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  1. Yeah; Melissa and Barb might be making $75k after decades of teaching.
  2. Sounds too high for a relatively new lower-grade teacher in an inner-city Philadelphia school. I would guess more like $60k for Gregory/Janine/Josh and $75k for O'Shon (so still "poor", but with an extra 15k he could spend on Ava.) Perhaps a teacher in Philadelphia will chime in!
  3. Based on what Ava said to Gregory, it sounds like he makes $15,000 more per year than Gregory does. Ava asked him how he would spend the money if he got a $15,000 raise, the equivalent of what a school IT worker makes.
  4. A surgeon should not be donating blood on a day where he later will be operating on someone. (Unless there is a patient who will die without a transfusion, and his is the only matching blood available, and then the later surgery should possibly be postponed.) Even perfectly healthy people can feel weak after donating. It's also unlikely that no one on the staff is pregnant, anemic, has a recent tattoo, is on certain medications, is too old, or otherwise has a condition that disqualifies them from donating blood. I actually thought Joyce was going to try to get to over 100% by asking the officer to donate (also a no-no.)
  5. Diedrich Bader: https://www.superherohype.com/guides/590865-creature-commandos-task-force-m-new-team-members-king-shark#:~:text=Nanaue%2C aka King Shark (voiced by Diedrich Bader)
  6. Because she's a monster! Her crime is monster in the 3rd degree!
  7. Totally different origin story from the comics: ETA: Actually, a similar origin in the Flashpoint timeline. Why wasn't Nina just a candidate for a lung transplant, instead of a guinea pig? Also, Phosphorus can touch people without burning them, as when he put his hand on The Bride's shoulder, but he can't feel anything? He certainly felt where Weasel had bitten him!
  8. However, once Dee said she had also attended Penn, there's no way that Janine wouldn't have asked her class year, and told Dee her own. In Hacks, based on her character's life choices, someone is shocked to find out that she attended Cornell (or any college, probably). Mr. Johnson was putting some of the urine-soaked stuff (I think) in a lunch bag labeled "Mr. Morton".
  9. I wonder what would happen to Pete if his body continued to disappear. Would his consciousness disappear, too? No afterlife, but no pain? Or just a disembodied voice, which only other ghosts (and Sam) could hear?
  10. Yeah, and don't forget Eric's rapey-ness, which wasn't at all in the comics. That one actually bugs me the most, I think.
  11. So Dr. Phosphorus can choose whether or not his body parts are hot? Even if his clothing is "him"- retardant, he can clearly touch things and people with no immediate harm (not sure if his radiation is dangerous as it once was in the comics, but there is precedent for him being able to control the burning aspect at a certain point.) I will say that in a few of the scenes, Dr. Sartorius did closely resemble Alan Tudyk. Speaking of the comics, if they hew to them in explaining Nina's origins, which I hope they do in next week's finale, they are quite different from The Bride's and Phosphorus's. Up to now, Nina really has been mostly useless, as well as a hindrance to The Bride, so I do expect there will be a large body of water in next week's episode. (And since The Bride wants nothing to do with Eric, she really should stop defining herself in regard to him, and choose a name, which at least Nina would use.)
  12. The sons of Aharon (Aaron) the Cohen haGadol (High Priest of Israel).
  13. If the trope had emerged, I wouldn't be annoyed in this fictional show at the character named Thor for enjoying the trappings of Christmas (although Christianity replaced Norse paganism which of course he did not personally experience), or for trying to encourage the character named Trevor to do the same (and I agree that Thor knows nothing about Judaism), and possibly succeeding. I would be annoyed at the showrunners for not letting a Jewish character just be Jewish and not embrace Christmas. Anyway, enough about this topic, I think. What I was concerned would happen, did not. I thought that this was an exceptionally good episode.
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