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Posts posted by JeeperDon

  1. I wouldn't compare this show's ratings to the averages of other shows across all channels as an assessment of it's staying power. The CW always has pitiful ratings compared to other broadcast channels, but still manages to keep their original content on for longer than would seem normal.  All the old 'rerun' cable channels are trying to make original content shows these days, even WGN with 'Manhattan'. 


    As I see it, since (as I remember reading), Longmire is the highest rated original series that A&E ever had, it likely won't go away.  It's not NCIS for ratings, but it's the best way for A&E to fill a time slot.


    I saw that movie theatre 5 min thing too.  I also saw ads on other channels for it too.

  2. I live in Albuquerque, 60 miles from the Longmire main shooting location (mock sherriff office and Red Pony). My 4x4 club president got this e-mail in March or so and shared it with my club:


    "My name is ------ ------- and I work on the A&E Television show "Longmire" doing extras casting. I was contacting you because in the upcoming episode that we are filming, we are in desperate need of Off-roading vehicles to appear in a Survivalist Compound scene. If you or your members might be interested in participating on set we would love to hear back from you. The Extras Casting director can be reached directly, his name is ------ -------- and his telephone number is (111)111-1111. Thank you for your time and hopefully we will be hearing from you soon."


    My Jeep is red, and in a 2nd email they said they didn't want red or white.  I guess not enough Jeeps could be signed up, so they went with what you saw, old campers and Granadas.

  3. Plus, she thinks she is such a badass.  I just loved it when she was itching to get in the ring with that female MMA fighter--and got her ass kicked.

    The badass part was that she knew she was going to get her ass kicked.  She wanted to get the other boxer to talk.

    • Love 1
  4. Wait.  So you're saying that Barlow didn't want Martha killed?  I thought last night that he admitted to Branch that he had Martha killed by paying Nighthorse to get someone to do it.  Now I'm really confused.

    I was wrong. I modified my post above.

  5. I enjoy reading all of your posts.  Sadly, to me, this episode seemed like a Series Finale.

    Series finales don't have loose ends, like which Connaly is alive, and will Walt do something rash to Nighthorse before learning Barlow was the bad guy.

  6. I'm very confused about Martha's death at this point. Barlow paid Nighthorse money to send Ridges to Denver to kill her (why Denver? So no one in Durant would be suspected?). Miller Beck was just an accidental casualty? They were framing Beck? 


    And why did Fales have any motive to cover up finding the feather?

    I rewatched the end of the epi and, yeah, I was wrong.  The Barlow payment happened  the week of Marth's murder, not a month later.  My below was wrong. I think Ridges used Beck to do the killing, then Ridges killed Beck to tie up loose ends.

    [beck is the guy that actually did the killing of Martha (while she was in Denver for cancer treatments), which I think had nothing to do with Barlow or Nighthorse, she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time with Beck.  I think Walt figured out it was Beck (in that first month adter her death), which is why he had Henry look into getting Beck killed.  When that didn't happen (only beat him up the teeth taken), Barlow and Nighthorse saw a way to frame Walt into killing Beck.  The framing backfired though when 'weak detective skills' Falls decided Henry did it.  Barlow and Nighthorse didn't want Walt to 'grief himself out of office', they wanted him to be arrested.]


    On the Branch/Barlow shooting... It's possible neither died.  Barlow only had one shot, so if Branch just wacked his barrel enough to not get killed, both guys are still alive.

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