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Lara Morgana

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Posts posted by Lara Morgana

  1. Most people say S3 or S5 was the best but for me, it was S4.  S3 had the best technical dancers in their genre but only a few were versatile.  And they were not a cohesive group.  Nor were they as good at performing as S4.


    I respectfully disagree.   I loved, loved, loved Season 3 and got to meet all the dancers when they were on tour (and they were incredibly tiny people) but to me Season 2 was far and away the best.  Best performers/dancers, best music, best choreography, best group numbers.  The show hit it's peak with Seasons 2, 3 and 4 (and yes, I love MARK!) and it's been a downhill slide since then.

    • Love 4
  2. The entire show was a giant snooze fest.  I deleted it as soon as it was over.


    Sorry to see Tanisha leave - she is amazing.


    Why is Valerie still here?  She is just so ...blah.


    I don't really care who wins. 


    Will, Allison, Twitch and Ryan were wonderful.


    There - I've added my two cents in simple declarative sentences.    And that's all I have to say about that.

    • Love 8
  3. to the physically deformed <Jacque and Tanisha>


    What a mean-spirited, unkind and unnecessary comment.  


    First, I think Jacque is really pretty and why you would imply she is deformed is beyond me.


    Secondly, Taneisha is not beautiful  in the traditional sense  but if you paid attention you would see that in the rehearsal clips she is really a cute girl (woman?).  Her haircut it not the best in the world but.....to call her deformed?  C'mon.


    And since when is this a freaking beauty contest anyway? 


    There was absolutely no good reason to make that comment.   Not one.

    • Love 15
  4. Thanks for tuning in to The Ricky show! Be sure to come back next week to watch more of Ricky. Did I mention that RICKY will be dancing?!?!?!? Some other people will be there, too. PLUS Uncle Nigel will explain why the Ricky show is such a gift to mankind. Don't miss it!! And don't forget, Ricky!!!!!

    You got it.  This is definitely the "I Love Ricky"   Show.  Initially, he was one of my favs but he's been pimped so much that I am over him.  I find myself shouting at the TB "For God's sake, Nigel - just go on and give the prize to Ricky and Jessica.  Get it over with."   I think Ricky is an a great dancer but the judges have turned me off with him.  It's like living the Sabra-pimping nightmare of Season 2 all over  again.  


    My favs are Emilo and Taneisha.   No matter what style they get they give 110%. 

  5. Forget the Teddy/Bowie intersection, I can't look at Ricky without seeing Ringo Starr.


    Oh my word - never thought about it but he does look like Ringo.


    I thought this episode was so much better than last week.  Not a lot of flailing (thank you, Dance Gods) and no Travis.  Yeah!


      I actually liked a lot of the routines this week - Zack and Jacque, Emilo and Bridget,  Rudy and Taneisha - thought they all were quite entertaining.


    I started out loving Ricky and Marquet but now I find myself rooting for Emilo.   I don't know what happened to Marquet - seems like he can't  connect to his partner. There is something off about his performance.


    As for Ricky - he's getting the Sabra treatment.....no matter what he does Nigel bows down and kisses his arse.  Ricky was not good in the waltz.  Not good at all. 


    I'm also loving Taneisha.    She reminds me of Dakota Fanning and she is really cute without makeup.  I think it's that horrid hairdo that makes her look a bit strange.   But I digress - she is an excellent dancer and she is versatile.   I truly hope she makes it the final four.  She is my fav girl.


    My thoughts are rambling so I best stop now.  Just so happy there were new choreographers.  So happy.

















    Oops!  Sorry about all the little "+".  My cat walked on the keyboard!

  6. What on earth has Lacey Schwimmer done to herself? Her face looked like a fifty-year-old's after bad plastic surgery and the plastered-on makeup didn't help.  But her waltz choreography was lovely.



    Holy Cow!  I didn't recognize her.  I met Lacey when they were on tour and she was really gorgeous (as was Anya and Jamie).  She has had some seriously bad work done.  Ouch.


    Loved the last routine with Rudy and Taneisha - to me they were the best of the night.


    Don't know why Nigel was so over-the-moon about the Ricky-Valerie dance.  I wasn't impressed with his performance at all - I kept comparing him to Mark when he did the waltz with Courtney.  Mark was amazing - Ricky not-so-much.


    Love Emilo.  Hope he goes far.   The girls all still blend together for me except for Jessica and Taneisha.

  7. "I too would LOVE to see Wade back on the show. Is there a chance he might?"

    Oh, Wade, Wade, Wade. I would give someone's first born child to see him back also (not mine - way too attached to him now). I would even love to see Dan K. or Brian F. come back. Although Dan was slammed a lot at least his routines weren't the same old crap we've been seeing for the last 3 or 4 years. And what about Pasha and Anya? and the little French Canadian guy who does ballroom (can not think of his name right now)? Anybody! Just anyone except the same old, same old. I also am sick to death of the insipid music they use. I guess FOX doesn't want to shell out any $$$$ to pay for a song that might actually be entertaining or interesting.

    Oh for the good old days of Season 2 and Season 3. Those were the glory days. Then Nigel, in his infinite stupidity, got rid of the stage (I loved that stage with the steps), changed the format each season to suit himself and hired a bunch of inept choreographers. I think he should step down (like that will ever happen) and let someone else take over.

    Oh and as for Mia - she may be talented but she is a mean-spirited, hate-filled hag. I think if I ever met her I'd have an overwhelming urge to slap her sideways.

    • Love 2
  8. I started watching this show Season 1 (which really sucked but I was so excited to find a dance show I didn't realize it at the time).


      Season 2 and Season 3 dancers were far away the best.  Those two seasons had excellent choreography, great music and contestants that you really cared about.  I was lucky enough to see the Season 3 all stars on tour and meet Danny (sigh), Lacey, Pasha (best smelling man EVER), Sara, and the rest.


    I don't know what happened to the show.  Season 4 wasn't quite as good as the previous 2 although it did have my guy Mark on it (another sigh).   After that it has been all downhill.


    I think that like a lot of people I'm tired of the same old choreography  - as more than one person mentioned - flail, flail:   roll about on the floor, roll about on the floor;  gentlemen carry your partner while she flexes her feet.


    So freaking boring.  I'm way over it.


    Also sick of Nigel and his constant pimping of his favorites.  I guess Jessica is going to be another Sabra - she will make it to final four come hell or high water.


    Enough bitching and moaning. 


    I started out this season loving Ricky and Marquette and I still like them.  But Serge and Emilo are also becoming my favs along with Stanley who can leap about like Michael Jordan.  


    As for the girls - don't really care about any of them.   I do feel for Ricky -  he's stuck with poor clunky Valerie.


    So glad to see Benji.  He was the reason I really fell in love with this show back in 2005 - everything he did was outstanding.  Wish he had chosen a different song for this episode but truth is Jessica and Nick just didn't have the chops to do a WCS.


    Prediction- if Stanley ever finds himself in the bottom 3 he's a goner.   Nigel will eliminate him just so Jessica and Ricky can be together again......after all they are the golden couple (shades of Josh and Katie Season 4).

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