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Posts posted by Vicky

  1. Yeah - this is disappointing.  I haven't been watching the feeds very much because those LNJ people are irritating whether they're winning or losing.  If they're losing nothing's fair and if they're winning they 'deserve' it.  That was my take based on the small bits I watched and what I've read here.  

    I wish this had been a more compelling season.  I liked the idea of a feeds only show and it seems like, other than casting, they've done a good job.  

    Thank you to everyone here for sharing your thoughts and recaps.  I appreciate you!  

    Have a good day everyone...:)

    • Love 4
  2. Thank goodness that's over!  

    I feel bad having such a downer attitude about this season.  Honestly there were highlights.  I liked Paul and Victor (but admittedly, I chose not to watch when they were acting less than honorable).  Victor had a wonderful attitude about being voted out three times.  I loved the way he handled Paulie.  Paul was an excellent Secret Service guy and I liked how he played a true floater game.  I'm sorry to admit I liked seeing Paulie get his comeuppance.  It saddened me to see such raw self-esteem issues from Zakiya and Michelle.  I wish Bridgette had been dealt a better hand-she has spunk! ?

    I like the underdogs, so that's why I don't love a Nicole win; she had advantages that she didn't have to work very hard for.  I remember rooting for her when she was the underdog in her original season, so I'm not completely upset she won.  I just didn't enjoy watching her strategy this season.  And I do think her attitude toward Corey is peculiar given her history with "romance" in the BB house.  

    I'm very pleased Victor and Paul earned some money for all their effort!

    I hope to see you all here for Over The Top...?

    • Love 2
  3. 1 hour ago, AndreaK1041 said:

    Ok I revoke my previous statement. If Corey dumps Nicole, I'm in. I'm SO in. 

    That would be glorious!  It would make me very happy.  Executives Unite!!!!  Nicole did make it clear that she would boot Corey to keep James, right?  So, he'd have a good reason.

    I still believe Nicole and James have a final 2 deal from before the season, so I want both of them out.  But I have plenty of other reasons to want both of them out as well.

    I haven't watched the feeds enough to see Paul and Victor do the bad things people talk about, so I'm rooting for either of them to win.

    I suspect Corey will nominate Paul and Victor.  

    This season has intrigued me only a couple of the weeks.  I find I have a short fuse with the sound of their voices and their conversations - many of them bore me.  So I watch the feeds less and less and become less invested in the outcome, which makes me watch even less.  Too bad.  I was looking forward to this year.  Now, I'll look forward to the All Access version.  

    1 hour ago, Marie80 said:

    How ridiculous was Nic's goodbye message to Nat in which she pretended to be upset about being the only girl left in the house? Don't act like you haven't been working towards that this whole time. I see you, girl. God, I want her to get Britney'd sooo bad this week.

    I agree.  

    • Love 3
  4. 20 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

    Even if that person is Corey who basically just cuddled with Nicole for two months?  I guess I'm in the minority, but I think if Victor was able to fight his way back into the game twice, he deserves to be in the final 2 as much as anyone left in the house.

    I'm with you on that.  This is the game.  It's not a strategy to try to get evicted so they can have a few weeks off and then come back.  It's just the way the cookie crumbles.  I don't think the evictee is always the player who played the worst game either...sometimes it's a way to weaken other players and sometimes its just personal animosity and sometimes its a crapshoot comp.    I think Victor's played a good game in his second effort.  He may not have the deviousness of Paul which could have helped him, but he's done a great job working with Paul and being friendly with everyone.  That's a strategy that's as worthy of winning as throwing comps and belittling people.  I don't think he should win for having two second chances, but I don't think it disqualifies him as a worthy winner either.

    • Love 8
  5. 25 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

    Question to everyone here. 

    Twitter seems to be very outraged that Nicole & James possibly have a Pre-Season alliance. I'm in the group of well that is what happens anytime you have a season of returning players. It happened in All Stars & Season 13 when they had COUPLES come into the house and 2 out of the 3 would of clearly not stabbed each other in the back (It's questionable about Evel Dick & Dani, I think she would of but I don't know if he would of). It happened last summer when we had the Twins in the house. If they did have All Stars this summer it would of happened again, that is just the nature of the game when you have people back that know each other. 

    Nicole & James aren't my favorite at all, but if they knew each other outside of the house and clearly they did I don't blame them for working together. I actually blame the Newbies for not sticking to the plan that Jozea & Crew had to get them all out. 

    What do you all think? 

    Aha - yes, the very reason I signed on to the site today...to express my 'outrage' that James and Nicole had a preseason deal (as I understand).  Except I haven't been sharing it on Twitter - just seething personally in my own head...:)

    I get it from their perspective.  If I knew someone on the outside and trusted them I'd definitely be playing as a pair.  

    But the game they're playing is really irritating as a fan.  They just sit around and do nothing.  Nicole hasn't won anything.  She and Corey don't even try they're so comfortable.  James throws competitions and mostly keeps his mouth shut. They not actively playing the game, they're just not losing.  I don't like that and I don't like that it's working.  

    I have to agree that the larger group of new players should have stuck to their original plan to get out the returning players - though, in all honesty I wouldn't have liked that either because I don't like making sweeping judgments about people based on one fact about them.

    The reality is, in life as in Big Brother, it pays to know people and it helps to be good looking and keep your mouth shut most of the time.  

    Wasn't that one of the themes of "Hamilton"?  Burr wanted Hamilton to be more quiet and go about things under cover and Hamilton wanted to be out and open to get things accomplished.  

    • Love 2
  6. 1 hour ago, TimWil said:

    It's a good thing that Michelle is in the BB house. She's expressed her fear of  North Korea several times already which is amusing in a way but a fear which I've always shared. Well, it's just been reported that North Korea has fired a submarine-launched ballistic missile. Yikes. 

    HA!  I also have that same fear of NK...everyone laughs at them because they're so over the top, but they make me nervy-ous BECAUSE they're over the top...:)

  7. My perception is that even though Victor and Paul have been socially involved with all the other players, been the underdog on numerous occasions, and are playing well, that it doesn't even matter.  James and Nicole have a good friendship outside the house and that's why James is choosing Nicole and Corey.  There wasn't anything Victor or Paul could have done differently to change that.  On this season James had strong ties to both Nicole and Paulie (though Paulie's behavior made that bond impossible to maintain).  I don't think that was fair.

    And if the production team is encouraging this showmance crappola, gameplay goes out the window.  What a bore.

    • Love 9
  8. I haven't been watching the feeds of late.  I turned them on for a quick check in and I hear Nicole telling Natalie that the reason she spends so much time with Corey is because she doesn't feel like she has to talk bad about other people - they don't talk bad about people; they just goof around.  

    But, that's a lie, right?  Nicole talks bad about people as much as anyone.  That's been my impression - whine, complain, and canoodle.  Set on repeat.

    I said it earlier so I'm on repeat too...I want Corey and Nicole out of the house!!!!!!!  

    I'm now against James because he's not encouraging Natalie to get Corey and Nicole out of the house.  

    I just wanted to share that.  Thank you and have a great day! :)

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