reminded me of a very embarrassing bit of personal history...

    I joined Twitter during the first season of Glee pretty much with the exclusive intention of following the cast and also the in-character accounts.  I was like... way too old for this to be remotely defendable, but honestly: what else was Twitter even for back then?  


    I thought the finale was satisfying. I've not always watched as it airs, but I've never missed an episode, and the show has flown off the rails so far and so often over the 6 seasons that it just really didn't have to acheive much in the final episode to impress me. However, I was fairly impressed at how it was planned-out, paced, effective without being overly sentimental (I honestly thought it would be more difficult for me to watch, particularly for Finn-based reasons), and for my taste, the right characters were the focus.  My only real gripe is St. Berry... I'm just not sure why the audience is supposed to be on board with Rachel ending up with Jesse considering how much of a villain he was in the actual show... I mean, I think everyone is happy because it's Jonathan Groff and Lea Michele, but unless I get some evidence of Jesse St. James redeeming himself for what he did to Rachel Berry in Season 2, I'm just not sure about that OTP.  And no, putting in a good word with Carmen Tribideux that one time and Russell Simmons that other time just doesn't cut it for me.  I feel the same about this as I did about Blaine and Karofsky... forgiveness is one thing, but damn. 


    I puzzled over all these people who say they "grew up" listening to Christina. She's only 34. I doubt they're referring to the Mickey Mouse Club years.


    I'm only a year younger than Xtina, so while I would love to believe she is too young for it to make sense when anyone claims they grew up listening to her, I never question it.  She was hugely famous when I was in high school, so I know all of her tween fans at that time are now mid-to-late 20s... 


    Also, I was really into the Mickey Mouse Club (the MMC!) and Christina was really incredible... I mean, I agree that it's doubtful anyone is ever referring to that, but I guess some other 30-somethings who were indoor kids with the Disney Channel (you had to beg your parents to pay extra for it back then!) might be.

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  9. Thanks to you guys, I've now learned about Nicole's former involvement with Dave Coulier.  After laughing really hard for a few minutes, I had an epiphany about the source of Nicole's unusual temperment and seemingly bottomless anger towards the general public. Dave Coulier inspired Alanis Morrisette to write angry-girl anthem "You Oughta Know"... Dave Coulier apparently is responsible for kicking Nicole Curtis out of her life of decorating her mansion and into a life of "floor scrubbing" (timeframe that doesn't add up notwithstanding)... mammas, don't let your babies grow up to date Dave Coulier ;)

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  10. larapu2000, I agree. Fixer Upper is recommended from me as well - it's my current favorite show/Chip and Joanna are my favorite couple to watch renovate.

    ETA: This may be off topic, but it looks like we all might be looking for new options... ;) 

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  11. I think we're all in a bad place in the post-Rachel-slaps-Santana world of Glee.  That was the one time Santana was using her vitriol to actually cut Rachel down to size in a moment when she actually kinda deserved it, and also the one time where someone actually fought Santana back - but Rachel went too far and was in the wrong... and now everything is so muddled. The truth is, Santana has gotten away with way too much without any realisitic repercussions.  When Finn stood up to her in Season 2, he outed her, and again, was now the one in the wrong. I remember this being a big topic of discussion on older Glee boards, and even though Finn had been verbally abused by Santana for the length of the show, fans were right to feel the gravity of how wrong what he did was... But, was this necessarily an unrealistic depiction of how a high school student might have reacted to a bully? I don't think so... (And I thought for a show that fucks up almost every after-school-special moment they force upon us, I thought they got through it with a relative bit of tact.)  But, my point is: the show has never shown a balanced view of how an actual Santana Lopez would navigate a real teenage/young adult life, and this whole thing with Kurt stirring you all up so much proves how muddled the character is, IMO.  Even Sue - who is an even more over-the-top character than Santana (than anyone), is a better developed character, depicted more realisitically human.  I think the lack of true dimension has created a cult around the character too - everyone either loves her or hates her and seems 100% with just basing that on face value becuase that's all we get.  Like I said before - I do not like the character and I never have.  I don't find 1-dimensional bitch characters entertaining.  And it's sad that she still isn't much more than that, six seasons into the show.  I like Naya and have always appreciated Santana being around if only because she's one of the better singers, but they wasted her on a character that never grew.  

  12. Ugh. The defensiveness just freaks me out!  


    HOMEGIRL:  You have a legion of fans fawning all over you on facebook, but you only ever respond to negativity, and you post antagonistic stuff to dig up more negativity. And now, you're scouring message boards to find some more fights? Maybe use the energy to thank your fans on social media and then just spend your down time at brunch or whatever (because that was important to tell us, I guess) being thankful for the opportunities Rehab Addict has brought to you instead of wallowing in the bitterness you apparently feel so deeply toward anyone who dares detract from the Cult of Curtis.  I'm a fan - I watch your show because your passion for old homes is inspiring to me and like presumably everyone else on these boards, I enjoy shows about renovation projects.  If you go to any message board for a tv show in the home-reno genre, you will see viewers discussing the choices of the host/contractor/designer/whomever...I mean, IDEALLY you will, because otherwise nobody cares about the show in question. I feel badly for anyone who reads hurtful things about themselves on the internet - I don't envy your bruised ego or the position you're put in to bite your tongue - but self-destructing online is the opposite of whatever would be the best way to handle it. 

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  13. I agree that Santana's rant was out of bounds because it focused too much on the actor's appearance and not really at all on what Kurt actually did. I also agree that Kurt's hijacking of the proposal moment was shitty. I don't think these thoughts are mutually exclusive. Mostly, I think the posters who feel the Santana rant is stale, pulls from an old bag of tricks, shows no character growth, etc have won the debate on why the rant wasn't Santana's best moment, but I'll also admit that I thought Naya was kinda awesome in that scene...that's pretty much how I've always been about Santana, actually. I really don't like the character - I think she's mean and don't understand how she has friends - BUT, I find her compelling to watch. Anyways, regardless of all of this...

    I can't believe there isn't more talk about how completely uncomfortable the Becky storyline was! Granted, I completely agree with everyone who just wants Becky to go away, but the boyfriend plot that we were stuck with was SO WRONG, in my opinion. What were we supposed to come away from that thinking? That if we question why a "normal" guy is interested in Becky that we are the ones who are judgemental or whatever Daryl was trying to convince the Quinn/Tina/Sue/Roz panel is the actual case? No. Not to intentionally delve into my personal life here, but I have a family member who is developmentally disabled and because of that I've spent a lot of time with kids and adults who have DS and similar disabilities, and it is in NO WAY unreasonable for Daryl to be questioned about his intentions with Becky. If the show insisted on doing this unnecessary plot for some damn reason, they should at least have handled it better - Daryl explaining that he likes Becky because she's "funny" was so far from cutting it, I really don't even know where to start. Frankly, the scene at the restaurant where he was speaking to Becky like she's a toddler just pissed me off so much in the context of this storyline, and said pretty much all that needs to be said as far as whether it's questionable whether it's ethical for Daryl and Becky to have sex. This is probably the maddest I've ever been at the show.... Although, to be fair, the bar was set pretty low because, as a person from actual Lima, Ohio, my number one gripe has always been the lightening speed at which these characters travel to Akron in order to spy on Vocal Adrenaline (opposite side of the state! Google maps, Ryan Murphy!).

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    she gets a thousand "you go girl" "your(they spell it as your) amazing" " preach it sister" comments , her FB fans are morons for the most part.

    I'm giving YOU a "preach it sister!" I was such a big fan before I followed her on facebook...which I finally had to stop a little while back. I think the final straw was the day she posted about how much smarter she was than people who went to college, which was naturally met by a chorus of "you go Nicole - college ain't worth a damn!" and, of course, the beautiful catch phrase "you can't fix stupid!" was tossed in more than once. The thing was, she was picking a fight with NOBODY - it was just a theorhetical rant about how she "might not have a degree, but at least [she knows] it's cheaper to restore what's old instead of importing new floors from China" and this made up scenario was complete with a cutesy-angry ending about flooring shipping over "on a big boat" (because... that's the proof that means it's expensive, like, duhhhh) and it was all just to rile up her loyal morons.  I'm sorry to break it to you, Nicole, importing shit from China is so incredibly cheap; to be concise - THAT'S WHY WALMART IS WALMART. But maybe I'm wrong and colleges are just shoving incorrect information at people en masse, all over the world, every day, for decades and decades, and you've uncovered the truth!  YOU GO GIRL!

    OK, I sorta just ranted a la Nicole a bit myself, but... yeah, I'm a bit defensive.  It was a bummer to find out from Nicole's fb fandom that my stupidity 'can't be fixed' (outing myself as a college-goer...trust me, if I'd known that I could have just followed the Rehab Addict facebook page to get the education I need from the wise Professor Curtis, I wouldn't have 6 figs in student loan debt... damn, maybe I AM stupid :( 


    Aaaanyways..what is the hot gossip about the boyfriend investors? I've never heard any mention of that on the show.  I never really understood the details of her involvement with the mansion... I knew she said she didn't own it, but I didn't catch the part where it was clear who did.  Interesting... I've noticed they never showed much about the purchase of the homes, with the exception of the "dollar house," but I've not been very curious about the initial purchase so much as about the money that goes into the actual renovations.  The house itself is probably such a small percentage of the total cost, and having looked at the listings for the homes once they are on the market post-reno, I'm shocked if she is making a profit.  The houses post-reno are priced low and still usually well above the average in the neighborhood, so I'm guessing her sales are mostly due to the novelty factor of the house having been on TV.  I do think she's talented and I admire her work ethic and eye for homes, but I think Rehab Addict is about a person's passion (or fetish as someone upthread said...fittingly) not a house flipper's sustainable entrepreneurial endeavor. 


    ETA: I just read up in the other RA thread, and I see now that what I've said re: her projects actually making any money is echoed a lot in there already, so I apologize for the redundancy.  (I didn't lurk much before I posted.)  I also know a little more now about the boyfriend(s) and the Minnehaha house.  I'll be honest, I didn't think the "Nicole Curtis" who posted in this thread a while back was legit (it just didn't read like it was written by the same person who writes all those facebook rants, to me), but the post from the same time in the other thread seems like it possibly could be and that just... kinda freaked me out.  

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  15. They showed interviews with the rest of the cast in the extended version.  I agree that Ellie was memorable.  Just a little update: I follow her on Twitter and it seems that she and Nate are actually a thing now.  I think it's cute...they both seem so unhateable compared to the rest.  Brittany and Adam are from season one are on the new season of the Challenge and I'd say Ellie would definitely be who MTV would zero in on as the breakout star of this season, so we might see her in more things... not that I've watched the Challenge in like 10 years, but still, we may see more of her :)

  16. Nothing Layton said on the reunion show made any damn sense.  What a dumbshit neanderthal.  


    I'm super disappointed with Dario. Was a bit shocked he ended up having so little actual interest in Ashley. She handled that whole thing very well... well, really, I don't think he deserves her friendship, so I think it would be better if she held a bit more of a grudge, actually.  Fuck Dario for stringing her along!


    The Brandon and Alex hookup was another shocker.  I was browsing Twitter while watching the reunion and found out that TMZ recently outed Alex as a webcam girl who is selling molds of her vagina.  (http://www.tmz.com/2014/12/08/are-you-the-one-vagina-mold-alex-kim-mtv/)  A few of the cast members have tweets alluding to it, and who knows if they are tossing shade because they found out she's porny or because they're just #TeamChristina. 


    There is an extended version of the reunion airing on Tuesday, 8:30-10.  There are a lot of tweets from fans (and Jasmine) wondering why the black cast members got sidelined tonight... Interesting, but I have a feeling Jasmine and Alex P just have a relatively boring update. Hard to compete when everyone else has a "SURPRISE: I SLEPT WITH A RANDO OUT OF NOWHERE" or is wearing an absurd scarf (WTF, Curtis?)  Was Garland even there?  

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  17. Rasan, you basically said what I came here to day.  So obviously contrived.  I almost wish it was real, because I'd love to hate on Christina for pretending like she was shocked when Layton chose her, considering they'd had a conversation about it in the pool, and also hate on Layton, since he made this grand gesture about being a "rock" for Christina and she was making out with Brandon minutes later after they won...and also because Layton just sucks so hard at being a person... but, whatever, it was so phony.  I still can't wait for the reunion, because I'm pathetically attached to this show.  

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    Chris Kirkpatrick cut off the pineapple looking braids before Bye Bye Bye. This is something very important that SNL should know! Also, there is no reason to forget the lyrics to the Fresh Prince theme song. That sketch was just nostalgia bait for twenty-somethings, but I totally got sucked in.
    your average person wouldn't remember who the he'll that was without the hairstyle.


    Valid point, but I think her joke is that it's actually not at all important, but a ridiculous thing that she knows. I was also an *NYSNC superfan...I get it ;)

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    Franco did Walken, and I thought James more or less nailed him and how he was walking through it.

    Pretty much the best part of the show for me... I knew there would be a Peter Pan parody, and I thought they did a pretty successful job.  



    The Frozen references in the Kid Mayor sketch were hilarious-"Elsa was a BITCH! Hey, go outside and play with your little sister, you bitch!"


    Oh wait - this line is actually my favorite part of the show. I hate Elsa. What a BITCH! 


    Overall, I was fairly underwhelmed with the show. 




    Full Brain: I have to say that this was actually an original and well done segment. I loved the idea behind this and all the random bits of stuff.


    I also thought this was an original idea, and I love the skits with random pop culture references, but it just lacked energy or something... one of the most frustrating things on SNL, in my opinion, is the good ideas that are poorly executed.  I think the first time I mentioned this on here was re: the first Tonkerbell skit, actually.  This cast has a lot of talent, but they are sloppier (only word I can think to describe what I mean at this hour) than past casts, and some skits fall flatter than they should, considering relatively strong writing.  Since they still pull most of their talent from Second City/UCB, I don't know why the newbies aren't as polished as the oldies. 

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  20. Exactly - if you're so into the image, then why don't you just get high? People ARE weird... and I guess James Franco is weirder than most, so maybe it's some sort of performance art he hasn't unveiled intentions for yet? Whatever... I was a big fan from the Freaks and Geeks days, but the weirdo act is somewhat exhausted.

  21. It was Shelby - probably the prettiest girl in the house - that Nate was obssessed with.  To Ellie's credit, she didn't seem nearly as insane in the Anthony situation as Nate did in the Shelby situation.  But you're right - both aren't really self-aware regarding their chances with the objects of their affection, and they both seem to just let it all out there for everyone to see, which is so uncomfortable to watch!  When I was their age, I wouldn't have ever faced rejection so aggressively and with so little regard for my own potential humiliation! 

  22. James Franco has stated many, many times that he hasn't even smoked weed since he was a teenager, and Seth Rogan has confirmed that he's never once gotten high with Franco. Everyone just assumes he's high all the time becauase of Pineapple Express, I guess? Franco even plays it up when he's on SNL/on Instagram...so, I suppose it's due to Pineapple Express AND his insistance to market himself that way, apparently. If he was always as high as he acts, he'd be unlikely to be pursuing 29 different careers and degree tracks, so why everyone buys it/perpetuates it is odd also. It may be an innocuous thing to find annoyingly disingenuine, but why pretend to be a pothead? I can't think of any answer that isn't just sad.

  23. I think Christina is a shitty person and thus, it's not surprising that horrible Layton is her match.  And I think the entire series was edited to pit Tyler and Christina against each other, so I'm not surprised they're the double match, although they don't seem all that similar as people to me... actually, none of the matches make all that much sense to me,either,  based on what we've seen.  I think maybe Ellie and Nathan make the most sense - they both go all in with people who are just not on the same page ("guys who don't give me the time of day" in Ellie's words) and don't have a lot of concern with appearing crazy. I happen to think Nate is physically attractive, just not...emotionally stable, I guess.  


    I think, overall, the guys were much more attractive this season.  

  24. Does anyone else find Jasmine to be a weirdo?  Like, the way she talks... it sounds ridiculously scripted, and on top of that, corny.  


    In other news, I still feel it's unlikely these people will solve the puzzle next week.  

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