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Posts posted by lizzy07

  1. I was kind of annoyed with Kate when she insisted to Jenny that "Tranny" is her NAME. I know she didn't mean literally, but I still wanted someone to say, "I thought Kate was your name."

    If someone tells you a word offends them, wouldn't it be kind to just not use that word in that person's presence? Did Kate HAVE to dig in and insist "Tranny" was her name? I just felt like she was being a shit-stirrer (like she was when she, admittedly, stirred shit by asking Cait "Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?").
    I still like her, though -- but I like Jenny more.


    Don't get me wrong - I don't share political views with Cait, and Cait didn't do a stellar job of defending her conservative views.


    That was the problem. She not only got angry, she implied that the others weren't American ("*I'M* a conservative American," was very pointed) -- and then she didn't make her case well. If you're going to be 'passionate' about politics, at least have a good argument.

    • Love 7

    I wonder if she's sorry she married the lunatic yet.


    Nope. He's the one who somehow made her an A list celebrity who gets invited to the Met Gala & the best events & got her on the cover of Vogue. She wouldn't have any of that without him, & she knows it.

    True. Only a normal person would tire of the emotional abuse and rantings about what a brilliant artist he is. Then again, a normal person wouldn't have sold her soul for a Vogue cover in the first place.

    • Love 6

    If Kylie and Kendall can write a book, so can Khloe. I'm sure Kris could find someone who could take Khloes deepest thought and stretch it out over a couple hundred pages, including numerous pages of pics of the ugly duckling transforming into a swan thru hard work and heart break.

    Well, yeah, she's writing the book -- it's just not any good. She said she was spending all this time in her bathroom writing and then reading over the pages 'they' send back to make sure they don't change things too much. So, yeah, she's writing a bad book. And it'll probably sell millions (insert eye roll here).

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  5. I had to laugh when Khloe was talking to Kim about “writing” her book & she said that she had to read everything because they kept adding things she didn’t want. Who is “they” & why would they be adding anything to a book that Khloe is supposedly writing?.......

    This made me think that Khloe is turning in pages upon pages of incoherent diary-like ramblings (complete with misspellings and grammatical errors) that the ghost writers have to decipher. They can't make any sense out of it and write what they *think* she means -- Then she gets angry at them for not understanding her yammering.

    • Love 5

    There was such a stark contrast between Kendall and Kylie during their conversation.  Kylie was fully klowned up with those ridiculous lips and eyeshadow so heavy I was surprised she could keep her eyes open.  She could barely string a sentence together to support to her immature ways.  Meanwhile Kendall was wearing minimal makeup, a natural beauty (which Kylie used to be until she went full Kardashian).  And she was able to adequately and reasonably explain her side of things.

    YES!! I'm so glad that Kendall hasn't clowned herself up. I truly hope that someday very soon Kylie decides to do the natural look and really be a role model for young girls. Right now, she looks like a blow-up doll. It's so sad.


    I guess Kris confirmed that Kim used IVF to get pregnant, I wonder what she is going to do with those eggs?


    Which really annoyed me because then Kim said something about the 'eggs' being worth a lot of money because of Kayne. I'm assuming Kim, then, doesn't know the difference between eggs and embryos. If Kayne is part of the 'eggs' she referred to -- then they are fertilized eggs and are, therefore, embryos. If they're just Kim's eggs, then Kayne has nothing to do with them.

    • Love 3

    I am proud of her for calling her sisters out on doing most of the work while they stay home.


    And let's not forget how that pissed off Kim when she had to work all the time right after Kourtney had Penelope. Then she had to sic Jonathan on Kourtney, who called her LAZY for staying at home and caring for her children. Hmm, but now that Kim is a mother I guess it's OK for HER to stay home and have Khloe do the traveling. God, I hate Kim.

    • Love 4

    But I really didn't get not wanting an en suite bathroom.  As someone said, it would be one thing to not care one way or the other, but to actively not want it seemed strange to me.

    To be fair, some of us don't want to hear and/or smell what is coming out of our spouses.

    • Love 1
  10. This is really a pet-peeve of my for ALL of the HGTV shows. I've noticed that everybody says, "Oh my goodness" - NEVER, "Oh my God." I think every single participant in all of these shows have been forbidden to say, "Oh my God" for fear it will offend someone. This, of course, makes their awe seem disingenuous because they're checking themselves before making the exclamation.

    • Love 3
  11. What a disappointment the Columbus couple was (I liked him -- couldn't stand her), because the two previous episodes the people looking were very likable (the sisters looking in PA and the couple the night before last). I was starting to think that maybe HH was on a role with likable people. Then that little "I want a cookie cutter house" ruined the streak.

    • Love 1

    The boyfriend of the girl last night who wanted a traditional house in Dallas was really annoying.  Hey dude you're not living there so just stop trying to talk her out of what she wants.


    Yes, I loved how he kept bitching about older houses, assuming HE would have to fix everything. Dude, she could dump you tomorrow, so don't get so worried about fixing her house just yet.

    • Love 1
  13. It drives me BATTY when a house hunter sees an updated gourmet kitchen and says, "Now THIS is a kitchen that will inspire me to cook." If you can't (or won't) cook in an outdated kitchen, you probably don't know how to cook. A pretty kitchen isn't going to magically transform you into a great chef who wants to cook all the time.

    • Love 7

    Yes, the relationship of the Reno pair was strange and not explained well.  I did think they were a couple.  So why not just say so?  In fact, trying to figure that out made me not pay attention to the homes very much.


    The story I came up with was that he's going through a messy divorce and it would somehow hurt his case to broadcast a new relationship.

    • Love 3

    Is it possible for a guy to have a resting bitchface?  Well Cliff in Kentucky definitely had one.  He looked like he was smelling farts throughout the episode.  He hated everything and anything about every single house...even the new build that he HAD to have.  Yet..he took the big closets..and the garage while his happy go lucky, easy going partner got nothing.  I'm actually shocked Cliff was able to move into the house they chose.  What an unpleasant person.


    OMG, I HATED the way he sloooowly sauntered into the kitchen in the last house wearing that fart-smelling face! Oh, the drama. Just say you don't like the kitchen.


    I thought they did really nice work on the house they bought. It looked really cute!

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