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Posts posted by Clemgo3165

  1. That upset me too. I was glad that Austin kept pressing her about what she wanted. She's still young and comes from a controlled environment. She's probably been taught that submissiveness, so I'm glad that Austin cared enough to ask her several times about her wishes.

    • Love 12
  2. 3 hours ago, Marigold said:

    At least she tried to keep it civil and didn't name a list of religions that are going to hell.   

    The theme is the same but I give her credit for, at least, trying to be softer and wording things a little nicer than haters Ben and Jeremy who are so offensive when they post/talk. 

    Still it boggles me, and this probably belongs in a discussion of religion overall, but why are churches bashed for good works? Even we Catholics don't believe you get to heaven through works alone, but if you're faith is in Christ wouldn't you be compelled by your beliefs to do good work in his name? 

    • Love 7
  3. 2 hours ago, PinkyCupcake said:

    Fair point. I agree that one is very blatant. I didn't have this in mind when I wrote my post. Was this from a blog post/something from social media? It seems like they are revealing more of their general assholery and how fucked up they (and their beliefs/notions) are on those platforms, whereas with TLC we get scenes where a lot is unsaid but it still manages to raise a lot of red flags.

    I don't remember Derick calling Izzy sinful in that message. He did use manipulative, and toddlers generally ARE manipulative. I've always read his tweets and instagrams as someone who has little experience with small children and so is surprised/confused/bothered by his child's actions even though his behavior is completely normal. 

    • Love 7
  4. Really disappointed in the Catholic hate. I don't like that its rearing it's ugly head again, along with a lot of other kinds of hate. 

    When my parents were relatively newly married they lived in SWVA/East TN and during a city parade the parents of the Catholic school kids had to march along side of them because of death threats - to children. In my own high school days, also in SWVA, I was told by a friend, a local preacher's son, that he had "sympathetic love" for me because I was going to hell when I died. Because I was Catholic. That was 35 years ago. Thought we'd moved on.

    • Love 20
  5. 4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Hay stacks? And what were all the little trinkets hanging/raining down from the ceiling? And the placement of the wedding party?

    The cake was nice.

    I wonder if Joe and Kendra will have daffodils & tulips with pastel colors for their Fall wedding.

    Looked like flower bunches to me. Combined with the elaborate candles and the window screen it reminded me of Hogwarts tbh. Not sure why there were so many floating things and so many up high too. Looked like they had planned a fall wedding and ended up with it happening in the early summer. I did like the general look of the wedding and the cake and stuff looked nice. 

    • Love 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Normades said:

    Not trying be mean, but Joy looks kind of rough in that picture above.  Maybe she's sleep deprived.  I hope she's okay.

    I don't think she looks rough at all. She looks like her natural self, without all of the makeup, and I think she looks quite pretty to be honest.

    • Love 20
  7. I don't know. Joy grew up surrounded by boys during the daytime at least. She was a true tomboy and you always saw her doing whatever her brothers did. My guess is that she knew Austin from family visits and Gothard circles, and that they got to know each other from hanging out as kids. He's the right age to have been friends with her older brothers. He's probably had an eye on her for a while now, he looks totally smitten in their pics. 

    I don't think he's her Jeremy, but at least she's comfortable enough in the relationship that she can tell him to "stop" on their wedding day. Not high romance, but respect for each other goes a long way.

    • Love 9
  8. Sign me up for the Mantooth train too. I had such a crush on him!

    Two Gilmore Girls sightings, Emily Bergyl (Francie) and Liza Weil (Paris) as the girl who stabbed her unborn child and Mrs. Sobricki respectively.

    • Love 1
  9. Same for me. Lots of rewinding of that VCR tape ;) Clooney and Margulies looked thrilled to be back together again too. I always thought the storyline was a little ham-fisted, but it didn't seem nearly as bad today.

    • Love 1
  10. 2 hours ago, slasherboy said:

    I feel the exact same way.  There was no hatred between them when they went their separate ways and there's no way he wouldn't be present when his daughters were born.  But this is a drama.....

    I thought it was a matter of Carol not really wanting him there at the time? She didn't call to tell him she was pregnant, ended up sending a fax. She did call him after the babies were born, but not before. 

    I've always been confused as to why he needed to immediately head to Seattle. I know they had to make room for Carol to date other people and Doug still being at home would have ruined that. But they could have given it a few weeks and had it be a mutual decision.

  11. 4 hours ago, starri said:

    One thing I did really like about S6 was Alan Alda as Kerry's mentor Dr. Lawrence.  One of my all-time favorite recurring characters.  And Alda enjoyed working with John Wells so much, he signed up to be on the West Wing as soon as it was offered to him.

    Score one for the absent-minded professor.

    I didn't like Alda's character as much here as I did on West Wing. Speaking of rewatching...

  12. Haven't rewatched this one yet. Completely felt what the mother was going through and understood Doug's need to do something, anything, to stop the suffering. But I didn't get his risking his own clinic, the federal funding, or Carol's clinic to allow the mother to hasten Ricky's death. He should have taken the risk on himself, surely there was a way to handle that.

  13. 1 hour ago, voiceover said:

    He switched specialties (& cities) for an episode of Friends, where he put in a memorably eccentric turn as Phoebe's Fonzie-loving OB.

    Funny -- as much as I'm loving Carol & Doug enjoying happy times, I find myself tensing up in anticipation of Clooney's exit, like an accident that I can see coming.

    Same here. The bath scene from yesterday is one of my all-time favorites, but I know that by the end of the week he'll be gone. I pretty much stopped watching after that the first time around - peeking in from time-to-time to see what Carol was up to, and then quit altogether after Carol left. I just wasn't that interested in Mark or Kerry, still somewhat interested in Carter but didn't like the way he treated Lucy, loved Kellie Martin but didn't think much of Lucy, etc. And I recall being irked that they wrote Clooney out early in the season rather than having him finish it out, as he was willing to do, all to give a boost to Anthony Edwards and Mark. Seemed like every week after that there'd be an ad for ER saying "and a hero emerges!" wrt to Mark and some new crisis. And then the revenge copters took over.

    • Love 1
  14. 12 hours ago, slf said:

    A really good episode, definitely. Loved when Kerry hit the floor and they realized the ER was contaminated and would have to evacuate all the patients. The confusion, not being able to find the emergency guidelines, the gurneys being rammed accidentally into each other, etc., was tense. They did way more dramatic situations in later seasons but I don't recall enjoying them so much as I did this one. Though I was sad that Inga (the old lady who was 'bagging' herself) didn't make it, I liked her. 

    Corday was awesome, as usual.

    That was what I liked about the early seasons of ER and why I stopped watching later on. ER was much more true-to-life in the early seasons. You dealt with traumas and serial rapists, but you also had croup and minor household accidents. There weren't any revenge helicopters to be found.

    • Love 7
  15. 14 hours ago, desertflower said:

    Morgenstern had a heart attack and is still out. Kerry took over as acting chief of emergency.

    The last we saw Shep was at the softball game; he had a girl with him and Carol was a little sad about it but she had broken up with him because he wouldn't get help for his burnout/anger issues. I don't think they ever explain why we never see him bring in patients after that. 

    Jami Gertz's character disappeared too. After Mark got beat up he backed off the relationship and then we never saw her again. 

    Wasn't Shep not working because he was required to get the anger management treatment? I seem to remember Carol being irked because he was just sitting around all day and not taking care of business.

  16. I enjoyed the road trip episode because of Clooney, and because of Doug telling Mark off. I never did like Mark and all of this trauma/drama didn't help matters. 

    And Cynthia WAS annoying.

    • Love 5
  17. 22 hours ago, Bastet said:

    Oh god, it's Cynthia.

    Well, the good thing about Pop airing three episodes a day is that she'll be gone soon.  But this is going to be a long week.

    I remembered Cynthia but had forgotten she was played by Mariska Hargitay. 

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