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S09.E18: Reunion Part 3

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Teresa is a fucking moron and an enormous hypocrite! Had she said "because of my issues with the criminal justice system, I wasn't trying to get in the middle of a potential brawl and where that might lead" literally everyone would have thought Teresa was being reasonable. And maybe if given a year or two Teresa's single overworked brain cell would arrive at that answer in between remembering to tell her body to breathe and pump blood.

Margaret emasculated Joe by pushing Marty into the pool? That didn't even make a tenth of a percent of sense. Ooooooooooook Danielle. It's pretty clear that her mouth has the ability to operate independent of her brain.

Edited by HunterHunted
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19 minutes ago, nexxie said:

HA! Loved Melissa comparing her dad dying with Tre constantly saying her husband is away.

I did too. Of course, the comparison was completely lost on Teresa. What if Melissa brought up her dead father every time she wanted people to feel sorry for her or wanted Teresa to take her side over the other women on the show?

But even though Teresa's problems are largely self-inflicted, I do feel horrible for what her and Joe's crimes did to the Giudice family. Those four girls have been thru hell and back these past couple of years.

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I was relieved there were no screaming matches tonight. Certain people (cough, cough, Tre) were as usual not making a lot of sense, but no one was screaming at the top of her lungs. Maybe they had lunch during the break and they aren't hangry anymore.

Margaret's face when they were talking about Teresa's kids and what would happen after Joe gets home was very touching. She has that jugular cutting wit, but she really has a heart underneath that tough exterior.

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I'm so tired of Teresa pulling the "no husband" card any time she gets called out for her bad behavior. Not only is it complete BS, but she doesn't even seem to CARE about having no husband. She has no desire to follow him to Italy; doesn't even get upset about the concept of losing her partner of several decades. 

My one question - what if some kids want to go and some want to stay?

Oh, and what was with the ass kissing/gift giving at the end with Teresa? That was supremely awkward. 

Speaking of awkward, get the men and their tacky tag lines out of here. 

I may still be on the fence about Jackie, but I've decided I don't like her husband. That "loser" comment to his kids is just nasty. And everyone laughed! 

The only good thing these men have given us is Joe Gorga slipping on the hotel room floor. I could watch the clip of that for hours. "That step wasn't to code!"

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20 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

I actually jumped when I saw Danielle's face. Wtf. I wanted to yell at her to turn around and beg Bill "fix me, please". She's had an over done face since the beginning but this is just frightening. And the gift to Teresa. Are they in junior high. Just creepy. Even Tre was embarrassed. When they hugged I couldn't help thinking a match made in hell

Margaret definitely won the reunion by a landslide. And kudos to Melissa for not bowing down to Tre. 

See - I thought differently - I thought that Teresa was acutely embarassed by that gift, and by the public display of "friendship" from Danielle.  It reminded me of the same type of awkward hug from Danielle to Jacqueline after their season-long fight.

I also think that Teresa is not comfortable with displaying friendly affection for others.  She always seems to hold others at arm's length and doesn't seem comfortable when someone hugs her.  Despite her past on-air overtures to Joe, I don't think that Teresa is a very demonstrative person when it comes to showing affection.

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16 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

I actually jumped when I saw Danielle's face. Wtf. I wanted to yell at her to turn around and beg Bill "fix me, please". She's had an over done face since the beginning but this is just frightening. And the gift to Teresa. Are they in junior high. Just creepy. Even Tre was embarrassed. When they hugged I couldn't help thinking a match made in hell

I was halfway expecting Danielle to pull out a friend contract! 🤣  Teresa had about the same reaction to Danielle's gift that Nene had when Cynthia presented her the friend contract.  The only thing is Cynthia was just joking around.  If Danielle had one for Tre it would be notarized,  signed in blood, and have all kinds of stipulations and consequences (monetary of course) if Teresa broke any of the contract provisions.  Danielle is just creepy...PERIOD!

  • LOL 7
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2 hours ago, nexxie said:

HA! Loved Melissa comparing her dad dying with Tre constantly saying her husband is away.

I am usually hot and cold regarding Teresa's interactions, but her constant picking at Melissa this season was beyond exhausting, and belies Tre's insistence she's peacefully Namaste, I can only shake my head.

Why doesn't Joe Gorga just tell his sister she looks and sounds like a raving idiot? Whenever Teresa attempts an argument/debate/round of bullying, her lack of any formal education becomes consistently apparent. She lacks any smarts as we've witnessed, between her inability to grasp basic definitions/concepts (or made up, nonsensical words) to her inability to think before she speaks, all the while thinking louder means better.

Yikes... Louder? Then comes Teresa's grammar, combined with her inability to comprehend a straightforward question, immediately results in her relying on her old standby responses:"Huh?! Youz guys coming for ME? This is MY show! Then comes an expletive, gives another threat, rises to a threatening stance, a couple more expletives, plops back down in seat, stares outraged at her 'betrayers' followed by more mumbled expletives". AND... END SCENE....  

Melissa and Jackie owned the reunion. Margaret was in there as well, but she can lose her shit a little too quickly when others push the right buttons. Dolores knows Melissa and Jackie are right, but she feels she should be loyal to Tre because Teresa doesn't have any arsenal when it's a cerebral fight. Delores is loyal, but you can see her shake her head with pity and disbelief at Teresa's statements/accusations.

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Margaret = Reunion MVP

She spilled some piping hot tea on Danielle.  She was the TRUTH CANNON when she said Danielle had a sham wedding to make herself relevant on TV. 

They just started filming the new season this week.  No changes to the main cast.  Danielle must be fuming.   Notice her dirty look after Jen upstaged her with her gift to Teresa.

Edited by twilightzone
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14 minutes ago, swankie said:

 Danielle is just creepy...PERIOD!

Creepy like a blood-sucking bat! Tries to sell dress $30,000... tries to sells ring $35,000... She gives ALL women a bad name by behaving so stereotypically and sociopathically. (And that's only 2 of Marty's costs listed so far.) Another Danielle success story - Married two months after hardly even knowing each other, ensures plenty of public sexcapdaes so victim doesn't know which head to think with, encourages communication breakdown with his kids so they can't oppose her, and refuses to leave the house even though marriage is over. Even the lowest-class, crooked Jersey girl knows to at least give back the ring (and probably any wedding gifts that were monetary). He should be the one trying to recoup those costs, if only to share the returned $$ with his daughters (while celebrating how much his kids could have potentially lost once she fully took over).

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

 I may still be on the fence about Jackie, but I've decided I don't like her husband. That "loser" comment to his kids is just nasty. And everyone laughed! 

To be fair - he stated a couple of times he was joking. I can be really sarcastic and dry with my humour, and I have also learned to quickly point out when I am joking (as he did to Joe/ Melissa). One example, parent's night in meeting teacher and I was new to the school. After being asked which school I came from, and why I left, I answered saying, "Imagine... For some reason Admin put in for my forced transfer after they found that student doing detention in the janitor's closet. I really did forgot about him after school, on Friday." Holy smokes, even though 70% immediately saw that I was joking, there were 30% looking aghast (and uncomfortable about their poor little 8 year old darlings being under my tutelage. (Ha, sorry, it still makes me chuckle. See...?I get Jackie's husband's humour completely.)

And kudos to Jen's husband for always maintaining a cool head and knowing that whatever she's raging about, is probably a lot less involved than how she's implying. His response after reading Jackie's article was brilliant. He's nobody's fool. (I hate to say, but he's a good looking guy, and I wonder if he gets hit on by a lot of women?) It must be hard coming home to a superficial spouse and spoiled kids. (No wonder he always works so late.)  Poor Jen if this does happen to her; I wouldn't wish cheating on anyone - not even hideous Danielle.

Edited by Chalby
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2 hours ago, renatae said:

I was relieved there were no screaming matches tonight. Certain people (cough, cough, Tre) were as usual not making a lot of sense, but no one was screaming at the top of her lungs. Maybe they had lunch during the break and they aren't hangry anymore.

Your comment made me laugh because it reminded me of Teresa (?) telling someone (can't remember) "You should go and eat, yeah go eat something"... and no one understood. Then someone said, Oh! You mean to say she's thirsty. So you tell her to get a drink.

Now after writing that, I am wondering if I am confused and this was said by Dorit... or one of the Little women, or by my sister...? LOL. You can see I have a sophisticated television palate.

  • LOL 3
1 hour ago, swankie said:

I was halfway expecting Danielle to pull out a friend contract! 🤣  Teresa had about the same reaction to Danielle's gift that Nene had when Cynthia presented her the friend contract.  The only thing is Cynthia was just joking around.  If Danielle had one for Tre it would be notarized,  signed in blood, and have all kinds of stipulations and consequences (monetary of course) if Teresa broke any of the contract provisions.  Danielle is just creepy...PERIOD!

True and Danielle never jokes around. Everything is dead serious with this psycho. I can't remember ever just being real and having a laugh. Not kidding around here when I say I would never wanna be around her. She's dangerous.

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There have been some interesting pauses after a question has been asked and I'm wondering if there was intentionally some choppy editing to give the illusion of uncertainty before answering or if these women were just uncertain. The pause they show of Teresa before she says she has been faithful to Joe the entire time looked hella unconvincing.

Jennifer talks a big game defending her claims that Jackie was calling her kids spoiled, defending her right to make thing about herself and talk about what she has, etc. and put her husband on stage and have him call out her behaviour and disagree with it and she meekly shrugs. Her reaction was pretty mum as well when he agreed with the advice in Jackie's column and flat out said that their kids are spoiled. I don't disagree with Bill about her behaviour but for all the confrontation she was comfortable with the women, her bark became a whimper when her husband had his say.

What did Danielle do to her face? Otherwise, she's just a nasty crazy bitch as usual. Danielle said that her lesbian comment wasn't a insult but then described it as weird and suggested that it had to do with how quickly they got along..um, didn't she have a fly by relationship and wedding and now she's on her way to another one? Why is she talking like her life mantra is slow and steady wins the race? Margaret went IN on Danielle and I was here for every single last word that came out of Margaret's mouth...and so was Dolores. She was loving it, haha. Danielle will forever act like a professional victim. And what the fuck was with all of the gifts for Teresa? I think it's so tacky to use a gift to demonstrate a friendship. If that friendship is real, there's no way or reason you would feel the need to put it in front of the cameras and in front of the other women. That moment wasn't for Teresa, it was for Danielle and Jennifer. Danielle is still working for her full-time gig for sure. Danielle actually looked disappointed that Jennifer stole her spotlight, lol.

Man, they missed a great opportunity to bring up Teresa's anger over Siggy and Dolores supporting Kim in her fashion show last season and defending themselves by saying that Kim had never done anything to them. Margaret especially really missed the boat with that one.

Teresa with her fucking 'I have on husband' routine. Because you have no husband it prevented all of your senses from stepping in and telling Jennifer that she's out of line and needs to back the fuck up because she has no right to threaten her sister-in-law? Her not having a husband didn't seem to be an issue when she was defending Danielle and Jennifer and running after them all season long to give them her support.

I liked that they ended off with sweet advice for Andy. It seemed more organic given the situation rather than a bunch of fighting and then 'okay we're done, now ladies all toast together'.

  • Love 9

It is over! Hurray!

Everyone gave a little. Everyone got theirs, too.

Danielle got a well deserved spanking from Margaret.

Everything Marge said was 100% the  truth and 1000% hilarious.

Danielle looked like she wanted to cry. She knew she messed up her chance to comeback. The quickie marriage was humiliating.

Kudos to Danielle for spending her last $50 getting fillers in the Dominican Republic. It took cojones to show up on that stage with her tail between her legs.

I was feeling bad for Danielle  until she gave Tre the gift.

Naawww! Single White Female Danielle is back! Throw that necklace away! It has a GPS! Watch your back Tre.

My fave was the end.  The gifts for Lil AC and mommy advice. Andy wanted to cry.  It was all so sweet and you can tell Andy  is going to be a great dad.

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In Parts 1 to 27 of this finale, I had issues with Teresa's diagonal boob window on her dress (okay, it's not a boob window but I don't know what else to call it) but man, when she stood up tonight during Part 32, it really made her look like she had a single boob on one side and absolutely nothing on the other. I also had a little too much wine while watching and figured that they used Teresa's missing boob to make Danielle's cheekbone shelves because damn. Another half inch of overhang and you could rest your beer bottle on them at a party. She's gonna be hanging Christmas lights off of those come December. 

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On the " it is  better to give.. " part of the episode....

Friendship necklace ?  Feeling like this was middle school...crossover night at the sorority house...

Jennifer's pearl bracelet:  ... like the sentiment, yet another plug for the brother's jewelry store - is his business going that bad, that she has to endorse him all of damn time?

Andy little one ride w/ Adidas jogging suit -  very sweet. But I did notice the turn, that this is usually the spot where the the housewives impart some-kind of words of wisdom about the season. I like that they talked about parenthood and made the comments a positive for Andy, instead.

Edited by sATL
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Teresa surprised me when she said she has NOT reached out to the President to pardon Joe from deportation. Why ? 

  • a) it has to appealed in the lower courts first (which really could take a while)
  • b) she's afraid he will say "yes" and she will be stuck with him forever
  • c) she's afraid she will say "no" and that is the final word and can't accept that its over.

I did catch that she said that she is spending alot of $$ fighting... hope she doesn't go close to broke again.. there is a point of diminishing returns now...and either way she & the girls have to live financially with whichever decision is reached.

Edited by sATL
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2 hours ago, Chalby said:

Your comment made me laugh because it reminded me of Teresa (?) telling someone (can't remember) "You should go and eat, yeah go eat something"... and no one understood. Then someone said, Oh! You mean to say she's thirsty. So you tell her to get a drink.

Now after writing that, I am wondering if I am confused and this was said by Dorit... or one of the Little women, or by my sister...? LOL. You can see I have a sophisticated television palate.

Yes, that was Teresa talking to Jackie, LOL. And poor Little Doritt has nothing in common with Dorit, I'm pretty sure. 🙂

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Danielle's new cheekbones make her look like the masked villian in the Saw movies.  And the necklace??? Awkies!  I was cringing behind my throw blanket.  When this friendship goes sour it will be epic.

So the cast remains the same?  I'm glad. Wonder if Danielle will try for a 'royal wedding' since the new fiancé is a duke. 

Teresa's go-to 'I have no husband' excuse falls even flatter when you consider her not-so-secret boyfriend.

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ok i haven't seen anyone else talk about Jackie's hypocrisy over the whole lesbian thing .... she got "offended" when it was insinuated she could be a lesbian and how dare you use sexuality has a put down.. but then when the tacky t and d necklace was given she was and you called us lesbians?  laughing and joking and basically doing what she said she was offended about....I just found that a little funny  

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Batwings said:

Every single one of them looks like their makeup was applied with a fire hose at close range. Good Lordt.

Dolores is beautiful though, IMO. 

I actually thought Melissa's was pretty low key and tasteful. 

9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

See - I thought differently - I thought that Teresa was acutely embarassed by that gift, and by the public display of "friendship" from Danielle.  It reminded me of the same type of awkward hug from Danielle to Jacqueline after their season-long fight.

Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about that. She just wouldn't let go! Danielle is so creepy. I do not think Tre is on board with this "BFF for life" thing. I just think she's learned she'd rather be in Danielle's corner than in her sights. 

4 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

ok i haven't seen anyone else talk about Jackie's hypocrisy over the whole lesbian thing .... she got "offended" when it was insinuated she could be a lesbian and how dare you use sexuality has a put down.. but then when the tacky t and d necklace was given she was and you called us lesbians?  laughing and joking and basically doing what she said she was offended about....I just found that a little funny  

Yea, but I don't think that is a joke or implication Jackie would have made had Teresa not said what SHE said. I think she was actually pointing out Teresa's hypocrisy. Like - "You called US lesbians for being so close, but you're over there handing out friendship necklaces". I think she's just trying to make Danielle own up to how stupid it is to say something like that about close, female friends. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 17
2 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, but I don't think that is a joke or implication Jackie would have made had Teresa not said what SHE said. I think she was actually pointing out Teresa's hypocrisy. Like - "You called US lesbians for being so close, but you're over there handing out friendship necklaces". I think she's just trying to make Danielle own up to how stupid it is to say something like that about close, female friends. 

i guess to me its just how offended could you have been if you are gonna do the same thing? Had she not laughed and high fived and giggled when she said it and just said it straight out it would have came across a little different to me 

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5 hours ago, sATL said:

Umm.. Danielle's blue taffeta pant suit ? Just who was the designer and tailor? Someone from project runway jr ? I mean that suit had a glossy shine....😁

I’m thinking it was a kid who didn’t even make the cut from project runway toddler version 

and I am willing to take a table for one.....I like Bill. 

  • Love 17

Man, an eyelash or something fell into my eye at the end there, because I started crying when they brought out the gifts and gave Andy parenting advice.  That was really sweet, especially for this show.

I actually enjoyed the husbands this go around.  The entire group of husbands don't take anything too seriously.  And I like that Joe and Marty have resolved their issues.  Speaking of Marty, I didn't realize he and Danielle were still living together even during the separation/divorce.  That sounds like hell. 

And man do I adore Margaret.  From them reshowing the clip of "Ya husband's in the pool" to her stopping Danielle dead in her tracks with, "Prostitutes don't sleep with married men?"  It was all gold. 

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