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S02.E12 Recap; Head of Household #7

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14 minutes ago, green said:

I didn't care for them much last season but right now after this season Marissa and Mark don't sound too bad.  A recap does however.

I'll sit through Frankie Grande appearing on Big Brother episodes. I'll grit my teeth and push through Paul appearances. But Marissa? Fuck. That.

Nothing against Mark, I rather like the guy. But I just can't.

It's official, y'all. It's the first time I've ever tapped out of a Big Brother episode on purpose. 

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This is going to be some heavily skipped over episode for me it would seem. I loathe these 'recap' shows usually. That it's being 'led' by Mark and Marissa tonight? Not sure it could be much worse.

At least it would seem they won't use the 'People sitting around a table at dinner saying, 'Oh, and remember when _______ happened? *cue footage*' setup that kills me.

Anyhow I'll watch the standard 5 minutes of a TBC comp at the end and again wonder why they couldn't have showed less recap and more of the HoH comp.

I know lots of people aren't interested in this episode but for me it was a gift and I LOVED it. I laughed and laughed. 

We've been away for 2 weeks so I've only had these forums to keep me up to speed, so when I discovered that one of the 4 English channels in this hotel was going to show CBB, I was so excited. 

So many wonderful moments. Like Joey having zero sense of humour about his need for everything to be perfect, right down to complaining the bottled water was 3 degrees too warm. Ryan talking about his infamy. Tom talking seriously about his surgery. Tamar's reaction to Lolo's virginity and her beach comment. 

The diary room segment at the end was hysterical, particularly Ryan complaining that his swimming pool was set to Beginner. 

Maybe the best of all was the Sea Bass argument. You know you're over the top when you make Tamar look like the calm, mature one. Over fish. Lolo is terrifying. 

Dina is a cypher. She's basically invisible for the whole show and then she starts rapping?? Then goes back to being invisible. I have no idea who she is. 

Anyway, I loved this episode. So glad I caught it. 

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Normally I skip the recap episodes but my unabashed love for Mark McGrath forced me to watch this one. 

It was nice to see Ryan again. I never thought I’d say this but he seems like a sweet guy. The vanity and obnoxiousness that I assumed was behind the Brazil incident was probably never there at all...he’s just dumb. And can you imagine how dumb Drunk Ryan must be?

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Was Ryan's Very Special Moment supposed to make us feel sorry for him? I found him affable and inoffensive in the house, but that non-apology really soured me. I honestly thought he was gonna come out with something like "I was wasted drunk, did something stupid and wrong, and I feel really bad. I hope my fans will forgive me." Instead, we got what sounded like a sneaky kid trying to get out of asshole behavior. He "touched" a sign at the gas station with his hand? Did he mean to say he knocked something down, i.e. vandalized property, like a drunk little punk, and then expected to walk away? Eff that. I'm bummed, because I was more under the impression that he'd accepted some responsibility for that debacle.

Was Kato trying to summon Robin Williams with that schtick? I had second-hand embarrassment through the screen.

Uh huh, Tamar Floor-Shrimp, I'm sooooo sure that Tom was the messiest. Fun to demonize your enemies when they're not present. Go put away your tap dancing shoes.

The only times I've been able to tolerate Tamar - even find her funny - is during girl-talk, first with Dina when she described her most-definitely-catfish boyfriend, and tonight when she learned that Lolo is a virgin. Which in theory I respect, but have to wonder if she's fittingly waiting for a virgin husband. Because if one's virginity is a precious gift, then your future man's gift should be saved for you alone, right? Best of luck with that! When she basically said that she's not worried about the sex being bad because she won't know any better, wow, that made me sad.

The Sea Bass Incident just showed how perfectly those two utterly deserve each other. But Tay-tay, you might not want to call out others on needing to grow up when you're wearing a pom-pom onesie.

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I enjoyed this recap more than the regular season ones. I'm not sure why, since I don't have any great affection for anyone in the cast.

Maybe it's because the season is so short, the regular episodes don't have time to show much. The regular season is so long that it seems like they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for "unaired" footage that's worth anything. Here we got some real talk from Tom about his cancer, Tamar and Kandi actually enjoying each other, and a few other nice moments.

I'd be like Joey as far as trying to keep things in order, so though he was a little extreme, I don't fault him for hating food and dishes left all over, baby powder flung all over the workout room, and some of the other stuff he mentioned.

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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I'll sit through Frankie Grande appearing on Big Brother episodes. I'll grit my teeth and push through Paul appearances. But Marissa? Fuck. That.

Nothing against Mark, I rather like the guy. But I just can't.

It's official, y'all. It's the first time I've ever tapped out of a Big Brother episode on purpose. 

Marrisa was on for less than 1% of the show at the end and was fine as she stuck to her script of just reading the rules for the HOH.  It was pretty much all Mark around Ye Olde Clip Show Table.

And yeah some of the clips were pretty good.  Bald Guy especially with his cleanfreakisms.  Though I never will think of sea bass the same after tonight.  Not that I ever thought of them before.  Not bad for a clip show for sure.

1 hour ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Was Ryan's Very Special Moment supposed to make us feel sorry for him? I found him affable and inoffensive in the house, but that non-apology really soured me. I honestly thought he was gonna come out with something like "I was wasted drunk, did something stupid and wrong, and I feel really bad. I hope my fans will forgive me." Instead, we got what sounded like a sneaky kid trying to get out of asshole behavior. He "touched" a sign at the gas station with his hand? Did he mean to say he knocked something down, i.e. vandalized property, like a drunk little punk, and then expected to walk away? Eff that. I'm bummed, because I was more under the impression that he'd accepted some responsibility for that debacle.

Yeah I felt the same way.  That sounded sooooo much like a whitewash explanation and doesn't fit the facts.  But how dare reporters go find the truth on him?  Dude vandalized private property of some people who had every right to defend their meager business property from well off drunken assholes like him.

Edited by green
  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Was Ryan's Very Special Moment supposed to make us feel sorry for him? I found him affable and inoffensive in the house, but that non-apology really soured me. I honestly thought he was gonna come out with something like "I was wasted drunk, did something stupid and wrong, and I feel really bad. I hope my fans will forgive me." Instead, we got what sounded like a sneaky kid trying to get out of asshole behavior. He "touched" a sign at the gas station with his hand? Did he mean to say he knocked something down, i.e. vandalized property, like a drunk little punk, and then expected to walk away? Eff that. I'm bummed, because I was more under the impression that he'd accepted some responsibility for that debacle.

The big deal wasn't that he and the others vandalized a gas station, and were out past curfew at the Olympic village.  They pissed all over the place, broke stuff, caused damage.  the manager asked them to pay for the damage, and got security guards involved - because there were 4 drunk Americans wrecking the place.  One of those guards had a gun.  The big deal was when  Ryan made up the story that they were robbed at gunpoint,  to excuse being out so late, and at first the others went along with his story. (the other guys were younger and looked up to Ryan)   They were capitalizing on the fear that some athletes had about the rumors of violence in Brazil.  So the crime he lied about was being investigated.    It was a big scandal, and affected the reputation of American Olympians, and the relationship between the USA and Brazil.  

I agree that Ryan should have admitted his drunken idiocy.  But the whole scandal was about him NOT being willing to do that, and instead making up a story blaming someone else for his own behavior.  

  • Love 14
13 hours ago, green said:

I didn't care for them much last season but right now after this season Marissa and Mark don't sound too bad.  A recap does however.

Marissa, Mark and Omarosa - not exactly the most memorable HGs ever.  This season is better but the boot order isn't great.  I already got spoiled on the HoH anyway and since they just wasted this purely on a recap i'm glad really.

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11 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Maybe the best of all was the Sea Bass argument. You know you're over the top when you make Tamar look like the calm, mature one. Over fish. Lolo is terrifying.

Though I sometimes wonder if all the arguments are real or if some are set up for TV, that one didn't seem to have much venom.

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This to me was a real snooze fest!  I was so disappointed!  Did a fast forward to the two minute hoh competition.

if Tamara wins this season I give up!  What a loud mouthed, self absorbed person she is!  How did she ever win that viewers special???  The fix was on!

it's down to five people with no game.  How did this happen.

Coming in I thought I would not like Dina mostly because I think Lindsey such a big loser.  She's kind of a dumb shit but she's kind and quiet.  Is she really cat fished?

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(First post!)

I didn't mind the clips of stuff I had not seen on the show but I think there were 2 clips of fights between Tamar and Kandi and then Tamar and Lolo that were on the show!! Those I FF'd. And then when they couldn't air the entire HOH comp I was like, why'd they put those repeated clips in there?!

Kandi for the win!!

Edited by Samwise979
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3 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

This to me was a real snooze fest!  I was so disappointed!  Did a fast forward to the two minute hoh competition.

Hah... now I feel better knowing I knew exactly what these 'recap' shows are like. I'm happy to not have watched it now as they always annoy me. Also I don't care to see any more of this cast I'm just watching to see how it all goes down at this point. More clips of Tamar? No thank you.

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5 hours ago, Audpaud said:

Even after the recaps, I'm still not seeing the Tom hate/he's a bully? Lolo and Tamar continue to come across much worse in both real-time AND hindsight. 

That's because Tom is not a bully. That's a narrative crafted by that asshole Tamar and others like her, simply because Tom mentioned Tamar as a possible nominee. Was he paranoid? Absolutely. But he treated the game as it is: a game. He didn't take things personally and handled the disgusting display by Tamar when he was evicted with class. I went to the Big Brother Facebook page (I was bored), and the overwhelming majority are rooting for Tom and voting for him as America's Favourite Player, and there's a reason for that.

Lolo's also a hateful asshole who will get in your face if you look at her for two seconds longer than necessary. She's 37 years old, and she should be ashamed of how childish she behaves. The sea bass incident just confirmed that. Suddenly, Tamar was attacking her? Bitch, please. I'm serious, if she came to me all, "Be a man! Act like a man!" I would have turned to her and said, "Fine. Act like a woman." She can fuck right off.

It was nice to see Mark again, even though it reminded me just how much better last season was.


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I would say that is an hour I'll never get back, but once I realized it was a clip show, I turned the channel.  It is THREE WEEK SEASON.  We all remember what happened during the last few weeks.  Many of us wish we could forget what has happened in the last three weeks.  I don't need a recap to further impress it in my brain.  

I agree, however, that it was nice to see Mark again.  As with the the new hit show, "Cousins," I was reminded how much I preferred the cast from last season.  Come back Ross!  I miss you! 

  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Audpaud said:

Even after the recaps, I'm still not seeing the Tom hate/he's a bully? Lolo and Tamar continue to come across much worse in both real-time AND hindsight. 

I started this season with a dislike of Tom, hatred of Ryan, and not knowing much about the rest of the bunch. 

It turns out Tom was the most likeable of the show, and everyone else is just a bunch of assholes.  

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17 hours ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

That's because Tom is not a bully. That's a narrative crafted by that asshole Tamar and others like her, simply because Tom mentioned Tamar as a possible nominee. Was he paranoid? Absolutely. But he treated the game as it is: a game. He didn't take things personally and handled the disgusting display by Tamar when he was evicted with class. I went to the Big Brother Facebook page (I was bored), and the overwhelming majority are rooting for Tom and voting for him as America's Favourite Player, and there's a reason for that.


  • Love 5
13 hours ago, Nashville said:

Unless you have some particular guy you really really hate in mind, I’d revise that to simply suggest Loco needs to get her ass laid doubleplusquick.

Maybe Lolo is just feeling the strain of trying to stick to a special diet while she's trapped in a house with people snacking on real food at all hours.

  • LOL 1
56 minutes ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Maybe Lolo is just feeling the strain of trying to stick to a special diet while she's trapped in a house with people snacking on real food at all hours.

I doubt it. Ryan was also training and he wasn't a raging asshole. And it's not like this is anything new, I'm sure LoLo has been sticking to a strict training diet for years so unless she walks around being a complete bitch all the time.....oh wait. That seems likely, actually.

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27 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:
  1 hour ago, LoneHaranguer said:

Maybe Lolo is just feeling the strain of trying to stick to a special diet while she's trapped in a house with people snacking on real food at all hours.

I feel like that would REALLY be making excuses for her behavior, and cutting her a break she doesn't deserve. She's (supposedly) a grown-ass woman.

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4 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

With all the screaming and crying while standing paralyzed Tamar does when confronting one of her many fears I'd hate to be behind her when on a highway entrance ramp...

Hell, I’d hate to be behind Terror in the boarding line for an airplane flight; you just know she’s the one who’s going to argue with the ticket agent, hold up the boarding line while she blocks the aisle rearranging her baggage stowage, etc. - and how’d you like to have HER as your seat partner on an extended flight...?

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 2
49 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Hell, I’d hate to be behind Terror in the boarding line for an airplane flight; you just know she’s the one who’s going to argue with the ticket agent, hold up the boarding line while she blocks the aisle rearranging her baggage stowage, etc. - and how’d you like to have HER as your seat partner on an extended flight...?

O M G. I think I'd have to get out my duct tape! Arms, head and mouth... then all would be quiet.

But seriosly, who get 'afraid of heights' at approx 6 feet off the ground with padding below you? "I can't jump... I can't let go..." Give me a break! Total drama queen.

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Imagine Tamar...in TURBULENCE.

It took me three days to get through this ep and really all it did was make me miss Jonathan and Ryan and wish they were still there.

Even if Ryan still can’t own up to what he did in Brazil.

I like how Ricky kinda talked about being a role model when he was with the group, but really talked about it when he was in the DR so it didn’t sound like he was trying to one up Ryan with his tale of woe.

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