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Wilson Cat

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Posts posted by Wilson Cat

  1. Guess I'm the lone ranger here in that I find no meaning whatsoever in this show, feel it is tritely written, the acting is blah, and the story is ridiculous and frankly boring.  I have no real idea why I stayed with it for 10 episodes other than it filled up some time while I'm working on a sewing project (hand stitching) and this kept me company.  What I saw was dialog that consisted of deep breathing (Eddie) and sighing (Eddie) and wan-poor-little-me (Mary) and totally uncharismatic charisma (Cal) and plastic-humorless-robotic (Sarah).  Oh, and all the angst!!  Wow these people take themselves and their little world seriously!!  I went from hate-watching to just bored by Episode 10.  Will not tune in for S2.  This show wasn't compelling at any time.  And bottom line.......it was almost a cartoon of depiction of the inner workings of a cult.  How anyone can fall for a "movement" this stupid baffles me.

  2. I'm late to this party, but seriously wonder if I'm watching the same show the rest of you are watching.  I am strictly hate-watching at this point, almost enthralled by how truly terrible this show is.  The acting is awful.  The script is a joke.  Not a single character inspires an iota of sympathy.  It is just a ridiculous cult and the actors are inept at even the slightest conviction in their roles as part of this ridiculous cult.  Cartoonish characterizations of "real people" but nothing even somewhat believable about their behavior.  I read "Going Clear".  I know a little bit about the cult of Scientology (and in spite of the producers denials written into the script, this Meyerist Movement is simply Scientology written lite.)  If you want a truly horrific story, read that book.  Or watch the production HBO (I think it was HBO) did on the book.  But this hodge-podge of "we're just a bunch of idealists" then "we're just a typical phony cult" is not cutting it with me.  Have the rest of the haters left this forum?  Because I cannot take seriously anyone who takes this show seriously!!

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  3. On 5/2/2016 at 1:43 PM, SoWindsor said:

    This show sucks.

    I am the biggest Aaron Paul fan but I don't don't like his character or anything about the show. Why is his character so crappy?

    Cal is awful. I know he's played by Claire Danes  husband but he is creepy and unlikeable. Doesn't have the charisma you would expect from a cult leader. He's like a weird pervert creep -- not charming and strong like your typical sociopath ha.

    ive also always been a Michele M fan -- perhaps because I've been told I look like her but her character is the most annoying character I've ever come across. Ugh! 

    The storyline I'm most interested in is Hawk and his muggle girlfriend.


    You took the words right out of my mouth.  This show not only sucks.....no chemistry between any of the characters, the dialog is trite, the actors seem to be hearing their lines for the first time when the words come out of their mouths, and in spite of all denials this is just a piss-poor knock off of Scientology mixed with every other stupid cult since forever.  It would be a parody, but it isn't even slightly funny.  The only reason I'm watching it is because occasionally I hate-watch a show just to test my forbearance.  Plus I'm working on a hand-stitched crib blanket for my sweet little Etsy shop which requires me to sit and stitch in stretches of an hour or so.  And I've already gone through all the truly awesome stuff on Hulu and Netflix ("Engrenages" (Spiral), "Luther", "Vera", "Wallander", "Line of Duty", "Happy Valley") and sometimes it is enough to just watch something stupid just so I can shrug.

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  4. Not really sure where to put this, but perhaps this is the spot.  Just finished watching S2.  Kyle Chandler is always gonna be so Friday Night Lights Coach Wonderful, even when he's hiding the fact that he's murdered his bro.  The one I watch with extra fascination is Leo Norbert Butz.  I live in Seattle.  His sister was murdered a couple of years ago by a mad man, and Eli Sanders (of the Seattle weekly newspaper, The Stranger) wrote an amazing, powerful story about the case.  "While the City Slept".  There is quite a bit about Leo Norbert Butz in the book.  And just knowing the anguish he suffered personally for such a horrendous, atrocious loss in his own life, I almost feel I can see some of that come through in his acting.  He has certainly come a long way from his role on SMASH.  Wonder if, in future seasons, there might ever come a time when Kevin gets to sing.  Butz has a gorgeous voice, has done Broadway.  And with Eve having a bit of singing this season, mayhaps??

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  5. Just finished all 12 episodes of Saison Cinq.  Come on....there must be some Engrenages fans out there!  Come, let's talk.  This really is la français version of The Wire. Amazing amazing show.  When you get to the end of episode 12, you will need serious therapy. 

  6. I'm really late to the party here.  Binge watched the entire series during the Comcast/Xfinity "Free Premiere Networks" week.  And frankly......the ONLY thing that kept me going was Julien.  Loved the character, loved the way the actor portrayed him.  (Sorry, too lazy to look up the actor's name...)  But I could hardly stomach Tony.  The way James Nesbitt played his character was so off-putting to me that I could hardly watch him by about the 5th episode, and by the finale I found him disgusting.  That angry glare.....not sure if it is just crap writing, but no character should be so one-dimensional.  I felt like I was watching some perverse cartoon of what a missing child mystery should be.  Compared with the French series "Engrenages" (Canal-Plus, Seasons 1 - 4 currently available on Netflix and I'm waiting for S5 to show up) I love that series.  Caroline Proust is amazing, as are Grégory Fitoussi, Thierry Godard, Philippe Duclos and Fred Bianconi.  Multi-dimensional, so side stories are gripping.  But in The Missing, the side stories had me pulling my hair out.  Boring.  Tedious.  Pointless.  What the hell were all those dead ends for?  I got so impatient with the sluggish story line and so put off by Nesbitt's version of Tony that I actually skipped Episode 7, and doubt I missed much.  Vincent Bourg's character was one of the few exceptions, for me. There was some poignancy in his desperation and his suicide was very believable and affecting.


    Anyway.....doubt anyone will ever read this post since this show is very old news.

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  7. Abby Is the most Agressive Passive-Agressive ever.  She puts unrelenting pressure on Sarah then chastises Sarah for putting pressure on herself and dancing "nervous".  The amount of viciousness from Abby is so over the top (I'm skipping all the crap the mom's pull for the moment) that she seriously reminds me of the way Donald Trump is campaigning for the Presidency.  Bullies, both Abby and Donald.  Really think this show should be pulled as it is not good for children that age to be around that kind of behavior.

  8. Just watched 2:1  This show......so damned dark, and yet the dry humor just  saves it and you can't wait to dive back in.  This seems to be the first post on the premiere episode of Season 2.  Sarah Lancashire is so damned good.  Think I will wait until  a few have posted before I discuss the details, but the season looks promising.  Are there only six episodes in the season?  The opening was brilliant.......sheep rustling gone awry.  And with that itsy bitsy spoiler, c'est fini pour maintenent.  OK, I know it's a Brit series not French (am in so SO much anticipation for Season 5 of "Entrenages"..... Anyway,  that poor sheep.

  9. I don't ever remember seeing anything this powerful and emotional since the best episodes of "Homicide: Life on the Street" back in the day.  When the sound went off during the confrontation between Taylor and Wes I literally got cold shivers.  Everything about this painful, grueling, wonderful episode was spot on.  Every actor (Lili Taylor is a goddess of acting) and every screen shot, the writing, the script, the silences....perfect.  This powerful season has managed to incorporate so many of the issues we are facing in our world today.   Sexual orientation.  Adolescent angst.  Gun violence.  The way the wired world can ruin a life in an instant and go on ruining. School shootings.  Private schools that are bastions of privilege and prejudice.  The challenges of parenting.  Sexual molestation, and sexual violence.  I don't know what the final three episodes will bring, but seriously doubt that any one of them, or even all three put together will come close to the overwhelming hopelessness and sadness illustrated by this one amazing episode.  And I was thinking...."Oh this show is moving so slowly....."

    • Love 8
  10. Haven't heard my complaint here from anyone else, but watching Episode 1 on my Mac Air, On Demand, the lighting was so dark that it was like trying to find the bathroom in a mansion you've never been in, with nothing more than a single birthday candle for lighting.  Some scenes were almost entirely dark.  My brightness is turned to the highest possible.....I even tried going to my flat screen TV and watching it there, but pretty much the same thing.  Whazzup?

  11. OK, I really don't have much to say about the finale, because unlike most of the posters here, I agree with the recappers that this is basically a stupid, shitty show.  Alison is a caricature of a human being, and thank god I've never known anyone as narcissistic as her in real life.  Except the writers then add a second, even MORE narcissistic caricature of a selfish jerk, Noah, and whoa......for me this was hate watching on a par with SMASH (and I didn't think I could ever hate watch a show with as much passion as I faithfully did that clusterfuck of a series).  But you know what redeemed it for me?  Scotty singing.  That was awesome.  It was like when Megan Hilty sang her gorgeous slowed-down version of Crazy Dreams in S1 of Smash, and it was all like, oh, please just do an entire show of this person singing.  The writers even managed to ruin  one character I actually liked, Helen, by making her guilty of the most heinous of deceits.  I hope Cole and Luisa live happily ever after, and that Joanie comes to live with them, and maybe Whitney, too, because she rocks.  She's a bitch, but a delightful one.  And knowing all that we do now about her parentage, of course she's a bitch. It is the only way to survive in that stupid family.

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  12. Neurochick wrote:


    But more importantly, Lester Freeman!!  (Fans of The Wire will know what I'm talking about)

    Indeed.  I absolutely love Clarke Peters in everything he has done.  The guy oozes integrity whether as Lester Freeman in The Wire, or The Chief in Treme (heartbreakingly wonderful) and now in Show Me a Hero.  I struggled a bit with this series, but came around to appreciating that Paul Haggis and the writers did not lead us by the nose and explain every scene explicitly.  At times it would feel like a scene just popped up part way done only to segue to a new scene that was just as ambivalent and arbitrary.  It forced the viewer to think.  And that's a good thing.  I'd follow David Simon anywhere, as everything he has ever done has been top notch. HOMICIDE: Life on the Streets was astoundingly excellent.  The Corner.  The Wire.  Treme.  Show Me a Hero.  I hear his cohort, Richard Price, is working on a project, the timing and subject still undivulged, but I look forward to anything these guys do.

  13. Seeing the Road Show of Pippin tomorrow at Seattle's Paramount.  Just got tickets to American Idiot in October at the tiny Arts West Theatre in West Seattle, but chickened out of the "Interactive" participation.  How do you make a chicken sound with a keyboard.....anyway......cluck cluck cluck cluck, that would be me.  Tickets to Come From Away at the Seattle Rep go on sale on September 1, and I can't wait to pick those up because I love Kendra Kassebaum.  Oh, and Erik Ankrim, another Seattle local actor who was in ACT/5th Avenue's Jacques Brel this spring is directing American Idiot and will be in Come From Away.  It will be a fun year of theatre in Seattle...got season tickets to both Seattle Theatre Group (Paramount) and The Fifth Avenue.  Now if I could just find out what's doing in Paris in November when I'm there I'd be a totally happy cat. 

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  14. Got a prompt from NYTimes on my iPhone re: Emmy Noms, and wow.....this is awesome.  Awesome, AWESOME, AWESOME!  I waited in vain back in the era of The Wire for those amazing actors (Dominick West, Clarke Phillips, Wendell Pierce, Sonya Sohn....I could go on!!) to no avail.  So happy for Tatiana.

    • Love 3
  15. Didn't end up seeing Megan at the Carlyle.  But hope to catch her next time I make it to NYC to see her in whatever she is working on for B'way.  Annie Get Your Gun is running the limited engagement beginning October 27, but I won't make that one.  Saw Christian Borle and Brian D'Arcy James in Something Rotten last month. Awesome awesome awesome.  Christian is just the best, most swaggeringly obnoxious, delightful William Shakespeare.  And Brian is terrific as Ned Bottom. I wrote about the other shows (Fun Home, On the Town, and Matilda) in the theatre thread here on the Forum. Here's a link, as it isn't the easiest thread to find. Who else misses TWoP, in spite of their Nazi moderators (they booted my ass for some now-forgotten sin, 'boards on boards' I believe, which I really never quite understood. Well obviously I didn't understand it.  I broke the effing rule and was thrown out of the place!)

    Did I mention that I somehow managed to stub my toe on a big old chunk of upheaved pavement crossing 42nd Street on 6th Avenue on my way to Something Rotten? That was 5+ weeks ago and I'm still in a cast from my finger tips to my elbow.  Never in my life have I so appreciated the importance of opposable thumbs on both hands.  Cannot begin to count how many objects I've hurled across the room because I can't open a jar of baby food chicken for Wilson or dump the Aleve into my casted left palm or turn a stinkin' doorknob if I have shit in my right hand and try to do it with the hand enclosed in the disgusting purple cast!!

    Here's the theatre discussion thread:


  16. Went to the Seattle Men's Chorus concert last night.  They did an entire concert of QUEEN, with a wonderful young Frederick Hagreen playing the role of Freddie Mercury.  The SMC is truly a local treasure if not a National one.  They just announced their 2015-16 Season with an "Everything Broadway" concert in early April. It is here, with this group, that I was introduced to a local girl named Megan Hilty, their guest artist for the Christmas 2011 concert.  She was wildly excited about an upcoming NBC Series called SMASH, to begin early in the New Year of 2012.  And no matter what we all ended up thinking of that train wreck (and like a train wreck, who could ignore it?!?  I hate watched it for the entire two seasons, and have been Team Ivy ever since.  Still cannot stand Katharine McPhee.)  The most fun last night was Bohemian Rhapsody, of course, because The Chorus pulled out all the stops.  They are flamboyant, and over the top, but always entertain.  There were some excellent soloists throughout the evening, and an electric guitar solo in "Another One Bites the Dust" that was sublime.

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  17. Anyway, in my head, it's not so much The King and I winning over On the Town, it's An American in Paris. Winning the choreography Tony, getting more press, winning at the box office, and even getting prettier merch. I saw AAIP and was completely underwhelmed. Anyone else seen it that can weigh in? I feel like Tony Yazbeck would have killed as lead, but I'm hardly objective...


    I saw On The Town at the end of a 4 night 4 show Broadway Blitz last month, and walked out trying to put in order those shows in terms of LOVE.  It was difficult to make a choice, as all the shows I saw were lovely in their own right.  Something Rotten is crazy fun, and Christian Borle killed as the arrogant shit-head of a William Shakespeare.  "A Musical" brought the  crowd to its feet midway through the first half.  Next up was Fun Home, absolutely deserving of its awards, including Best Musical.   But OTT was my personal favorite.  Who could be better than Tony Yazbeck in that role?  And it was Joshua Bergasse's beautiful, floating, amazing choreography that sent me over the top.  I loved the Coney Island dream sequence ballet. I didn't see AAIP....so sorry, cannot compare. But the guy sitting next to me at Rotten had seen it the night before and said, "It was good....it was fine." Exact words. Brief aside:  I tripped on a chunk of crappy pavement on 42nd Street & 6th Avenue and broke my wrist on the way to the show that night.  And with a damned broken scaphoid bone I still went back to my hotel room down in The Village and twittered that Joshua Bergasse is the king and should win the Tony for the magic of OTT.  I'm still pissed off that he didn't (and still typing with a stupid purple cast from my elbow to my finger tips.)

    • Love 3
  18. Thanks Aradia:


    The Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris has announced its 2015-16 season, which will include three American musicals: Singin' in the Rain, Cole Porter's Kiss Me, Kate and Sondheim and Lapine's Passion. All three musicals will be performed in English with French subtitles.

    Unfortunately the earliest of these shows, 'Singin' in the Rain' will not start in Paris until after I leave.  If anyone hears anything more about musical theatre in Paris in November, give me a shout out.

  19. Anyone have inside scoop on what Broadway project Megan "Ivy Lynn" Hilty is working on?  She's been open about her dream of playing Lorilei Lee in a full Broadway production of "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes".  She got rave reviews when she did that role in the Encores production two years ago.  Know she also did a workshop of "The Honeymooners" so maybe she's working on that?  Too bad someone doesn't write a book for "Bombshell".  Still hope someone out there knows of musical theatre in Paris?  I'll be there for just a week in November, and would love to take in a show.  Any show.  J'apprends la Francais.....

  20. Does anyone have the inside scoop into the Broadway project that Megan Hilty alludes to here:



    I'm guessing it might be a full Broadway verion of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, simply because she has said many times it is her 'dream' to do that show (originally an Encores! presentation for which Ben Brantley waxed rhapsodic about Megan's Lorelei) on the Great White Way.  But who knows?


    Thanks DBKLMT for


    As posted by aradia22  Come from Away opened last night in previews at the La Jolla Playhouse.  Come From Away is an original, rock-inspired world-premiere musical based on the true story of when the isolated town of Gander, Newfoundland played host to the world. What started as an average day in a small town turned into an international sleepover when 38 planes were diverted to Gander on September 11, 2001. Undaunted by culture clashes and language barriers, the spirited town cheered the stranded travelers with music, an open bar and the recognition that we’re all part of a global family.

    This show is going to be a rare musical for the Seattle Reperatory Theatre in late Fall.  Will pick up tickets as soon as they go on sale to the general public.  Can't subscribe because our schedule is already loaded with dual memberships at Fifth Avenue and at Seattle Theatre Group (Paramount) for 2015-16 and the old bank account is already groaning.  So is the calendar.

    Traveling to Paris in November.  Anyone know about a good online listing for musical theatre there?  Top of my Wish List would be an en francais presentation of Jacques Brel is Alive....  Saw a listing for CATS at the time we'll be there, but hate to say I do not love that show.  Sorry, Wilson.  Nothing personal, I do love you.

  21. Oh where has this topic been?!?  Since Ivy Lynn made me a permanent member of "TEAM IVY", and SMASH reminded me of those glory days when we lived in NYC so many years ago in a walk-up studio with cockroaches as pets, rats on the fire-escape, a Murphy bed, a port-a-crib and wow! a 2nd baby somehow showed up, oh, and NO car.  But we somehow managed to scrimp and save and go see Broadway musicals.  Then we moved across the country and got caught up in raising a family and forgot about the glory of musical theatre until SMASH.  So anyway....


    Just returned from a 4 night 4 show Broadway Blitz in the old stomping grounds.  We saw SOMETHING ROTTEN, FUN HOME, ON THE TOWN, and at the last minute picked up MATILDA when 'Dr Zhivago' abruptly closed.  Each show could get it's own post, but in the interest of brevity I'll try to be succinct.  SOMETHING ROTTEN is every bit the smash hit it has been billed as being.  And there is that fun SMASH connection with Christian Borle and Brian D'Arcy James.  Both are wonderful and the audience loved it.  FUN HOME is beautifully done, and be prepared.  This show should warn audience members they may need a kleenex.  Or a few. Sydney Lucas, the little girl who plays young Alison, is simply breathtaking.  She steals the show. MATILDA is fun, but by now has been talked about for more than a season, and was merely a fill-in for Dr. Zhivago.  Loved it, just don't have a lot more to say about it.  So I save the best for last.  ON THE TOWN is SO good that I would tell anyone who only has time for one show on Broadway that this one is too awesome to miss.  Another SMASH connection, Joshua Bergasse's choreography somehow resulted in dancers who at times appeared to be floating.  Megan Fairchild, a principal from the NYC Ballet, as Ivy was wonderful.  Tony Yasbeck, the other link to SMASH, was perfect.  I LOVED THIS SHOW!!!!!


    Also enjoying home-town theater (Seattle) with outstanding offerings through the Fifth Avenue and through Seattle Theatre Group.  Have seen fabulous productions of Phantom of the Opera, Jacques Brel, and the brand new maybe-going-to-Broadway JASPER IN DEADLAND at the Fifth Avenue.  In fact  SOMETHING ROTTEN was in development at the 5th Avenue until the St James Theatre opened in NY with the closing of SIDE SHOW.  They are now developing another possibly bound-for-Broadway show in the coming season, called WATERFALL.


    Bottom line.......go see ON THE TOWN.  You will love it.


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