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Everything posted by VioletNevermind
S18.E21: Where Are They Now: It's Vow or Never
VioletNevermind replied to TwirlyGirly's topic in Married At First Sight
I think my statement was probably colored by the fact that this is the last one on regular TV (and definitely my last). It just landed with such a thud. -
S18.E21: Where Are They Now: It's Vow or Never
VioletNevermind replied to TwirlyGirly's topic in Married At First Sight
This was easily the worst season of this show. Still, I'll miss it (I am absolutely not paying for another streaming service just to watch this). My final thoughts: David will always be Basement David to me. I do have to point out that I called him and his trashiness from day one. Madison is forever the Chicag-heaux who treated one of the best guys this show ever had like garbage, from her laughable suggestions that Allen change his wardrobe and teeth, to her flat-out cheating on him. If David remains faithful to her and they're still together within five years, I will happily eat my words. As for Michelle, I never liked her, but I do have to respect her decision to formally apologize to David for her horrible behavior toward him in the beginning, even if it was deserved and even if the apology was for the cameras. As much as I dislike her, we definitely agree on David. It's a rare woman who would be okay with a guy in his mid-30s who lives in his parents' basement. The things that Thomas said to his brother about his marriage were really depressing. He's "still waiting" for that deep connection and that "can't live without you feeling" about Camille? Yikes. They need marital counseling to discuss their expectations of one another. I will echo what others here have said about her condescending attitude toward him. I rolled my eyes every time she talked about her desire for him to be more "urban." Girl, please. Grow up and learn to value the man in front of you, business suit and all. Juan and Karla were never going to work out because he was only on the show for exposure and she's way too "out there" for him and many other men, too. (Also, the poncho thing- dear Lord. I'll leave it at that.) As for Emem and Brandon, I wish her luck with him. She never seemed particularly stable and he is all but dancing for the cameras. Their "commitment ceremony" last night was pretty cringeworthy. Ikechi isn't even worth the effort of typing. And finally, Allen. He deserves so much more than this farce of a show and certainly that "marriage." He'll land on his feet and be better off without all of it. -
I have zero sympathy for these people (with the exception of the children, of course). It's hard to believe that little Carmen is only 10-years-old. She acts so much older. You just know that she's been privy to a lot of information and many adult conversations that she had no business being a part of. Speaking of which, Alec and Hilary's justification of why they brought her to the trial makes no sense whatsoever. Even Carmen said, "The boys will hear you!" while her mother was encouraging her to discuss her concerns for the cameras. At least someone is trying to use some reason here. Too bad it's the preteen daughter who is having nightmares about being arrested as part of her father's manslaughter trial. Pro tip for you, Hilary: You have all of those nannies because you're rich, which, in theory, can help you to shelter your children from the unpleasant nitty-gritties of adult issues. Alec's interactions with Hilary are very interesting at times. He is often disrespectful to her (not a criticism; I loathe her) and it's as if she doesn't even notice- or more likely, chooses to ignore it. He interrupts her, mocks her fake accent, and openly insults her when she thinks she's enlightening him. I guess they're both getting what they want. He gets a younger, clearly very flexible wife to bear him children and hire their nannies to help take care of them and she gets a rich husband that she can condescend to and feel superior over. The scenes at the beginning of Alec and Hilary returning home from the trial made me so angry on behalf of the family of the woman who was killed. All I can think about during those scenes, plus the ones where he's discussing his "survivor's guilt," are utterly tasteless, bordering on disgusting. The woman's son won't get to welcome his mother home ever again. For that reason alone, this entire show did not need to happen. I hope the TLC paycheck is worth it. I know I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror. One last note: I cannot wait until her psychosis related to her fake accent and the adoption of an entire culture are discussed. I need her to justify that on camera, in detail. I need that psychiatrist to ask the hard questions and not allow her to wiggle her way out of answering them. It will make this insufferable show at least somewhat worth the time spent watching it.
Episode number two of this absurd farce that basically exists to pay Alec Baldwin’s legal bills show. First, I’ve decided that I’m going to play Spot the Nanny every week. Hilary goes way overboard trying to pretend that she’s raising all of these little kids on her own when she. is. not. 10-year-old Carmen said that being the oldest child means that she’s pretty much raising the younger kids along with her parents. Hilary needs to hire one additional nanny so that her preteen daughter never feels that way. Alec’s demeanor while talking about acting and his career was the most animated and happy he’s been so far. Still, he looks so utterly tired. He’s always been known for being a bit of an ass and I don’t like asses, but I do feel sorry for the 66-year-old guy, mainly because I cannot stand his phony wife and her phony accent. That being said, he knew what he was getting into with this ridiculous woman, sitting on the interview couch with her legs wrapped up beneath her like a pretzel. I did have to laugh when he said he wanted to “hasten this along,” referring to their exchange of anniversary gifts. After listening to her rattle off the inscription (en español, of course) on that necklace she gave him, I can’t say I blame him. I feel sorry for the family of the woman who was shot and killed, especially her young son. What a slap in the face this entire thing must be for them, especially so soon after the trial. I wasn’t aware going into this that the trial would be featured so prominently. The discussion of Alec’s “survivor’s guilt” and the impact of the killing on his emotional health was in incredibly poor taste and should never have seen the light of day. Judging by the preview for next week, it’s not going to get any better.
What a vile show. Way to make money to pay for those legal bills after killing (accidentally, but still) a mom on that movie set. Hilary (I refuse to say "Hilaria") seems like a real piece of work. The promos for this show were interesting. I saw one on Instagram where Alec asks the kids which of their parents was the sexiest. I don't even know how to respond to that. I did watch last night and have to applaud them for at least showing one of the nannies (Paola, I believe) because you know this daffy woman isn't wrangling all of these little kids on her own in those booty shorts she wore most of the night. More than anything, Alec made me sad. He's 66, but acted much older. I'm not sure if he is putting on a show (he has been diagnosed with PTSD following the shooting, don't you know), but it was sad to watch this once revered actor from my childhood slowly toddling around his apartment, surrounded by screaming little children, cleaning random surfaces with Clorox wipes because of his OCD. The couch scenes were even worse, with Hilary stretching her legs out into his lap and gazing up at him while he sat there in a golf shirt and a pair of khaki shorts, dressed like my dad on Saturday mornings before he went outside to mow the backyard. I would be absolutely horrified if I was his agent. Part of me wants to give Hilary her props for securing that bag, but then I remember the "coocumbeer" scene from The Today Show and lose all, how you say, simpatía.
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Thank you! I cannot stand it when people do this. I'm sure they were well-meaning, but let the man be angry for a hot minute. He had every right to be pissed, curse, and express it physically as long as he didn't hurt anyone else. Emem seems like one of those people who wants to be a part of everything, good or bad. She sees herself as that "mamabear" who steps in to provide comfort whether people want it or not. I cannot imagine how humiliating this was for Allen. He remained steadfast in the commitment he made to be on the show and give the relationship every opportunity to bloom- as he was supposed to. Ugh, I'm getting pissed at Madison again, haha.
Like many of you, I have watched this show since day one, so I have seen it all from these fools. This has been one of the most dissatisfying seasons on record. If the "experts" want to create actual marriages, I'm all about it, but if all they want is to produce a show full of drama and manufactured moments, then just say that. Honestly, I would respect them more for it. It shouldn't take four months to finally air scenes that we have been seeing in clips pretty much since episode one. That being said, last night was pretty juicy. As is the case every season, here we are at the end and I am just now truly matching names to faces. I recall being one of the first people to call out David for the walking joke that he is. I said it then and I'll say it again now: Michelle's sour-faced attitude aside, a guy in his mid-to-late 30s who lives in his parent's basement is simply not attractive to a great many women. Add a smoking habit, constant cursing, and a high pony and you've got a combo that does not cut it. He claimed from the beginning that, from a financial standpoint, he "could move out any time he wanted," then slowly admitted that that wasn't necessarily true. I don't care how much a man loves his parents and wants to save money (both very attractive qualities for me); no man David's age truly wants to live with his parents. David is right about one thing: Michelle treated him like garbage from episode one. I know that I would be heartbroken at best if my new spouse had to run off to the bathroom to be comforted by her girlfriends before the wedding was over. As for the lying and Textgate, I'm no Michelle apologist by any means, but she had every right to know what was going on, especially when it involved her so-called "friend." Yes, her constant barrage of questions and detective work were annoying, but if they hadn't been on MAFS, it never would have gotten this far- at least I hope not. She would have cut him loose long ago and moved out of the way so Madison could schedule her first sleepover in David's twin bed next to the washing machine in his parent's basement. As for Madison . . . Madison is a hatchet-faced, lying, scheming bitch. All season, I hated the way she treated Allen. Allen was nothing but a gentleman to her and she acted as if she was better than him. When she talked about how hard it was being as beautiful as her, I wanted to vomit. I mean, who talks like that about themselves?! She'll wake up one day, look in the mirror, and realize that looks fade over time and all we're left with are our actions and intentions. You know- the inside stuff that can't be covered with a quarter-inch of concealer two shades darker than your skintone. She and David truly deserve one another. If anything, I hope this show serves as a warning to whomever might consider dating them in the future. I will buy Madison's next six months of bleached-blonde hair extensions if they end up together for the long term. If a man lies to someone else to be with you, it's just a matter of time before he's lying to you, too. And if she views a text from an attached man who says he wants to "eat you up" as the beginning of a solid, meaningful relationship, then you do you, boo. I'll wrap it up with this: Allen is a sincere, interesting, good-hearted man who is probably too good for this two-bit TV show anyway. He handled the entire situation with as much grace as anyone could. He would have had every right to backhand David when they were talking outside by the fire pit, but he held it together. Allen, I am old enough to have been your teen mom, but you are more than good enough for a great many women. I would have happily dated you and been pleased that such a financially-savvy, stable, funny guy wanted to date me. Box up those dental aligners and new clothes, and drop them off at David's parent's house for Madison to pick up. You're a catch for someone out there. And no, I will not be purchasing a Peacock subscription to continue watching this nonsense. I've lost too many brain cells every Tuesday night as it is.
S19.E17: Love is Patient, Love is Kind
VioletNevermind replied to Mod-Tranquilizer's topic in Sister Wives
The tree-cutting scene was the most Kody thing I've seen in a long time. The pridefulness, the arrogance, the denial of one's limitations, the barreling in without considering the consequences- it was all there. I get that he ultimately got the tree down, but when we heard that he'd already effed up the felling of one tree and it fell into the house, I think we're right to be concerned. Time to hang up your chainsaw and call in a professional before you hurt one of the few kids you still care about, you asshat. As someone who is currently dealing with the poor decisions of her elderly parents, I shudder to think what he'll be like when he's older. Watching him pull the cord on that chainsaw with such vigor over and over and over again, hair flying in all directions, made my shoulder hurt. Kody Brown is not going to age gracefully. He'll fight every bit of it every step of the way, to his own detriment (speaking of my parents . . . ). One thing is for sure: This show is less fun to watch with each season. The wedding. Christine, I like you more than any of these people, but I am respectfully done with your wedding. Please go away and hump David to your heart's content, hopefully not in front of both of your kids. I still have no words for that. Meri. Girl, he didn't want you then and he doesn't care about you now. This constant discussion of Kody with different groups of friends really highlights the fact that Meri doesn't have much in her life that she can focus on outside of her former role as a sisterwife. I cringe each and every time she starts another "divorce project" for her friends (who must be getting paid for these appearances because oh my God). Even the most supportive friends get tired of hearing about the same dusty man on repeat and Kody is the king of all dusty men. The cherry on the sundae was the dismantling of the quilt from last week. Kody wanted her to send back literal patches of his old t-shirts?! Meri is a better woman than I am because I would have tied him to a tree stump and force-fed him that entire quilt before sending those patches back to him. -
Ooh, are you referring to the Sister Wives Professor, by any chance? If so, I think you may have mentIoned him here before. I started listening to him based on that post and have been thoroughly enjoying it, so if that was you, thank you! Would you mind sharing the names of the other two?
Respectfully, I don’t give two shits about Aurora and Breanna’s desire to attend a church. I understand that there isn’t much left for this show to be based upon (Christine’s endless marriage plans aside), but this is not the best path forward. As for Kody and Robyn’s house, I have never seen such tacky, unnecessarily ornate “artwork” in my life. Every square inch of the walls and tabletops are just covered in crap. That massive painting of the deer really takes the cake. The first dress Christine tried on was my favorite. The others got more unflattering as she modeled them. But hey, it’s her wedding and I’m more than ready for it to be over. I’ve been watching this show for so long that I would miss it if it ended, but when we’re forced to watch the OG Browns eat cake and Robyn’s young adult daughters agonize over what kind of church to attend, we’ve officially hit the skids. I’m hanging on for dear life here, TLC.
The highlight of this episode for me was Nathan backing Meri into Kody in the moving van. Not a highlight in the sense that I enjoyed it (because I did not), but for the fact that it underscored exactly where things stand between them. Meri's uproarious 10 minutes of laughter while Kody looked mildly disgusted embarrassed me on her behalf, quite frankly. She was bent over, laughing so hard that she struggled to breathe while Kody wanted to get right back to work. Not only did that incident not merit Meri's over-the-top reaction, but it underscored the fact that Meri does not seem to realize that she is not leaving Kody. Kody left her a decade ago and was never going to return, Robyn or no Robyn. Meri hung around all that time, even post-catfishing, in the hopes that he would want a relationship with her again. She might as well have been presenting herself before him like an animal in heat. I understand that she has to maintain some pride, hence the whole "These Boots Are Made for Walkin'" vibe, but every time she openly flirts with him (while pretending not to), laughing and prancing around, she proves yet again that she is not over him. He is over her and she has been forced to accept it. She is not leaving with a clear head and a happy heart. She is a scorned, rejected woman who has finally seen the light and is trying to salvage what's left of her life. I certainly don't begrudge her that, but I firmly believe that if he were to snap his fingers and beckon her to return, she would come running. She shouldn’t hold her breath, though As for Robyn's fake ass, I am deeply satisfied that she has to deal with Kody and his moods all on her lonesome. Of course, her manipulative behaviors have been discussed to death and no one is buying what she's selling, but she entered into this mess with an agenda and has finally fulfilled it, but it doesn't look anything like what she had in mind. She enjoys playing the emotionally fragile victim and was able to use it to garner favor with Kody, but all of that is gone now. Now he has his "one shy, pretty wife" (VOMIT) and the only kids he gives a crap about anymore. If he were to actively pursue a new wife, she would absolutely lose her shit. If the new wife was younger, prettier, and even more shy . . . look out. (As for the gift that she gave Meri, I would have made her eat that "junk journal" right there in the driveway.)
I definitely get it. I like the concept that Christine is feeling her oats for the first time and wants everyone to know it. I just hate it when Kody (during his couch interviews) chuckles at the camera and gives yet another soliloquy about how he never loved Christine and wasn't attracted to her. I feel like it gives him more opportunities to run her into the ground. Ugh, I cannot stand him and I'm so glad that Christine finally gets to be happy.
A better title for this episode is "This Could Have Been an Email." That face-to-face between Janelle and Meri was excruciating to watch and beyond unnecessary. I have always championed Janelle as one of the only true adults on this show, but that meeting did not have to happen. While I can admire Janelle's desire to ensure that Meri gets what she is entitled to, it's way past time to butt out and allow Meri to advocate for herself and what she wants. This is just yet another reason not to enter into these massive financial arrangements without the law behind you. Again, that's Meri's cross to bear and none of Janelle's business anymore. My only other note about this episode was when Christine put her head on David's shoulder while gazing almost defiantly up at Kody. Oh, girl, please stop. That was just embarrassing. I can certainly understand any scored woman's desire to make sure that the man who treated her badly sees her doing well, but she's laying it on a bit thick. TLC's decision to play the wedding before laying the foundation for their relationship was unfortunate. Like many of you, I am done with the Christine and David Show. I also feel really bad for little Truely. Speaking as a former sensitive child, she may be sitting there, reading her book in silence while everyone talks around her, but believe me when I tell you that she is seeing everything and hearing everything. She radiates discomfort with her mother's PDAs and it's wrong of Christine to continue to shove them down everyone's throats "whether they like it or not." Good Lord, woman, practice some self-control and sensitivity while your kids (especially the 14-year-old who will have to live with this day in and day out) get accustomed to things.
Allen and Allen's Bride (I'm terrible with names and at least two weeks from all of the names solidifying in my mind): He really does seem like a decent guy. A bit prone to dad jokes, but there are worse traits and I'm sure he was terrified. His aggressive beard shape-up situation was unfortunate. I gasped when he appeared in his tux, ready to be married. I hope that was just for his wedding day and he dials it back for everyday life. As for Allen's Bride, she left no impression whatsoever for now. Juan and Karla: Juan seems very impressed with himself, to say the least. I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him. Karla seems like just another simpering, up-speaking, cookie-cutter woman that this show is gravitating toward. She's very aware of the cameras and is playing a role. I have zero hope for them remaining together. Emem and Ikechi: I really like her attitude. She is easily the most genuine of the brides and seems to be truly ready to be married, but I think she's showing her hand a little too much. She's giving him a lot of power right off the bat and will be so hurt if Ikechi turns out to be an ass. Basement David and Basement David's Bride: She seems like the most superficial of all of the brides, with Karla at a very close second. David cleaned up nicely for the wedding and I still think that he has a very solid family/friend unit. As for his living situation, I found David's comment about how he "could move out at any time, but he didn't want to pay rent" interesting. Maybe my perceptions are clouded by the fact that I'm currently dealing with an adult daughter who refuses to grow up and accept the fact that she has to earn money in order to live independently, but still. David does work, but at least he acknowledges the fact that a 35-year-old man who lives in his childhood basement would be a massive red flag for many women for a whole host of reasons, both financial and psychological. I'll be watching his progression closely and I hope he ends up happy, but I suspect that he'll end up right back in that basement where he started (which will clearly thrill his mother). As for the aftershow, I already feel like I'm too damn old to be watching this show, so I can barely stay awake on these marathon MAFS nights. I may end up skipping the aftershow this season, but from what I saw last night, it was more of the same: the superfluous cocktail, the superfluous dresses, and the superfluous conversation. Blah.
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S19.E06: He Delivered Me from All My Fears
VioletNevermind replied to Mod-Tranquilizer's topic in Sister Wives
The most interesting aspect of this season for me is that, instead of manning up and rising above the nonsense, Kody decides to rewrite history and claim that he never loved any of his first three wives. I have zero doubt that he viewed Christine and Janelle as nothing more than heavenly brood mares (at least at first), but Meri's situation is different. I have never been a Meri fan, but it makes me so sad for her when she casts that defiant look at the camera and talks about how she's making the choice to leave, formally end the marriage in the church, etc. Boo, that asshole left you a decade ago. Just pack up your LuLaRoe sweaters and hit the damn trail. He doesn't care where you spend your holidays, so please stop telling him as if it's going to impact him in any way. Continuing to appear in front of Kody to put on her neck-rolling "I am woman, hear me roar" performance does nothing but embolden him. He is enjoying this, no matter what he says. He can clearly see that she's flailing and he's loving it. Maybe he loved her at the beginning and maybe he didn't, but the best thing to do after decades of discontent is to move on. I also got married extremely young- and to a man who carries himself so much like Kody that it almost makes my skin crawl. We hardly knew each other when he "proposed" and love was most certainly not involved, but I went along with it because I had just turned 21 and knew nothing whatsoever about the world. So many marriages start this way. Shit happens. It's how you deal with it that shows who you really are in the end. The person with the biggest mouth, constantly disparaging the people of the past, ultimately shows their hand. Kody may not have loved any of his first three wives, but his pride and ego have been decimated and I'm here for every minute of it. I hope his soulmate is able to help him shoulder the load when she's finished weeping for the cameras. As for everything else, it will be nice to see the beginning of Christine and David's relationship fleshed out a bit. Other than that, Mykelti and Tony are beyond gross and that's all I've got. I can't wait until we're current, but I'm really not sure there's much more that justifies a show. -
This season feels gross and pointless already. I dislike most of the women with the exception of Emem, who seems like a classy lady. As for David (Basement), I remain puzzled at the decision to cast him except for the obvious reason: drama. I don’t know any woman who would feel comfortable dating a 35-year-old man who lived in his parent’s basement (yes, I’m absolutely judging), no matter how awesome his family seemed (which they really do). I don’t see any of these marriages lasting and I think I’m getting too old for this show. 😂
S18: Matchmaking in Chicago / Kicking Off Chicago
VioletNevermind replied to atomic's topic in Married At First Sight
The 35-year-old Basement Daddy is a hell no. If they choose him, I’ll have to learn his name, but that’s my only takeaway on him so far. -
S19.E04: How the Mighty Have Fallen
VioletNevermind replied to Mod-Tranquilizer's topic in Sister Wives
This was a rough episode for me from a personal standpoint. My family is as splintered as this one. My parents had four children and I'm in contact with one of them, my younger brother. The TL;DR version of the story is that my two older sisters live their lives in ways that my dad didn't agree with, so a rift was created over 30 years ago. It's something I'm just now starting to truly understand in my late 40s. My sisters both contact my parents maybe once a year, but my parents make absolutely zero effort to reciprocate and so the separation persists year after year. There have been times when my dad sounds exactly like Kody. He believes that kids should bear the entire weight of the responsibility of remaining in contact and fostering adult relationships with their parents. My sisters are adult teenagers who are still mad at mommy and daddy because they are unable to fully process the events of decades long past and so many years have passed now that my parents view it as pointless to even try. At the end of the day, regardless of whom may be to blame for what, my sisters have no parents and my parents of four are really parents to two. This is what Kody is in for if he continues to act like a petulant pre-teen with his adult children. He'll have nothing left but his fleet of vehicles, his art, his sour-faced "love of his life," and his almighty pride. If this is the hill he wants to die on, I hope he enjoys his later years when he's universally hated and in contact with 27% of his 18 children. I do have to wonder if he's changed his tune since Garrison's passing (something that I largely blame Kody for). I hope he takes a good, hard look in the mirror following that tragedy. As much as I enjoy the weekly drama and nonsense of this show, it is way past time for it to end and for the sperm donor to tend to his family- the whole family- before much more time passes and it's too late. His poor sons are begging for his attention and it's already too late for one of them, bless his heart. Also, you know what I'm really enjoying this season? The fact that Janelle is acknowledging that Meri has been treated like shit for the past 10 years, but still maintaining her boundary with her, is a classy move. Please note that I am most certainly not a Meri fan. I have no doubt that she was a holy terror to Christine and Janelle back in the day, but it's very mature of Janelle to look past that and stick up for her. In my opinion, Janelle is one of only a handful of adults on this show (most of whom are the kids). As for Robyn's tears this episode, they may be genuine this time, but much of the blame for this entire situation lies squarely on her shoulders. She knew exactly what she was doing from the very beginning. She wanted a hubby and a financial safety net after a bad marriage and racking up a bunch of credit card debt. I wanted to throw my coffee cup through my TV screen when she made that comment last week about how she made different choices with her money, which explains the fact that she's in a better financial situation than the other wives. She's a crafty bitch and the only thing she doesn't have is an Academy Award for Best Actress. -
7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion
VioletNevermind replied to Meredith Quill's topic in 7 Little Johnstons
I agree with every word, but I just had to point out this choice of phrasing! So perfect for this bunch!😅 -
Seeking Sister Wife Live Chat
VioletNevermind replied to Pepper Mostly's topic in Seeking Sister Wife
Whew, this dinner is embarrassing to watch. It’s way past time for Naeem to stand up and handle his family. -
Seeking Sister Wife Live Chat
VioletNevermind replied to Pepper Mostly's topic in Seeking Sister Wife
God, I loathe Garrick. And I just have to point out that every time these people are on my screen, all I can think is- Don’t you guys have TWO YOUNG SONS at home, one of whom is 14-years-old?! Dannielle, WTF are you doing here? Speaking of Dannielle, girl, why are you basically tattling on Nathalia to her own friends the first time you meet them? You can see the irritation all over Nathalia’s face any time Dannielle speaks, much less cries, so not talking with her about the wedding plans needs to be the least of Dannielle’s concerns.- 1.6k replies
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Seeking Sister Wife Live Chat
VioletNevermind replied to Pepper Mostly's topic in Seeking Sister Wife
Man, to think that Nathalia’s mother is present for this insanity. If she were my daughter, I would have thrown her over my shoulder and carried her to the airport long before this point. I just do not understand. And I loathe Garrick. Every time I see his dumbass face, I want to punch it.- 1.6k replies
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Seeking Sister Wife Live Chat
VioletNevermind replied to Pepper Mostly's topic in Seeking Sister Wife
Stephanie tells them that she doesn’t want to be with them (AGAIN) and they get a hotel “to be sure?” You know they won’t leave her alone. It’s restraining order time for Stephanie. -
Seeking Sister Wife Live Chat
VioletNevermind replied to Pepper Mostly's topic in Seeking Sister Wife
These two take a 12-hour road trip to see someone who expressly told them not to come?! I realize that this is reality TV, so who knows what's actually true, but does anyone else find that really creepy? If I were in Stephanie's shoes, that would be the last time I ever saw these people, right after informing them that my very next move would be a restraining order. And they pay for her gym membership and "buy her things all the time," even as her communication with them dwindles? Man, this guy clearly has NO pride (or discernment) whatsoever. -
S17.E23: Second Time's the Charm?
VioletNevermind replied to TwirlyGirly's topic in Married At First Sight
Damn. Pastor Cal looked like he wanted to grab Michael up out of that chair by the seat of his dress shorts and take him to the parking lot. (Still, you dodged a bullet there, Michael. Good choice.)