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Posts posted by StephanieZie

  1. Lol at Javi's "These six weeks, you think this is something you're going to want to do next year?"

    Like, what part of COURT-ORDERED VISITATION do these people not get? They act like they're being gracious and charitable by giving Joe this time. I don't hate Kail, but I think she's a control freak, and I think it eats away at her that she has to share control over Isaac.


    I was so happy when Chelsea told Aubree to sit and eat her food while she talked to her mom outside about the Adam drama. I can't stand it when these people discuss adult problems around little ears. With as much as Chelsea clearly despises Adam, I have to give her props for trying to avoid saying negative things about him in front of Aubree.


    I never would have made the connection myself, but I kind of agree with those who suspect that Leah may be using drugs (either prescription or otherwise). It would definitely explain why Corey is trying now to get custody. If so, I feel a little bad for her. I believe her when she says her life is stressful and exhausting. I mean, she's laying in the bed she made, but still. And to the earlier comment that Leah can't be that exhausted because we see her laying around while someone else does the work: she may be depressed. I really don't know how to feel about Leah's story right now because I don't think we're being given the full story, which is par for the course with Leah and Corey.


    Agree with posters above that Barb would give Jace back with the quickness if Jenelle pushed for it. At this point, I tend to think that's what should happen. Lots of parents aren't perfect. Jenelle is not going to be anywhere near perfect. But she is that child's biological mother, she has another child she is raising now, she is in(somewhat) of a stable place in her life. If it's ever going to happen, now is the time. The ONLY thing I want from Jenelle at this point is to go to her mother and say "You know what? I'm sorry. I thought I was ready to be a mom at 16, but I was wrong. What I did was selfish, and it's not fair that you were forced to step up and raise my child because I couldn't. I'm sorry, but I think I've matured a lot and I'd like to try now to be a mother to my child." Because I do think Jenelle has come a long way and God willing, she can stay on the straight and narrow and do right by her kids, but I don't think she has any shot at all until she can stop flinging excuses around and admit to her past mistakes.


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  2. First time commenter and previous TWOP member, here.


    Leah - Ew. She used to be my favorite of the Teen Mom 2 girls, but I'm beginning to despise her. I completely agree with whoever said she looks drugged out of her mind. Not sure if it's the anxiety pills she was taking, or something else, but that girl needs to get herself together.


    Jenelle - It can't be said enough how awful Jace's life is, so I'm not even going to go there. But Jenelle...you'd think at some point people would get exhausted with having so much drama in their lives. I know I sure as hell couldn't handle it. But I don't think she'd know what to do with herself without it. Jenelle actually reminds me so much of one of my childhood best friends, in appearance, personality and even the way her mind works. This friend always had drama in her life, which to be fair, when she was young had to do with her messed up home situation. Just like Barb, her parents screamed at her and fought with her about everything but had no follow-through. Just like I imagine with Jenelle, my friend's parents lost control of her completely once she became a teenager. Just like Jenelle, this girl is smart as a whip and self-aware and manipulative, and could be well-spoken and put together when she needed to be. But she never was able to channel any of that into anything good, and she ended up down the same path with drugs and partying. Thank god she never had a kid.


    Kail - Eh. I think she was within reason to ask Jo about the vacation, and he was within his rights to refuse. I don't see the drama in this situation. They both handled it pretty well to be honest. Kail will get over it, Isaac won't be traumatized and they'll surely take plenty more family vacations. Jo doting on Lincoln and saying Kail should let them babysit sometime was adorable though. I'm not crazy about Jo, and the mental picture I got when Vee made a joke about him eating out of her box will haunt me for life, but he can sweet sometimes.


    Chelsea - I think out of all the moms, I like Chelsea the most at this point. All of my gripes about her are minor, from her baby-talk to her choice of wardrobe and hair. She is hands down one of the best mom's I think the franchise has ever seen. You can just tell her world begins and ends with Aubree and she'd walk through fire for that little girl, and to me that's what motherhood is about. And I have to disagree too that her segments are boring. Her parts are a breath of fresh air to me.

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