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Posts posted by FlickerToAFlame

  1. That camera angle where Norma was saying how she and Norman were two halves of the same person, and you could see half of each of their faces at a 90 degree angle to each other was awesome. 

    • Love 14
  2. Stana's off Broadway show is tonight and she did a fun Twitter (@StanaKatic) scavenger hunt for the people in NYC. She had a person at 7 stops, all Castle-related like the loft and her blown up apartment (the last stop was the theater for tonight), with signed items like scripts, DVDs, framed photos, and (coolest of all IMO) the "Captain Beckett" desk name plate. I think a group of her fans who traveled from as far as Brazil found most of them (no more prizes than number of people though). Now they have to decide who keeps them. 

  3. While I'm not one who believes the small amount of BTS footage we see (like the bloopers) really shows the status of the Nathan/Stana relationship, I do see a little annoyance on Stana's face at about 1:09. Otherwise any possible tension seems to be cut out for obvious reasons.  

  4. Is that Stana for sure in the nose picking part? I thought it might be from the watch and ring but wasn't sure. It has to at least be Beckett right, so maybe a standin?


    anoldfriend: so was Stana always planning to leave the show and the decision was just made for her by the network/production company, pissing her off for not getting to do it her way?

  5. I think that, had Castle stuck to its main premise of a writer and his muse (romantically together or not), the show could have lasted for years. People don't like change, and Castle was never groundbreaking. I think people just watched for some harmless entertainment. It's when each of the showrunners tried to be "creative" that things went off track. 

    • Love 5
  6. Entitled fans were exactly the thorn in Alexi's side, but it was his poor job of showrunning/writing that truly made season 8 a debacle. He seems to take no responsibility for the terrible quality of the show under his watch. 

    That article makes a lot of valid points, but other shows are still on the air despite fan entitlement and fury. Because despite the ships on the show, there are other quality things to offer. Castle was (IMO) nothing without Caskett. Every other plot point was one dimensional and boring af. 

    • Love 2
  7. The biggest issue, had they gone this route, is that there's no payoff if Stana doesn't come back at the end. And, no matter how classy Stana seems to be, I can't see anybody stepping foot on a set after being treated like she was. 

    My guess is they just would have gone the "easy" route and killed her off. 

    • Love 1
  8. Question: Had Castle not been cancelled, how was the show going to explain Stana Katic’s absence as Kate next season? You previously (and ominously) hinted that none of the options being bandied about were good. —Bobbi
    Ausiello: According to sources, one scenario had Kate surviving the season-ending shootout, but everyone — Rick included — would think her dead. Why the ruse? I’ll divulge that little tidbit in the next Ask Ausiello Live! (scheduled for this Tuesday, May 24 at 3:30 pm/ET at TVLine’s Facebook headquarters).

    Question: Were you shocked/surprised with any of the cancellations announced on May 12? I know viewers were, but I’m wondering if the bloodletting even managed to get to you and others who are “in the business.” —Amy
    Ausiello: The Nashville axing took me by surprise (primarily because of this), but the Castle cancellation floored me. I thought at the very least ABC would pull a Bones and bring it back for an abbreviated final season, especially after its sister studio went to all that behind-the-scenes trouble (and sustained so much heat) to make a ninth season cost-effective.


  9. It's horrifying thinking about how, had there been a season 9, the showrunners were going to end the story of Beckett in the worst possible way. Bled out on her kitchen floor, shot by the organization that killed her mother. The three children likely shown as salt in the wound fantasy either through Beckett's dying thoughts or Castle's dreams that would never be. 

    They obviously didn't want that button scene to ever be seen (in that context), so I don't think that if given the option they would have given the fans even a scrap of good. I actually think they would have passive aggressively made it as bad as possible. 

    • Love 3
  10. 6 minutes ago, madmaverick said:

    I've no idea. I suppose it's still possible an embryo would have survived her being shot.  Doesn't really matter to me one way or the other but I'm sure fanfic writers will get on it.

    Little Caskett babies

    Good casting with the kids.  The girl looks like a mini Beckett and the twin boys look like mini Castles.

    I confess I'm a little disappointed the kids' names sound so... normal.  I wasn't expecting Cosmo or anything, or Johanna, but an homage to writers might have been fun.

    Apparently Castle still wears the same plaid shirt after 7 years heh.  Oh, Luke.  Beckett actually looked a bit preggers to me at the breakfast table with the way she was sitting.  

    One last laugh courtesy of Luke although I will say that purple shirt worn by Castle in whatever Lannister shade it was in heh was one of his better wardrobe pics.  The jacket though, still ugly!  Surprised he didn't dress Beckett in her badass black turtleneck. 

    And lol at Luke calling Bowman his straight boyfriend.

    You're right about the fanfiction:



  11. Interesting...

    @Snoodit For the record, the generic statement from the #Castle showrunners is the only press they’re doing: bit.ly/1R5tGCu


    @Snoodit Postmortem interviews booked before news of the cancellation were abandoned today. #Castle

  12. I think the scene where he gives up his family is one of his best acted scenes of the series, up there with the crying scene when Alexis was kidnapped. 

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