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Posts posted by IntrovertRed

  1. 8 hours ago, Katie W said:

    I liked the discussion between Zach, Kristen and Brittany that was shown on the extended version much more than the discussion Brittany had with some of the ladies at Janet's. I don't get why this got cut from the regular show that aired.   Both Kristen and Zach gently touched on the unacceptable behavior they've seen from Jax towards Brittany.  Kristen also revealed she had a pregnancy loss and they both were supportive of her.  You can tell these three are super close and it just seemed more natural then the discussion at Janet's. 

    Agree, mostly becuase I feel that they are real friends. Whereas Janet and Michelle don't.

    I think Jesse and Jax are very very similar. Both are good at putting out narratives to try to make themselves look better. I think prior to filming the show, Jesse was a  huge dick to Michelle and by the time filming started, they were clearly done, however Jesse pretended to try to "make it work."  Something about the way he talked to Michelle in the scene at the house when she came to pickup stuff for Isabella. 

    Jax clearly doesn't want to be married, and I really hope Brittany doesn't go back to him, she and Cruz deserve so much better.  He is the biggest fucking asshole to ever be on Bravo just for making Britt and his special needs child who likely needs stability to move out into a strange new home, simply because he wouldn't. What an entitled fucking dick. Yes, I know she knew who she was marrying, but I still have sympathy for her and sincerely hope she goes to therapy to acquire strength because all of the stuff he's been saying to her over the years has done real damage to her confidence and psyche.  

    I don't know, I was here for Zach, he clearly had enough of the bullshit Janet was throwing. And when she was about to get called out on it, "don't talk to me, I'm pregnant."  Wonder if she'll purposely get pregnant for next season so she can try to escape any repercussions. 


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  2. This story was maddening. Ted and Mitch were dirtbagss, but I found myself pissed off mostly at Chris Kelly who brought Mitch in originally. Did he not do any due diligence on Mitch and just took him at his word and media appearances? 

    It always amazes me how these guys like Ted and Mitch can get away with pretending to be so much more successful than they really are and no one questions it.  Time and time again, it continually happens. 

    I don't often go to the movies, but damned if I'm not tempted to buy a MoviePass membership because I absolutely loved Stacy Spikes and want him to succeed after buying the company back.  He deserves it after all the bullshit that he was put through (Hamet too).


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  3. 7 hours ago, hottesthw said:

    Ehhhh Lindsey’s been an awful friend/partner in every season of the show. Whatever she gets back now she should just consider karma, maybe reflect on what she did wrong (according to her partner), and try to do better next time. I have no sympathy for her. 

    I admittedly have not watched this season completely because I find this senior citizen version of Jersey Shore ridiculous, but I did catch a few weeks ago with them talking about his “job” and he straight up told her he needed her to be more supportive or whatever else he was blabbering last night. And she was like a militant parent berating their child. At that point I didn’t know what his doubt was ever about. Get out now while you can! As someone who gave up her legit PR career to be an “influencer” she really shouldn’t be giving employment advice. 

    You should have watched the season, because Lindsay WAS supporting him. You could tell that therapy was helping her because she was responding so much better to him that she did with prior partners. No matter what Lindsay said to Carl, he took issue with. Usually I'm a believer in karma, but Lindsay didn't do anything to deserve the shitty way he acted towards her this summer. There was absolutely no need to break up with her on camera, it only made him look bad.  He's a chickenshit wuss.

    7 hours ago, Lassus said:

    It was amazing, it looked in the first episode like it would be a full Lindsey villain season, and whether planned or not, the whole thing shifted convincingly 180 degrees by the end.

    Right? I've been suspecting for awhile now that Carl was acting or saying shit in the car to make her think something was up. We never saw any footage of them in the cars for these fights, but it does make me wonder.

    Amanda should NOT be giving ANYONE advice until she divorces that man baby that treats her like shit. And now that the toxic couple #1 is no longer together (thank god), toxic couple #2 (Kyle/Amanda) will now be front and center next season. Maybe Amanda will wake the fuck up and realize her relationship is just as toxic (if not worse!) as Carl/Lindsay's was and end it too. I doubt it'll ever happen, but one can always hope.

    LOVED LOVED LOVED the girls supporting Lindsay. I really hope that they will continue to all be supportive of one another (minus Danielle) this summer. It's a much more enjoyable show when they get along. 

    6 hours ago, Katie W said:

    They definitely should not be together but I could not believe that rehearsed speech Carl was giving during that discussion.  The list of job he mentioned Lindsay didn't support? ACTOR, sober bar (which he has zero experience in), CIGARS? You are FORTY and these are what you feel are real career prospects? $20,000 spent on helping you find your career path and this is all you can come up with? 

    Everything Carl said Lindsay "thought" about him are his own thoughts. He has zero self-esteem and he's terrified because deep-down he thinks those "thoughts" are true. The man needs to see counseling and do more of the internal work.  It's not enough to just be sober. 

    I had to rewind that part to make sure I heard it correctly. CIGARS?  What now? 

    Carl needs to not return to Summer House for at least one summer. He just seems so lost and he really needs to focus on himself. Frankly, he seemed that way prior to being sober, but now it's just more apparent and it is so out of place for an environment like this and not fun to watch quite honestly (mean, but true).

    I wonder if West / Jesse will get a villian edit next season like sometimes happens. It seems like we didn't always see the real West due to producer manipulation. Either way, Ciara deserves so much better than Bravo fuckboys. 

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  4. I think both Lindsday and Carl wanted to get married. Either way, I think they're both pills, but Lindsay dodged a bigger bullet. He's a gaslighting jerk, and her asking questions about Carl's conversation with Kyle and him getting annoyed was ridiculous. He really does seem to want a Stepford wife (or Kyle, which I will always stand by). I don't know if the terms that Kyle was offering were good or not, but Carl should still negotiate, particularly if he was so damn miserable before. Plus Kyle knows that Carl is a people pleaser and will likely just take whatever is offered. 

    I thought Jesse was total ICK when the season started, but I'm loving him now. Yes, he's a fuckboy but didn't hide it, and which West clearly is turning out to be. Good for Ciara for sticking to her boundaries and not giving in. And 

    Regarding Paige and Craig, she's just giving lip service. I think?  Who knows. I think Paige got totally screwed over and is still afraid to really be vulnerable with Craig. Though I do see that she does really care about him. I'm rooting for them. Everyone does act like Craig is so great (myself included, but only when he doesn't drink), but he can be petty and also is just as gossipy as Paige.  I hope they make it. They're much more healthy that Kyle/Amanda which isn't saying much I know.


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  5. Kyle and Carl are the oldest in the house and act like the biggest fucking babies.

    As Amanda was getting out of the pool to console Kyle because he was crying, I was screaming NO! LET HIM FUCKING CRY. He's so ridiculous. And Amanda, you're stuck with him until you leave his ass. Don't have kids, RUN. He is so manipulative. He didn't even express any apologies got his behavior or calling his wife a bitch on TV.

    I'm glad that Lindsay isn't reacting the way that Carl expects, because he doesn't know what to do and is spiraling. He spent thousands to overcome the trauma from working at Loverboy. But now wants to go BACK, and doesn't expect Lindsay to express concern? 

    Carl and Kyle should just be a couple. 

    Meanwhile, you have Jesse crying over REAL issues and problems.  Bravo sucks makes us having to wait to see what happened. 

    I was listening to Watch What Crappens and they said that there was a Reddit thread that refers to what was said on screen versus what was actually said. I had a feeling after he met with his aunt and she mentioned that he was the football stud in high school (and college too maybe?), that he's just a little better at not coming across as a fuckboy than someone like Jesse or Ciara. I also didn't like how West cut off Jesse when they were talking in the aftershow.

    At least the women are getting along, I'm really enjoying it.


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  6. Carl and Kyle both suck.

    Carl is trying to get reactions from Lindsay and seems to be getting annoyed when she’s not getting ‘activated’.  He’s telling her that he’s not going to do what his parents think they want him to do, but then he runs to Kyle and constantly is saying how awful Lindsay is. Yes, Lindsay is a lot, but he knew that when he started dating her and proposed to her.  I truly think he’s been gaslighting her in conversations that weren’t in front of the cameras like when they were in the cars back to the house.  

    Kyle is an asshole to his wife and calls her lazy. He didn’t listen to one word that Amanda told him. She was being perfectly reasonable, and he just thinks only about himself.  Amanda did all the branding for Loverboy, he’s lucky to have had her help. And Kyle saying that he can’t help Amanda ‘adult’. Kyle, you’re the biggest manchild ever.

    Why would Carl want to return to that kind of environment? The truth is, he doesn’t know what to do and just will fall back to what is comfortable and easy no how matter how much he hated working at Loverboy. I don’t think Carl will ever get married, though sometimes I think he’d really prefer to marry Kyle. Hope Loverboy doesn’t fold, because what will Carl do then? Kyle wants to be a DJ, so at least he’s got a backup. /s  Seriously, has he EVER mentioned wanting to be a DJ?

    Amanda, get the fuck away from Kyle before you have any kids. If your husband is saying that about you while on camera, what does he say when it’s just you two?

    Really liking Jesse much more than I initially did. I felt so much for him when he and West were having their conversation.

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  7. 13 hours ago, Marley said:

    Lala is the worst. Who gives a shit what she thinks.

    Brock can shut up at anytime lol.

    Sandoval is such a whiny bitch narc. He just had to keep being the victim.

    Of course Scheana loves Sandoval. He just has to buy her love and compliment her stupid shit. She doesn’t care how ppl actually are.

    Why must I watch perform. No thanks.

    Jo trying to get her moment. She’s a complete fake.

    I like Daniel. He seems chill.

    Sandoval introducing himself was so awkward. He just always comes across as such a fake dbag. I don’t know how anyone can buy this bull shit Sandoval redemption arc. He’s not even pulling it off in any way. He can barely pretend to be sorry.

    Scheana needs to just shut up about Sandoval and talking about him to Ariana.

    Ariana sure has to comfort Scheana a lot about a situation that isn’t really about Scheana.

    Oh poor Sandoval is just trying to apologize. Shit the fuck up you loser.

    Billie Lee go the fuck away.

    Ariana was completely right about Sandoval and his fake as redemption arc look at his little freak out at the end. That’s the real bitch ass Sandoval.

    LaLa can’t even hide her jealousy. She wished everyone rallied around her when her joke fiancé cheated on her. That’s the real root of her anger. Everyone should go be friends with Rand lol. He didn’t murder anyone so who cares.

    Oh also Lala should remember when she was being fake and hiding her life Ariana was always there for her.

    This seems like the end of the show to me. It probably should be.


    All this 100%. 

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  8. Carl came into the summer knowing he didn’t want to get married, but masterfully calculated how to make it look like it’s all Lindsay’s fault and that he’s afraid of her. It’s pathetic. It all feels very inauthentic and Carl acting so innocent in his part in their relationship is bullshit. They are clearly not suited for each other, especially since he’s sober and she’s not. He doesn’t seem to me to be the type who wants to be married. 

    Carl’s parents weren’t wrong in their opinions (except for the abusive part), especially since it sounds like he’s been talking to them for months how he has been doubting marriage. But it felt like Carl produced it, like okay guys, let’s talk about how I don’t want to get married, but I’m going to pretend to be conflicted about what I should do.

    Yes, we know you hate conflict, but damn Carl, just be a man and end it. By the way, does Carl have a biological dad in the picture? I can’t remember. Either way, I don’t have sympathy for either Carl or Lindsay. But Carl is being shady as shit.

    Way for Amanda to turn the situation with Danielle and Gabby make it about her.  

    I’m enjoying Gabby more this year, she is loosening up. And good choice on not fighting for the water balloon guy. I’m interested to see if they’ll bring up on the reunion why Ciara doesn’t like Gabby. I love all the girls getting along, but Paige’s comment to Danielle about going to talk to “your friend” made me wince. I think Gabby is a stronger person than Danielle so won’t take Lindsay’s shit without being unhinged like Danielle.

    Paige is often the voice of reason and she always looks so great that I almost hate her. But I can’t believe she actually agreed to film in Old Navy though lol

    Less of Kyle and Amanda’s dysfunctional marriage was much appreciated.

    Does Danielle not watch herself back on any of these shows and see how she’s coming across, ie, desperate and embarrassing. Didn’t need to see her getting naked either. Would she have been into him if she didn’t think in her mind it was a competition with Gabby? 

    The reunion should be so great, they’re filming next week I think.

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  9. On 4/25/2024 at 5:27 AM, hoodooznoodooz said:

    I am the only one who is rooting for Kristen and Luke. He seems to understand how to talk to her. He leaps to her defense and challenges, but there’s passion there. I don’t think it’s ego. 

    I love Kristen’s long-sleeved, twisted bodice cranberry red dress.

    I'm not at all rooting for them since he appears to be shady if any of the above links are true. However, I am tired of everything being Kristen's fault. She's the easy target and they all know it. Having said, that, Kristen, shut up with the secret crap and protecting you. I'm sure it would have come out regardless.

    I think Brittany knows exactly why Jax isn't having sex with her; cuz he's cheating on her! 

    Michelle is awful. She doesn't want to be with her husband, but she sure got territorial over Jesse when he was talking to Burning Man girl. 

    What is with Jesse's hair and why is it dented so much? Is he wearing headbands that often?

    It just makes me so uncomfortable seeing Brittany during her interviews (confessionals? what do they call them?) wearing the tight dresses and her enhancements pushed up to high heaven. It has GOT to be uncomfortable for her right?  


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  10. People HAVE heard of toy makeup, right?  Scheana may be dim, but I knew she wasn’t using real mascara, etc, on her toddler.

    Scheana does realize that that there are other meds she can try if Zoloft made her tired? Did she try taking at night?  I think if her OCD was so bad, she should continue to try other medications. It took me several months to learn what helped me with depression. It’s not a one and done. Hearing that was frustrating. So that must be why she’s resistant to a nanny, she’s afraid of living ‘The Hand that Rocks the Cradle’?

    Too much Jax. One show is enough (I hate that I’m enjoying The Valley, in spite of him/Brit).

    Loved less Lala though. 

    I really think Ariana has handled herself great his season, and laughed when she noped out of talking to Scheana when she started talking to Sandoval. 

    Who knew getting divorced would finally see Tom and Katie getting along so well. 

    Are all these people saving money for when this show ends and their bars close?

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  11. 7 minutes ago, AEJ79 said:

    What's the secret that Luke knows about Michelle?!?

    Probably that she cheated on Jesse, and the person is 'famous' so they bleeped the name out, but he hangs around at the Abbey? Now I want to know!  Though if the group seems to suspect she's cheating on him, how 'secret' can it be?

    I feel bad for Kristen. The crap some of them have been saying to the camera about her is pretty mean. 

    I don't like Janet.

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  12. Okay, I don't get why they are all mad at Kristen. Are they mad that she brought up what she heard while they are filming?  I really did feel bad for Kristen and everyone is acting like she's the Kristen of early Vanderpump, but she does seem to be more mature and calm.  I'm felt bad for everyone piling on her since she isn't the one who was saying shit.  Somehow Janet comes smelling out roses, pretty impressive. Is everyone afraid of her or are they trying to avoid getting her upset because of their pregnant?  Did Janet work at SUR with everyone else?  She seemed a little ruthless with how things happened.

    Fuck Jesse, he's an asshole. And sorry Michelle, but I don't feel bad for you. 

    Jax is totally screwing around on Brittany (who was less annoying because her seemingly exaggerated southern accent was toned down which I appreciated.)  I got the impression that Jax and Jesse go out and screw around on their wives.  

    I got the impression that if it were up to Jax, Cruz wouldn't be in speech therapy cuz "he's fine!" Jax wants to pretend everything is perfect and put his head in the sand. Though I will say I was pleased that he stuck up for Kristen. 

    Nia and Danny seem so authentic and chill and NORMAL.  I've heard the phrase that actors don't grow past the age they were when they got famous (or something), so technically Danny should still be a teenager, yet Jax (and even Jesse) are the most immature and juvenile.

    Of course I'll still watch. 

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  13. On 3/30/2024 at 8:29 PM, b2H said:

    I think they are walking on eggshells around her, which isn’t healthy for her or for her friends.

    As someone who went through what Ariana did, I sympathize way more with her than with her 'friends' who can't understanding why Ariana doesn't want to hear about Tom and how he seems sincere, or whatever. 

    And I can't get over how people are expecting Ariana to move on and be less bitter after approximately FOUR MONTHS. Shit takes time. 

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  14. On 3/30/2024 at 10:30 AM, Cosmocrush said:

    Do teenagers really want/need their parents around all the time?  Generally do 16 year olds hang out with their parents?  They usually are busy with their own lives/activities/friends and have one foot out the door by that age.  So yeah. when your youngest child is 16/17 the "empty nest" is around the corner. 

    Nope, at least my teenagers don't. I have a 17 year old and only see her when she comes out of her room for food, going to/from school/work or if she needs something.  Definitely do not see her much except when I go into her room to be annoying.

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  15. On 3/27/2024 at 9:28 PM, lark37 said:

    I like TJ too but just thought of something: Doesn't Lexi have a daughter? Did they forget about her? Also-- This show needs Martin Mull more than it needs Brad Garrett imho. 

    Yes, and it's not clear if she's still married, separated, or divorced.

    Does anyone know why Nell was repeating, "murmur, murmur, murmur" when going to the elevator trying to hide from Lexi?

    TJ has nice eyes.

  16. 3 hours ago, bosawks said:

    Who's going to tell Scheana.....

    Scheana has ALWAYS wanted to host Love Island, she was even taking hosting lessons! How dare Ariana!

    Seriously though, way to go Ariana!  Sounds like she's got good representation, good for her.

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  17. I worry Crosshair is fighting something in his hand that is trying to turn him into a mindless assassin. God, I hope I’m wrong. I like his friendship with Omega. 

    I wonder if Fennec is being paid still to keep Omega safe or is she going to betray them. She seems to have some honor, so hopefully she won’t give the boys up.

    is Fennec in the Star Wars books at all? 

  18. 7 hours ago, frenchtoast said:

    The TL;DR version of this: I don't think Omega is Force sensitive. I think she could trained to use the Force though

    I agree, her blood must somehow make it easy to transfer them. 

    Loved seeing Ventress. Even she was won over by Omega. But how did she find them? And why did Fennec contact her?

    That’s all I got cuz I am tired and sick.


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  19. I don't think Emma was that bad. Maybe she could have been a teeny less harsh once or twice, but it was a way of protecting herself from a gorgeous guy who sleeps around.  And I don't look at it as cowardly, she still has got some growing up to do. 

  20. I really thought they were gonna hook up until the "I love everyone" line. Emma is acting out of self-preservation, but I don't think I could resist Dex when he's looking at you like that.

  21. I wish I felt Sandoval was sincere, but I don’t believe a word he says. I thought Brock made some good points when speaking with Tom.  Schwartz isn’t much better. They certainly deserve each other. In real life, this friend group would naturally split and never hang out. But their job is to “hang out”, so we get to watch this boring shitshow of many unlikeable people. 

    It took me time to trust non-family with my kids, but it also seems like Brock does most of the parenting, so there’s a weird disconnect there.  So her mom is over all the time and then guilts Scheana?  Why don’t we see that, or is that only when cameras are not around. I think that Scheana could benefit from therapy for her anxiety to complement the meds she’s taking.  

    What is Sandoval’s issue with Lala?  His anger towards her seems misplaced to me. 




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  22. 57 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

    My question is: If they ALL went to Tahoe except for Katy, how's Arianna gonna keep up her "my way or the highway" with them?

    She's just gonna film with Katy forever and ever AMEN??

    Girl went thru her partner of 10 years cheating on her. Maybe in time she’ll film with him, but it’s only been a few months. I couldn’t stand being in the same room with my ex, and it took a long time to get to a civil place. It’s disappointing to see all the anger going her way for something Sandoval did. 

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