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Posts posted by fictiongoddess

  1. I'm a bit conflicted about this episode, though I still think that this season is the best so far after season 1.

    I liked the bit of Regina we saw, especially because there wasn't much. I'm glad that Granny and the dwarves got to join the big adventure, but I wish they were put to better use. I'm tired of Grumpy either grousing or doing his Chicken Little impersonation. I loved Captain Swan, and especially the Henry/Violet scene. I appreciate that Hook is taking charge of the situation to get Emma to a stronger, healthier state of mind for fighting the DO.

    Speaking of which, WTF with the untethered evilness? How does it operate independently of the DO when Rumple was still the incumbent? And a torch scares it away with little fuss? I can't take this part seriously.

    I think I like the twistiness of Arthur and Guinivere, and I guess Lancelot actually is alive after all. I really have to make myself forget my coursework in Arthurian legend when I watch this and just go along for the ride.

    Good for Snowing for reacting with emotion (with each other, no less) two episodes in a row! I love having some of the intelligence back in the characters--I've really missed it! It was in such short supply for so long that I was sure that they were behaving as idiots again (as evidenced by the yelling I directed at the TV).

    Not sure what I expect from next week, and I'm willing to stay tuned.

    Oh, one more nit to pick: seeing the roses growing straight out of the ground like that, and with no actual rose leaves, very nearly distracted me from the lovely moment I was meant to watch. Surely there is another way to stage that scene that won't make gardeners cringe, yes?

    • Love 3
  2. Everyone has already mentioned most of the points I would have made, but did anyone else see the locked door in Emma's new house (yay for moving out, btw) and immediately think "Blackbeard!" By that, I mean the classic story with the forbidden room, not the character we've seen thus far.

    Love the push-pull with !DarkSwan and Hook. And her new wardrobe, too. Wish he could have worn a nice doublet in Camelot instead of the same old pirate gear.

    Nice to see Henry growing up. It's about time. Love me some Yaz--had to go listen to more right after the episode because I was feeling nostalgic.

    I'm so over all things Savior with this show. As far as I'm concerned, the savior role was limited to the original curse and ceased to be necessary after season one. What is needed now is not a savior but heroes. Anyone has the potential to be a hero depending on the situation, but some are meant to be Big Damn Heroes and we shouldn't have to worry about character assassination with them all the time. And I'm so over hearing anyone--Emma included--refer to herself as the Savior. Get over yourself already.

    • Love 4
  3. I liked it better than the last several premieres, so there's that. I'm a Camelot fan, and I like the idea of !DarkSwan, and while I like Merida as a character well enough, it felt as though she was shoehorned in here. I would rather they had waited till 5B to introduce her. It's not like there is any shortage of characters needing attention (and meaningful dialogue) here.

    I liked Hook's intensity in the quest to find Emma, but would have like more concern shown by her parents and Henry. The bits between Hook and Regina were good, but I wish Regina had dialed back the snark just a touch. I don't expect her to be as torn up about Emma being the Dark One as Hook is, but if she's supposed to be redeemed, she could show some compassion.

    I liked Hook and Henry working together, and Hook trying every trick he can think of to achieve his goal. But could a knife that size sever a hand with one blow, especially when wielded by the dehanded person? Yeah, I know, I should just go with it. It's not the most preposterous thing we've seen.

    I'm not generally a Zelena fan, but I liked the toned-down version here much better than anything previously. Jury's still out on further appearances, however.

    Speaking of which, I'd like to see more responsible parenting shown. Henry's old enough to be useful, but a baby and a preschooler? Get a babysitter! And Belle should have stayed home.

    Not thrilled about the time jump/memory wipe. I don't mind the time jump per se, as long as they do it well. Too bad it's only the standard 6 weeks again. I wish they didn't go to the amnesia well quite so often.

    !DarkSwan (creepy version) at the end was fabulously chilling! More of that, please!

    Overall, I'm hopeful because there is good potential here, but a bit resigned that it will not live up to it by the end.

    • Love 6
  4. I've been binge-watching Arrow recently, and had some thoughts about OUAT. Arrow uses flashbacks in each episode, but always makes them relevant to the current plot and overall character development so that they add rather than subtract from the story. I suspect it takes a fair amount of detailed planning so it all ties together over the course of the series, but the effort is well spent as it raises the quality of the short and long story arcs. With OUAT, I find that some of the flashbacks, especially starting with season 2, seem shoehorned in and detract from rather than add to the story. If I could, I'd order all OUAT writers to watch Arrow specifically to study the structure and planning evident there.

    • Love 1
  5. Okay, so the Emma/Hook ILY has been bugging me since last night. For me, it wasn't just that it didn't serve the drama as well as having the declaration happen in the loft, though that was certainly the case. Watching Emma's reaction to AU Hook's death and then her tearful confession to Regina, you knew she was finally and totally all in. The last time we saw that play out for her, upon returning from the 3B finale EF adventure, she immediately took off to find her parents and express her feelings. She didn't hesitate, even to the point where she abandoned Hook with a disoriented Marion. So can you seriously tell me that, 1) she wouldn't have kissed Hook upon finding him in the loft (come on, they've been dating or whatever for the entire season, however long that turned out to be), and 2) actually told him ILY when she knows better than anyone that they are never assured of a moment without chaos? Not to mention that she has to know that he feels the same. It's not like she was risking rejection here. Hook had to be thinking, "What's a guy gotta do to get a declaration?" He died, FFS! Waiting till God knows what is about to happen with the Oobleck was just...I want to say cowardly, though I don't like thinking that way.

    I'll go back and rewatch both eps, and maybe I'll feel differently. As frustrated as I get with TS,TW, I stick around to see if my favorite characters end up with the relationships they deserve. Still hoping that Snowing will have a resurgence before the series finale.

    In other notes, I have no interest in discovering who Lily's father is. And having taken college coursework in Arthurian legend as well as being a big fan, I'm crossing fingers/toes/anything else that it doesn't go awry.

    • Love 3
  6. 4B has been so disappointing that I've gotten in the habit lately of not watching live or, sometimes, at all until about a week after the episode airs. I'm glad I watched live this week. Not because much of it wasn't tedious and unnecessary--it was, indeed--but there were some redeeming parts as well.

    I think this may have been the ep with the best CS scene (not counting the date) all half-season. I especially liked that they were having a meaningful conversation about something that matters, and that Emma didn't just shut Hook down as though he isn't talking sense. And then she finally gets over herself enough to move on from her dark place. Finally, progress of the character development sort!

    Speaking of Hook, will he ever be written as having any sense at all when it comes to taunting the Dark One? He's all kinds of savvy otherwise, but not with this. I'm so over that foolishness.

    Regina's epiphany came too easily, and I just want Zelena to fall into a big black hole, so no joy for me there. Not sure yet what I think of Mal and Lily. I want to see where they go from here. And while it's always nice to see Cora, a little goes a long way.

    I did like how Rumple consistently declined assistance when he was weak and in pain. That seemed very much in character, and RC played it very well.

    As underwhelming as this show has generally become, I'm pleasantly surprised to say that I'm actually looking forward to the finale next week. It seems full of possibility, so I guess I'll be hoping that it doesn't end up a train wreck instead.

  7. You people are evil, and I am doomed. I've been resisting reading any fanfic--not wanting to be disappointed by lackluster or hackneyed writing, or afraid of getting sucked into an amazing obsession--but I finally gave in about a week ago and I'm a goner. I have 6 different stories open now, and I check each one daily for updates. (Truthfully, some more often.) What sealed the deal was Put Me In Coach. I'm a die-hard baseball fan (go White Sox!), and to marry that with CS is brilliant!

    Is there a 12 step program for this? Or a support group I can recommend to my family?

    • Love 3
  8. Okay, please tell me if I'm way off base here, but Hook's boots bug the hell out of me! If you see him sometimes in full-length profile, it looks as though either his feet are enormous for his height, or he's wearing clown shoes. Am I crazy, or has anyone else soon it also?

    And my big quibble with Belle's wedding attire was the length of the skirt. Second would be the shoes, but it would have been much improved overall if the skirt had been longer.

    I'll join in the coveting of Regina's fabulous wardrobe, even though I'm more comfortable in something like Emma's.

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