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  1. I said Dag Hamaslkdfij..... Think they'd have given it to me?
  2. All the time Mitch was speaking, it was Dan's voice I was hearing. This could get really interesting!
  3. I was reading an article about Greg Louganis finally getting his picture on the Wheaties box as this clue was being read out. Nailed it!!!
  4. Dudley Moore always reminded me of Mr Bean in this skit, which made it even funnier!
  5. Could we please never have Alex doing a Tarzan impersonation again? Thanks. eta Or any other impersonation, for that matter.
  6. Not to be a hardass, but that has nothing to do with the law. Certainly a juror can experience these emotions, but must not take them into consideration when deciding guilt or innocence.
  7. I dislike them equally, and will happy to see either one go home.
  8. And then he made it stop.
  9. Philip made my heart melt.
  10. I have one and use it daily. Don't have a cell phone, so I need it on my walks!
  11. Hand waving in air shouting "Me too!!!".
  12. Yup, although "Here, hold my beer and watch this" doesn't usually work out so well.
  13. That was my take on it as well. Grace said (paraphrasing) 'I know, because you always make the right choice'. As soon a Neil saw Christa, he immediately dropped Grace's hand and ran to Christa, thereby making the right choice.
  14. I know this show isn't meant to be funny, but I roared at that!
  15. Thanks, you made me snort coffee out my nose!
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