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Posts posted by LisbethDnlt

  1. I mostly skipped the Jiz scenes so I just now realized Liz has a picture of Jason on her mantle. Wow. I know Liz is pathetic...but wow. Does she know that Jason wasn't her husband? No matter how much she wants it to be true, it's not.


    As far as Jake knew, Lucky was his father, no matter what Liz wished. Jason was a glorified sperm donor once the fairy tale is stripped away.


    I found this odd, as well. The only photo, of an adult male, on display in that household is freaking Jason?!? I get that Liz is somewhat obsessed with Jason, but why have his photo on display - to the exclusion of her other Baby-Daddies? I am especially thinking about Lucky here; wasn't he supposed to have been the love of her life, and what do the other (living) children think about this?? The fact that they have different fathers, yet Jason is the one who is given the honor of prominent display?


    I actually found it to be a little irritating, to be quite honest.


    Liz blowing her relationship with Jason out of proportion has always been a running theme with the character. She makes herself more relevant in his life that she actually was. It shouldn't be a surprise that she'll have a photo of them together in a prominent place in her home.



    Whether Jake was a mistake, I do think there is a lot of story to be mined from Emma meeting a mysterious blonde boy when her group is finally teen-aged. Helena having faked the death, snatched Jake and given him to some cousins to raise as evil is a story that needs to be told.


    LOL - I kind of like this - but given that DOOL has been my number one Soap since I was old enough to watch, my enjoyment of a good "Back From The Dead" reveal/storyline should come as no surprise.

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  2. There is a rumor that Christian LeBlanc may be leaving Y&R to come to GH. I know his charater on Y&R currently has cancer.

    I don't know how true this is, right now probably just speculation.


    I don't know if he could pull off AJ as he and Billy Miller are far apart age wise, but he could be believable as Michael's dad.



    BTW if he did play Tom Hardy or if they could get Matt Ashford back, then I would hope the first time we see Tom he is walking into Dr. O's office and saying "Get the hell out of my Father's Office you psycho"




    CLB and BM have at (the very) least twenty years age difference between them! As much as I believe the typical Soap Writers and Show Runners can be an evil, demented, and hugely egotistical lot - and I have been known to subscribe to certain conspiracy theories - there is no way in HELL that even RC/FV would dare try to sell these two actors as brothers separated by only a year or two in age! Not even looks-wise would CLB be believable as Michael's dad!


    JUST NO!!


    Just wanted to add, I had no idea that Matt Ashford ever played a character on this show - I love him - and miss him so much as Jack on DOOL. Now if they could fit him into the current canvas as a legacy character (not familiar with Tom Hardy), I would be thrilled!!

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  3. Petunia:




    There is absolutely no logical reason why Ian would have targeted Sharin's baby to steal. Like I already stated, he never sold the kid, therefore he never profited off said baby-theft. Any thoughts of Ian possibly being Sharin's father pretty much flew out the window once he slapped a wedding gown on Mariah - and is now attempting to marry the poor girl.


    It makes no sense whatsoever, and I really believe this is yet another continuity goof that TIIC just haven't managed to catch up with yet. If not - then this is some pretty fucked-up shit going on here between Ian and Mariah!

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  4. The whole turn the writers have taken with Ian makes no sense - but what else is new? The only reason Ian would have for marrying Mariah would be financial, but why wait until now? It seems like Ian has known for awhile that Mariah is Sharon's daughter, so he could have cashed in on that fact long ago.


    What bothers me about all of this is the fact that Sharon hadn't even met Nick at that point in her life, when she gave birth as a teenager. Nobody had any way of knowing, back then, that Sharin' would eventually marry into the putrid Newman clan - or ANY other wealthy family, for that matter.


    Weren't Sharin' and her mom practically destitute back then? WHY would Ian be scheming to steal some poor teenage girl's baby?!? He obviously didn't sell Mariah on the black market - what was his reasoning??


    You know what? I will bet dollars to donuts that TIIC just assumed Sharin' and Nick were already an item at the time of the birth.


    The continuity half-wits strike (yet) again!

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  5. What the HELL was Franco wearing today?  I thought it was half of a set of scrubs, and I couldn't figure out why he would wear scrubs but only on top.  But then he was still wearing it when he went to Carly's.  So I guess it was a... shirt?  How the hell can a black T-shirt manage to be the fugliest wardrobe item featured on this show in months?


    I'm sure there was more to today's show than Franco's shirt, but it was so boring I've already forgotten it. 


    Before Franco got in the elevator, he had changed out of his shirt in the locker room. This was because one of his Art Therapy patients had some kind of fit and covered him in paint. I guess Dr. O. told him he could clean up and get some scrubs to wear out of the locker room.

  6. Jack and Adam's relationship completely disregarded the fact that Adam killed Ashley's baby and brought Patty to town, who killed Traci's daughter. From a dramatic standpoint their friendship made no sense. I think the writers viewed it as another way for Jack to stick it to Victor, but that is the obvious, predictable route and not the way to create the best story.


    Ashley's "baby" (I tend to agree with those who say there never really was one and/or it wasn't possible) was miscarried when she fell backwards down the staircase. True, the reason why she fell in the first place was because the sight of Adam wearing a dress startled the hell out of her, but he did try to stop her from falling. I hate that storyline with such a passion! I swear to God that MAB was trying to push CE (who was portraying Adam at that point in time) over the edge with her crazy-ass writing - and it did eventually work, when the poor guy finally gave up and quit the show.


    As far as Patty is concerned - it was the VicTurd who brought her to town - Adam had nothing to do with it. Turd brought Patty back to town all so he could exact his never-ending quest for revenge upon Jack Abbott - with Adam and Jack's fake diary scheme being the catalyst for this particular round of merriment.

    What Adam did to Ashley was bad enough, now he's killed Delia and tried to cover it up. If Jack continues to support him he deserves to have his family turn on him.


    Adam did not "kill" Delia; he didn't even know about her being hit by a car until well after it happened. In fact, I think that it is still very much a mystery as to what happened on the night of her death. I know the popular belief amongst the good citizens of Genoa City is that Evil!Adam did the deed and deserved every horrible thing Billy did to him, but from what I remember, it was never proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Adam was the H&R driver. Not that he would have ever gotten even a fair semblance of a trial in GC, anyway.


    For what it is worth, I still don't think Adam had anything to do with the Hit and Run, and was most likely being framed for it. There were just way too many things about Delia's death that still, to this day, simply don't add up.

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  7. ^^^^I googled images of those two. James Scott is pretty boy handsome and seems to have only one look. Trevor Saint John is also handsome, a rugged handsome but also seems to be able to adapt his look better. I have no idea about their acting skills. But to me, Trevor Saint John appears to be a little more edgy and current. He looks like he could convey good, grey, and bad characteristics in a new Adam. So right now, even though I like pretty boy handsome, my vote is for TSJ for his looks and seemingly adaptability. 


    But I also really agree that they could keep him handy until the show improves! I really like the hand and his sidekick plot. And I like them inserting him, like the clown, into the show without revealing him. It's a device that works for me. 


    This is funny - I just now had posted something similar in the main show thread.


    Anyway, not that I don't love me some James Scott, I have to say that my vote is firmly with Trevor St. John - for all the reasons you illustrated in your post. He is everything you described, and more - and has won allocades for his work on OLTL. James Scott, although I adore him as E.J. Dimera, would probably have a very difficult time with disguising his british accent.


    By the way - I happened to be home the day the "Clown Episode" aired and, for lack of anything better to distract me as background noise, actually watched that show. That was definitely NOT Adam posing as the clown - it was his henchman. They had a discussion earlier in the show about how Adam could not go to the park, even in disguise, as he was still recovering from whatever it is that is keeping him away. Henchman posed as the creepy clown and secretly recorded baby Connor calling fifty-year-old Billy "Daddy" - for Adam to watch (over and over and over) on his computer.

  8. I disagree about MM being a creep, but I think he'd be a good addition to the cast.

    If we had to, I'd say MM for Jasus and BM as AJ and ML as Lucky. ML wouldn't tower over Liz either, so there is that.


    Excellent casting suggestions, Grrpants!!


    I also rather strongly disagree with the idea of MM being a creep; if he really were the depraved pervert that some people want to believe he is, then TIIC at Y&R would NEVER have entertained talks with him to reprise the role of "Adam". Especially with his so-called victim still front and center at the show!  That would be a ridiculously huge lawsuit she could instigate against them, i.e. TIIC willfully perpetuating an "Openly Hostile Work Environment" for their favorite little ingenue. Yeah, right!


    As far as MM is concerned, TIIC at Y&R probably couldn't pay him enough to reprise "Adam" after the way those assholes just sat back, all those months ago, and allowed him to be both personally and professionally smeared, slandered and repeatedly dragged through the mud - just so they could look good (or totally removed, perhaps innocent?)  throughout the entire debacle! I have to wonder if perhaps MM could, in the long run, make more money off these half-witted hacks by filing some kind of Wrongful Termination Lawsuit, taking into account loss of future earnings, damaged professional (and personal) reputation, and the mental anguish this totally unneeded stupidity has caused himself, his wife, and children. Who knows? Maybe he already has filed suit, and that is the main reason why he has been so closed-mouth about the matter on Public Media. Hopefully, the truth will eventually trickle out sooner or later, and when it does, I hope that TIIC are fully called to task for their complicity in this entire shitty matter!


    Anyway - I have long felt that MM would be a perfect choice to portray Jaysus. He fits the part physically, has the acting chops for the job; he could definitely play a gray character who is mostly stoic and humorless. That was the only problem I had with BM playing Jason, him having to be stoic and unsmiling all the time; Billy Miller is pretty much known for his huge (almost Jack-o-Lantern like) smile, which he is constantly flashing - that and the fact he constantly mugs for the camera. Even when BM was playing a dark character on AMC, the famous smile and mugging were ever-present. Actually, BM plays an excellent crazy/mustache-twirling type of bad guy. Would he be able to keep a straight, humorless face if he were to play Jason? I would have to see it before I would ever believe it.


    Please don't get me wrong - I LOVE Billy Miller - I would just rather see him playing a role such as Dillon, or Lucky. AFAIC either one of those roles (particularly Dillon!) would fit his particular talents perfectly! And, now that I think about it, Mark Lawson would probably do a bang-up job in a role such as Lucky. If they ever deign to bring poor A.J. back from the dead (again), then either MM or BM could handle that role - however - BM may come off as a bit too young in the part. That being said, When it comes to portraying a character that needs to come across as dark, complicated, bad-ass and compelling - I could readily see Michael Muhney tackling such a role with probably the same success he had as Adam Newman.


    Personally, I would be ecstatic if they ever brought SK back as A.J. - but that's just not going to happen with this regime, and we all need to swallow that particularly bitter little pill. This is why, between Sean Kanan and Thorston Kaye I added Bold & The Beautiful to my DVR Line-Up.

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  9. I think there's a HUGE difference between portraying that kind of stuff for dramatic purposes and hiring a guy accused of harassing/groping his young co-star.  


    What is key here is that the guy was never actually accused of anything - not that I know of, anyway. The whole mess started out as a nasty Twitter rumor and was never substantiated by anyone, ever. There were never any charges filed by the actress in question, never any lawsuits threatened (to my knowledge), nothing - nada - zilch! If anything, all this mess served to do was humiliate both actors involved, inflame an already (rapidly) shrinking show fan base, and make TIIC look like the petty little fools that they are. Actually, the young actress named in all of this was mercilessly harassed and repeatedly threatened on social media. Neither one of the parties involved ever once acknowledged the supposed allegations.


    The only thing that has ever even been loosely confirmed was that MM was intensely feuding with one of the long-term, blowhard actors on Y&R (no need to name names, as most people know this ugly story already) who happened to have just enough clout with TIIC at the network to get him fired. By the way, this is not mere conjecture on my part, as these two had been openly going at each other on Twitter for a while. In short, MM happened to piss-off the wrong people, obviously at the wrong time. This stupid "Grope-Gate" shit came out of nowhere, it was nasty and basically poured gasoline onto an already blazing inferno.


    For those of you who think that the GH landscape has been dramatically altered (for the worse) with storyline direction and way too many newbies as of late, I have to tell you that this show ain't got nothing on JFPhuck-Up's version of Y&R! That bitch has managed to totally reinvent that show by populating it with her infamous "FOJ", while placing her pet, Little Stevie Burton, front and center as the it's newest and shiniest STAR. It has been recast, after recast, after freaking recast with JFP - capping-off her greatest achievement in getting rid of two huge fan favorites in MM and BM, literally at the same time (they both exited on the same day).


    From all appearances it seems as though the MM rumors were perhaps started as a way for JFPhuck-Up/TIIC to justify their moronic decision to get rid of him. Losing BM over contract stupidity was bad enough, but then to coldly shove MM out the door at almost the exact same time was simply the last straw for an awful lot of viewers - as evidenced by their sinking, sorry-ass ratings ever since MM and BM exited the show, Thelma and Louise style. For many viewers, Billy and Adam were the future of Y&R, and both actors were much beloved in their roles - so that hag just had to get rid of them, but that is really a whole other rant - for a whole other thread.


    O.K. Off my Soap-box now.


    Sorry for the digression, but as a current viewer of GH - and (as of 01/30/14) a former viewer of Y&R - I have to say that this show is immensely more entertaining and bearable to sit through than anything that has been showcased at Y&R in the past year. FWIW, GH would be nothing but fortunate if MM and/or BM were to show up on it anytime soon, as either one of them would only serve to increase ratings and enhance entertainment value.

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