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Too Late Kev

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Posts posted by Too Late Kev

  1. I've seen one episode of this season's OiTNB. It's not something I watch with kids around, and it's summer, so that kind of limits the bingeing unless I squirrel away in my sewing room, which I just haven't yet (too many non-sewing things to do at the moment).

    It's been a while since I've been here, sorry. So...I picked 6 comedies. One was Brooklyn Nine-Nine, because I've liked what I've seen of it and I know if I full-on watch it at some point, I'll love it.

    Jeopardy is the only game show I watch. It's on my tivo, so I tend to watch it a bit delayed (before tivo, I hated seeing all those medical & political ads). It's great for when kids are around because it's even educational, and I can learn about what my kids know and what they've never heard of (they never have a clue on biblical topics, for example).

  2. On 5/29/2016 at 2:56 AM, Kalliste said:

    People actually say that to you? I can't imagine ever saying something like that to someone with allergies or intolerance to certain foods.

    My mom has said it more than once. Although I'm sure she's trying to get me to see the "glass half full"ness of it all, it's annoying. My attitude is, "Let me complain a little bit about my issues, you can complain about your issues, we can sympathize with each other and feel better." Right? We all have issues. There's no reason to downplay someone's issues by comparing them to worse crap.

    On 5/29/2016 at 5:40 PM, Pixel said:

    Too Late Kev, I'd imagine your struggle is also compounded by people who don't have celiac disease jumping on the no gluten bandwagon.  It makes a lot of people roll their eyes and forget that there are people with real issues because those people have turned a legit chronic problem into a trendy diet. Having said that, I enjoy gluten free cakes and brownies because they're so dense and fudgy!

    As a type 2 diabetic, I get where you're coming from on the no cancer comments. Yeah, it's not cancer, but diabetes shapes everything in my life.  I have to get tested regularly to see if I'm in control, on top of having to poke my fingers at least once a day. Lucky me, I'm well in control, but this is a chronic disease and as I age, I will inevitably be less in control and more likely to lose a toe, or a foot, or functional kidneys. I'm holding out for a cure or permanent solution in the next 10 years. 

    Right. When someone makes a big stink at a restaurant about getting a gluten free meal, but is then seen mooching a bread stick off their neighbor's plate, how seriously is the waitstaff going to take my gluten-free order?

    I don't know much about the different types of diabetes, but don't you have to pay a lot of attention to your food, too, types and amounts and times of day? Spontaneity and "I'll just grab a bite along the way" are things of the past, probably.

    Being diagnosed with a chronic disease is like being assigned some crappy project that you have no time for and no interest in doing. You can't say no, there are bunches of deadlines a day, and the end date is never. YAY! Sign me up?

  3. On 5/25/2016 at 8:56 PM, Kalliste said:


    I also have similar feelings re: gluten and lactose. If someone told me I had an intolerance I think I'd give up on life and eat nothing but potato or something stupid.

    If anyone does have those intolerances, how did you adjust and how do you feel now about having to cut those things out of your diet?


    11 hours ago, LiberryLady said:

    Anyhoo, the LiberryLad is also super-deficient in vitamin D, so maybe there's a genetic component?  Like, there's some vitamins some people just have trouble processing?

    I have celiac disease, which is an autoimmune disorder -- eating gluten harms the villi in my small intestine. The villi allow us to absorb nutrients from our food -- if the villi are messed up, all kinds of problems can ensue, like low Vitamin D (LiberryLady!), low iron, other autoimmune disorders (like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus), thyroid issues,  and increased likelihood of certain types of cancer. Yippee.

    Unlike possibilities, I didn't feel a lot different when I had to drop gluten. So I have all the social difficulties and planning hassles without the "Whoo! I feel good!"ness of it. My migraines are fewer and less painful, so that's wonderful, anyway.

    I think one of the worst things is the lack of spontaneity and the planning required. Anytime I'm going somewhere I don't know well, I have to spend time online trying to figure out where I'll be able to eat safely. If I'm going away for a weekend, this takes a good 3 hours at least. How long is the trip? Where might we be when it's time to eat? I usually have a map with GF possibilities listed. I can't hop in a car and stop anywhere that looks good along the way, and I can't just trust that a place that says, "Sure, we have a gluten-free menu!" can feed me safely; I have to check reviews and sometimes call places to ask questions. It straight-up sucks.

    When I do eat somewhere else (including parties and family get-togethers), I have to ask questions about the ingredients and the preparation. Regardless of the answers, I worry that my food was cross-contaminated in preparation. If I'm out running errands and I decide to chance getting a GF meal somewhere that's worked out before, I'm worried that I'll get sick and not be able to make it home to be sick in relative safety, privacy, and comfort, and then that I won't be able to pick up my kid that day, or do something I wanted to do that evening or the next day because I'll still feel like crap. If I've hit 6 - 8 hours or so since eating the chancy meal, I decide with relief that I'm probably once again out of the woods and I won't be sick. It's not the most comfortable way to live.

    Another thing that annoys me are the people who say "At least it isn't cancer!" Yeah, cancer is worse, but this is a life-changing diagnosis as well, and it's for the rest of my life unless there's some kind of significant and unexpected change in the science. They're working on a pill that could cause gluten to pass safely through the small intestine without damaging it, but they generally say it won't be a substitute for a gluten free diet.

    Regarding lactose, I don't think that's as bad to give up as gluten. Lactaid milk tastes pretty much like normal milk (and you can use it in recipes), most hard cheeses (like cheddar) are naturally lactose free, and you can take a Lactaid pill if you want to eat something with a bit of lactose in it. A dairy allergy would be a big pain to deal with. But lactose? Easy-ish, as these things go.

    Sorry, probably more than you were asking for.

  4. Do you all remember about me that I don't deal with changes like this very well? They make me ANXIOUS! It will take me a while to get the lay of the land. I will try to follow you, KoB. I may or may not succeed.

    • Love 1
  5. It would also be great to see how people who remember meek little Carol and "we don't kill the living" Rick bounce off of what they are now.


    The Morales family members have probably changed a lot in the time since they left Rick and the others. They might be very much in a "kill or be killed" or at least "trust but verify" mode. They may have lost and added "family" members as well. It would be interesting to see this done in a realistic way, but I wouldn't count on that! I'd also hate to see them bring in the Morales family just to kill them off one by one.

    • Love 1
  6. I don't place a lot of weight on the "game-changer" quote or that every person is affected by this death. The powers that be have their own idea of what game-changer means; it might mean something different to all of us. Or, they may be trying to build it up to more than it is -- it's not the first time they've messed with us. As for the quotes that come from actors, I'm assuming they have a limited set of things they're allowed to say.


    I'm guessing Abraham for the same reasons as others...he said some goodbyes, he was making family plans, and finally he's a big enough character that they won't get redshirt complaints, but few people care enough about him to start riots if he goes. (I haven't seen any "If Abraham dies, we riot" t-shirts.)

    • Love 5
  7. I didn't finish Kimmy S1. I watched most of it, but...other things intervened, and I just didn't care enough about it to finish. Maybe I will at some point.


    I have 2 kids going to college in the fall. I think I'll mostly be preparing for that, physically and mentally.

  8. I would absolutely watch LOST. Even toward the end, there were some really interesting, funky things. As someone said, the ability to binge makes some problems go away. I think this is mostly because when binging, you don't have a week in between shows to build up your expectations of how (and how well) they're going to resolve something.


    LOST also has one of the best pilots ever, really. (The Alias pilot was also outstanding, and I think Alias went way more downhill than LOST.) LOST is also one of those shows people refer to a lot and if you haven't seen it, there's very few references to it that you'll get. It's up to you, of course, but you might want to give the pilot a shot and then decide whether to continue.


    nachomama, are you RICE-ing? Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation? If you've really damaged the knee, like you've torn something, RICE may not be enough, but it goes a long way to alleviating pain and improving mobility. A cane can help, as needed, too. There's different schools of thought on which hand to hold cane in. I'm in the "opposite hand" group (as were the PTs I've dealt with) -- this gives the bad leg support without affecting your gait as much.

  9. On the possible return of TWoP...there's just not enough information yet on what's happening. Barnes didn't know either; she just happened to check the old link and saw that and has been questioning ever since.

  10. Just as your icon shows...and my icon, I guess.


    Unicorns are supposed to be white, I think, but perhaps when you get closer the white is really a shimmery iridescent purple/pink. :)

  11. Yep, just busy.


    For the polls, maybe there's a bug where it counts when you come into the poll and counts again when you enter your answer. Have you reported it to someone? Do you want to make a new poll to see if you can replicate the problem? Quick poll topic...favorite color. Make sure "Blue! No! Aaah!" is one of the answers.

  12. Regarding spoilers, if you have spoiled some movie or show in a thread where you shouldn't, I assume you can go back and edit/delete your post. For example, the Star Wars spoilage from a while back on this thread should probably be deleted or edited out.


    I've had that happen before, when I'm in the forum for one show and someone says something like, "Well, at least it's not as bad as *this* show, where *this* happened." Meanwhile I'd been very carefully avoiding twitter and ptv forums for that show. Not cool. :/


    Editing to test...yeah, you can edit/delete things you didn't mean to say, etc.

    • Love 1
  13. I voted for (against) olives because I think they're awful and terrible and weird. YMMV. For the people who think that eggs are horrible in a salad, do you mean sliced up hard-boiled eggs, the raw egg yolks in a Caesar salad, or both? I like both of those, but I'm just curious which people don't like.

  14. Yes, they want both parents so they don't get into a situation with someone taking a child out of the country in a custody case. I remember way back when I was in high school when my foreign language teacher (whose husband was foreign) told us that her kid was on her passport (I guess that's how they did it then) "just in case." Even then, I thought that was messed up! Smart, maybe, but messed up, especially to tell high school kids her reasoning.

  15. If they're minors, both parents and the child have to be present. If they're busy kids with sports and extracurricular academic pursuits, finding a time when the P.O. is open and the kid and the parents are all available at once is tricky! Also, you have to give up your birth certificates and other information. The P.O. sends them off to the passport agency and you get them back eventually with the new passport. And yes, we do have a couple officially stamped birth certificates for our kids each, so we weren't sending off the only one, but it's still a little nerve-wracking to send those off.


    We did this about three years ago and found it to be pretty red-tape-intensive. I don't remember it being difficult when my twins were babies, but maybe my memory is faulty! We couldn't use the passport cards because we were flying; those can't be used "for international travel by air."


    You can renew by mail under certain conditions. Unfortunately, one of those conditions is that the prior passport was issued in the last 15 years. My prior one was issued 15 years and a few weeks before I was renewing, so I had to go through all the hoops, applying in person and using the longer form. In the future, I'm going to just keep my passport up.


    You can get a passport faster in an emergency or for international travel coming up very soon by getting an appointment at a passport agency, like the Boston Passport Agency. My brother-in-law had to do that at one point.

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