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Mama June: From Not To Hot: Seasons 1-6

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1 hour ago, newyawk said:

I was in the subway today at about 5:30 pm, at 34th Street Herald Square and there was a guy that looked exactly like Geno lurching his way up the platform. Same height, same build (big gut), same hair color and cut. He had on a light blue, long sleeved henley-style shirt. He was wearing dark aviators, otherwise I would have to been able to tell for sure. The guy didn't look too good, so I especially thought it was Geno, lol. 

He looked so much like him that I wondered if he and June were in New York, or if he is here without her. 

But did you spot the cyst or goiter, whatever that is growing out of the side of his neck?

Edited by Quita
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On 6/18/2019 at 12:20 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Considering her previous boyfriends, and sperm donors have mostly been pedos, then I doubt any replacement for Geno would be any different.   Maybe the parolees dating app she must be using to meet men is a bad idea, and she should look somewhere besides the state prison for future dates.  

She needs to stop checking the “ likes kids “ box 

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Sorry I don’t watch this train wreck - just get info from Us weekly and you guys.... has June ever addressed how going from fat to not ( sorry she’s not hot ) messes with your mind ?   I know a few people who had the surgery and were prepared for people treating them differently being thinner.   One really got what she asked for.  People liked her less as a thin person cause she took all her resentment out on people for proving her right .

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On 7/18/2019 at 11:01 PM, newyawk said:

I was in the subway today at about 5:30 pm, at 34th Street Herald Square and there was a guy that looked exactly like Geno lurching his way up the platform. Same height, same build (big gut), same hair color and cut. He had on a light blue, long sleeved henley-style shirt. He was wearing dark aviators, otherwise I would have to been able to tell for sure. The guy didn't look too good, so I especially thought it was Geno, lol. 

He looked so much like him that I wondered if he and June were in New York, or if he is here without her. 

I'm that person who would have called out, "Geno!  Geno!  Are you Geno?"  I do that kind of shit.

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On 7/18/2019 at 10:01 PM, newyawk said:

I was in the subway today at about 5:30 pm, at 34th Street Herald Square and there was a guy that looked exactly like Geno lurching his way up the platform. Same height, same build (big gut), same hair color and cut. He had on a light blue, long sleeved henley-style shirt. He was wearing dark aviators, otherwise I would have to been able to tell for sure. The guy didn't look too good, so I especially thought it was Geno, lol. 

He looked so much like him that I wondered if he and June were in New York, or if he is here without her. 

Wowzers!  Did he have the giant neck cyst?  I can't believe I didn't notice that thing until you guys pointed it out.  Now I can't un-see it!!  They should do a crossover episode with Dr. Pimple Popper.

Edited by Cowgirl
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I totally believe Geno when he says that production overlooked his drug use—including helping him get around security when they knew he was holding. Mind you, I've only gotten to 3:49 and now have to leave the house for the day but damn...I bet he has some more good tea that's gonna have to wait.

Related: WeTV is a disgrace.

33 minutes ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

so was production supplying them with their fix??

He certainly seemed to be implying that. I forget the producer's name he checked in his rant but he said he had texts to back up his assertion.

I am curious as to the point of that video though. It seems like he was all bent out of shape because his "comments were getting deleted" and he was banned from some social media platforms and I ... think ... he was blaming WE? But yet he took to social media to defend himself? I dunno. I'm not fluent in crack so maybe I'm missing the overall point of this thing.

Oh Geno, you didn't need to apologize to your fans.  You don't have any! (Other than the one he showed little Geno to).  

Yes, Geno, production didn't care that you were drunk and stoned.  They are scum.  They bought beer.  However, they didn't force you to use.  You made that choice.  The argument that he already had a major drug and alcohol problem is specious.  He is outing his own criminal activity, using cocaine and driving without a license.  I do not see attorneys lining up to defend him.  He's not saying he's working on getting clean or fixing his behavior.

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On 7/27/2019 at 3:19 PM, Giant Misfit said:

I've only gotten to 3:49

You made it further than I did. We figured the show runners were sweeping the dirt under the rug, but I would think this is biting the hand that feeds him and he will lose the income from the show if he ticks them off. And I do believe that they would have put June and Geno back on the show if they thought it would mean high ratings.

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21 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

He is outing his own criminal activity, using cocaine and driving without a license.

HAHAHA! I forgot about him copping to not having a drivers license. And I love that he talked about doing "cocaine" like he was some Wall Street gajillionaire. Dude was (and likely still is) on crack


Geno's a shit stain. June deserves him. 

Geno did not say that Thinkfactory Media supplied drugs.  He said members of the production team had reasonable belief that he was using based on his behavior and that they helped him avoid metal detectors and searches.  (One might question whether he was keeping his drugs in metal? 😊)  He did say they bought a 30 pack of his favorite beer.  He still chose to drink it.  Of course they knew he was drunk.  We knew he was drunk.  However, being drunk is not illegal. 

He also stated they knew he was driving without a license.  He still chose to drive.   I am certainly not saying they did anything to help Geno or June.  They both have addiction issues and were clearly impaired many times during the show.  However, Thinkfactory is not the first reality TV show to let people go way off the edge or to provide alcohol to encourage drama.  That is common among reality shows of this ilk. Only after this behavior became a legal issue did TFM try to change the trajectory.  Otherwise they were fine with the drugs and booze fueling drama.  They also initially presented Geno as a good guy.  His addictions are not new.  He is upset that they are no longer providing a positive spin for him and have chosen to try to present the story that Geno took June down a bad path.  They are both adults who made and are continuing to make bad decisions. TFM is still trying to salvage working with June; she is the bigger "name". They are done with Geno. 

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22 hours ago, newyawk said:

I doubt June had drug issues before she met Geno, so whatever problems she did have, he simply added to them and made them exponentially worse. He was not a good addition to her life. 

Geno definitely wasn't a good addition to June's life. However, I think she's been using drugs way before Geno, she just hid it better. Her ex-boyfriend raped her daughter in front of her other daughter and she continued to date him when he got out of jail for that crime.  Also, June lived with Sugar Bear and procrated with him after he served time for theft and setting campsites on fire endangering the lives of the children and other people at those campsites. June's problems were always horrific because of June's choices. She always dates disgusting men because she would rather have a man than be alone even if it's at the cost of her kids.  

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I don't believe June is a good enough actress to hide drugaddled behavior, which is why it only started showing with Geno. Nobody has ever accused her of having great judgment, (outside of the initial trusts she had set up for her kids, which the network may have done themselves), but drug behavior is something else.

I believe this is fairly recent and within the last couple of years.

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8 hours ago, Kathy said:

Holy crap!  She looks horrible!  Her arm looks swelled up and looks like her double chin is back.  What a shame, all that money and time spent to lose weight and look good for nothing.  She doesn't even care. 

She had a great shot at a fresh start in life and she blew it.

Is she missing a tooth or is it half broken? 

she looks awful . Not only has she regained the weight, I wonder how much of this is the drugs? 

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June had arm lift surgery and chins removed and they grew back. 😲 What a waste of time and money on that makeover.

I know Pumpkin loves Alana but she probably would like to have time alone with her little family but June would rather get high with Geno than have Alana back. Maybe now more people will believe that June did the same thing to Anna, chose a loser over her own daughter.

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19 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

June had arm lift surgery and chins removed and they grew back. 😲 What a waste of time and money on that makeover.

I know Pumpkin loves Alana but she probably would like to have time alone with her little family but June would rather get high with Geno than have Alana back. Maybe now more people will believe that June did the same thing to Anna, chose a loser over her own daughter.

It’s frustrating June gets rewarded for her horrible behavior time and time again. Her kids get screwed left right and center and Alana is old enough to be aware her sister wants time with her own family.

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I seriously think June is going to be homeless before the year is out. 

As per TMZ on Thursday, she was selling off all the interior items of her home, including the last bed in the house. I mean, who knows, maybe this means she's moving in with Geno in his place, but I doubt it. It seems pretty ominous. I'd bet he will talk her into selling the last asset she has, her house, and he'll take her for all the proceeds and leave.  It is just damn sad. 


Edited by newyawk
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13 hours ago, newyawk said:

I seriously think June is going to be homeless before the year is out. 

As per TMZ on Thursday, she was selling off all the interior items of her home, including the last bed in the house. I mean, who knows, maybe this means she's moving in with Geno in his place, but I doubt it. It seems pretty ominous. I'd bet he will talk her into selling the last asset she has, her house, and he'll take her for all the proceeds and leave.  It is just damn sad. 


I got to disagree with you on this. It’s sad that June has proved time and time again she doesn’t care about her children, it’s sad that she put drugs and men over her kids (again).

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12 minutes ago, thebigboot said:

From the article:


Sources close to June tell TMZ ... Mama's got deal-breaking issues for WE tv -- her crack cocaine arrest, her refusal to get help, her boyfriend, Geno and her off-the-rails conduct. No one's saying it's not compelling TV, but it may prove too hot and dangerous for the network.

Save for the crack arrest, all of the other behaviors were front and center on the last season of the show where WeTV had no problem with her "hot and dangerous" antics because they simply created a narrative that poor June was "depressed" and "having mini strokes" to make excuses for what was very clearly drug-induced insanity she brought on herself. 

None of this is a "deal breaker" for We tv — it's merely a feature they have to figure out how to exploit. 

I think June is going to become homeless, with death following shortly afterwards. I think it is incredibly sad. This was a very rare opportunity for someone like her, an uneducated  teenage mom who is close to being blind. Her life is in ruins, she is a hopeless love/food/drug addict, and she is plummeting faster and faster.  Aside from the tragedy of her kids, I do feel sad that June has lost everything and can't seem to save herself.

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As much as I enjoy snarking on her show if they put June back on television they are just enabling her. If her crack arrest wasn't motivation to get her act together she is going to have to hit rock bottom.

But I wouldn't wish death on anyone, certainly not June. 

I definitely feel sorry for June's children but I don't have much sympathy for June because she had a second chance with this new show and makeover and she wasted it. She still has a minor child at home she is responsible for so when she messes up her life it doesn't just affect her.

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I just read that June is only 40 years old! She appears much older, imo.  I am  amazed me when I see weekly obits of SO MANY young people who are dying from drug overdoses and suicide.  I regularly check online for my parents as they are the age that their peers are dying frequently.  But, the number of those in their 20's, 30's, 40's, is outrageous.  Not sure if June is using opiates.  That seems to be the most deadly.  

5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I just read that June is only 40 years old! She appears much older, imo.  I am  amazed me when I see weekly obits of SO MANY young people who are dying from drug overdoses and suicide.  I regularly check online for my parents as they are the age that their peers are dying frequently.  But, the number of those in their 20's, 30's, 40's, is outrageous.  Not sure if June is using opiates.  That seems to be the most deadly.  

The high school I went to has a memorial page. Someone had asked why so many alumni who graduated in the 2000s are dying, very simple --- drugs. Its really hitting that age bracket. NOt sure if I posted it here or not but my best friend's husband has a friend who has been his best friend since they were kids (we are all in our early 50s). The guy's son passed away from a fentanyl overdose, late 20s. I remember him as an infant. 

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I've been noticing that now days the families are often now stating the circumstances of the death if the person died young, such as, they had a long struggle with drug addiction or that they had struggled with mental illness and took their own life.  That used to hardly ever happen.  I think family members want to help prevent these deaths from happening with other people. 

The way June is headed......I can't see anything but sad things in the future.  Years ago the saying was that with drug addiction there were only 3 options, rehab, jail or the grave. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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4 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I've been noticing that now days the families are often now stating the circumstances of the death if the person died young, such as, they had a long struggle with drug addiction or that they had struggled with mental illness and took their own life.  That used to hardly ever happen.  I think family members want to help prevent these deaths from happening with other people. 

The way June is headed......I can't see anything but sad things in the future.  Years ago the saying was that with drug addiction there were only 3 options, rehab, jail or the grave. 

I wonder how much cash she has readily available? 

Edited by libgirl2

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