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  1. When Sister Wives came onto our TVs, Kody was extremely adamant that the Brown family wasn't like other polygamist families. He wasn't a patriarch, that each wife had autonomy, independence and a voice. However, he turned out to be EXACTLY like any other polygamist. He took money from his wives, and did sneaky financial things. He kissed and courted another (younger) woman and gave her stance in the family over every other wife. He withdrew all affection from each wife over time, alienated them from the family proper. Abandoned them while still taking their money and making shady financial decisions. And then wouldn't leave them, made them leave despite not loving them. Finally he verbally shits all over them on TV, is estranged from all of their kids together and continues to lie about the family as a whole. He is the worst of the worst. Also Robyn's bio dad doesn't exist in her world anymore? Likely why she put her own kid's bio dad away as soon as she could. There is NO DOUBT in my mind that they moved to Vegas because Robyn's family was there. Also her stepdad marrying her mom and the two families NEVER ever living close to each other?? She never knew was polygamy was and how to work for the good of one family. It was always a competition to her. She is gross.
  2. I do not need to see any MAN TRIP starring Kody. All he does is perform for the cameras. It's boring and dumb. The hair regime segment was even dumber. But that flashback to younger Kody was just like looking at Gabe or Garrison. Goodness! What can I say, listening to Robyn and Kody talking about Coyote Pass was just maddening. Robyn is just a liar who lies. She keeps this narrative because she thinks it makes her look good. She wants "the porch and the grandkids." NO SHE DOESN'T. She wants Kody all to herself and she wants the others to surround her and watch. She WANTS them to be jealous. It's grotesque. Meri is Meri and she just HAD to go and tell R&K what Janelle said. I loved Kody's look of panic when Meri continued bringing up getting an appraisal. Again, we are still SO FAR behind. We know they don't build there. We KNOW they bought another house. This is all pretend for the cameras! There's no way that they were going to build on CP and then just all of sudden decided NAH, let's move into another mansion. How dumb do they think the viewers are?? Relatedly, Kody KEEPS saying that it's Robyn that makes him do things. But doesn't he cry every time someone calls him out on Robyn controlling things?? Pick a lane man! Finally, Kody will NEVER look inward to see that the reason his kids don't want to be around him is because of HIM. Not because of Robyn, not because of the other moms, not because of David. It's SOLELY because he gave conditions on his love. Period. If I was Janelle or Christine, I would invite them and let them be awkward and watch how light and joyful the rest of the family is without those two sour pusses. Or, I would call Kody up and remind him that it's Savannah's graduation and ask him what are YOU doing for her? Look I grew up in a divorced household where folks didn't get along. Have two parties! It's been done a million times before. Kody is just lazy and bitter.
  3. Yes this is what I meant! LOL It was weird, unhelpful and inappropriate to bring a gift over like that during filming and during Meri you know, trying to MOVE house. Like way to continue to be useless Robyn. 🙄
  4. Still. I don't understand production's need to drag it out like this. We get so many things repeated over and over as filler. We don't need filler, we need to catch up to be more realistically aligned with a current timeline!
  5. Robyn is one of the most brazen manipulators I've ever seen. She really has the audacity. First of all, the B can't even help her "best friend" move?? She comes over with a baby gift? I love how Meri didn't want to open it and indulge her but Robyn grabbed it out of her hands and opened her gift for her. WTF. And she goes on to explain that it's a journal to write down Meri's dreams and goals. Dude. STFU And then she just LEAVES! Then sets up a closeup crying shot in her car. I cannot with this lady. Kody is only sad that he can't say he is a polygamous with four wives anymore. I've been doing a rewatch and he LOVED to say it. More than he loved being one. It was so transparent. But now he gets to play the divorced victim I guess. Three wives left me booo-hoooo for me! In reality he left them. I continue to have no problems with Christine's giddiness and joy. She is 50yo and NEVER had any of these moments. And she always wanted them and now she is getting her dream. Not everyone gets that. I love that she is embracing it and enjoying it to the fullest. And she gets to do all of the things, the engagement, the announcement, the dress shopping, all of the planning. I find it a bit boring to watch, but I know how exciting it is when you're in it. I don't begrudge her at all. Paedon was being a bit of a shit but I guess that's him. I love the Christine doesn't let it get to her. When Kody was holding Meri and blubbering (or trying to squeeze the tears out for the camera), how cringe and AWKWARD. Why didn't Nathan and Jenn leave the room?? Like take a hint guys. It was hilarious when the camera panned over. The previews for the rest of the season look pretty interesting. The fact that we're still almost two years back is insane though. This episode Christine said they are getting married in October, so that puts this episode in March 2023. YIKES. GET ON WITH IT!
  6. I really do enjoy seeing Christine so happy and I can tolerate all of the slobbering giddiness because it really truly seems to never had happened with Kody as much as she tried. I'm rewatching from the beginning and I'm on season 10 and boy oh boy do you SEE the slipping away of it all. Meri, Christine, even some issues with Janelle. Once Sol and Ari were born, Kody was OUT OF THERE. He spent almost all of his time at Robin's. It was grotesque. Janelle didn't mind it much her being so independent. But you can see Christine especially NEEDING love and affection from Kody and he would NOT give her an inch. It was so uncomfortable to watch. I think Christine really loved Kody at one point and really tried to make it work with him. But he was absolutely awful how he withheld. She deserves to jump whole body into this relationship with David. People criticize her because this is making her kids uncomfortable but aside from Truly, it really shouldn't matter or stop her or slow her down. She gave her entire life to her family, her marriage, her sister wives and her kids. Truly is a teenager and has a very good support system. I do think it's now Christine's time in her life to LIVE it the way she needs to. Plus I think David seems like a good guy, a family man. I think he will be good for them all. It is important for Christine's kids, especially Truly, to see a loving healthy, affectionate relationship. It bums me out when adult children, or older children have such a strong negative reaction when parents show love and affection to each other. How sad!
  7. So we're still more than a year away from a present timeline. I'm glad we're seeing all of this, but they could hurry it along more. I know that's not Puddle Monkey's style, but they have to evolve with the times man. Watching Meri and Janelle was painful. They are both still blocked up. They are both still defensive and attempting to play nice. Even in regards to Kody and Robyn where the writing has been on the wall for an excruciatingly long time. I would think that it would feel so liberating to let it all out. It doesn't have to be the ex wives club! Meri really has a difficult time with self awareness and reflection. She is still sore that Christine was trying to protect herself when she left Kody and couldn't commit in that moment to have a relationship with Meri. Meri ALWAYS was siding with K&R, why would Christine feel safe with her?? It's really too bad. At the party when they were hugging, I felt so happy that they had a moment where they just leaned into it and let their guard down and expressed their love for each other. I thought that was lovely and I think they could absolutely have a wonderful friendship. I think once they are done with the financial stuff with K&R, they can all get to a place where Kody never has to be a topic of conversation and the three can just be friends. I can see it happening. I hope Meri comes around. I really didn't like Gwen's interactions with David. What kind of adult acts like that? Next week's preview is sad. Ysabel shouldn't look at David as someone who could come in between her and Kody, she should look squarely at Kody if she doesn't have a relationship with him. It is 100% on Kody.
  8. I see now why Tamra's daughter agreed to film with her. She is an aspiring music producer/performer. This whole season I couldn't figure out why she was there, her mood, her demeanor, was always like eyerolly and "get me outta here". Now it makes sense. She needed exposure. Meh. I will always bat for Shannon, I can't help myself. I know she is an absolute MESS, but I find it annoyingly endearing. I hope she finds health and happiness. Tamra is a snake and always has been. I don't think she has ever been selfless or genuine. She yells so much and is rude, mean and punches below the belt. I struggle with Heather because while I appreciate her relationships and support of her kids, I find her tone to be exhausting. I think over the years the money keeps her wildly out of touch and judgmental. I don't think she's real. And that sucks because years and years ago there was a cast trip and everyone else got all made up with impractical attire and she was dressed down and casual and it struck me that she wasn't about to put on for the cameras. But here we are now and I think that is all she does. Also her obsession with thinness has cost her her youthful appearance. Gina's nose in her one talking head (the red/orange dress) looks THIN. Like really distractingly thin. Bad contouring? I love Emily. She too, like Shannon, is quite a mess. But I think that's fun. I just really love her big personality and I love that she gives Alexis SHIT. I've never enjoyed Alexis on the OC. I think she is so fake and so performative. Bleh. I find Jenn to be sad. I'm rooting for her, but I think she is just meek and sad. I hope things improve. I don't mind Katie much. Her "proof" about the Heather paparazzi photos was unimpressive. But I like her trying to go toe to toe with Heather. I hope she keeps it up. The thing that drives me crazy is her kid's name. BANDON? IDGI
  9. Kody's love is conditional. And that is very gross. Robyn's kids kiss his ass (maybe not Dayton as much), that's what he sees as "respect". This whole episode was VILE. He kept ranting and railing against his own children. And HE kept bringing up the fact that he doesn't love their mothers.
  10. In the NY/NJ area you should always make reservations. You never know when a place will be crowded. You can't even really go by time of day anymore. I've been burned too many times not to have something on the books. It also helps the establishments too. I lived in DC for almost 20 years as well, and wouldn't think of going somewhere without a resy. YMMV When Teresa started reading about what a high moral compass she has vs everyone else, that's when my eyes rolled back. Narcissists always think they are taking the higher ground. Also laughable that she had to forgive God for her going to prison for fraud. What planet does she exist on?
  11. Robyn is a FREAKING LIAR! And she was caught. Horrible woman.
  12. The primary can save it with that hushed talk about her "Cult Gaia" dress. Whispering that they won't give Jaimee their dresses anyone because they're expensive. Natural, quality fabric dresses do not melt. That dress is 100% polyester and that's the sin of it all. She probably paid a few hundred bucks for it. Which is not nothing, but she was acting like it was silk. Jaimee did her a favor. Also, I really root for Chef, but she just has zero self confidence and it shows. The onion volcano would be the easiest thing she could do for the Teppanyaki!
  13. Yup! That little detail always gets me. Such a good episode though. Most (if not all) of the Friends Thanksgiving episodes were pretty great.
  14. I just watched The One Where Ross Got High and it's definitely in my top 10 Friends episodes. It's almost perfect! But one little detail always bugged me SO MUCH: When Rachel and Ross come back in from the hallway, the trifle is not only already divided up onto dessert plates, but there isn't a serving for Rachel! She doesn't even get a taste. (She attempts to take a taste of Ross's but he slams it down so she can't.) And I understand WHY they couldn't have her eat it. But it always takes me out. I wish they found a different way to handle that. So many tiny details like that become attention grabbing to me since I watch Friends as my background noise everyday. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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