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Grey Goose

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Posts posted by Grey Goose

  1. I don't really get the panty line angst, especially with all the myriad of underwear options and these women's amazing bodies.  And I really don't care if someone doesn't wear underwear until his/her bare genitalia is sitting on surfaces where others will be.  

    Should the new party accessory  be smallish anti-bacterial sheets of say 10" x 10" readily available so a guest can safely sit while the fashion maven desiring to air her vulva as a coy jewel  is sufficiently unemcumbered by common courtesy of keeping possible bodily fluids private?

    Do you really want to ride in her cars knowing she plants her bare ass in it?  Sit after her on an upholstered couch?  At a restaurant?


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  2. On 12/29/2016 at 4:13 PM, kassa said:

    I am an old, though younger than Eileen, Lisa V, and Lisa Rinna, and I guess I just don't travel in the kind of classy circles where women go without underwear.  I remember when flashing your underwear in a short skirt was the fashion nightmare -- apparently now risking the full beav is preferred to panty lines showing.  Don't get it.  So my take is:

    a) If you're going to wear a short skirt and no underwear, you'd damn well better micromanage every fidget, or you forfeit the "oh, I didn't mean to" defense.  Doesn't mean people should be slagging you behind your back, but it was a risk you were running, and you fell afoul of it.

    b) If you see a naked part of somebody's body that you aren't supposed to be seeing, looking away and moving away is always a good choice, especially if you're the opposite sex. Picture walking in on a relative naked -- whoops, about face, it.never.happened.  [yes, you can discuss with spouse afterwards -- off camera]

    c) Kyle, if you can see [what you think are] a lady's underpants in her short skirt and you're in mixed company and on national television, how about a quick, casual, friendly teasing "Hey, Erica, I see London, I see France."  This also works even if Erica is not wearing underpants! Because you are cluing her in while preserving her ability to believe you actually think she's wearing underpants!

    d) The basic rule of etiquette about telling people stuff about their appearance is that if it is fixable in the moment, you tell them.  If it's not, you don't.  Button or zipper undone, vegetation stuck to teeth?  Speak up.   "Your skirt is riding up" falls neatly under this category.

    Even in London, and always in France, 

    Hygiene is enhanced by underpants! 

    • Love 2
  3. I made a special trip here to say Kendra is the worst actress on TV.  Every line she speaks is rehearsed and each stilted breathy sentence comes out so very badly.   She has all these planned poignant, pointed, intelligent woman comments about "Matt".   She's wooden as a coffee table.  Puh-lease.  The two of them have less fire than a puddle of chilly water. 

    • Love 17
  4. 1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

    You got it right. In fact, Chris was engaged to one of Dina's best friends when he was screwing Jac. This is the reason why Dina has never liked Jac. She feels Jac manipulated her brother. 

    I'm no Jac fan but maybe Chris was engaged to the wrong person when he met Jacqueline.  He wasn't married; he was engaged.  Not the best thing but not the worst.  He cancelled an engagement.  Did he walk away from his children or something?

    Dina's not one to give marriage advice or have opinions about what people do in their romantic relationships.

    • Love 8
  5. Landon is trying to be relevant and save her place on the show: No career, no husband with a cool career, or a lot of money, looks, or family name, no cool house for a back drop, no kids, not particularly witty or clever, not so great with repartee.  No significant other to create sexual tension or mystery.  She inserts her opinion into the TRav/Kathryn mess so awkwardly.  The "skills" on that back thing --- she came off like a jealous fishwife. Her chemistry with TRav and Shep is about as intriguing as Gretchen and Slade. Manufactured. 

    She's Southern Charm's Gretchen of OC.   I think Landon is very beautiful though.  Better skin and a less artificial beauty than Gretchen.

    • Love 2
  6. If the other cast members suspected Kathryn was using illegal drugs while pregnant and while caring for a young child, I can't really blame them for avoiding her and avoiding filming with her.  She really does present as mentally ill and so very very very immature, like arrested emotional development. She's also not interesting. Or funny.  Or charming.  Or interested in other people.  

    There are 24 year olds who are teachers, nurses, pilots, electricians --- people with stressful, demanding jobs that don't allow for error.  I think Kathryn is being given a huge pass on the youth excuse.  She's not a teenager even though she acts like one who's doesn't have parents who insist she be civil - petulant, self-absorbed, vulgar, rude, loud. 

    The drug thing really bothers me and it makes me think like Kelly Bensimon, it's really broaching on immoral to have such a fragile individual as Kathryn on a reality show.

    • Love 13
  7. Cary would have laughed and said prove it if it wasn't true.

    3 hours ago, Pickles said:

    I think Cary is so upset about the affair rumors, because there is truth to them. As much as she denies the rumors, why would she be so upset if they were not true?

    And, wow, about Brandi's kids not being invited back to their Christian school. I don't blame the school.

    Tiffany's forehead is absolutely frozen.

    I felt the Jesus Juice was such an insult to Christians and I applaud the school for saying your "Jesus Juice" comments don't fit with our religious cultures.

    • Love 18
  8. 52 minutes ago, Jessica said:

    Cary is legit the worst fake-crier I have ever seen on reality TV.  I have NEVER seen a more patently phony tear-fest.

    I'm watching it finally.  She and Mark didn't say one thing that sounded true.  Lame. Crocodile tears.  Nice to be concerned about her children.

    Heavy breather walk off crier.  Double lame.

    • Love 12
  9. I checked out of the season. Too much poop talk and none of them seem very smart.

    Leeanne --- please on the childhood story.  Please. Enough. She, like Kelly on RYONY, is too broken to navigate reality TV. Also, she must have read the blogs about her makeup but the attempt to tone it down was still a fail.  Hair color too harsh, makeup lines too harsh, still too much makeup, expertly applied.  Red is a great color for her but natch on matching the troweled on blush to the dress.

    Everybody else is a big yawn and LeeAnne is nuts.

    • Love 7
  10. On 6/11/2016 at 11:01 PM, Trooper York said:

    Seriously? I don't think we are hard enough on her. She is a worthless sack of crap.

    What one thing did she ever do that was fun and enjoyable?

    When she told Aviva her opinion was not important because she never worked outside the home? When she practiced her "To Catch a Predator" technique on the surfing instructor before she snatched vegetable boy out of the kitchen? Her time share dog? Her bear suit? Being a barnacle on the ass of Heather and now Bethenny?

    Her acumulated wit and wisdom makes Amber Marchese look like Aristotle. Theresa Giudice wrote four books to her one in the past three years. Or at least her ghost writer did.

    You can never be hard enough on Carole. She is just the worst.

    I don't necessarily have a lot of emotion about  or 100% agreement with your post but I like it.  You write better than Carole. 

    • Love 13
  11. On 6/9/2016 at 6:20 PM, WireWrap said:

    I disagree, Wolves do a better job raising their pups and have close family ties......something Bethenny knows nothing about. LOL She is more a pit viper! LOL

    Sidebar: I watched that video. Omarosa is savvy and has had some lucky breaks but I thought Bethenney was right.  Omorosa is a smart and beautiful woman who's  cobbled together a career that's just filler for a lot of people:  occasional media presence and adjunct faculty.  Me too, although the media is local and I usually turn it down and I'm not teaching right now because I have my own little business (brand!) .  Also have been adjunct faculty which pays slightly less than an experienced worker at McDonalds. Get over yourself Omarosa.

  12. 14 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

    Cary is so transparent.

    (1) I didn't sleep with him while fat! (see I'm not a homewrecker!)

    (2) I hate presents! (see I'm not a golddigger)

    (3) I married my best friend! (see, our fabulous marriage isn't a show for the camera).

    (4) I want my body to be photoshopped! (see how humble I am while I pose seductively!)

    Cary thinks she's the smartest person in the room, at all times. 

    Sidebar: the $1.5 million in assets I believe someone referenced on last week's thread.  If he split with wife person #1, split the assets and pays alimony and child support and his medical practice is incorporated and he pays himself a salary and the real profits are invested in another business vehicle, I would buy that he "only" has $1.5 million in personal assets. 

    Also, I've skipped the last few episodes.  Of all things, it's the Jesus Juice that me think Brandi/Stephanie are too stupid to make fun of.  You can't make fun of someone you pity.

    • Love 1
  13. 1 hour ago, ChlcGirl said:

    In all fairness, have we seen an episode where any of the other women haven't been drinking either?  In fact, I'd be hard pressed to think of a RH franchise that had a dry episode.  All of them have a glass of wine or a cocktail in their hands at least once a show.

    I hate myself for knowing this.  I don't think Jill (OG / RHONY) drank.  Possible?

    • Love 4
  14. The whole name-calling thing with Luann has made me think she's just base. She is not a woman of substance, nor particularly smart.  

    I don't care for Carole at all so this is not some defense of Carole.


    I watched the one season of Real Housewives of DC and Luann's stunt reminds me of the WH photographer's wife and what he feel she did to his family's name.

    old article.

     http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/29/fashion/29housewives.html?_r=0&module=ArrowsNav&contentCollection=Fashion %26 Style&action=keypress&region=FixedLeft&pgtype=article

  15. 4 hours ago, WireWrap said:

    I agree, they are trying to get viewers to like her as they once did. For me, that isn't going to happen....at all. Not that she is wrong or nasty all the time but she is more often than not now. She has to control the others narratives at all times when she is present, they all walk on egg shells when she is around and they all fear that one of them will run back and squeal on them if they say anything against her when she isn't around.

    I think falsely calling someone a child abuser of a sexual nature is so hideous.  20 years hence my thought is that the word pedophile will still be inexorably (?) linked to Carole. That bell can't be unrung.  It's the worst thing you can accuse someone of.  So the accusation, no matter how unfounded, will linger.  Who's going to go back and dig up the fact that the "victim" was 30 years old? 

    • Love 7
  16. 1 hour ago, Juneau Gal said:

    Unpopular opinion here, but I like Dorinda, all her major faults not withstanding. She is a curious mix of the blue collar girl she grew up as and the now well off woman. She has great stylish taste in clothes and Best Buy taste in home decor. She watches Law and Order and House Hunters. She fondly remembers Pu Pu Platters (earlier episode). She goes from zero to 60, and back again, in a nanosecond. She makes things nice, damnit! 

    For all these reasons, and more, she tickles me and out of all of them, I think she would be a good friend......as long as I remembered not to criticize her cake. 


    • Love 5
  17. 7 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

    Mark is harmless but insufferable and pretty obnoxious.  Cary looked 15 years younger in her wedding photo and wasn't that only six years ago (and she's only 39)?  She had a much fuller face then.  She looks a bit overworked now -- too much plastic surgery? 


    Brandi was ORANGE at Travis's birthday party.  She is screaming for a makeover.

    Stefanie's singing Happy Birthday in that cake was cringeworthy.  Those two have sex in missionary or doggie style ONLY.  All lights off, covers pulled up.This show is the dullest dull that ever dulled. I don't care who Leeann is fighting with. It's all such petty, bullshit drama.

    Wow. Wow. Wow. She does not look like the same person.  Amazing body but I'd be heart broken if that was my "Before" and I had Cary's "After".  She has a man's face now.

    • Love 16
  18. 11 hours ago, ichbin said:

    Dorinda:  "For me, this is my opportunity to really show who I am."  ... and an immediate cut to the Big Lots-esque Christmas decorations.  Then the camera person following the pooping dog around the house.   The editors clearly enjoy themselves sometimes.

    Preview for next week looks like a goody:  "If no one can behave themselves, then you all go home. 'Cause I decorated, I cooked, I made it nice.  I'm  ashamed!"  Please, let this be Dorinda's new tagline next year.  

    I was trying to explain why the Christmas decorations tickled me so much to my long-suffering husband and he didn't get it.  I loved them.  They are her.  The pooping dog - I can't blame Dorinda for that.  If Ramona was any kind of person, she would have kept her dog on a leash near her the whole time.   

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