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Posts posted by perseophonedreams

  1. This is how I see the Niall and Sookie connection.  Niall showed Sookie the memory of Bill waiting for his daughter's birth to show her that no matter what Sookie did, she would never be the love of Bill's life.  I think that the reason why Bill has been having so many flashbacks is because Caroline is his true love.  Caroline isn't amazingly beautiful, yet to Bill she's beyond comely.  I think this is one of the bits of evidence to show the emotional link between Bill and Caroline.  If Bill is flashing back to his first wife after all these years, there is definitely not room for Sookie in his life.  I think Bill loves Sookie, but like how Sookie loved Alcide.  Bill is Sookie's first love but Sookie is Bill's replacement love.


    Anyhow, I think that Sookie realized this which is why she rushed over to Bill and made love to him, she wants to believe that she's his one and only, but it's not true - she'll never have Bill's whole heart.


    I, too, was upset at Jason's uncontrollable lust for Hoyt's girlfriend.  Not because she is Hoyt's girlfriend, but because I thought he supposedly loved Jessica.  Hoyt's girlfriend and his interaction with her was really weird.  

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  2. This is the first episode that I was completely meh on.  To me the problem with the social justice metaphor of gay rights is that vampires are evil and only out for themselves.  They have a moral code that is completely distinct from the humans they sprang from.  There was no reason for Bill to kill the lawyer (despite his frustrations), is extortion worthy of death now?  Yet, he is the sympathetic character.  


    Sam is an idiot.  It is obvious he doesn't love Nicole (is that her name - I don't even remember Sam's girlfriends names anymore). If he loved her, he'd go with her.  How can Bon Temp be a place that you're willing to lose your significant other for?  Home is where your love/family is - not some stupid place where the majority of the inhabitants want to kill you.


    Holly, Andy, and Arlene's scenes were the best to me because they made sense.  


    I don't see Jessica being Jason's true love, but whatever.  I can't be sold on Jessica being with a human as she obviously has no problems glamouring her significant other when things get a little bumpy.  Poor Jason has had enough abuse in his life.  He should marry some simple Louisiana girl and have babies and work in construction and live in his parents' house and be happy.  


    Sookie would also probably benefit from either a simple life or finding a fairy portal and never returning.


    I find it funny that Bill has all the super special stuff happen to him like becoming a vampire god and now developing a new strain of HepV.


    On another note, I don't see anything wrong with Sookie's distress in this episode because everywhere she turns there's bad news.  I wouldn't be surprised if something benign (like burning an apple pie) would push her into having a complete nervous breakdown.  She is being worn down.


    I don't really understand how Hep V is affecting the entire United States.  It seems like California and Texas are fairly untouched?  It seems uneven and unclear how Hep V is being spread.

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  3. I want the ending to show Jason meeting a nice, simple girl that wants to have a family and will help fill that particular hole in his heart.  


    I want Sookie to either find another fae portal and join them forever, or be turned into a vampire (although I wonder if she turns into a vampire if she'd be like Warlow and be able to be a day walker as well as a night walker - also, if she feeds Bill - would Bill be able to walk in the day with her) and be with Bill.  Sookie and Bill could also die together in a final fight and I wouldn't be sad.


    I want Arlene to be happy with her family and move on.


    Holly and Andy together.  His fae daughter goes into the portal with Sookie.


    Sam and Lover 27 can be together or die, don't really care.


    Lafayette finally finds happiness - although I think him becoming a vampire would be a fitting end to the story.


    Eric, Pam, and Willa keep on keeping on (although, I think Willa might not make it).  Maybe Pam having another progeny that she does right this time.

  4. The more I think about it...


    How could Eric not know that thumbing his nose at the Authority wouldn't bring about serious repercussions?  Vampires are ruthless, and they don't care about humans.  He should have taken Sylvie and left.  In fact, his willingness to not take Sylvie and run could be evidence that he never really cared about her.


    As for Sookie and Bill, I wonder why Bill even likes Sookie in the first place, shouldn't that flame be extinguished by now? Not to mention a human/vampire couple could probably not succeed due to the huge power imbalance.  Even if Sookie can't be glamoured, she could be physically overpowered.   


    I miss Warlow (stupid name).

  5. I found Sylvie stupid because I couldn't figure out WHY Eric would be so enamored with her.  She came across as dim and vapid.


    Oddly, the only people I care about living are Andy and Holly and Jason and some human lover.  I want Jason to have his family.  He's not terrible, and I think he's looking for love like Sookie.


    I don't understand Sookie and Bill's great love because they never sold it to me.  Sookie seems tired of everything, and it would be nice if she didn't choose anyone that we know, unless she becomes a vampire - then her and Bill would make sense.


    I don't hate this show, it's silly and a good summer tv watching.  It could have been better though. 

  6. So, I dreamt about discussing True Blood the other night, and figured I'd post what I dreamt here.


    I was upset that Kenya was convinced that Andy didn't have any faith in her and put her in charge of the station instead of dragging her along to the town.  Maybe Andy had way more faith in Kenya than in Jason to take care of things while he was gone.  Andy has to have Jason with him, because Jason will screw things up if someone isn't watching them.


    Kenya is in charge of the town while Andy's away - yet, she's convinced that she got left behind (quite easily, I might add) because Andy didn't have faith in her.  I love Kenya, and hate how they changed her character.  We've all known people that got the promotion that we should of had, and most of us (I would hope), wouldn't open up the armory to a mob. 

  7. Did they retconn the Reverend's past?  I thought he left his wife for Lettie Mae.  Even so, I like him - he seems fairly normal, if not blinded by Lettie Mae's evil.


    On another note, I realized today that I didn't care if Eric died, and I like Eric.  I actually want more people to die.  As much as I liked Alcide, I'm glad he died.   Sookie should feel awful for his death.  She should have told him about her plan.  In fact, they should have set up this sting operation with more back-up.  I actually thought the plan was pretty decent (using Sookie as bait) to lure the hep v vamps so they can find out where the prisoners were.


    The townpeople are so dumb, I hope they all get wiped out.  Stupid, Stupid.


    I also hated that they didn't show us Jessica and her lover boys' problems.  He seems like a whiney baby to me.  Jessica is self-destructing as well.


    I find it interesting how Eric chose his progeny over the love of his life, maybe Eric should get a clue and realize that he can't love humans more than vampires.  They will always be disposable.  Sylvie seemed stupid anyway, so yeah Eric she was cute, but she was no Pam.


    I did like Ma Fortenberry's demise.  

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