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965 Excellent-
I thought the EMTs were pissed because they recognized how sick it is to film a small child having a seizure while her sister completely loses it. I imagine they would've glowered at anyone doing that, Duggars or not. If their first thought wasn't "what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I'd wonder what was wrong with them. And I do think that, for once, JimBob and Michelle should put their lives on hold for their child. They have nineteen of them, and they've never once done that, no matter what the situation, at least not in the time they've been in the public eye. They owe it to them to actually care for them and make them a priority. They never will, of course, but they should. Any "normal" family who actually takes care of their kids, I would agree that it's not necessary to shut down their jobs to care for a special needs child, but they've never sacrificed anything at all for their children and constantly require their children to sacrifice for them. If they can't hire a freaking babysitter for Josie, they should stay home and not leave the burden on Jana and JimBob's mother.
Something I don't think anyone else mentioned: I thought it was a bit telling that Josie wasn't whining or crying for Michelle or JimBob at all, in the hospital or when she came home. She gladly went to Jessa when she was passed off to her. I find it odd that any child with a close bond to their parents wouldn't want them when they were sick. Even if she didn't have enough energy to throw a fit and was out of it, whining and quiet crying don't take so much energy that I'd write it off as simply that. It didn't matter how shitty I felt, including some emergency situations that caused extreme lethargy and unresponsiveness, or coming out of surgery anesthesia and not being even slightly with it - if my mom or dad wasn't there, there were tears. Likewise, I can't imagine any mother hearing "your child had a 15 minute seizure, turned blue and needed a CAT scan" and the response not being "I'm on the next plane." Mother of the Year indeed. I was crying the whole time - Jana is just in such a horrible position. Yeah, she's an adult, but this is asking too fucking much of her. She's Josie's mother, but she never agreed to be. She didn't adopt her or give birth to her; she had the kid handed to her and was basically told "here, good luck with this, I'm tired of her." (And I do agree that she doesn't seem to have retained much from her first responder training but I figured she was in that as a chaperone or for appearances, rather than out of interest. And it's always different when it's a loved one. I had to do at-home medical care for my father when he had a tracheostomy and while it wasn't difficult in general, the fact that it was my dad made it harder, you know?)
I'm late to the party, but it looks like Jill has one of those tiny urn necklaces people wear cremains in - wonder what that's about.
The film crew is men only, so none of the boys could potentially be defrauded. (Though if any of the Duggar boys are gay, Frank Sun was probably pretty darn defrauding. Handsome, handsome guy.)
I think Johannah was the one who was blessed with unusual intelligence. Watch the pre-Josie episodes in particular. She was so ahead of her chronological age, and she had taught herself to read at 3 because no one else was teaching her. But now she's been assimilated into the Duggar hive and seems just as dull as the rest of them.
I don't think Anna has changed very much, except she's gained confidence based on the fact that since she's semi-famous, she assumes what she has to say has some worth. I think she's very much the same person, it's just that she's an even smugger bitch now who won't shut the fuck up, because she married fundie royalty.
The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah
WTFFF replied to SpaghettiTuesdays's topic in Counting On
I often wonder how many fundie guys have foot fetishes, since the girls are covered neck to knees but always seem to wear sandals or flip-flops instead of closed shoes. I remember at Journey to the Heart or a similar place, the males in attendance complained that the girls were defrauding them with nail polish and making their hands and feet distractingly enticing. -
Was this on an episode of the show? When was this?! That's insane. If you want to avoid alcohol that badly, find an establishment that doesn't serve it. Or eat at home. All of the Duggars, but JimBob and Michelle especially, really never learned that the world doesn't revolve around them, did they?
19 Things I Hate About You: How the Duggars Infuriate
WTFFF replied to Ljohnson1987's topic in Counting On
I don't care if the Duggars believe in gay rights or whatever. That's their business. What I care about is them thinking that those beliefs mean they have the right to take them away from other people. I don't share many of their religious beliefs (I think Creationism is a load of crap, and I think that evolution is far more awe-inspiring and God-affirming than Creationism anyway!), but I'm not trying to make it illegal for them to believe in it. And that's the difference. I tolerate everyone's right to believe what they want; I don't tolerate their belief that those beliefs mean they get to dictate how other people live their lives. If something doesn't affect you in the slightest, but you fight against it anyway because of something you think the Bible says, you're an asshole, and being an asshole is not something I will ever be tolerant of.- 3.3k replies
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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah
WTFFF replied to SpaghettiTuesdays's topic in Counting On
The "Free Jinger!" mantra took up after 14 Children, et al, when Joy was still very young, and there were no other little girls in the family (also, I think people were just amused by the name "Jinger" as much as they were by her sarcastic eye-rolling). But yes, it may be time to focus our hopes on Joy. Anna bitches about not being able to handle the kids she has but still has more, so I have no sympathy, and yes, I do think of that as "woe is me." I also think there's a lot of humblebragging about how "blessed" she is. -
Sums it up for me, too. A lot of things I'd let slide with people I like piss me the hell off with Jill and Derick. I liked Jill so much more when she was single, and Derick so much more before he got married to her. Like Ben and Jessa, they too seem to bring out the worst in each other. I had another dream about Baby Dilly. This time it was surprise twins - a girl they named Grace was in the oven along with The Second Coming they were already expecting. I need this kid to be born so I can stop dreaming about Duggars.
I doubt Jill would allow an epidural anyway - she'd take one look at that giant needle and run screaming.
I had a dream Jill was asking me for baby name suggestions. I suggested Daniel, which isn't even a name I like that much when I'm awake. Though Daniel Dillard is kind of a cute name. I can't wait for this kid to be born. If I'm dreaming about him while he's still a fetus, there's too damn much media attention on the pregnancy.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. If these two adopt, I sincerely hope that they go for - and get - the healthy white infants everyone jockeys for. I can't imagine them having any interest in the complexities of transracial adoption, or any patience for a child with disabilities. Even worse if they adopt from an orphanage in Central America - the kid would likely be two or three at the youngest by the time they brought them home, and the kid would likely be expected to assimilate immediately. Oh, sure, they might do fun things to keep the kid "connected" to their heritage, like occasionally cook a bastardized version of a traditional food or celebrate a local holiday, but otherwise, the kid's going to be expected to act like a Duggar by birth in all ways. Jessa seems to love Jordyn (as someone would love their little sister, not a daughter, but you can't fault her for not going along with Michelle's sistermoms plan as delightedly as Jill did), but she seems disinterested at best, at worst disdainful of the Howlers and Johannah. She seems bored and annoyed during the orphanage mission trips, unless she's snapping a selfie. I sincerely pity any child they may adopt. As someone said upthread, it's not uncommon for young people to romanticize adoption - from what I've seen, especially religious people who want to save poor unwanted souls. The reality of it is difficult, expensive, and can end in disaster if the family's expectations aren't reasonable. And given the rumors of how Ben and Jessa fight over her weight, I do wonder if she wants to adopt because she doesn't want to lose her figure.
The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah
WTFFF replied to SpaghettiTuesdays's topic in Counting On
Michelle gives "attention" to Josie by carrying her and talking to her like a dog. I suspect Jana does all the meaningful interactions. I wonder if Josie sleeps in Jana's bed like Jackson used to.