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  1. Ok, beings I reside in the good ole US of A I (we) did get to see Heartland 1001 "There Will Be Changes" I have some things to say, but before I get to that, here is the description of 1001: ~Amy and Ty work together to resolve a dangerous pregnancy issue, that involves a horse who is pregnant with twins. Georgie's Extreme Team practices start back up with a new, stricter coach. Tim confronts Mitch. Lou makes a decision about a new business venture that involves going to New York. She decides to go to New York to open a new franchise of Maggie's. Georgie almost quits Extreme Team because of the new coach, but she decides to stay.~ Now, my first impressions of the opening episode of season 10 (Heartland) I'm in awe. Yes, I loved it a lot. It left me laughing, hopeful. It is classic heartland humor, classic Heartland angst, and classic Heartland, and with that, shall we get started? The episode opens: Amy is in a field with Spartan and she is doing liberty work with him. (I have to say, of all the storylines throughout the 10 years, my favorite is this. LIBERTY WORK. I loved it the minute we were introduced to it in season 5. I am in awe of Amy's {Amber's} skill & patience. It takes my breath away) Tonight is no exception. It did take my breath away and sucked the life right out of me too! What the heck.....Spartan then turns around and runs away from Amy! He's never done that before. I'm a crushed marshmallow of tears. Then to find I've just shed those tears for a DREAM!! (Way to go writer's for the trickery). LOVED IT! As a matter of fact the writers did a lot of trickery, in this episode...... (I hate to love it) Listen, When Amy and Ty are *FIRST* in the office looking at an ultrasound (in the beginning of the ep.) Amy asks Ty, "Is that ... twins?" And they have a concerned shock on their faces. Leaving mom & I, and all of America to believe the ultrasound is theirs! What The ~insert epithet here~. {I watch with my mother and she's all googoo, gaagaa, "AWE Their Having Twins!!!!"} I'm a bit more "Naw, no their not...just wait." I LOVED Mitch (Ahhhh he's so much fun to ....... watch, and mom agrees) and I Loved how Tim is jealous of him, makes me laugh. Tim tries to raz him and Mitch handles Tim quite well. It's so funny to watch until.....Dun, Dun, Dun....Lou (the fun sucker) drives up in her SUV and the fun just got sucked out of us and Mitch. (sigh) Young Love : There's, cutie patootie, Mitch again helping Georgie when Adam rolls up (on his hot set of wheels, lol)....Dude, they wanna kiss and you're in the way....git, already. Yes Mitch was the 3rd wheel for just a second. Georgie + Adam = cute (and vomit inducing). Their young, poor and in love (tehehe), who can hate that? We've all been there. But, why wasn't Amy & Ty's *young love*, vomit inducing (idk) anyway.... Tim: Okay, this episode I really hated Tim like, a lot-a lot! Right from the start he is hating on Mitch. Okay, yes Mitch came out of the blue, from nowhere; and we really don't know that much about him, yet. As a parent I get it that you want the best for your kids. But, is Peter *really* better than Mitch at this point? (idk) He does deserve a chance though and Tim will die first before he gives that to him. Jack even caught onto it and spits this beautiful gem at Tim, "Why do you have such a weed up your butt about Mitch!?" (hang on a minute.........BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA; OMG; lol) Seriously, the writer's certainly do ahave a knack for triggering every emotion I have in seconds flat! Tim doesn't stop there, he continues with his angst for Mitch when he say's, "Mitch is trying to worm his way into Lou's life!" Really, Tim? Cuz you want to push Peter on Lou, and Mitch is getting in your way (woohoo go Mitch!). Tim is such a jerk tonight and I really do hate the guy, because who cares what you want for Lou in New York....(go figure out how to win Casey back and leave Lou & Mitch alone) Hated It Lou: She got on my last nerve too, both she and Tim need a good ole fashioned *BATMAN SMACK DOWN* {Crash, Pow, Smack, Bang, Boom} I am so sick of Lou inserting herself into Amy & Ty's life....stop trying to fix them (they don't need fixin'; but- you do!) How sad was it that Amy let Lou & Tim get into her head.......so sad. So awesome that Ty was there for her..... Loved It Amy & Spartan: OMG, I love their relationship the most (of any relationship) on Heartland. I love how she works with Spartan. Every time we get to see them I get chills.... The next time we see Amy & Spartan (after the opening dream) is after she has comforted Minnie (who has twin growing inside of her. This could kill Minnie). Amy turns when she suddenly hears Spartan calling her. I cried when she walked to Spartan and just nuzzled up to him, and he let her. (Very emotional for me....I just love them to pieces). Then Amy has that dream again. It is going to break my heart to not see her being able to ride or work with Spartan.... (Gaaaaaa) Jack & Tim: My favorite part of this episode was when Tim brings the cradle to the ranch and (Tim is human again- I no longer hate him ... gaaaaa) asks Jack to help him present it to Amy & Ty. OMG..... OMG.... OMG! Seriously such a moving moment, emotionally. So precious. LOVED IT So, this is why I have such high hopes for season 10.....(but, I have my reservations. Sighing very big sighs, and no not of relief) Till next time, peace out!
  2. I have a few things that I feel concerned about: 1. They (writers( were not true to Ghost's character in the finale'. We were introduced to Ghost in S2 E1, Amy witnesses a horse fight taking place on the hillside; then the camera swings to a street fight taking place in Calgary. Ty is running from and being beaten up by some bad guys wanting a pay back for Brad's bad choices. The writers gave us a very powerful scene and those are some very large shoes to fill. Jump forward to S10 E18 there is a huge missed opportunity here (by the writers) They could have had Ghost return to Heartland, with his horse family to welcome; horse style, the new Borden family member. I would have been ecstatic if Ty was holding his daughter while Amy kisses baby Borden's head with Ghost & family arriving. Ghost rearing up screaming with his forelegs waving high and his Mare & Colt grazing for a bit. As Ghost relaxes he begins running back & forth to get the Borden family's attention, and then he (Ghost just watches them with his approval). Remember in Season 2 when Ty & Amy go to Jack's fishing cabin, Ty is recovering from being really sick, and (he just told Amy that she's beautiful as she tends the fire) they hear horses outside....Amy goes to the window, "Ty you've got to see this." They step outside and it's Ghost with his family.......for the first time Ghost allows Amy to touch him. Another powerful Ghost scene that the writer's failed to capture in S10 E18. :( 2. I didn't much care for Georgie's arrogance at thinking she could tame Ghost. Ghost is the only horse that Amy has not be able to tame. She was rebuked by Ty, Caleb and Jack for thinking she could do so. But, here comes Georgie thinking she can.....and no one rebukes her for it. No one tells her that if she tries to tame Ghost she might be taking away his ability to survive in the wild. Instead the writers wanted to use Ghost arrival as a potential bad omen regarding Ty and his health. So unnecessary, so unfortunate that they wasted this HUGE opportunity to make S10 E18 an episode to remember. 3. Mitch leaving; Wow, here we go again. How many *SPLAT* Road Kill relationships does Heartland have? You know the ones that they built up in our minds; for instance Caleb & Ashley (gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) I loved the idea of them until she returns to tragically hurt him bad, by lying to him about Andy...She danced around that truth quite seductively and I can't stand her now. Not to mention, had it not been for Ashley returning (to see if there was still something ... gaaaa) Caleb would have not left Kelly James standing on the sidewalk corner after when he sees her and is - infatuated with her. My heart completely broke to a million pieces when he Ashley's call leaving Kelly there like a (bad habit) gaaaaaaaaa Jake & Mallory; Badger & Mallory; Tim, Miranda & Shane; (idk, are there any more - road kill relationships) The writers sadly missed the mark on S10 E18 which is very heartbreaking, because we all love Heartland so much....but I now fear that what they have written in stone (earlier seasons *the best*) has now been on a slippery slope to - no mans land - oblivion. They don't seem to care about the foundational stories that we remember so well..... I am interested for S11 because S3 E6 is the foundation for S11. I hope the writers see that, and don't forget.
  3. http://t.co/k9axdV4gfx,....I love these clips from the BW! ENJOY!
  4. So you thought your personal videos (explaining #whyiloveheartland) never get seen,.....? Boy were you wrong, Check this out,...& Congrats kerryjamesfan & Soile...awesome stuff!
  5. Check Out The Preview, then come back after you see it tonight on CBC, to share what you thought, what you didn't like, what you liked, and so forth https://t.co/r33u2Wz6Ea
  6. Oh...(silly little boy's) Jeff,..(Jeff). If he does come back in Season 8 I hope he has,...(grown some facial hair 'er' peach fuss). I am not a Jeff fan for plenty of reasons: #1. When we first saw him he was ready to take Georgie back to his ("-" rich life style). Throwing his $$$ wages in Ty's face! (grr) #2. He wanted to take her away without considering Georgies feelings and without even talking to her about it. He was just gonna do it because, 'it's his right, he's her brother'. @_@. (Um...NO)! #3. In 706 Jeff gets a Bright Orange Motorcycle, to show off in front of Ty. (grrrr)..{Though I do remember feeling sad for him..BAH-hahahahahhaha} #4. He has the audacious nerve to tell Ty to (I can't remember word for word), give Cassandra a brake, she's in a rough spot and needs a job, AND, that Ty should let go of whatever happened between them (thinking it was a,'Crush' sort of thing) . OMG I really wanted to (toss my tv out the window), SMACK Jeff. (dude, snap out of it). He had no clue why Cassandra was (looking for a better job).{silly little boy}, grrrrrrr #5. Remember my opening statement,..the no peach fuss thingy, He's got, "IT", real bad for Cassandra, and she could care less, (Bah-hahahaha) again, I sorta felt bad for him, (AH-Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha). #6. He gets the most ridiculous,' RENTAL CAR ', to show off in front of Cassandra now! And, he asks her to take it for a test drive! Bah-hahahahahahahahahahahahahha. (OMG, she floors the gas pedal and 'SHE GONE')! silly little boy #7. The saddest thing is, (ya he wants to get to know Georgie) he's never there for Georgie. Always gone flirting with Cassandra, walking because that stupid motorcycle ran out of gas, and breaking promise after promise to her. That is the worst. If Jeff did take Georgie with him, when he wanted to, my gosh what, would he have done with her??????????? Poor Jeff, he's just a kid himself. (But, I still don't care a whole lot for him)..He's a big show off. But what's sad is, he had no adult guidance either. No adult male figure to look up to, so he awkwardly turns to Ty for that. (well, assuming,...because we really don't know about any adult figures in his life ..YET, we will find out, a little more, on that in Season 8......I shutter to think) Yes, this is just more of my 2 cents worth. But, wishing you all a great day, until next Wed. for 707 :D
  7. MOM'S THE WORD,....Lou's Blog http://www.momsthewordbylou.com/2014/09/the-pain-of-re-entry.html#more
  8. I will not comment on this episode {tragically}, because I haven't actually seen it yet (((((So What's The Point M-L-C)))))? ....Well, I will comment on something that recently (due to this episode) occurred; which I found very troubling. You might (or not) be asking yourself, "So,..M-L-C,...why haven't you watched this episode?" I live in America and I can't watch it until it airs (dang it). HOWEVER, I just so happen to have the most amazing CANADIAN (on-line) PEEPS, this side of the earth. Per my annoying requests of being fully informed, including every detail, I do know what happened. BUT.......what has M-L-C so troubled? Facebook! I began watching Heartland through Netflix. (I will not tell you how I watched season 7,...because now my comp is jacked up),...Then I found HeartlandOnCBC on FB! Right after this episode aired for Canada, I went straight to FB. Honestly,..I was and still am, horrified at what I read! For the exception of (2) recently added reviews (which were very positive),..all of the reviews are TRAGICALLY, very negative! (I know I didn't actually see it),.. but, being a Heartland Fan, I understand (by way of the BW and all the sweet things she has posted, ...which I have shared here) that changes are necessary, and inevitable! For crying out loud, the characters are all getting older, and growing significantly into their roles (quite well I might add). Of course change is going to happen, but I don't understand the AMBER/ HEARTLAND H8TN ! Heartland Fans are seriously contemplating not ever watching Heartland ever again, because of 801. They have trashed Amber, to the point, (even I) started to cry. I so admire Amber Marshall and her talents. (My God, when she was younger she actually portrayed ELIZABETH SMART) . She was a kid then. Seriously, I couldn't stomach watching the whole story. It truly broke my heart!....Amber does not deserve the hate spewing all over FB. I can't even imagine what she is thinking while she reads all of the (NON-Sense), bless her heart! After 7 years, of falling completely head over heels, for Heartland, one would think that they could trust the writers, (after all we have become babbling idiots~...er...just me over Heartland). WE just need to have faith in their writing skills, to put all of this confusing, baffling, stuff together by the end of the SEASON! They have been doing this for 7 sweet years now, I sorta think they know what they are doing....So before you go out there (anywhere) spewing major HATE for Amber & Heartland, think before you speak,.....er,....type! Be careful in the words you choose. I love Heartland, and all the actors/ actresses (ok, including Lou & Tim,...oohhh that hurt). It's what drew me in to begin with. The actors & actresses that we've come to adore, are REAL people too. They feel, they cry, they laugh, and they (as we do) bleed red! So, please keep it nice! Be respectful! and for love love of Pete, BE KIND! Who know's,....a space ship could arrive and suck them all up into the (Jetson's mobile) and we will never have HEARTLAND again,.......(O*M*G,...M-L-C, you have lost your mind; Your dingy has sprung a huge leak; You have splinters on the windmills of your mind, You have fallen off your rocker, Your marshmallow feel off of the stick and into the pit) Probably,....but what is the point for all the H8TN. Really? WHY? So there you have it, my 2 cents #iloveheartland :) .
  9. TV-eh writes about 801,...great read, check it out http://t.co/gYdxSzIBgN
  10. Here is a preview or a scene from 801,......@_@ http://t.co/cQkCxTOvu3
  11. Here Is Another Great Read From (Calgary Herald)......enjoy...You might understand more about 801 if you do! http://www.calgaryherald.com/entertainment/Heartland+star+Amber+Marshall+gets+bombshell+treatment/10239463/story.html
  12. GRAHAM & AMBER ON TY & AMY,..... <3 http://t.co/2pJeARYmu0
  13. If you are a longtime HEARTLAND fan, which I KNOW YOU ARE,..HER ARE 5 FUN FACTS; plus a very interesting read! ENJOY http://t.co/KSjtpoQyw4
  14. Amy Fleming,...er,...Amber Marshall; Their both the same, (((((WHAT?))))) If you are a true Amber Marshall fan (as I am), then you gotta read this. It's just TOO COOL to not post. ENJOY! http://t.co/FlRzINvC09
  15. EVERY DAY THERE IS SOMETHING NEW;..What's next for Season 8 (((((CHECK IT OUT))))) http://t.co/Ft0ZauZn4V
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