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Posts posted by layofluthien

  1. I think that this episode has destroyed the show for me. What Quentin did was suicide.  He has shown zero regard for his well-being and has been spiraling all season. To quote Wikipedia “Altruistic suicide is sacrifice of one's life to save or benefit others, for the good of the group, or to preserve the traditions and honor of a society. It is always intentional.” 

    The writers are trying to now claim that it was a heroic sacrifice and not suicide. But John McNamera said in an interview that he wanted Q’s death to be ambiguously suicide. And an eagle eyed viewer has pointed out that during the bonfire scene the King of Heart, also know as the Suicide King, is designed to look like Quentin. 

    I don’t think I can rewatch the show knowing that the depressed bi super nerd, who tried so hard and cared so much, kills himself. It’s too depressing.

    I can’t even get started on Hale. His interviews from 4x05 are heartbreaking now. 


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  2. 10 hours ago, stealinghome said:

    IDK, I think there's a difference between "There's no plan to do what needs to be done" and "There's a plan to do what needs to be done, but I'm going to throw a hissy fit because I'm not in on the plan despite the fact that the last time someone told me their plan, I decided I had a better one and screwed us all bigtime." For me, the more thematically incoherent thing is actually having Holdo's heroic sacrifice juxtaposed against Rose preventing Finn from kamikaze-ing into the battering ram energy beam thing. I suppose you could make the argument that Holdo was already a dead woman walking while Finn wasn't, but still.


    After a few days to process the movie, I think I'm more and more agreeing with those that thought that TLJ would have been a very solid standalone movie, but is a poor/disappointing follow-up to TFA. I'm far less interested in Rey, Finn, and Poe after TLJ than I was after TFA, and that's not a good sign (pretty much the only character who came out of TLJ more interesting/energizing was Leia, and, well...). The creative brass may have erred in giving the directors too much free rein over the storylines--the lack of a big overarching narrative really showed. And it's frustrating, because the bones of a movie that would still be interesting and thoughtful and deep while much more coherent character- and narrative-wise were embedded in TLJ, but Johnson just never capitalized on them.

    Holdo gave no indication that there was a plan at all besides passively drifting until they run out of gas and die.  Poe and his fellow mutineers did the right thing with the information they had to save lives.  His judgement call to take out the dreadnaught also proved correct when they were followed into hyperspace. If that ship wasn’t destroyed the Resistance would have all died much sooner.

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  3. 7 hours ago, Wynterwolf said:

    I saw where someone pointed out that was Ebony Maw, so the stepping over bodies might not be the Asgardian ship... it might be some other place they've decimated (maybe Nova Corps?  Or something from The Collector?).  But the Asgardians are in deep shit either way.  

    Unfortunately it definitely is the Asgardian ship. The gladiator with the full head helmet who was on ship is one of the bodies.

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