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Posts posted by fuzzed

  1. I appreciated Tai telling why he's been walking around in only his underwear. It seemed that if he had shorts he'd wear them, so hearing his explanation answered that question.

    • Love 5
  2. Also scary as hell were Caleb's numbers on the monitors.  I've already deleted the episode off my DVR, but if I recall correctly:

    • At one point Caleb's temperature was registering 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and that's dangerous.  Anything over 103 and you're getting into seizure territory.
    • His blood pressure was initially something like 146/96 - which for a healthy young man is awful dern high.
    • Scarier, though, was when his blood pressure started to crash - didn't catch his diastolic number, but his systolic suddenly dropped from the 140s down to something like 114.  THAT was when Medical called for a medevac - they were afraid his heart might fail on them right then and there.


    The 105 number on the monitor reflected heart rate. A later shot showed it bouncing around the 111-114 range. His BP went from 139/83 to systolic readings of 169 to 183. Hypertensive crisis is when that number tops 180.


    The worst part of the episode was Jiffy's almost gleeful "we're going to have an evacuation" proclamation. He is loathsome.

    • Love 5
  3. Their final interviews are available on EW now. Steve couldn't remember who he was talking to at the end of the interview. It was kind of dorkably funny.


    Austin was at his absolute douchiest in his. What a tool.

    • Love 1
  4. So naturally when Steve evicted her, she made the bitter vote against him. 


    Although this was my initial thought, I actually think it was a deliberate vote for a woman. She said that her vote was for the person who "best represented" the season. I think it was an awkward way for her to herald a season with strong women.


    ETA: Posting at the same time as Sweet McGee. One step behind. Par for the course.

    • Love 7
  5. It means America tunes in to see pretty (mostly white, young) people say and do stupid things.


    I would bet that an equal, if not greater, number of Americans would tune in to see intelligent and crafty players, of any race, ethnicity or demographic group, say and do interesting things. Just look at this season's cast of Survivor, which (arguably) viewers voted in. Although mostly white, the cast covers a much broader range of ages (average age 37.2) and more than half of them fall into the traditionally brainy category (executives, attorneys, a pilot, a chess champion, an accountant, a professor, an IT project manager, a corporate consultant).


    It's certainly interesting that most of the Big Brother contestants who made this year more compelling than others in recent history are the ones that have more than air occupying the space between their ears.

    • Love 6
  6. It seemed that that alliance just felt in her lap ...


    That wasn't the only thing to just fall in her lap. (BTW, "felt in her lap" — regardless of whether it was intentional — made me snort.)

    • Love 3
  7. It was a Doctor vs. a Cornell student vs. a Duke graduate vs. ...well, Liz. 


    This is what has made this season so much more interesting to me than most others. I find intelligent players more compelling than bolt-on bimbos and vacuous bros. With the exception of Liz, all of this season's players who either are dumb or pretended to be have already walked out the front door.

    • Love 6
  8. I appreciated that Johnny Mac recognized Vanessa's game play in his interview with Julie and loved that he said he would have taken out Vanessa had the tables been turned. Such a contrast to the bitter pill that's now trying (and failing) to turn the jury house toxic. 

    • Love 13
  9. At least Sasquatch was sure to point out that Vanessa has no chance of winning, which should up her chances of getting dragged to the end. And once she's there, I'd bet she wins handily. He's just loathsome.

    • Love 14
  10. Dark lipstick does Hailee no favors. At one point last night, the camera caught her either sans makeup or in a more muted shade, and she looked like a completely different — and much, much lovelier — person. She's cute as a button here:



    Also, are choreographers' egos so fragile that they get in a snit if the judges don't find a way to praise them?

  11. While I recognize the whole bar scene was scripted, I loved that when a pervy old guy brought up sex talk that made Whitney uncomfortable, she walked out of the bar — and left Ashley behind to fend off the creeper alone. What better way to treat a friend who has obviously been there for her through thick and, uh, thicker?

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