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Cranky One

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Posts posted by Cranky One

  1. 11 hours ago, irisheyes said:

    Xfinity tells me this was new, but I’ve seen it before. I feel like they filmed some new scenes (like the complaining about “haters” on social media) and called it new. 

    Thank you! Direct TV said it was new also, but I could have sworn this was repeat. I remember a house collapsing and the white cabinets issue in a previous episode. Now I know I wasn't imagining things!

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  2. On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2019 at 12:42 AM, CrazyDog said:

    I've only watched the first episode of the new season, and I like Amy and Adam...but what happened to this show? It's turned into Ghost Adventures and that's not a good thing. I don't remember the constant dramatic music, the special effects like the hand in the hallway, and Amy and Adam getting caught up as much, so quickly. I always thought they were a bit more level headed in how they approached things.

    I'll check out one more ep and hope it's better and a bit more toned down.

    I have only seen a few episodes of S3 and couldn't agree more. What I loved about this show was that they went into people's homes in S1 and S2 instead of the usual spots other ghost shows investigate. I don't care about some abandoned insane asylum or old building. I hope they go back to the old format.

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  3. 5 hours ago, walnutqueen said:


    Coto is the hidden secret of the OC alright - the dirty little secret housing the Unholy Trinity of Vicky, Tamra and Gina.  Behind the gates indeed - the Gates of Hell.

    Back in the late 80s when Coto was considered to be out in BFE (because hardly anyone lived there at the time), my husband and his friends used to go out there and party. If those Coto gates could talk...

    Yeah, those people DMing Emily are losers. She looks fine, although I do question her fashion choices.  I'm short and curvy and in my mind, I think I look like the model wearing the clothes and then I try them on and get frustrated...lol...which is why I hate clothes shopping!

    This reunion could have been one and done. No need to be a 3 parter.

    • Love 9
  4. 17 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

    Emily seems like a nice woman.  She’s also bright, well educated and a working lawyer.  So, I really don’t understand why she’s married to a tiny little unattractive troll who doesn’t seem to like or respect her.  I’m also not loving the “gotta have two daughters”stuff.  She’s always dreamed of having 2 girls because she’s so close to her sister but did her sister always dream of carrying all these babies for her?  I also agree with whoever said they liked her better after they saw her with Archie.  Unlike Gina and her ”I didn’t know she had dawgs” reaction.  Get her, Archie!

    Emily's recent lip injections were scaring the crap out of me when she was making the smoothie. However, I don't mind her.  She seems to be the most mature of the bunch.

    I could have sworn Gina asked Shannon if Archie was a Doberman. And then when Shannon said he was a Golden Retriever, Gina said had one growing up. You'd think she'd know what kind of dawg he was then.

    • Love 11
  5. On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 2:11 PM, TV Diva Queen said:

    It did seem like a specific stair location that people came to to do their workout.  I think it was pretty random too.  Its just weird that you would drive your car to walk this industrial set of stairs, set between bushes with no breeze or view.  I could see going to some beauty staircase at the beach, open air and vented, but this set of stair was indeed weird.  

    They were at 1000 steps in Laguna Beach. I went to that beach once when I lived in OC many moons ago. Note I said 'once'!

    My Direct TV glitched at the Kelly/Little Bitch talk. Did it end well?

    I just got back from OC last night. Thankfully, I didn't not run into any of them...but sometimes I want to when I'm out visiting family!

    I'm so glad I don't have a job where I'm pretty much required to have an argument with someone all the time. You couldn't pay me enough. While Gina's divorce is weird, it's between her and Matt. I don't recall her ever once asking anyone for their opinion

    • Love 4
  6. 5 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

    Emily was on WWHL last night and wasn't wearing a wedding ring

    I don't know if it means anything on Emily's end, but I've been married 28 years and neither my husband or I wear a wedding ring!

    Gina's voice reminds me of Marianne from Brooklyn (someone who always calls into the Howard Stern show). I kept waiting for the crows cawing soundbite they always play when she calls in.

    Vicki is so annoying. You know Tamera's doctor was rolling his eyes in his head. She needs to go.

    • Love 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Morrissey said:

    Yes. And they need to call her bluff. The only reason Nicole can indulge in her Moroccan Princess delusion is because her parents are providing financial assistance one way or the other. They need to tell her "You want to move to Antarctica to paw at some guy at a science station? Good fucking riddance. Don't expect any money from us for mittens". They need to stop spending any money on her or May. That is the only way to slap some sense into Nicole. 

    Yep! For the sake of the American Dollar and May, I hope that happens!

    • Love 1
  8. 41 minutes ago, Morrissey said:

    Although this is purely speculative on my part, I do want to believe that Robalee has tried every method known to man -from coddling to tough love. Her problem is that she has settled for a gentle, timid approach with a mocking undertone which accomplishes NOTHING, yet, leaves Nicole feeling attacked. Even Azan has seen through this, because who else, other than Robalee and her ex-husband, would swallow his "I've erased the pictures, but the store is real" shenanigan accompanied by a duper's delight without telling him to fucking stop.

    Given the fact, that Nicole is down to her last penny and Robalee will have to finance every french fry her daughter puts in her mouth from now on, she should have demanded to see the store instead of sarcastically remarking "Can we, at least, drive by". 

    I agree seeing as Nicole's siblings seem to be productive.  And I think Nicole holds May over their heads. I also hope Robalee is way more vocal off camera. 

    • Love 3
  9. As a mother who has kids in their 20s, I can imagine the frustration Robbalee feels and being powerless to do anything about it. Cutting off the Bank of Robbalee would help, and I think she would if May wasn't in the picture. For the record, my kids are doing just fine and are responsible human beings.

    And these two dopes and their "store". Like either one of them know anything about running a business. Nicole has proved over and over again she's irresponsible with American Dollar. Someone please tell Mother Chantel that Azan wrote the book on how to harvest it and Pedro clearly isn't in his league.

    I don't think Nicole is back at Starbucks since she's been home.  Too bad because at least she'd have benefits and could work towards a college degree

    May is going to be starting kindergarten in another year. Nicole needs get off TV and give that kid a stable home. I think Nicole likes being 'famous'.

    • Love 11
  10. 1 hour ago, JD5166 said:

    Is the new gal an attorney? She hasn’t mentioned what she does? Also, she smells a fart...all the time. 

    Totally has  a smelled a fart look all the time. Not only was she dressed in the Dynasty collection at dinner, nary a hair was out of place when she was working out.

    1 hour ago, Wicked said:

    I think the New York housewife could be fun, she actually reminds me of Brianna. They have the same kind of wide eyed smile.

    She reminded me of Brianna, too.

    Vicki's apology was ridiculous. I was waiting for Eddie to roll his eyes several times. I think deep down, he knows she's full of shit.

    If I was good friends with someone, I doubt I'd be by hanging around her ex husband. It would be awkward to me. Who knew she was that good of friends with Kelly's ex?

    • Love 7
  11. I cracked up when Craig was telling Deran that Smurf was back and then said 'And she made PIE!'

    Even thought it seemed like an eternity, how long was Smurf actually in jail?

    • Love 1
  12. 19 hours ago, patty1h said:

    Last season, I said that Lena was a hot potato that keeps getting thrown around, always being dropped off by Baz to one person or another.  I thought that she was a loose end that was always having to be tied and it became a game to see how they'd get Lena out of the picture so the "grown up" action could happen.  I was surprised that she was still such a big part of this season - a child could not work in the intense world of the Cody's. 

    Lena is cute and all and It's nice to see the softer side  of Pope, but in the long run, I just felt that sooner or later they'd have to start to find ways of getting rid of Lena so that the boys could do their thing.  And it happened tonight - Pope handed Lena off to someone (some woman's name I forgot) because Pope had this job to do.   I had enough of the Lena hand-off in previous seasons and hope that it doesn't become a regular feature again.  She needs to be written out... in a nice loving way.

    I think Lena sticks around because in S1, it was put out there that Pope might be her real father instead of Baz.

    I'm glad I read these forums as I didn't realize J was paying Mia's gang protection money for Smurf in jail. Who is she being protected from? I also didn't catch that the cop dropped the Cody's name to the Asian gang.

    I like Dennis Leary, so will be interesting to see where they go with his character and his relationship with Deran. I don't think we ever found out who Pope's and J's mom's father was.

    It's time for Smurf to be sprung from jail.

  13. My DVR recorded the sneak peak last night, so I already watched the episode. But, I will wait until it airs tonight before discussing. However, I did notice Jake's wig was exceptionally noticeable!

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