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Posts posted by gambrelli

  1. In a recent article, Rosie said she let the feud go ......due to her recent heart attack and not wanting any more stress in her life......but apparently tough cookie Ripa has not, ccording to Rosie, who still feels Kelly harbours a grudge against her.

    You could very well be right that Michael didn't know about the feud.....but I bet he does now!

  2. Quote: "Whenever Kelly is not getting enough attention, or she Michael dares to step out of his role as the person who adores her, she gets very a snippy."

    Very true.

    She was very uncomfortable when Michael brought up Rosie O'Donnell leaving The View the other day ....I was surprised he even dared to mention Rosie to Kelly. He either doesn't know about their feud....or was having a little fun with it. Kelly was clearly uncomfortable but trying to hide it. Regis once mentioned that she was quite a tough cookie....and I think that's probably true. I agree, she appears to get very 'snippy' if she is criticised in any way yet she seems quite critical of others.....her Mom and Lola especially.

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  3. "I must say" ....(in my best Martin Short voice) that there was a wonderful moment on the show this morning when Kelly was left 'ignored' and she and her ever-increasing ego clearly did not like it.

    Today on the show she and Michael came out dressed in guest, Glenn Close's movie costumes. All the attention by Close went to Michael .....Kelly left in the dust.... and not liking it all....finally mouthing the infamous words from Fatal Atttraction...."I will not be ignored"....the timing to her credit.... but she meant every word of it.

    Michael's genuine naturalness is becoming more and more of a threat to her.

    This show could finally become interesting again.....

  4. I don't know if any of you caught Michael hosting The Critic's Choice Awards....I like Michael and find him much more genuine than Kelly but it was almost painful to watch him host this awards show. It was just embarrassing to watch him make all these ludicrous costume changes.....even Michael Keaton made fun of his hosting mess when he was accepting his award.....why Michael agreed to this juvenile hosting approach I just can't understand.....he should have just been his own natural self. All I could think was that Kelly and her phony over-acting approach to just about everything has rubbed off on him to the point where he has really lost his way. It may be a good lesson to him to not become the mess that 'Live' has become under immature Kelly.

    Kelly's interview skills seem to be almost entirely about sucking up to the celebrity guests for her own benefit. She rarely pulls off a decent interview that reveals new insight or an interesting side to the guests. It's all about sucking up and fawning all over them as she waits for them to return the flattery that she, too, is wonderful. It is completely phony, self-serving and boring as hell to continually watch. However, if you criticize her in any way on Live's Facebook page they delete your comment....no surprise there....I don't think anyone is allowed to criticize Kelly....you just have to watch her on Fashion Finder as she holds court and everyone around her must bow down with constant praise as she gazes adoringly at herself in the mirror.

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  5. To watch 'Little Ms. Aren't I Wonderful?' On Fashion Finder is to see the real vanity behind her carefully contrived oh-so-humble' mask. There Ms. Wonderful holds court, efffusing superficiality that she relentlessly attempts to portray as depth. Her captive audience pretends to be enamoured with every hollow word she utters. All the while Little Ms. Wonderful chatters on, fawning over her own reflection in the mirror and endlessly plumping her hair in self-appreciation. You soon discover that her constant glorifying of her husband is completely self- congratulatory on her part and entirely linked to her own all-encompassing self-vanity. She snottily trashes her own family for never going anywhere while purring over her oh-so-cultured husband's tribe of world travellers. And now ' Little Ms. Aren't I Wonderful' is apparently a world traveller, too, don't you know?! And to prove it she is reading 'a book' about how Parisians prefer not to blow dry their hair but instead prefer to tie their hair with an elastic band on top of their heads and air dry it au naturel ...and now wonder of wonders Little Ms. Wonderful is doing the very same thing and expounding on and on about it as if she had just found the Parisian version of the Holy Grail. Yes, yes, yes, this flighty butterfly has finally left her passport-less Jersey caterpillar past in the dust dabbling instead now in the nouveau riche world of the nouveau uber-sophisticated and nouveau endlessly self-absorbed.....where the sheer joy that comes from constantly tucking your hair behind your ear, and then in front of your ear can never be underestimated.

    Fashion Finder revealingly exposes the world of pathetic celebrity where hired minions hang on each empty word of Little Ms. Wonderful's daily royal proclamation of me....me....me....( the Parisian....moi....moi...moi)....dutifully nodding their bored heads in reply while oozing smarmy compliments in order to endlessly flatter Her Highness.....as is royally expected.

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  6. Interesting post, summerdaze. I'm not surprised Regis didn't say much about Kelly. I think she's been an opportunist right back to her early days on the show when she blatantly referred to him as her 'Big Daddy'. I think that's how both she and Mark saw Reege from the beginning....as their sugar daddy.....especially if they hung in there long enough. More about the money than wanting to be a good entertainment host.

    So far, this week, every co-host has done a much better job than Kelly.....they are all better prepared, much more natural, and not checking themselves out in the monitor all the time,...and they have seemed more competent at carrying out a conversation without all the narcissistic over-acting that has become commonplace with Ripa. Kate Upton was very good with Michael today. She didn't once try to search for compliments from Michael as Kelly often does nor did she fawn over him all the time. Much more down to earth and less attitude than Ripa....a nice change. Michael seemed happy with her and happier in general lately.....don't know if it's his Hall of Fame award or if he's liking single life or what but host chat, for the most part, is once again at least watchable. . Ripa isn't missed in the least ......time she retired. I remember when she told Regis on the show: " When you leave, I'm leaving".....sure, Kelly, sure.....hope she stays on vacation....so tired of her recycled, phony host act.

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  7. Today's host chat led by an increasingly oh-so-pleased with herself and superficial Kelly Ripa is more evidence that over-confident, incompetent people seem to have taken over the world! I really can no longer bear how the smug Ripa loves to hold court as if she is actually saying something of interest.....when, really, it is the same running-on-empty scripted dialogue day after day.

    I just want to add that I agree with you, finnzup, about the shoot-out. Kelly acted like she had been caught in the midst of it, when it was obvious that with the police tapes already up that that was not the case.....nor was there anything laughable about the situation. It really reminded me of the time she was on Jimmy Fallon after the hurricane and tried the same old sensationalist attention-getting 'tale of woe' ..when in actuality she and her family weren't in the least inconvenienced and were actually comfortably holed up in an expensive hotel.

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  8. Oh, this girl is a phony. Kelly was trying very hard to appear the voracious reader today. In trying to create a long list of books read she mentioned 'A Million Little Pieces' which she has mentioned a number of times before and then she said that she has read The Great Gatsby over thirty times!.....which is curious because I remember when the movie first came out, Kelly said she was reading the novel for the first time as she had never read it before or the first time since high school since she didn't really appreciate it then. I can't quite remember but I do remember that it was the first time she had really read or appreciated the book. Now just a year or so later we are supposed to believe she has read it thirty more times! I don't think so.....I wonder what she calls reading a book through? I don't buy it....my view is that she is lately trying to re-vamp her image....maybe because of her Hollywood star.....but in any case, it's all about Kelly 'acting' the part again. I hardly believe a word this phony says when it comes to her talking about herself.....her 'stories' keep changing.....she is either delusional or she just believes her own bs now....

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