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Season 21 Live Feed Discussion

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2 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I have a feeling Analyse is one of those girls whose "hotness" has made it unnecessary to develop things like a personality. She just has to wear a bikini and that's enough. 

The funny thing is, during one of her relationship talks with Nick she told him that she feels like guys like her for her looks but she wants a guy to like her for who she is and not just her looks.  But it's like aside from beautiful college soccer player, I have no sense of who she is.  

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Just now, zorak said:

The funny thing is, during one of her relationship talks with Nick she told him that she feels like guys like her for her looks but she wants a guy to like her for who she is and not just her looks.  But it's like aside from beautiful college soccer player, I have no sense of who she is.  



I can't point to a single defining character trait for her outside of hot college soccer player.

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18 minutes ago, jay741982 said:

Christie cant see that Jackson is a huge douchebag but she just loves him GAG. Even said she thought he would be a douchebag but hes not UH yeah he is Christie do you not see how hes had 2 women on a string?

Kind of destroys my delusions that lesbians are resistant to male good looks. 

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15 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I can't point to a single defining character trait for her outside of hot college soccer player.

Is a tiny forehead a character trait? If not, then yea, she doesn't have any.

This season was bad enough but now we have all this hooking up and just blech. I hate it. I watch Are You the One? for trashy hookups, I don't need another show with them.

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8 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Kind of destroys my delusions that lesbians are resistant to male good looks. 

Jackson is good looking?

I think Christie just values being "part of the guys." She's like Christmas that way. This cast has a lot of very girly girls (Kat, Kemi, Analyse, Holly) and I dont think she relates to them. 

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Another gem from Kat earlier:

Kemi: My best friend doesn't really celebrate her birthday because she doesn't like attention.
Kat: Can't relate.

Kemi is currently cutting up raw chicken. I'll keep everyone up to date on how Raven she gets with this.

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Ovi is upset that she's cutting the raw chicken on the table. She does have it on a cutting board though. But Ovi is making his famous cookies right beside her so like I feel pretty certain there's some cross contamination going on. She's also touching the salt and pepper with her unwashed hands so.

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Button Boy, FUCK OFF. Let Sam grieve in peace. FFS. 

I hope that production will allow Sam to at least talk to his family. If Christmas can get surgery, be in the hospital for a full day and get to come back into the house, Sam should be allowed to talk to his family.

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I wish the DR would call Sam in for an extended session where he sees a grief counselor and gets a phone call home. Calling him in, saying "hey, gramps died" and sending him out always seems so cold to me.

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13 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Anal lice surprises me the most and honestly, kind of disappoints me. I couldn't give a shit about people doing whatever they want, consensually, but she really seems like she's been pressured into doing something she wasn't really comfortable with. She's the youngest female HG, right? And she keeps talking about a lack of chemistry between her and Jack. It sort of skeeves me out. 

6 hours ago, LGGirl said:

As a mother of girls around her age, this just makes me sad.  Obviously, she felt pressure to do this.   This is just not right, especially in this day and age. 

Honestly, even though Analyse kept getting the "You should but you shouldn't!" talks from Christie and Holly, I think she made this decision on her own. It kinda reminds me on high school (I know, right?) where the super hot popular girl had to date the super hot popular guy - even if they had nothing in common or liked each other that much. But because they're the super hot people, it only makes sense that they hook up. No one pushes them towards it, it's just the natural order of things.

Also as much as Analyse was saying that she and Jack had no chemistry, she would also talk occasionally about wanting to kiss him even though Christie would be all, "Uh, he was hoping his HoH letter was from his ex-girlfriend?" And Analyse would be all, "Yeah, yeah, I know but [all together now!] he's so hot."

Most of us have a hook-up we regret. Some of us have more than one. Some of us had a string in our early 20s. It's just that most of us don't have them on a 24/7 live feed with night vision camera. 

6 hours ago, zorak said:

Analyse just told Christie and Holly that Jack's dick is huge.  

Oh, look, it's the first thing on my list of Callaphera's Things She Wishes She Didn't Know about BB21 HGs. 

He did claim to have a vagina-bruising dick. Usually the ones who claim that don't. I'm kinda disappointed that he really does have one.

30 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

They got cake mixes and frosting for the birthdays. Tommy, Nicole, Christy, Ovi, and David are trying to figure out how to make it without Kemi and Jack knowing.

"Happy birthday, Jack! Oh, sorry your grandpa died, Sam. Happy birthday, Kemi!" That's gonna be an awkward party. 

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7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

"Happy birthday, Jack! Oh, sorry your grandpa died, Sam. Happy birthday, Kemi!" That's gonna be an awkward party. 

More awkward than BB10 Libra's "Anybody want cake?" after the fight?

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I guess nowhere in the online community did anyone -- even Joker's -- figure out it was Jack and not Sam who won that stupid whackadoodle power.  It is official.  Jack is Paul 2.0. 

This season is horrible and no chance for it changing course at this point.  It's over.

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1 minute ago, green said:

I guess nowhere in the online community did anyone -- even Joker's -- figure out it was Jack and not Sam who won that stupid whackadoodle power.  It is official.  Jack is Paul 2.0. 

This season is horrible and no chance for it changing course at this point.  It's over.

Well, nobody knew for sure who won. People were guessing Sam or Tommy, but I did see Jack's name being thrown out occasionally, at least more than HollyBeth and Jackson's, 

I never counted Jack out, personally. I thought he was likely to have it, although I was thinking that there'd be no way of him not telling Jackson at some point. 

But man, am I glad that Jack won the power since it's definitely the worst power so far, and there's no way the Panic Power is worse than this. This Veto Redraw only works the sooner Jack uses it. If he waits too long, it not only becomes meaningless as he increases the chances of redrawing the same players, but it also increases the chances of his alliance being pissed for keeping it a secret.

I think Jack realized how shitty this power actually is. He didn't sound that enthused when reading it and then stating that he'd be keeping it a secret. I think he knew that he'd rather have the Nightmare Power.

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A few minutes ago Jack asked Jackson what was wrong because he's noticed Jackson's been stress eating.  Isn't Jackson the one who normally never stops eating?  So if he's eating more than usual, they really probably should start rationing the food.

Edited by zorak
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Those were my sentiments exactly @green.  I was so disappointed that Jack won that competition.  However, I don't think it is as powerful as Ovi's, which makes me feel slightly better.  I suppose it can be used strategically but it still wouldn't guarantee an outcome that's beneficial to him so there's a chance he could use it and it not be effective which would render it largely useless.  Right? Wait, don't answer that, I don't want to know.  I'd much rather stay in this self-protected bubble that lets me believe this guy asswipe will NOT win the season.

Edited by LuvizBlind
FTFMyself, heh
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41 minutes ago, zorak said:

More awkward than BB10 Libra's "Anybody want cake?" after the fight?

Best BB moment ever.  Gonna have to go rewatch that.  Perhaps I'll just rewatch all of season 10 this summer since this season is bullshit.  

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So, Jack can’t use the power until the Final 6? That’s a long way away. In theory, if the alliance stayed together he could make it but I think the odds aren’t that great. Yeah, Ovi has the better now but he also has to get back in the game. Time will tell  in 2 weeks.

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2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

So, Jack can’t use the power until the Final 6? That’s a long way away. In theory, if the alliance stayed together he could make it but I think the odds aren’t that great. Yeah, Ovi has the better now but he also has to get back in the game. Time will tell  in 2 weeks.

I'm positive that he can use his power up until F6. 

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm positive that he can use his power up until F6. 

Yeah, it expires at final 6.

I hope after he won, Grodner was like "Shit, we better make this power suck now," and they tweaked it at the last minute.

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11 minutes ago, zorak said:

A few minutes ago asked Jackson what was wrong because he's noticed Jackson's been stress eating.  Isn't Jackson the one who normally never stops eating?  So if he's eating more than usual, they really probably should start rationing the food.

Jackson eats everything in sight and yet he judges others for how much they cook, the fact that BB is buying too many groceries, and he himself has said that he wants to ration the food. It's weird. 

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3 minutes ago, alihart41 said:

I hope after he won, Grodner was like "Shit, we better make this power suck now," and they tweaked it at the last minute.

I had that same thought lol. But then I remembered it was Grodner and there's no doubt she's obsessed with Jack and doesn't give a fuck that the audience hates him.

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7 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

Duh. He's a walking definition of BDE. 

Big Dick Ego?

3 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

It's embarrassing to admit that in addition to not being able to tell Holly and Analyse apart I can never remember which one does wine safaris because I immediately get hung up on the job title and start envisioning this:

"To your left, you'll see a small herd of pinot grigios being stalked by three merlots. At the watering hole to your right are a family of caberchard, the hybrid offspring of the bold cabernet and the light-bodied chardonnay.

Up ahead, there's a group of chiantis lounging in the shade of a baobab tree. Oh, look! In the branches are a couple of very rare growler monkeys, distant relations to the jungle howler monkeys!"

Analyze is the one with the two-head that rivals Teresa Giudice. 

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One way to change this season up, create another power that is voted on by the viewers. Let us give our favorite a power. I am fairly sure that won't be anyone in Grateful.

And, its too bad Ovi cannot use his power from Camp Comeback.  But, that would have been awesome.

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What was it that Jackson said about the "juice" wasn't worth it? He was referring to Kat and it was right after he told her to stay away from him. It was disgusting but I have no way of watching it again!!

( I cannot get rid off the box below. Sorry Lady Calypso. It's from weeks ago?)

On 6/17/2019 at 6:47 PM, Lady Calypso said:
Edited by Maggie Mae
I am technology challenged.
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Just now, Maggie Mae said:

What was it that Jackson said about the "juice" wasn't worth it? He was referring to Kat and it was right after he told her to stay away from him. It was disgusting but I have no way of watching it again!!

It was, "The juice isn't worth the squeeze." I assumed it was a reference to the Lizzo song, "Juice," but I don't know if I believe Jackson is cool enough to listen to Lizzo.

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Is it me or does anyone else think Holly ages herself every time she puts on her makeup?  Earlier she looked like she wasn't wearing any or had minimal make up on and I thought she looked fine.  But now she's doing her full blown make up application and it just makes her look even older to me.

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Just now, tinkerbell said:

So, his wife's grandfather? 

 That might not be a big deal to him.

According to Sam, he's closer to his wife's side of the family than his own. With the stories he was telling on the feeds this afternoon, he definitely considered him as much of a grandfather to him as his own grandfather (he thought his own grandfather, I believe, was going to pass). 

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9 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Big Dick Ego?

Energy. But yes. 😂

1 minute ago, Maggie Mae said:

What was it that Jackson said about the "juice" wasn't worth it? He was referring to Kat and it was right after he told her to stay away from him. It was disgusting but I have no way of watching it again!!

 "The juice isn't worth the squeeze." It's a cost/benefit analysis, and not necessarily disgusting. But in this case, he's saying that the sexy times aren't good enough to put in the emotional support time. Which is gross.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Christy and Tommy just gave Kemi/Jack their cakes, everyone sang Happy Birthday, and now they're all hugging each other. Gag me.

Happy birthday! We didn't know what to get you so we got you salmonella. Enjoy!

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8 hours ago, zorak said:

Analyse just told Christie and Holly that Jack's dick is huge.  

Well THAT’S some fucking Valuable Information For Your Everyday Life®.  Don’t know how I made it 50+ years without that little nugget of data.

God bless you, Citizen Anal, and thanks for sharing.

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11 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Well THAT’S some fucking Valuable Information For Your Everyday Life®.  Don’t know how I made it 50+ years without that little nugget of data.

God bless you, Citizen Anal, and thanks for sharing.

I’m sure her parents are impressed, too. He’s gross. Hopefully, she’s happy & it helps her game. LOL!!!

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I turn on the feeds and the first thing I hear is Nick saying, "Can I say 'C U Next Thursday at the eviction'?" 

Oh. It's going to be one of those nights. *girds my loins and grabs the vodka*

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Fakest convo ever between David and Jackson just took place.  Jackson told David that he doesn't want to see David walking out the door among other bullshit.  David told him he was going to win the comeback comp but to not worry because he wasn't going to "come in hot".  

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54 minutes ago, zorak said:

Is it me or does anyone else think Holly ages herself every time she puts on her makeup?  Earlier she looked like she wasn't wearing any or had minimal make up on and I thought she looked fine.  But now she's doing her full blown make up application and it just makes her look even older to me.

Not to be rude but I don't find her very attractive with or without makeup. She's got a serious butterface going on. 

Her personality isn't great either. 

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