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Posts posted by beedee

  1. Well, I'm not soliciting dirt from current racers, so I can't corroborate anything that's been reported, but at least the part about not everyone being able to stand Hayley after the Race is demonstrably untrue if you check out any of their social media. She and Jeff hosted a viewing party this week (they live fairly close to one another) and she seems to be in regular contact with many of her castmates. I have no doubt that she can be irritating, but I also know that the editors don't do anybody any favors.

    The racer I know (who relayed the info to me personally) is friends with Hayley on social media and they all keep commenting and liking each other's post; however, my friend can't stand Hayley. Just because they are on good terms on social media, it doesn't mean they like the person. Hypocrisy is ripe in the world...especially in the reality show world.

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  2. Posting one part of my gossip...got this from a current cast member who is still racing...

    On a juicier note, apparently Hayley tried to sleep with Blair on their first pit stop but was rejected. This is the reason why she went from annoying to vicious. Nothing worse that a woman scorned. None of the other cast members can stand her and she is exactly as she is in real life as she is on the show.

    And, yes, most of the blind dating singles submitted audition tapes with a different partner but for some reason they only chose one of the two because of a variety of reasons like: (1) the other potential team member wasn't attractive enough (2) the other potential team member is married.

    I posted a few more tidbits about the other teams in the spoiler section since I wasn't sure where to post them.

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  3. Again, not sure where to post this...Do we have a gossip section?!

    Anyway, I've been told by a little birdie that Kurt has been wanting to quit since Leg 1. Bergen has been trying to motivate him, but he finally gave up on this leg. There's really only so much one can do when your partner refuses to continue. I'm surprised they lasted this long.

    On a juicier note, apparently Hayley tried to sleep with Blair on their first pit stop but was rejected. This is the reason why she went from annoying to vicious. None of the other cast members can stand her and she is exactly as she is in real life as she is on the show.

    Jenny & Jelani barely tolerated each other, since Jenny did have a bf even before she went on the race (which production knew, but they needed their token Asian!).

    And at least one blind date couple have hooked up.

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  4. So I'm a bit confused.

    Enid scaled the 15-foot steel wall with the assistance of her handy pegs (or whatever they were).

    But how the fresh hell does she get down on the other side?

    Does she just jump from 15 feet and hope for the best when she lands?

    Little details like that bug the bejeebus out of me.

    I'm guessing she uses the support beams on the other side to slide down.

    Noah's lack of a limp bugged me more. It was very noticeable just last episode when he was in the RV handing Aaron the painkillers. He has a little bit of a limp (much less noticeable though) while in the woods with the supply run group. Then when they came back through the gate, he was walking faster than both Nicholas and Aidan!

    I do think the Alexandrians are losing their people faster than they expected and that is why they wanted to recruit. Aidan said as much "You're standing here because we lost four of our people last month." Clearly they need Glenn to train them on how to do a proper supply run.

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  5. I don't like how they run into groups that are hyper-competent and then incompetent. Mapping a 53 mile radius semi-circle is a lot of ground to cover, and those two Alexandrians who tracked Rick's group for weeks is no small accomplishment. Plus, they have had to make frequent runs to provide food for all in that community, including elderly members they have not left to die. Yet, when they arrive we find Laurel and Hardy out making runs. They better explain that inconsistency at some point.

    I thought the same. I expected a lot more security and competency from a fully functioning community the size of Alexandria. I thought there would at least be tower lookouts with snipers and perimeter detail. I'm surprised they survived this long! I guess it would depend how out of the way the place is.

    Did anyone else notice that Jessie had an owl tattoo on her right arm? It was visible when she handed Rick the mirror after giving him a haircut. Then she mentioned again that she was creating an owl sculpture with her kids. Significance?

    • Love 3
  6. I love Pharrell; I love him even more because he has the mental quickness, spoken ability and stellar musical credentials to smack down Adam. That's worth me sitting through these awful singing performances. :)


    This is the exact same reason I'm enjoying this season so much. I used to be a huge fan of Maroon 5, but after watching Adam on 3 seasons of The Voice, the love I had for the band has diminished.


    And has anyone else noticed that Behati (Adam's blushing new bride) is in a lot of the commercials they show? They have her on the VS ads and the Joe Fresh ads as well....or maybe that's just in the Canadian version?

  7. Which team with a tall dark haired male and blonde woman (they all look alike except for Bethany) had to do the pancakes over again because they didn't run fast enough and the man immediately looked at the woman and said "You need to run faster."   I thought it was the dentists was immediately all "Free Misti."   After last week's "If the save is on the line, I do the road block" which implied she was incompetent and if it was him this week immediately blaming her, way to sound like an abusive jackass.   Hey guess what, your wife is a dentist too.   Which means she passed the same licensure you did.   You are not automatically better than she.


    That team was Keith and Whitney (the ones from Survivor) and not the Dentists.


    I actually don't mind the Dentists. Sure, they look incredibly fake - overtanned, incredibly white teeth - but they haven't been mouthing off about how superior they are compared to the other teams. They also helped other teams with the treasure challenge, and acknowledged that the Soul Surfers are a smart team. They also did not throw a tantrum when they had to start the bunting challenge over again.


    The team that grates me are the Wrestlers. They keep mentioning how other teams underestimate them. Geez, it's only been one leg of the race. They clearly struggled on this second leg.


    I can't tell Kym and Alli apart! The two look like twins!

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