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Posts posted by foodie

  1. It might have been PMS, but I was so enraged watching the asshole Dubrows try their asses off to make the "David sexually harassed my wife" storyline happen.  It's not going to happen.  I usually laugh while I watch any of the RH shows, but this one made ragey and want to throw something at their smug little heads.  I hope they get taken down and taken down hard.  It's a long way to fall from their kingdom (that they live in in their heads), and I can't wait to see it happen.  I loathed Heather all season.  She was the WORST.  I'd watch Tamtacky all day long over Heather.  

    • Love 9
  2. Heather has most definitely had a tummy tuck.  In the bikini scenes (which admittedly, she looks great for a 40-something), her tummy has that fake tight look.  It's too flat and too unmoveable.  Leave it to Terry to eff up his own wife's tummy tuck.  

    And I have to say entire episode made me laugh so hard that my husband came into the room to see what the hell I was watching.  The monkey scene, my hat off to the producers.  This is why people love the RH franchise.  

    • Love 1
  3. I just can't get into Lizzie on this show.  I actually like her scenes and think a younger early 30s gal is necessary to keep it real.  But she just doesn't have any connection to the other howives, based on age.  I'm guessing Danielle was originally slated to be a full time wife, and those two were show besties, and something happened last minute to Danielle.  That's why it doesn't make sense at all when Lizzie tries to get tied into the show and it doesn't work. 


    Why isn't Danielle on the show, I can't remember?  And what was her epic meltdown I see referred to?  

  4. I wouldn't go out of my way to hug Lana and reassure her. Kim and Kroy handled the situation very well and didn't berate her or accuse her of intentionally hurting KJ. She's an adult and she didn't need hand-holding. I know my mother would have been furious if my leg was broken while rough-housing with a caretaker...Lana wouldn't have even had a job I reckon. She felt bad, obviously, but again, I don't see why Kim or Kroy needed to comfort her beyond what they did. They said they didn't blame her and Kim was serious when she told Brielle to apologize.

    Agree!  Even though accidents happen, of course you would be miffed if your child broke his leg under the care of a nanny.  You're hiring someone to take care of your child, they need to keep your kids safe.  Not saying that Lana is at fault but Kim/Kroy have every right to be critical about what happened (and they weren't, which is very generous of them).  


    The solution should be to stop popping babies out and watch your OWN kids yourself.  Hahahaha!  Never gonna happen. 


    Still trying to figure out where the money is coming from. I know the South isn't a super expensive place to live, but that suburb in ATL can't be crazy cheap.  They could never afford such a house in LA, for example.  

  5. Not to be all on Team Tamra/Tamra spawn, but Ryan's fiancée was CREEPY.  She had this weird smirk on her face the whole time, like she was enjoying the whole confrontational exchange and one-upping Tamra.  Come to think of it, maybe we'd all react the same way?  They both were giddy about withholding info from Tamra and the way they told her they were getting married was infuriating.  Look, I loathe Tamballs as much as the next person, but that has to suck.  The fiancee seems like a creepy famewhore and not a catch at all with 3 rug rats Ryan has to take care of now.  

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