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Posts posted by Random thoughts

  1. Kromm, I didn't even know that this website existed, much less this forum, until a couple of days ago when a friend of mine came across it. I probably shouldn't of even posted bc of the time gap and and whatnots, but the negativity bothered me and I felt that I should at least share what I know.

    JD, reality TV....they are a massive machine that needs to be fed...and unfortunately, the bits and pieces that are fed are usually twisted and not completely accurated for the sake of the show or the individual person. Jayce had no idea what spin or story line they were going to use. Watching the night it aired was the first time he had seen his episode. He was filmed for an entire year....that's a whole lot of footage and hours to edit and decide which avenue his episode would take. I assume that they used his son and ex as the go-to bc of the drama factor. In the end, the machine could care less of who you are and who gets hurt. It's a numbers game to them.

  2. Hey guys! I am a personal friend of Jayce's and wanted to address some of the posts in this forum. Yes, Jayce has been big all of his life, but he really started putting on the weight during his marriage. A lot of you on here have made the assumption that the story line of his ex and son was exaggerated or falsified bc only one side of the story was told and heard. The truth is his ex was confronted face to face with one of the producers and asked for her side of the story. She declined and ran away. Literally. Silence speaks volumes. If I had the potential to be shown in a bad light in front of millions of people, you can bet that I would speak up and tell my side of the story. She couldn't because everything that was said about her was true. We are talking about a woman who tried to kill him with a butcher knife. Stabbing him and going thru a bathroom door 17 times. The "court" hearing...Jayce and those that know what is going on concerning his son were disappointed and upset that the show labeled it as a custody hearing. It had nothing to do with custody. Nor did it have anything to do with child support. The show edited it like that to stir up drama. Now, his big milestone...swimming...again, that was something he didn't want to do bc he is terrified of water. To stir the drama pot, the show put him in a situation that they knew he would be extremely uncomfortable. Now for the finale taping that was done in L.A., the producers arranged for it to be done on Jayce's weekend visitation with his son so that he would be there. They went by the court papers to make sure he would arrive in L.A. and return to his home by the court appointed times. His ex was notified and given the information about it beginning in January and continued up until the week of the finale by phone calls, texts, and certified letters. The night his parents went to pick up his son for the flight, his ex became belligerent and yelling obscenities at them in their vehicle with his son present in the backseat of the car she came in. The paper that she dropped was a handwritten letter denying any knowledge of the L.A. trip and that TSA had been notified of a kidnapping if he were to board the plane. This experience was a life changer for Jayce and he is a better man now because of it. He has a ton of support and love from his friends & family and that's what is important.

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