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S07.E20: Confessions

Lady Calypso
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9 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I think they flubbed how Emiko was used on the show.  They should have stuck closer to who she seemed to be.  Angry because of the past and out for revenge for her mother's death.  They should have let her and Oliver genuinely bond and then let the conflict be that while she does now not hate him, she has no plans on not carrying out her plans for the Ninth Circle and be completely loyal to them.  Then the conflict could be nuanced because while she really isn't interested in killing him, she will if he gets in the way too much.  Nothing personal, just business, ya know?  Lol.  Of course to carry that off they'd have needed to give her a much more cheeky personality.  There were the makings of just that person in the flashback to when she was a kid.  She could have been the frenemy they couldn't control or predict that Oliver refuses to kill. 

That's kinda what happened with E2 Laurel. The writers had two possible redemption stories: Emiko and E2 Laurel. They weren't going to redeem both. So one person got the full redemption and the other person got the full evilness.

Edited by tv echo
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11 hours ago, tv echo said:

That's kinda what happened with E2 Laurel. The writers had two possible redemption stories: Emiko and E2 Laurel. They weren't going to redeem both. So one person got the full redemption and the other person got the full evilness.

I think they could have had two frenemies. One that gets redeemed and one that doesn't.  Plus since they sent Laurel back to Earth two it's not like the characters would have overlapped much, lol.  It's pointless to try and "fix" what's gone wrong on this show and yet I can't seem to stop imagining how it could have gone.  

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"At some point people have to take responsibility for their actions"
- Oliver Queen

Me at midway point : That's an ironic statement to make in a show where the only person who ever takes responsibility for his actions is Oliver Queen.

End of episode: Seriously???

I just disliked everything about this episode except Felicity mainlining junk food during her interrogation. I'm glad she's moving on so hopefully I can too.


Stephen Amell played Oliver Queen in this as old and tired and it makes me even more angry about the flash forwards. How much older and tireder will he be once Felicity takes off into hiding for the sake of their child or whatever plotline they're going with? I really hate, really really hate the idea that they don't see each other again. She's the only good thing in his life and the only person he can rely on. What season was it that ended with Felicity and Oliver driving off into the sunset together to make omelettes in suburbia? Let's pretend it ended there.

Some of his line deliveries in this were fantastic. He's a much better actor than the majority of the cast, he knows this character so well, and I sometimes feel he's rebelling against the writing with those choices.

He's a much better actor than I think we give him credit for but that could be because the people around him are so one-note.

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I don't get the complaint about this being a filler episode.  It felt more like the start to the final sequence.

Where I think the episode made a mistake is that the team found out that Emiko is leading the Ninth Circle because she told Rene.  I think this is something that the team needed to uncover on their own or at least gather enough evidence to confront Emiko before she admits anything.

Halfway through, I was expecting it to turn out to be a cover-up to protect Dinah.

I can understand why she would hate all things Queen.  The Queen name taints everything for her.  Imagine if someone hates Muslim terrorists for what they have done to her and she now hates all Muslims and refuses to accept the possibility of a good Muslim.  Emiko ones not acknowledge the possibility of a good Queen.  Now, you may say that Emiko is half-Queen and should hate herself, but I known an ex-Muslim who thinks this way.  Emiko doesn't see herself as half-Queen, she sees herself as an ex-Queen.  She could only accept Ollie if he renounced his name, which he would never do.

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I felt like it was a filler episode because there was so very little of what I watch Arrow for.  I would have been okay with that midseason but in the third last episode, I want "This started with the three of us. It's time we got back to that" stuff.

Emiko hating everything Queen because Robert wasn't who she wanted him to be, maybe. Emiko wanting to kill Oliver and then release a toxin to kill the city is psychopathic.  Malcolm Merlyn wanting to level the Glades because his wife was killed there is psycho but makes a kind of sense. Chase wanting revenge on Oliver for killing his father is also psycho but there is a logic to it.

Emiko wanting to reign destruction on her half-brother, who she already condemned to five years of hell and kill all those other people too because Daddy didn't love her enough to pay for her startup, boo friggin' hoo.  I have no sympathy for her.  Felicity believed that her father abandoned her when she was 7 (and he kind of did since he knew where she was and didn't contact her) and she's not running around like a nutcase trying to kill everyone.

They wanted Emiko to be the surprise! Big Bad of the season but they left the reveal too late and they didn't set up the logic enough or didn't have time to.  Like Diaz but even worse.

15 hours ago, tv echo said:

That's kinda what happened with E2 Laurel. The writers had two possible redemption stories: Emiko and E2 Laurel. They weren't going to redeem both. So one person got the full redemption and the other person got the full evilness.

They couldn't have redeemed Emiko once they decided that she was going to be the season Big Bad. They needed her bad to tell the story.

They could have left E2 Laurel as a frenemy but this show has always loved Laurel too much to do that, much less let her go. I bet she's a regular cast member next season, along with Dinah. (And doesn't that make me want to run.)

It's poor show-running, and it seems that since Oliver got out of prison there's been no creativity on the show.

2 hours ago, AudienceofOne said:

What season was it that ended with Felicity and Oliver driving off into the sunset together to make omelettes in suburbia? Let's pretend it ended there.

End of season 3. 

I wasn't a fan of that season, between Oliver treating Felicity so badly and the Raylicity "romance", but it did end well.

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20 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

End of season 3. 

I wasn't a fan of that season, between Oliver treating Felicity so badly and the Raylicity "romance", but it did end well.

In retrospect that season was the beginning of me going "what happened to my show, this is terrible" and now it's season seven and I've been doing this for SEVENTY PERCENT OF THE SHOW'S RUN.

So, dear board members, if I come back next season call me on it and tell me to go away.

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2 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:

In retrospect that season was the beginning of me going "what happened to my show, this is terrible" and now it's season seven and I've been doing this for SEVENTY PERCENT OF THE SHOW'S RUN.

So, dear board members, if I come back next season call me on it and tell me to go away.

Lol you can come back for the sake of morbid curiosity. I'm in it to see if they'll hit 0.1!

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5 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Lol you can come back for the sake of morbid curiosity. I'm in it to see if they'll hit 0.1!

Damn. Challenge accepted, I guess.

But I think Olicity got babies and omelettes and everything since season 3 has been a Laurel Lance hallucination.

Edited by AudienceofOne
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2 minutes ago, AudienceofOne said:

Damn. Challenge accepted, I guess.

But I think Olicity got babies and omelettes and everything since season 3 has been a Laurel Lance hallucination.

Deal we're just gonna go with that!

They live in Ivy Town with their twins Lucas and Mia. William moved in with them too after Samantha passed away and they found out about him together from her will.

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 I have no sympathy for her.  Felicity believed that her father abandoned her when she was 7 (and he kind of did since he knew where she was and didn't contact her) and she's not running around like a nutcase trying to kill everyone.

Lol.  This is such a good point.  It's funny how much we were asked to feel like Robert ruined her life and her rage was justified.  Still think he was an ass for how he treated her, at the very least she should have gotten financial support just no love (still not sure why her mom didn't sue him for child support or demand hush money to keep from going to the press).

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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Emiko wanting to reign destruction on her half-brother, who she already condemned to five years of hell and kill all those other people too because Daddy didn't love her enough to pay for her startup, boo friggin' hoo.  I have no sympathy for her.  Felicity believed that her father abandoned her when she was 7 (and he kind of did since he knew where she was and didn't contact her) and she's not running around like a nutcase trying to kill everyone.

This is the exact problem I’m having with Emiko - boo hoo, so she’s suffered a little trauma in life.

We’ve watched as Oliver survived five years in hell where his father committed suicide in front of him, he was tortured and had to fight for his survival. His body bares every scar as a visual reminder of that trauma. 

In the past 7 years he’s watched his mother get murdered in front of him, a sister stabbed and revived by Lazarus Pit, his fiancé shot and paralysed, his best friend & two former girlfriends all killed. He was tortured again, forced to join the LOA, killed his own Earth X doppelgänger, survived Slabside, and on and on we go and he’s not running around trying to kill people because of it. He’s still a good man with good intentions.

Meanwhile, we’ve known Emiko for a handful of episodes and so far it looks more like she’s throwing a tantrum by leading a terrorist organisation and wanting to personally destroy Oliver, his legacy and a city full of people all because her Dad didn’t love her enough. The writers didn’t set up enough motivation for Emiko for me to see her actions any other way than over the top for her underlying issue and misplaced in directing so much anger at Oliver.

Edited by kes0704
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On 4/29/2019 at 10:17 PM, Lantern7 said:

Those pillars Oliver was trapped between? Kinda looked cozy. Like being in a faux concrete sleeping bag

It looked like an Oliver sandwich. I guess I shouldn't watch at 5 in the morning on an empty stomach.

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I agree that the Emiko character and vendetta are very poorly developed and supported, thus I'm not even sure the actress is to blame.  So, I am not in any way going to defend the character or her actions, but I will comment more on her specifically at the end of this post.  Meanwhile, there is one major issue I have with this episode that it appears no one else has touched on.

Oliver began the series as a true lawless vigilante; a cold-blooded murderer.  But he has long since redeemed himself from that dark side and had emerged as a hero who did his best to adhere to standard hero ethics.  There are still times he fell short and reverted to deadly force (e.g. Damien Dhark), in violation of the classic trope that the hero never ever kills. Ever.  In a sense, the occasional lapse from perfect ethics injected the Arrow world with the tiniest bit of realism (admittedly very tiny) compared to some other superhero shows.  When lives are literally at stake, choices are difficult. Nevertheless, the expectation at this point is that the Green Arrow is a hero and should be behaving with a strong code of honor and ethics and should not deviate unless it seems like he literally has no other choice in order to save lives.

Thus I am shocked to find out that Oliver and ALL his teammates, including the friggin' chief of police easily and gladly conspired to not only cover up the identity of a perpetrator of a brutal double homicide (because he's "family"), but also conspired to frame another person for the murders who they all know to be innocent of the crimes (who actually is family, ironic), because she's their enemy!!!!!!!!

I don't know if this situation will be developed further, but based on the quality of the episodes lately, I expect it will never be addressed again.

This is not how I expect my heroes to behave.  I'm disappointed in all of them, but particularly the title character.  And Dinah has no right to wear a badge.  Feh!

In other news, if I was Oliver, of course I would be enraged to learn that Emiko could have done something to stop the sinking of the Queens Gambit and did not.  But putting emotion aside, let's remember that she is not responsible for their deaths.  She had to have still been an adolescent teen when the boat sank, still very raw and angry about her and mom being abandoned, and she made a very impactful and fateful decision.  Baby girl was mad at daddy, and she elected to say and do nothing, until it was too late to do anything.  Daddy died and a whole lot of other lives (Oliver, Sara, etc.) were profoundly effected.  Can't say she made the most ethical decision, but I can understand why she did not act to save her father in that moment, and regardless she did not directly cause any of those things to happen to any of those people.  Now, how this gets f'd up is any person who made that decision and is now 12 years older than their adolescent self, and not only feels absolutely no remorse for her earlier decision, but still has so much anger and hatred for anyone even carrying Queen DNA that she will go to great lengths to destroy them, is quite simply insane.  Her current attitude is just not rational and can't be defended.  So, I don't hate the character for failing to act more than a decade ago.  I hate the character because the writers/showrunners can't create a cohesive, believable one.  Again, there could be a redemption arc in store for Emiko, where she at least gains the ability to feel/express remorse for what her anger has wrought, but again, based on current storytelling quality, I'm not holding my breath.

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19 minutes ago, sd dude said:

Thus I am shocked to find out that Oliver and ALL his teammates, including the friggin' chief of police easily and gladly conspired to not only cover up the identity of a perpetrator of a brutal double homicide (because he's "family"), but also conspired to frame another person for the murders who they all know to be innocent of the crimes (who actually is family, ironic), because she's their enemy!!!!!!!!

Why would Dinah covering up crimes surprise you? She covered up for Laurel's little spree just a couple of weeks ago. 

If Emiko wasn't already a murderer at least two times over - with no hope of being held accountable for those crimes - the setup would leave more of a sour taste in my mouth. But she's a killer, she's getting away with it, so...eh. It's why Laurel being set up for Diaz's murder didn't bother me, because even though she didn't kill him, she did kill, uh...a whole lot of other people and was getting away with it. And will continue to get away with it, because thanks Dinah! 

25 minutes ago, sd dude said:

But putting emotion aside, let's remember that she is not responsible for their deaths.  She had to have still been an adolescent teen when the boat sank, still very raw and angry about her and mom being abandoned, and she made a very impactful and fateful decision.  Baby girl was mad at daddy, and she elected to say and do nothing, until it was too late to do anything. 

Part of the reason why she didn't say anything about the Gambit plan was because she was mad that Robert didn't give her money to start a business, so she was definitely not an adolescent teen. If she's old enough to come up with a concrete business plan that impresses her billionaire father, she's old enough to be held accountable for keeping her mouth shut and letting a boat load of people get blown up. 

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Very poor episode.

The acting was appalling. Usually, this cast are average, but for this episode I thought everyone did an especially poor job. It's like everyone has given up. Doesn't bode well for Season Eight.

At least this season is almost over.

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2 hours ago, sd dude said:

She had to have still been an adolescent teen when the boat sank, still very raw and angry about her and mom being abandoned, and she made a very impactful and fateful decision.  Baby girl was mad at daddy, and she elected to say and do nothing, until it was too late to do anything.  Daddy died and a whole lot of other lives (Oliver, Sara, etc.) were profoundly effected.  Can't say she made the most ethical decision, but I can understand why she did not act to save her father in that moment, and regardless she did not directly cause any of those things to happen to any of those people. 

I got the impression that she was older than Oliver, or at least as old as he was.  This comes from the scene where Robert leaves her and her mother, and from the one where she presents her business plan which gave me the impression that she had already gone to business school by then (as well as being a full-fledged member of the Ninth Circle) while Oliver was still college-hopping at 22.

She didn't directly cause those things except by association but she also feels zero remorse that they happened to innocent people. If she doesn't care about Oliver, what about the crew of the Queen's Gambit who all died?  The son of the captain tried to kill Oliver because Robert show him, but Emiko bears zero consequences for the bombing.

14 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

 Still think he was an ass for how he treated her, at the very least she should have gotten financial support just no love (still not sure why her mom didn't sue him for child support or demand hush money to keep from going to the press).

This. She was in touch with Robert, otherwise he would have been more surprised when she presented her business plan to him. Why didn't he give any money to her and her mother? We know that it was possible to hide QC money because Moira did it.

And why didn't her mother sue Robert for financial support? Or Emiko blackmail him for it when she got older? Given how angry she was at him that it was okay with her if he blew up, I would have thought she would have blackmailed him for a better life long before that.

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I got the impression that she was older than Oliver, or at least as old as he was.

Well, you may be right about that.  There has been little clarity about their relative ages.  I guess the only thing we know is that Oliver is older than Thea, and even then has it ever been specified how many years are between them?

I've been working on the assumption that Robert had his affair/love child after he established a family having sired Oliver at least, if not Thea as well.  Not sure why I came to that conclusion.  If I'm wrong and Emiko is older or similar age to Oliver, it doesn't change what I wrote that much, other than to delete the term adolescent and teen.  She still made a rash, angry, selfish and profoundly impactful decision when she chose to ignore the intel she received about the Queens Gambit, but it doesn't make her directly responsible for anyone's death, just a person of rather weak character, and a person that by the time one reaches young adulthood would hopefully act on more noble principles than spite.  We all make rash decisions at times fueled by powerful emotions and often wish later we could take things back.  Sometimes the negative consequences are greater than other times.  Her real pathology seems to be in the complete lack of remorse she feels all these years later about allowing her father and other innocent bystanders to die, plus the "five years in hell" her also innocent half-brother experienced.  However, let's recall that the vacuum left by Robert was filled by Dante, perhaps the only thing resembling a father figure she had during some formative years, and it appears Mike Brady he was not (nor was Robert).  So, maybe not a shock that her values are completely screwed up.  None of this can really explain why she hates Oliver so much.

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Emiko has to be closer to Oliver's age than Thea's because she was shown as an adult with a viable business plan before the Gambit while Thea would have been about 12 or 13 (she turns 18 in season 1) and Oliver was 22. Up until that, I also assumed she was around Thea's age or at least closer in age to her. 

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2 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

Up until that, I also assumed she was around Thea's age or at least closer in age to her. 

I was surprised to find out she's as old as she is because the show writes her like a petulant little brat. 

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They said that Oliver is 10 years older than Thea (in the pilot I think Oliver said that she was just 12 when he left). She turned 18 midway through the first season.

30 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

Emiko has to be closer to Oliver's age than Thea's because she was shown as an adult with a viable business plan before the Gambit

Either she was a prodigy or she had gone to business school by then because Robert was impressed by the plan she drew up. So at least 20 if not several years older.

I think if Oliver were the older, Emiko would have understood that QC was going to go to him as the elder as well as being the legitimate son.  That's one of the things that gave me the impression that she was older. As well, being Robert's first-born would have given her a status that Oliver took away when he was born. Or maybe she's just up straight nuts.

If she was that good in business, why didn't she set up her own company? Maybe try to compete with QC since Robert had snubbed her?

The lack of information on Emiko just makes this plotline even more of a WTF? than it already is.

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but it doesn't make her directly responsible for anyone's death, just a person of rather weak character, and a person that by the time one reaches young adulthood would hopefully act on more noble principles than spite. 

I disagree about if she was responsible for Robert's death.  I think we can hold her responsible because she was given a choice.  And time to think over her choice. 

She was handed the proof of what was going to happen and asked to decide if she wanted him dead or alive.  It made her an active part of his death.  She held his life in her hands.  She didn't just not save him.  She choose the organization that directly set the charges to kill him. This was her finally picking a side. That makes her complicit in my book. 

She didn't order the hit but she was offered the choice of whether he lived or died.  She chose to have him die.   She wasn't solely responsible but she, in my opinion, is partly to blame.  An accessory at the very least.  (If it could be proved)

Edited by BkWurm1
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12 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

She was handed the proof of what was going to happen and asked to decide if she wanted him dead or alive.  It made her an active part of his death.

Not just Robert but everyone else who was on the boat.

I think a good comparison is to Felicity failing to stop on of the missiles that Damian Darkh had launched. She stopped all the rest but she couldn't stop the one headed to Monument Point . She managed to switch the location to a less populous area but she still blamed herself for the deaths of those people who died (and much of the internet continues to blame her).

Felicity tried and didn't succeed. Emiko didn't even try.

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720 (Confessions) – Oliver Queen’s voiceover intro: 
Oliver (voiceover): "My name is Oliver Queen. After months in hell, I have been released from prison and returned home with only one goal - to save my city. But things have changed. Instead of operating outside the law, I am now working alongside the police. I am no longer Inmate 4587. I am once more the Green Arrow."

720 (Confessions) – Dinah tells Team Arrow about Dante’s death: 
Felicity: "Oh, thank God. Please tell me the news that you are bringing is about Emiko and her Ninth Circle buddies, because I have had no luck with my typity-type finding anything thing."
Dinah: "Oh, well, you're in luck now. Dante, not so much. A couple S.C.P.D. beat cops found his body this morning."
Rene: "Let me guess, and not from natural causes."
Dinah: "Not unless you call three arrows and a knife to the chest natural."
Diggle: "This was after you told Emiko that Dante killed her mother. Can't be a coincidence."
Oliver: "No. She went ahead and killed the only father figure she had left."
Felicity: "Right. So that's a 'no' on the evil sister redeeming herself then."
Diggle: "Okay. So we have to stop Emiko from using this bio-weapon that she stole from the DIA."
Rene: "The terrifying bacteria that eats through everything? Yeah, let's keep that contained."
Felicity: "Okay. So the bad news is that I haven't been able to find the bio-weapon. But the good news is that the Ninth Ciircle won't be able to either unless they get a dissemination device, a/ka a thermal fogger. And, yes, I checked. The only place to get one is Aerodyne Initiatives."
Oliver: "Digg, let's get there and - help them protect it."
Diggle: "Okay." (Leaves)
Dinah: "I'll follow up with the detective, see if I can get some more clues off Dante's body." (Leaves)
Felicity: "Okay."
Rene: "And I'll hang back with Felicity and help her with the typey-type."
Felicity: "That's okay."
Rene: "Moral support."
Felicity: "Okay."

720 (Confessions) – Felicity is interrogated by Dinah and Sgt. Bingsley at the S.C.P.D. station: 
Dinah: "You do understand what accomplice to murder means, right?"
Felicity (eating): "You can't be serious."
Sgt. Bingsley: "Tonight's security footage from Hudolin McGuire Subway Station mysteriously disappeared. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"
Felicity: "Nope. Nothing, zilch, nada."
Sgt. Bingsley: "She's covering for her husband."
Felicity: "Oh, come -"
Dinah: "That certainly is convenient. And when exactly were you planning on telling me about Roy Harper's involvement?"
Felicity: "Honestly? After we saved Star City from the Ninth Circle's attack. We know how you guys feel about 'the unsanctioned.' Let's get real. Emiko and the Ninth Circle know our faces. Roy was our ace in the hole."
Dinah: "So you risked your new relationship with the S.C.P.D. by teaming up with a criminal."
Felicity: "Former criminal. Roy left the city four years ago, and he's been on the straight and narrow ever since."
Dinah: "Are you sure about that?"
Felicity: "Yes, I'm sure about that."
Dinah: "Because we traced Harper's whereabouts after he faked his death in prison to get Oliver Queen off the hook, and his trail went cold in March of last year."
Felicity: "Oh. You mean when Ricardo Diaz kidnapped Roy to turn him against Oliver? You might have forgotten about that since you weren't exactly on speaking terms with Oliver and I at the time."
Dinah: "It still doesn't explain where he went after getting freed from Diaz."
Felicity: "I'm sure the kidnapping was extremely traumatic. He probably just went to go get some R&R, some Roy Relaxation. (Dinah looks at her) Not funny. I see that now."

720 (Confessions) – Roy sees the new Arrow Bunker and meets Rene for the first time: 
Roy: "Oh. So this is what legit looks like."
Diggle: "That's right. A badge and a bunker."
Roy: "Never thought I'd see the day."
Oliver: "Good seeing you. I'm glad you're finally seeing it in person again."
(Felicity rushes forward to hug Roy.)
Roy: "Ooh!"
Felicity: "Oh! Oh, I missed you so much. Sorry. I'm just a little overly emotional these days. I mean, not overly emotional, not, like, heightened or anything. Because why would that be? My hormones are totally in check, like they always have been. Nerves of steel. You know me. I'm cool."
Roy: "Okay."
Rene: "The Arsenal. Nice to finally meet you."
Roy: "You, too. Thanks for keeping watch. The Glades can use as many heroes as it can get."
Diggle: "Welcome back."
Roy: "All right."
Felicity: "How's Thea?"
Roy: "She's good. Yeah, I think she's finally found her passion. You'd be really proud of her."
Oliver: "Last I spoke with her, she says you were zeroing in on the remaining Lazarus Pits."
Roy: "Yeah, we found two already, - which we destroyed."
Oliver: "Mm-hmm."
Roy: "We were checking the rest when we got your call. Speaking of which, why'd you ask me to come here instead of Thea?"
Felicity: "Star City's new terrorist is Oliver's new sister."
Roy: "What?"
Oliver: "Yeah."
Roy: "Don't you think Thea would want to know that?"
Felicity: "Yeah."
Oliver: "Yes. And I have every intention of telling her. I just - this woman's name is Emiko, and we wanted to get her into custody before we told her. I feel like she's finally free of her life in Star City, and I - I don't want to hurt her again with a wound inflicted on our family by our father."

720 (Confessions) – Felicity continues to be interrogated by Dinah and Sgt. Bingsley at the S.C.P.D. station: 
Felicity (still eating): "Roy had been traveling the world doing some extremely normal sightseeing. Apparently he was too busy to even send a postcard."
Dinah: "Then why did you call him in?"
Felicity: "Because of the thermal fogger."
Dinah: "The what?"
Felicity: "The scary bio-weapon that the bad guys needed to spread the bacteria through the subway's HVAC system."
Dinah: "The device found on the scene."
Felicity: "The device found at the scene, yes. Look, we thought it was weird that the CEO of Aerodyne wasn't going to let us protect it from the Ninth Circle, so we did some digging."
Dinah: "And found that Jason Toth was dirty. Oliver told us."
Felicity: "We knew good old Jason would be looking for members of the TGA, and we needed someone with a vigilante-like set of skills. Voila. Roy Harper. The facilities at Aerodyne are no joke, and Roy is incredible at parkour."

720 (Confessions) – Roy infiltrates the Aerodyne facilities, with back-up from Team Arrow: 
Roy (on comms): "I'm in."
Oliver (on comms): "Remember, Roy, the floor is armed.
Felicity (on comms): "If you touch anything - and I mean anything - it is party time at Aerodyne, and not in a good way."
Roy (on comms): "Is there anything I can touch?"
Diggle (on comms): "Walls and ceilings are fair game. Anything that's not the floor."
Roy (on comms): "So far, so good.
Rene (on comms): "The control panel's on the other side of the fan."
Roy (on comms): "I got to get higher... I see it."
Oliver (on comms): ""You hit metal, it's over. Shot has to be perfect."
Felicity: "Margin of error 0.08, but who's counting?"
Diggle (on comms): "Your target is the red button, second from the left."
Roy (on comms): "I don't have a shot. But I will."

720 (Confessions) – Felicity continues to be interrogated by Dinah and Sgt. Bingsley at the S.C.P.D. station: 
Felicity: “Just like that. Piece of cake. Oh, which actually sounds so good right now. Do you guys have any cake or cupcakes or anything with, like, a cake-like -"
Dinah: "Felicity, tell us what happened, please."
Felicity: "Roy squeezed his way through the blades, and then after that, it was easy to make his way into the R&D vault. Boom."
*  *  *
Dinah: "So let me get this straight. If your plan had worked, Roy would have successfully stolen a very dangerous piece of tech. In other words, committed a felony."
Felicity: "Well, technically, Roy was there to stop the Ninth Circle from doing what they did, which was steal the device, so technically, Roy didn't do anything. No harm, no foul. Could I maybe get a pizza? Just a personal size is fine."
Dinah: "No. I think you've abused your food privileges enough for today."
Felicity: "Okay."
Dinah: "Tell me what happened."
Felicity: "We stopped the Ninth Circle from terrorizing the city. End-stop."
Sgt. Bingsley: "And the two fatalities."
Felicity: "That wasn't our fault."
Dinah: "Then tell me what you know."
Felicity: "We knew that the Ninth Circle wanted to maximize the bio-weapon's impact. There were two possible locations to do that - the ventilation room and the ventilation shaft. Oliver went to one, John and Rene went to the other. Roy and I went to the switch room."

720 (Confessions) – Felicity and Roy go to the switch room at Aerodyne; and Felicity’s police interrogation continues: 
Felicity: "Oh, wow! This thing is a fossil, and not in a fun Ice Age way.”
Roy: "Can you shut it down?"
Felicity: "Well, once I shut down the ventilation path, we should be able to minimize the damage."
*  *  *
Dinah: "Did you have any indication those guards were still on-site?"
Felicity: "No. I didn't see those guards or any guards."
*  *  *
Roy: "Sounds like we're not alone. You got eyes?"
Felicity: "All I got is two transit guards in the corridor. If they're Ninth Circle, you can't let them in here."
Roy: "Well, I can't just leave you here."
Felicity: "I'll be fine. I'll be fine. Go."
*  *  *
Felicity: "I stayed in that room until Oliver gave me the go-ahead."
Dinah: "And what about Roy?"
Felicity: "What do you mean?"
Dinah: "Can you account for his whereabouts between the time he left you and the time those guards were killed?"
*  *  *
Felicity (on comms): "Guys, the vents are shut down. Please tell me that you have the device."
*  *  *
Felicity: "He was keeping me safe."
Sgt. Bingsley: "That wasn't the question."
Dinah: "Felicity, do you know where Roy was when those guards were killed?"
Felicity: "No, I don't."

720 (Confessions) – We learn that Roy was the one who killed the two transit guards because he was suffering blood lust as an effect of dying and being resurrected in a Lazarus Pit: 
Diggle: "So how's it look?"
Dinah: "Pollard bought it. Yeah, as far as the S.C.P.D. is concerned, Emiko was the one who killed those guards. You all are very, very good liars."
Rene: "So are you, D."
Felicity: "We know that this wasn't easy for you."
DinaH: "No, it wasn't. If anybody finds out about what we did, our partnership with the S.C.P.D. is over. And the same goes for my job. We just risked everything."
Oliver: "That's why we all had to agree. This was the only way."
*  *  *
Dinah: "Two innocent people are dead, and we're covering it up."
Oliver: "Dinah, if someone on this team goes down, this entire team goes down."
Diggle: "He's absolutely right. And if Pollard knew the truth, we would be sitting in lockup while the city rehashes whether vigilantes are a threat or not."
Felicity: "Which would free Emiko up for evil Plan B."
Rene: "But Roy is not a part of this team. He's been gone for months doing who knows what."
Oliver: "With due respect, you don't know what he's been through. Roy is and always will be as much a part of this team as the rest of us."
Dinah: "Except the rest of us don't go around killing innocent people."
Diggle: "Dinah, as horrible as that was, let's not lose sight that we stopped an attack tonight."
Rene: "And we framed Emiko for murder."
Oliver: "Emiko's a murderer, a murderer who's the leader of the Ninth Circle. And as long as she is out there, this city will remain under threat."
Diggle: "I hope we can all agree on that."
Dinah: "Yes."
Felicity: "My search algorithms are up and running. It might actually be a good time to go ask Roy what happened."
Oliver: "I'm pretty sure I already know."
*  *  *
Oliver: "That wasn't Mirakuru."
Roy: "No."
Oliver: "How did it happen?"
Roy: "What do you mean?"
Oliver: "How did you die?"
Roy: "How did you know?"
Oliver: "You, Thea, and Nyssa left here over a year ago in search of Lazarus Pits, and I have not seen bloodlust like that since Thea was resurrected by one. Damn it. To help, I need to know what happened."
Roy: "The Thanatos Guild had us surrounded. I tried to get Thea to safety, but I was hit with an arrow, which is ironic. I don't really remember a lot after, except for - except for seeing Nyssa and Thea destroy the Pit."
Oliver: "The one they used to bring you back."
Roy: "Yeah. Nyssa had the Lotus Elixir. She and Thea thought that we could control the bloodlust, and we did."
Oliver: "Until you didn't."
Roy: "I keep trying to figure out why. And all I can think of is that maybe the Mirakuru changed something. You know, I never would've come back here if I would've known what was gonna happen. I never meant to hurt anyone."
Oliver: "I know. But keeping this information from us, it jeopardized all the things that we have been working for this year."
Roy: "I never asked you to cover for me. I didn't want you to."
Oliver: "You never have to ask me. Ever."
*  *  *
Felicity: "Guys?"
Oliver: "Felicity has something."
Felicity: "I expanded my search parameters, and presto. Facial recognition puts Emiko in an abandoned building a few miles outside of Star City."
Dinah: "Any background on the building?"
Felicity: "I mean, you name it, it's been it. Hospital, shipping warehouse, manufacturing plant. I mean, it's had more owners than a Fortune 500 company."
Rene: "Which means it could be a cover for something."
Diggle: "Yeah, something being the Ninth Circle's headquarters here in Star City."
Oliver: "Emiko's there, which is all that matters to us. We're going after her as a team."
Roy: "Are you sure?"
Rene: "We got your back."
Felicity: "Oh, hey, Dinah! Thank you for wiping that security camera footage. I could not get there before the cops did."
Dinah: "I thought that was you."
Felicity: "No."

720 (Confessions) – Emiko traps Oliver, Diggle, Rene and Dinah in a big building explosion: 
Oliver (on comms): "Let's go wide."
Diggle (on comms): "Arsenal, on my 6."
Oliver (on comms): "Overwatch, any heat signatures?"
Felicity (on comms): "No. Not even yours. Thermal imaging can't penetrate through those walls."
Oliver (on comms): "I have eyes on her."
Diggle (on comms): "Moving to intercept. Oliver, confirm your location."
Oliver: "This is over."
Emiko: "Is it? Right now, Sergeant Bingsley is receiving an anonymous gift delivered to his office: The missing security footage from the Metro Station."
Oliver: "You're the one who made it disappear? You set us up. What do you want?!"
Emiko: "For you to suffer the way I suffered. You and your team are gonna die in there. And I will be out there destroying your legacy. You'll die a villain just like our father did, and I will be the cause of both of your deaths. And justice will finally be served."
Oliver: "What did you say?"
Emiko: "I had the chance to warn our father about the Gambit. It was rigged to explode, and I knew about it. I let our father die because he didn't deserve to live. And neither do you. Bye, brother."
(A big explosion throws Oliver back.)
Felicity (on comms): "Oliver, do you read me? Does anybody copy? Oliver, come in. John? John, come in! Oliver? Come in, please! Come in!"

Edited by tv echo
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