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Posts posted by 3dog

  1. Did anyone else laugh at the make up job when vengeful!Bae showed up with the mud perfectly placed on his face and carefully circling each eye? He looked like he had a mud mask on. It was so goofy. Rumple: "Bae! What did they do to you?"  Me: "Gave him a facial?"

    • Love 15
  2. On 9/28/2016 at 4:59 PM, Selina K said:

    Loved this sort of extended one-shot from nowforruin The Stars Walk Backwards  AU Killian and Emma meet in high school and reconnect each year on the same day.  Really nicely done.  Had sort of a Before Sunrise vibe.

    Really enjoyed this one. Thanks for the recommendation. So angsty.

    On 9/29/2016 at 4:47 PM, OnceUponAJen said:

    I think this is hilarious: A Tight Spot


    Very funny! But I wanted her to keep going with it!


    Right now I'm in the last chapter of this fake!dating CS. The twist is that Emma is pretending to date Liam when she meets Killian. It's well done:

    Oh, Brother...

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  3. On 10/9/2016 at 0:26 AM, Dianthus said:

    So I was over at AO3 earlier (compulsively checking for a Dark Horizons update) when I came across a fic called Henry Trolls Captain Swan (IIRC) that purports to be CS, but isn't really. It's three chapters in and it's written by a SwanFire fan. Honestly, you don't have to like a pairing, but you don't have to be a little bitch about it (unless it's SQ ;p).

    Wow. That's a loooong way to go to troll. Writing a fic of any length is a lot of work and I would assume a total labor of love.  Huh.

  4. I was thinking about this episode more and it struck me as weird that Gina hadn't seen their viral video. She's supposed to be all tuned into social media and whatever's current and hot, right? Wouldn't she have seen the video if an old mobster did?

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  5. 6 minutes ago, sharky said:

    But when we see the rest of the Storybrookers in the street, he's there with them, even comforting Henry. Regina is not. So my bet is on either Emma battling herself or the Evil Queen.

    Oh yeah, you're right! Oh thank God. Actually, that shot of him seemed kind of weird and led credence to the, "This is just a manipulation and not actually the future" spec, since Hook's reaction seemed weird and disengaged. He looked like, "Eh, she knew what she was getting herself into."

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  6. So Emma loves Killian enough to scour the Underworld for him and enough to risk making him a Dark One just to keep him alive no matter the price. But when touching the hubcap off a dirigible gives her a vision and the DTs? Nope. Don't love him thaaat much. They're established True Love, but apparently not Dirigible DTs Love. 

    That's what pissed me off. It wasn't that she didn't tell him about the crazy bird oracle as much as it was that it was her very first instinct to shut him out. And she didn't pull back from that instinct at all. No she dug in and even lied to his face by promising nothing more was wrong. Zeus must be like, "Dude! Sorry I sent you back to that."

    • Love 8
  7. On 8/22/2016 at 2:26 PM, Rumsy4 said:

    Every Letter is a new CS fanfic I got into. It's a modern penpals AU. Very sweet.

    Welcome to the madness, @3dog You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.... ;-)

    Just wanted to report back that I adored this one. I devoured it yesterday. Read it on the train, over lunch, on the train home, on the treadmill at the gym...haha.

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  8. So, along the same lines as the trademark Killian smell being a funny repeated trope, does anyone else get grossed out by the vast quantities of hot chocolate with cinnamon that Emma downs in any given story? Like, it's cute and comforting at first, but eventually, by the end of every story, she's consumed enough to put any normal human in a diabetic coma. I'm like... drink water once in a while. It's started to take me right out of the stories.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

    Every Letter is a new CS fanfic I got into. It's a modern penpals AU. Very sweet.

    Welcome to the madness, @3dog You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.... ;-)

    Yay! I'm so excited to check it out. I love fics with texts or emails or letters a LOT for some reason.  My all-time favorite is that one where Killian lives in Emma's building and sends her anonymous letters and they start corresponding. I can't remember the title though--it's all a blur. I am totally in Hotel Californiafic. You nailed it. Haha.

    • Love 2
  10. Ha! Your discussion of the trademark Killian smell made me lol.

    So before this summer I'd never read any fanfic before, but reading this thread sent me plummeting into months of voraciously reading tons of CS fics. I just wanted to thank all of you for your recommendations. I've combed through this entire thread, reading as many as I can still find. I'm so sad that some are no longer available (and I'm dying to read Put Me In Coach--she's been slow to get it posted back up. Anyone still have it saved and can PM it to me? I'd love you forever, based on all the raves you guys gave that story!).

    Has anyone found any new fics they can recommend? I love all of it, but I think I love the modern AUs the most.

    • Love 3
  11. 18 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

    Poor Robin didn't even get the "we'll make you really like him just before we kill him" treatment. He was barely onscreen for the whole arc and was made to look like the unreasonable bad guy for not being instantly on board with trusting his rapist/his wife's murderer after she supposedly turned good 30 seconds ago. By the time he was killed, it was hard to remember that he'd ever been around. Regina had barely spoken to him in weeks other than to tell him he should trust Zelena. I guess they were breaking tropes by not giving him a big send-off centric, not making him look super-heroic in the episodes leading up to his death, and not giving him a bunch of unfinished business, but the result is the viewers going, "Wait, was he still on the show?" when he died. As I recall, the only flashbacks we saw of him were the one when Marian was pregnant (when he was played by a different actor), the one in the spinoff about Will stealing the mirror, the one where he was being showered with pixie dust in the tavern, and the one where he decided stealing was heroic when you gave away what you stole. That last one was the only time the flashback was actually about him rather than him playing a role in someone else's story.

    And yet we get dozens of Evil Queen and Evil Queen vs. Snow flashbacks that pretty much tell the same story over and over again when there are characters who've gone unexplored.

    Yes! Totally agree. I saw a "Shows That Killed Off Main Characters" kind of story the other day on yahoo, and I clicked on it, expecting to read about Sleepy Hollow (I'll never get over that one), and I swear I was kind of surprised to see Once mentioned. I was like, "Who....oh yeah." Poor Robin. I couldn't even retain that info for 2 weeks, even while reading this board non-stop..

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