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  1. I thought it was weird that Kyle voted for Sam because??? Sam his friend??? Then I remembered reading (years ago) that the second place finisher gets like $100,000. Now I’m wondering if Kyle voted for Sam to make sure that his friend Sam would be in second place. As for the final tribal performances, I thought Sam came off as smug, but I will give him props for thinking fast on his feet. If you thought about his answers, they wouldn’t fool you (like basically saying “I am the better player because I didn’t the easy route of winning immunity”). However, if you didn’t pay attention, it almost sounded convincing. I was afraid he might fool some of the jury.
  2. To me, it looked like she was pushing it up under he shirt (and likely into her bra) Yes he does, but , given how oblivious Andy can be, he probably doesn't realize it. I keep thinking Andy is really surprised when he is watching the show at home. What is being shown is a lot different than what he seems to think... plus missing all those bamboo tubes....
  3. When Darlene was detailing all the tough times Ben has been through - losing the magazine, his failed podcast, sleeping in the storage rom of the hardware store, etc... I was really hoping Ben would add "And that time my girlfriend cheated on me with her ex-husband." But, of course, despite treating everyone like crap, always expecting everyone to do things for her, but not helping anyone else, and generally making every situation worse, the audience is supposed to think Darlene is always the hero and/or the one we are suppose to have empathy for in every scene. But, but, but Darlene is the manager - because there wasn't one before. (which makes no sense). But, if Darlene is the manager, who is the "they" that told her she has to be there are 5 am? And she has to be there because someone else can't be trusted because of whatever - but las week they said there is no schedule. Gah - they really need to drop this storyline. It makes no sense, even in TV fantasyland. And nothing about it has been funny. The only reason I think they even have the cafeteria storyline is so that Darlene can be the martyr and everyone else will have to work harder and mess up their lives up so she can look unselfish. Don't know if anyone has noticed, but I really don't like Darlene.
  4. Oh goodie, another challenge where they see who can balance the longest on a tiny platform. I can remember the last time I was this sick of a single player. It was only a few weeks ago.... Bhanu. And before Bhanu, I was rooting for Jalinsky to go home. This season won't make me stop watching, but there is a very good chance I will remember it as the season where I spent every tribal council actively rooting for a particular player to go home so I don't have to see them one more week.
  5. My favorite part was when Bhanu was saying that he can't lie, that he is not an actor. His IMDb page tells a different story: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm14003069/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_0_nm_8_q_bhanu%20gopal
  6. That may be why they didn't have a TC - they needed to have 15 people for next week so they could change them to 3 teams of 5. Challenges/rewards based on 3 teams of 5, may not work with 2 teams of 7.
  7. I made a cake for my grandson's birthday and used modeling chocolate. It is pretty easy to make - I used candy melts and corn syrup, and the modeling chocolate tasted like the candy melts (corn syrup has very little flavor). The kids loved it. You can also make it with chocolate and corn syrup, and it tastes like chocolate. Candy melts are easier to work with. Modeling chocolate is vastly different from fondant. Supposedly, you can use modeling chocolate to cover a cake, like you would with fondant, but I would think it would be more difficult to slice.
  8. This show is so unimportant to me that I just finished watching this season, 4 months after the Season Finale aired. I am basically watching because I always feel obligated to finish what I started (it is sort of more hate-watching at this point). There are a lot of complaints about they way they totally re-wrote the character of David. I agree. Heck, I am still complaining about Jackie's child disappearing.
  9. Or have the decoys all be basketball shoes but different colors and styles. I think they shouldn't be able to change the decoys (staging or placing them in a certain way is okay with me, as long as they don't do something that makes them look fake). For example, Spirit shouldn't have been allowed to paint all her decoys. That said, I was okay with Spirit painting all of them because they were all the exact same shade of blue - a shade she couldn't match. The decoys should have been different colors to begin with. Maybe the contestants should be able to see what the decoys look like before they choose which copy to copy.
  10. I am fine without the audience at the reunion. Jeff taking comments/questions from the audience and talking to family members was not a good use of reunion time to me. However, I miss seeing what they look like once they had time to get back to looking their "normal," which, for most of them, is not the same as they look after a hot shower and sleeping a real bed. Then again, some of the jury was only living on the beach for around 2 weeks (not sure how the timeline works with the shorter season - the standard used to be tribal every 3 days), and they don't seem to be quite as starving, so the change probably isn't as much.
  11. I believe Carson said that he practiced at home and was able to make fire in 3 minutes, but it wasn't working on the island and he lost his confidence. I thought it was interesting that Carson mentioned, more than once, how Heidi made her fire in the fastest time ever in a final tribal. I felt like he was trying to make himself feel better about losing. He wasn't far behind her and, if he had been making fire against a previous final-tribal-fire-maker, he may have won.
  12. I enjoyed this season as I have enjoyed all the others. However, I did get to the point where I would start the episode wondering who would complain of being tired this week, and what would be the cause. Lucille was tired - she was depressed Reggie was tired - he had trouble with his thyroid Newspaper boy was tired - he was anemic because he has leukemia Sister MJ was tired - she had hepatitis
  13. My first thought upon hearing the name is "they are going to hear from the people who make the cereal." They have changed their name to Bon Bee, but, according to their website, it wasn't because of the name being too close to the cereal's name ...
  14. During the earthquake, Marina told the kids to get under the table, when the kids were eating outside. I couldn’t decide if that was supposed to be funny. I can see the humor in telling them to go under the table when nothing was going to fall on them. On the other hand, they were trying to show how prepared and in charge Marina was. If they wanted to make that point though, they should’ve had Marina tell the kids to stay outside and keep away from the windows
  15. I know it is just a tv show, and you have to ignore illogical things sometimes, but this episode was too far removed from reality. Kids are not going to have to go to the bathroom multiple times all afternoon because of 2 extra ounces of healthier juice. So they must have drank a lot of juice because it was so tasty - but where did the school get all that additional juice? They would have ordered juice based on prior amounts of juice, so maybe this was supposed to be all the juice for the week, but then why would the cafeteria workers put out juice meant for another day. And how come it takes weeks, even months for anything to change at the school, but they can get a different type of juice the next day. They made it seem like the drinking fountain was now dispensing juice. And it makes no sense that all the toilets broke. And who cleans Ava secret bathroom? While I can see how Kindergarten might be able to sick with the old juice, since they probably have a different lunch time/area, why weren't Melissa's kids using the bathroom excessively? Why was it only Gregory's and Janine"s classes?
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