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The Diary of Martha Moxley: Martha was about 6 years older than me and we lived in the same town. I definitely lived on the other side of the tracks. I remember all the events very well. Since the murder happened the night before Halloween, on the 31st most kids were only allowed a couple of houses up and down the street to trick or treat, and our parents were close by. It was a scary and sad time.

I'm also tired of the Skakels being referred to as "Kennedy Cousins." It could just be me because I don't consider "by marriage" relatives my cousins, or aunts, or uncles, etc. Robert Kennedy married Ethel Skakel, that's the connection and I find it flimsy at best!

They had a ton of money though, that's for sure. And money buys power, silence, intimidation, etc.  This case never seems to die, it's so frustrating. 

Mickey Sherman, oy vey. I used to see him out and about when I bar-hopped in my younger years....


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I found last nights episode "The Ring - The Murder of Patrick De La Cerda" interesting - straightforward in telling the story and putting forth a coherent narrative.    Gregory Bender was a creep and a manipulator - juggling two women at once and using threats to get his ex-GF back.   Those families suffered from losing their son and the poor fiancee Jessica to find his body.   Obsessive people are the worst - selfish and needy and making others miserable.

I'm glad that Bender is in prison.  I did a 'hell yeah!' when Patrick's dad threatened that maggot during the trial.   I felt his rage and was glad that he got to express it - hopefully, it will give him some closure.  I feel for Jessica though - she has had horrible situations with the two men she was engaged to - one was a maniac and the other killed by said maniac.  I would probably shut down and move to a convent, but I hope she manages to move on and have a good life.

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I don't blame Jessica, but it annoyed me how she kept saying Bender "destroyed her entire life," and, "took her entire future away." The only one losing their entire life/future was Patrick. 

This is why I always counsel my friends and brothers to never to get involved with someone who has a crazy/obsessive ex, no matter how infatuated you might be. First, if the person was with their ex for a long time through a string of volatile experiences and kept going back to them, then that person has some neurosis too and needs to sort themself out. Second, you just don't know what a crazy ex is capable of. One of my brothers got involved with a woman with a menacing ex-husband and got both his cars smashed up and doused with paint. ...It could have been worse. 

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On 11/14/2021 at 2:48 PM, patty1h said:

I feel for Jessica though - she has had horrible situations with the two men she was engaged to - one was a maniac and the other killed by said maniac. 

Jessica had a couple of things about her that gave me pause.  Bender was significantly older than her, and she and Patrick got engaged after several months.  It sounds like she hasn't seriously dated anyone since Patrick's death.  It may still be wise for her to continue to be alone for a while so she can reflect on his own life and not only her life as one half of a couple.

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I know that I've said this before, but sometimes I think being a beautiful woman can be as much a curse as an asset.   Psychopathic creeps like Bender are going to make the beeline for the beautiful woman who becomes as much a possession as a lover.   I wish that the show would have gone into more detail of the Bender/Jessica relationship because 8 years involvement is a long time.   How she could date him for that long without finding out that he was married has me shaking my head.   And then to actually go back to him and swallowing that bullshit story about him being married to the other lady so her son could go to that school district.... Jessica must have been pretty naive. 

What a terrible shame that Patrick got murdered by that scumbag (who I hope spends the rest of his life in jail.  His lawyer should be ashamed of himself for trying to make the jury think the father could have done that).   I just hope that the case doesn't get overturned on appeal; I'm hoping that the police had whatever they needed to be able to search Bender's house.   And this episode was another example of something else I've been saying for years, that restraining orders aren't worth the paper they are printed on.  In this case, the restraining order at least was used as an excuse to put Bender in jail for a day so the cops could check out his house before he cleaned it up.  

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I'm also tired of the Skakels being referred to as "Kennedy Cousins." It could just be me because I don't consider "by marriage" relatives my cousins, or aunts, or uncles, etc. Robert Kennedy married Ethel Skakel, that's the connection and I find it flimsy at best!

Aren't they first cousins with Bobby and Ethel Kennedy's kids? 

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On 11/19/2021 at 12:43 AM, LittleIggy said:

On a shallow note: Jessica looked so much better at the trial without the troweled on make-up. 
I kept wondering how Patrick could afford that big ass ring.

I thought the temporary ring was nice. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I mean this nicely.  I felt like the most recent episode was mostly an excuse for Troy Roberts to talk about himself under the guise of revisiting the story about the failed Russian adoption.  I'm happy that he and his adopted son have a good relationship.  I did wonder about the adoption process given the dire poverty the mother was living in, and her apparent illiteracy.         

Having said all that, it doesn't say much for psychiatry that a young girl apparently fooled multiple psychiatrists. 

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That was quite the story about the Russian adoption.  I remember reading a lot about Eastern European adoptions that went south in the late 80s, to mid 90s.  American's went to countries like Romania and Russia to adopt children and those places has so many problems with alcoholism (fetal alcohol syndrome in the babies) bad pre-natal care, and babies who never were able to attach to anybody.  Many people wanted to give up the adopted children and a shadowy network formed that would take the kids.    The girl in this story was lucky in a way that her adoptive parents brought her back to Russia and that adoption agent lady went and took her back to the US.    

I don't know, maybe it's me, but I didn't like the adoptive parents.  Can't put my finger on it and maybe I'm being unfairly judgemental (esp since all we have to go on is what we were shown) but the parents seemed very much like folks who had certain expectations and that you'd better fit into their picture of "perfect" life or you were not going to be accepted.  Again, just going by what we were shown so maybe being very unfair to them.  

Troy Roberts is a good-looking man and so is his adoptive son.  The young man also seems very nice.  Really makes you ponder the luck of the draw of life.   This child was lucky enough to be adopted by an American man who decided he was ready for a child.    His life would be so much different had he stayed in Africa where he was born.   Maybe he would have been able to do something great there but growing up in that level of poverty it would have been doubtful.  Maybe he wouldn't have been able to grow up at all.  

In the end, I'm glad that the Russian girl wound up with a good life and is happy with a family of her own.  She seems like a good person and I'm glad that life has worked out for her.   

Edited by 12catcrazy
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2 hours ago, 12catcrazy said:

I don't know, maybe it's me, but I didn't like the adoptive parents.  Can't put my finger on it and maybe I'm being unfairly judgemental (esp since all we have to go on is what we were shown) but the parents seemed very much like folks who had certain expectations and that you'd better fit into their picture of "perfect" life or you were not going to be accepted.  Again, just going by what we were shown so maybe being very unfair to them.  

Troy Roberts is a good-looking man and so is his adoptive son.  The young man also seems very nice.  Really makes you ponder the luck of the draw of life.   This child was lucky enough to be adopted by an American man who decided he was ready for a child.    His life would be so much different had he stayed in Africa where he was born.   Maybe he would have been able to do something great there but growing up in that level of poverty it would have been doubtful.  Maybe he wouldn't have been able to grow up at all.  

Come sit next to me, I didn't like them either.  I made several smart comments during the show, like "Maybe if that lady spent less time on that hair and more time trying to bond with her daughter..." and "They were an Instagram couple before Instagram was a thing..." 

I was thrilled to see Troy Roberts; I've missed him since he stopped being a regular correspondent for 48 Hours.  He and Jonah are like two peas in a pod; I hope that Jonah's birth mother is able to rest in peace knowing that he was safe and well cared for.  It had to have been a heartbreaking decision to give him up, especially at 4 years old, an extreme example off a mother's sacrifice to ensure the wellbeing of her child.  He seems to be a fine young man.

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So glad it had a happy ending. It really is like winning the lottery to be the kid who gets plucked out of horrible circumstances. Makes me sad for all the others.

The girl didn't even seem bitter toward the first adoptive mother. I'm glad she has processed that and come out okay. Did Troy adopt the boy as a single father, or did he have a partner? They did not make that clear. 

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I didn't like those parents, either.  They were both phony (especially the mom), and even I could tell the daughter was only parroting what adoptive mom was saying.  It was also clear to anyone with eyes that the boy was the center of their world and the girl was an afterthought.  How either one of them could live with themselves after dumping her off in a Russian psychiatric facility to return "to the good ol' USA" (mom's actual words after promising the hospital that they would be coming back for the girl, when they had no intention of doing so) is beyond me. 

Thankfully the lady at the adoption agency rescued her from that facility and placed her with a loving family.  Sabrina was a hell of a lot more forgiving of her first set of adoptive parents than they deserved. 

And yes, pretty interesting that the parents believed the psychiatrist who saddled the little girl with a litany of dangerous neuroses but completely ignored the glowing report from the other facility about how normal she was.

The bit about Jonah and Troy Roberts was sweet.  Pretty sad about his mom, though.

This story brought up something I've always wondered about, and that's if changing a kid's name to one of the adoptive parents' choosing has any effect on them (positive or negative).  Sabrina had at least three first names and maybe more, while Jonah had two.

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5 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Did Troy adopt the boy as a single father, or did he have a partner? They did not make that clear. 

I think he said he did it as a single parent. 


6 hours ago, Lovecat said:

It had to have been a heartbreaking decision to give him up, especially at 4 years old, an extreme example off a mother's sacrifice to ensure the wellbeing of her child.

I don't know.  There is something about that kind of adoption, where the parties are on such unequal footing, that kind of rubs me the wrong way.  When they said the birth mother was not even able to sign her name, I really did wonder if she fully understood the process and what she was doing. 

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5 hours ago, TVbitch said:

If I recall, the mother said the child was in danger of being murdered, because he was mixed race. 

Yes, I think that is what Roberts said she said.  I'll admit the process could have been above board, it just bothered me.   

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Ep. Who Killed Rachael Del Tondo- I am very sorry for her parents that their daughter was murdered. Hopefully they will get resolution if the police continue to investigate.  Rachael seemed to be emotionally stunted though. 

 I have no problem believing she was having sex with the young football player (who is suspect #1 in her murder IMO).  Rachael was also hanging out with a 17 year old girlfriend, and they liked to “drive around, listening to music”.  Thirty-three year old women don’t date, have sex with, or develop friendships with teenagers.  Mentorship, camaraderie, positive influence, parental or older sibling figure, sure, but not a side piece for the local High School QB or BFF’s with a student.

That town sounds a little messed up too.  The police officer that gave Rachael’s ex-fiancé the police report and his superior who said it was ok to do, were not following policy, and that seems like it was blatant negligence.  And the officer sounded like he missed a few grades between Kindergarten and graduation…like 6 or 7 of ‘em.  Maybe he was doing his Rocky Balboa impersonation?? The ex-fiancé and Rachael’s parents also came across like characters from “Joey & Maria’s Wedding”.  


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1 hour ago, BusyOctober said:

I have no problem believing she was having sex with the young football player (who is suspect #1 in her murder IMO).  Rachael was also hanging out with a 17 year old girlfriend, and they liked to “drive around, listening to music”.  Thirty-three year old women don’t date, have sex with, or develop friendships with teenagers.

Yeah, I completely think she was having some kind of sexual relationship with the football player.  I have no idea what she was doing with the other girl.  I was thinking it was more a sign of how socially isolated Rachel had become that the only friend she had left was a teenager. 

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The football player's older relative was so obviously was trying to gaslight the reporter. He answered everything with a question, like she was stupid for asking it. 

Reporter: Is it possible he killed her? 

Uncle: What would be his motive?!!!!!!!

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Ep. Who Killed Rachael Del Tondo: I remember when this story first came out. I didn't have any problem believing Rachael was having some sort of illicent relationship with the football player -- stranger things have happened. The fact that she was hanging out with him, and also hanging out with a much younger girl - not sure where Rachael's head was at. But frankly, it's not normal to be hanging out with kids at her age if they aren't your nieces or nephews or something. It's odd.

I also found Rachael's mom very odd. Don't get me wrong, it's beyond words how heartbreaking it is for parents to lose a child (especially to violence) but something struck me the wrong way about her. 

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I think that Rachael's mother was a text book controlling mother.  Wouldn't surprise me if a big reason Rachael hung around with much younger people was a passive-aggressive way of getting around Mom.   Maybe she had been so controlled as a teenager that she was reliving her teen years in a way.   

This was another one of these tragic stories where you had a person do a few wrong turns and crashed and burned.   The mother was OTT, the ex-fiance was a jerk,  even the former best friend did a terrible thing.   Poor Rachael, after her life blew up (due to her foolishness and whoever very rottenly "leaked" that police report), its too bad that she just didn't pack a bag and get the hell out of that town.  But God forbid, Mama would have probably dragged her back.  

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Sorry, but I had very little sympathy for Rachael. She was a thirty three year old woman still living at home, and using the excuse that she is Italian, and Italian adults live at home until they get married Maybe several decades ago, hardly in 2018. And why is she hanging around students and treating them like friends? Does she not have any friends her own age, other teachers, etc? 

I thought the only truthful thing the mother said was that she didn't know if Rachael was more excited to be getting married, or excited about the 6 karat diamond ring. 

The mother was a piece of work. Yes, sure, her baby was in a car with a 17 year old, a kid half her age, at 2 in the morning, because she was helping him out. Sheesh.

I said to hubby that Rachael may still have been alive if mommy dearest hadn't insisted that she not sign the prenup. Maybe she would have gotten married and still be here. ONOH, apparently she had been having a relationship with the teenager for three years, so maybe not. In any case I think the ex boyfriend dodged a bullet (no pun intended) - he could have ended up with Lisa as a MIL.

In any case Racheal is the one who, as a teacher, decided to have a relationship with a student. There would have been much more said about it had she been a male teacher having sex with a female student.  She didn't deserve to die, obviously, but as far as I can see she made some very bad  choices, and was not the sweet innocent person her parents wanted her to be remembered as. 

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3 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Sorry, but I had very little sympathy for Rachael. She was a thirty three year old woman still living at home, and using the excuse that she is Italian, and Italian adults live at home until they get married Maybe several decades ago, hardly in 2018. And why is she hanging around students and treating them like friends? Does she not have any friends her own age, other teachers, etc? 

I thought the only truthful thing the mother said was that she didn't know if Rachael was more excited to be getting married, or excited about the 6 karat diamond ring. 

The mother was a piece of work. Yes, sure, her baby was in a car with a 17 year old, a kid half her age, at 2 in the morning, because she was helping him out. Sheesh.

I said to hubby that Rachael may still have been alive if mommy dearest hadn't insisted that she not sign the prenup. Maybe she would have gotten married and still be here. ONOH, apparently she had been having a relationship with the teenager for three years, so maybe not. In any case I think the ex boyfriend dodged a bullet (no pun intended) - he could have ended up with Lisa as a MIL.

In any case Racheal is the one who, as a teacher, decided to have a relationship with a student. There would have been much more said about it had she been a male teacher having sex with a female student.  She didn't deserve to die, obviously, but as far as I can see she made some very bad  choices, and was not the sweet innocent person her parents wanted her to be remembered as. 

Yes. Sorry I had no sympathy for her and I hated her parents, especially her mom. I don't know who killed her and I'm not sure I really care. Save me a seat in hell. 


Actually, Sheldon probably did kill her but Rachel's choices didn't help her here at all. 

Edited by Court
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5 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

She didn't deserve to die, obviously, but as far as I can see she made some very bad  choices, and was not the sweet innocent person her parents wanted her to be remembered as. 

I think the mom seems off, but I give the parents a lot of leeway.  Their only child was murdered in their driveway.  I think even for the most well adjusted people, that's something you really don't come back from.  I would bet they know in their hearts that Rachel was very troubled, but I doubt they would ever acknowledge that now.     

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The ex-boyfriend was creepy & probably did have police help & released the information to the public. The mother & father were blaming everyone. The mother wouldn’t let the father get a word in edgewise. The 17 year old was guilty as sin & probably should have had a lawyer to tell him to STFU! His uncle or father figure was lying through his teeth to protect him. Not my boy! No way! No how! Um, right. Rachel was looking for a way to get out & have a cash machine at her disposal but lost her way and headed into a downward spiral. In the end, I guess it was a crime of passion. She probably wanted some sex from the 17 year old but wasn’t going to settle down or run away with him which most likely set him off. 

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Transgender murder episode: Can't believe that guy actually got up on the stand and tried to sell that story: "Even though I admit to being filled with rage when I found out she was transgender and feel that is morally wrong, I only told her to get out of my truck. But then she went nuts and lunged for a gun I have hidden in my console, so I tried to grab her jacket to stop her from getting to it, but it was so very slippery, and I could not keep hold of it, so to keep her from getting to the gun I then wrapped a cord around her upper body to pull back on to restrain her, but it must have slid up to her neck, and oops." 

And the family stands by him. UGH!

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On 12/20/2021 at 9:46 AM, TVbitch said:

Transgender murder episode: Can't believe that guy actually got up on the stand and tried to sell that story: "Even though I admit to being filled with rage when I found out she was transgender and feel that is morally wrong, I only told her to get out of my truck. But then she went nuts and lunged for a gun I have hidden in my console, so I tried to grab her jacket to stop her from getting to it, but it was so very slippery, and I could not keep hold of it, so to keep her from getting to the gun I then wrapped a cord around her upper body to pull back on to restrain her, but it must have slid up to her neck, and oops." 

And the family stands by him. UGH!

I noticed that the only time he cried was when he spoke about being ‘ humiliated’. Those tears were for him, not Nikki or the situation. It was mentioned Nikki ran with a tough crowd and likely fought very hard. Too bad she didn’t get a few good blows in. It can take a long time to strangle someone. If he were frightened wouldn’t he just strangle her unconscious? He kept going, that is rage. Being transgender is immoral but trolling for sex with underaged girls and doing drugs/drinking is a ok? Sure. He is trash.

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On 12/20/2021 at 9:46 AM, TVbitch said:

Transgender murder episode: Can't believe that guy actually got up on the stand and tried to sell that story: "Even though I admit to being filled with rage when I found out she was transgender and feel that is morally wrong, I only told her to get out of my truck. But then she went nuts and lunged for a gun I have hidden in my console, so I tried to grab her jacket to stop her from getting to it, but it was so very slippery, and I could not keep hold of it, so to keep her from getting to the gun I then wrapped a cord around her upper body to pull back on to restrain her, but it must have slid up to her neck, and oops." 

And the family stands by him. UGH!

Agree 100%.  If I had been on that jury, I would've been rolling my eyes big time.   

Amazing how you can murder somebody (and dump their body like so much trash) and get like 20 years or less.  This scum will be out within 10.  If he was so offended by Nikki being transgender, wait until he gets to prison - he ain't seen nothin' yet. 

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On 12/13/2021 at 7:18 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

In any case Racheal is the one who, as a teacher, decided to have a relationship with a student. There would have been much more said about it had she been a male teacher having sex with a female student.  She didn't deserve to die, obviously, but as far as I can see she made some very bad  choices, and was not the sweet innocent person her parents wanted her to be remembered as.

It has been more than a minute since my college days, but inappropriate behavior with a student was stressed over and over and over again when I was in college.  Not only don't do it, but don't ever put yourself in a position where that's what it looks like...because you're not going to be given the benefit of the doubt.  That's even more true now. Rachael should have been nowhere NEAR a car with Sheldon in it at 11:00 at night.  To this day, it continues to amaze me how many teachers continue to lose their credentials because of this issue.  It's work to ignore numerous warnings.

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Watched Death After Midnight and I kind of remembered it but, couldn't remember the verdict. As I was watching, I was really convinced he didn't kill his wife. However, I fully expected a guilty verdict just because that always happens. 

I'm glad he was found not guilty because I really think this was suicide


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6 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Watched Death After Midnight and I kind of remembered it but, couldn't remember the verdict. As I was watching, I was really convinced he didn't kill his wife. However, I fully expected a guilty verdict just because that always happens. 

I'm glad he was found not guilty because I really think this was suicide


I agree. There was really zero evidence he killed her. 

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Tiger King murder mystery: I didn’t/couldn’t watch The tiger king documentary on Netflix because of the animal abuse. I wish they would do one where they edited it & cut out all of the abuse etc of the animals and just focused on the crazy that is the tiger king and Carol Baskin in & her husband’s disappearance. 
Am I the only one who doesn’t care if Carol did it? 😀 We can’t afford to lose animal saviors like her!
Did NOT like the ex wife or the 3 bad wigs, I mean daughters.  

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On 1/3/2022 at 1:40 PM, chediavolo said:

Tiger King murder mystery: I didn’t/couldn’t watch The tiger king documentary on Netflix because of the animal abuse. I wish they would do one where they edited it & cut out all of the abuse etc of the animals and just focused on the crazy that is the tiger king and Carol Baskin in & her husband’s disappearance. 
Am I the only one who doesn’t care if Carol did it? 😀 We can’t afford to lose animal saviors like her!
Did NOT like the ex wife or the 3 bad wigs, I mean daughters.  

I am an animal lover and agree that Carol is definitely an advocate...but thinking it is okay to if someone gets away killing someone can continue her good works is not right. If she was ever arrested/convicted she could use her millions to ensure she can keep on with her efforts...I have no doubt she was involved.

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4 minutes ago, KittyKat425 said:

I am an animal lover and agree that Carol is definitely an advocate...but thinking it is okay to if someone gets away killing someone can continue her good works is not right. If she was ever arrested/convicted she could use her millions to ensure she can keep on with her efforts...I have no doubt she was involved.

Well I said that in jest in a way. And I don’t think she was involved. If anything I am leaning towards the ex-wife. 

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Anybody watch this week's 48 Hours?  I think it was a repeat listed as a "new" episode as it had some updated info (the suspect's trial).  

And honestly, if I were on the jury, I couldn't vote the guy guilty either as obnoxious as he is.   When his lawyer brought up the now dead victim's neighbor (who the police cleared as a suspect when his MOTHER gave him an alibi) that was more than enough reasonable doubt for me.   My favorite law of Occam's Razor would have pointed more of a finger towards him as being guilty than this guy who they put on trial.    The police had reason to think that the guy they arrested did it (and some of their reasons were damned good ones) but not enough proof to convict him.  

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I agree, the guy was a total nutjob, and who can say what he might be capable of, but the evidence wasn't there. I remember this episode cuz the guy's lawyer could barely keep a straight face when speaking with the correspondent. 

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Yep, I'm still thinking he's guilty, too. That stuff with the unknown DNA is odd and curious, and I'm all for investigating that angle further to see where it goes. 

But the husband was definitely NOT doing himself any favors with his odd behavior and his lies and the footage of him going to numerous dumpsters to drop off trash and whatnot. I was especially struck by his actions after his daughter called to tell him she wasn't able to get a hold of her mom. Okay, so he gets that call, and he calls a neighbor to have them check on her bike and whatnot, and tells them to call 911, and then shortly after he starts out for home...

...except he apparently has no problem taking his good sweet time to return items to his workers (items which include a shovel, which, come on, I've seen enough true crime shows to raise a brow at the mention of a shovel) and to set up rooms for them and whatnot. He's supposedly concerned enough by his daughter's call and the news about the bike to ask his neighbor to call 911...but not that concerned that he doesn't just immediately book it home, to the point of risking speeding and running red lights if he has to to get there to find out what the hell's going on. 

And then the whole thing with him illegally shooting deer with darts to steal their antlers and keep them in his home. Even if he's not guilty of his wife's murder, at the very least, that alone is enough to make him a piece of scum. But that definitely added to my suspicion of him, too - the whole thing about people who mistreat animals being more likely to abuse and kill people, and all that. The show had the exact same thought I did about the theory of him hunting her like he does those deer, which is just beyond chilling to think about. 

I also find it hard to believe he didn't know about her affair. Partly because he already told enough lies to make me skeptical of anything else he said, and partly because he came home shortly after she'd sent texts to that guy she was chatting with. Perhaps he didn't know about her affair prior to that day, but I could totally see him stumbling upon the evidence of it when he came home that day, and that was just the final straw in that ever-growing list of problems in their marriage that would've led him to kill her. 

And I found it funny how he was happy to babble away for so long to any and everyone who would listen without a lawyer present, but now he's finally wised up and gotten counsel and thus wasn't able to talk to "48 Hours". I mean, smart move on his part to finally get a lawyer, but still, it just amused me anyway. 

It's amazing, too, how both he and the guy she was seeing kept desperately trying to ditch any technological evidence. I don't know how people in this day and age still don't understand that if you have any contact with any kind of technology at all, there will always be a trail left behind. Anyone, be it an investigator or somebody else, will be able to trace it and tell who you talked to, where you went, what you did, when you were doing all of this stuff, and so on. A person has to basically be living completely off the grid to even try and get away with anything nowadays, and even that's not always a guarantee they'll succeed. If that guy she was having the affair with was so concerned about others finding out, well, gee, maybe you shouldn't have had the affair in the first place, eh? They're certainly going to know about your secret activities now, so...great planning there, genius. 

Edited by Annber03
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Barry most likely killed Suzanne. If not, he sure did a lot of strange things to make himself look guilty. I’m guessing Suzanne told him she was outright leaving him or told him about the affair & was going to leave Barry for the other guy. He goes nuts & kills her. It is weird that the bike & helmet were found but still no sign of Suzanne. The unknown DNA found in the truck is unusual but whoever said stranger is they could have met up anywhere. Unless, he met her on the day in question and killer her. Doubtful but possible.

Now, both daughters going camping on Mother’s Day is weird. It makes you wonder if Barry had suggested it to them but that would mean he knew he was going to kill Suzanne on Mother’s Day and it seems it was more something that just happened. The daughters (or any kids) standing by the father has always been weird to me. I mean, I know that their your parents but if it squeaks like a duck……..Finally, Suzanne have this long distance affair isn’t great either but I don’t think the boyfriend had any intention to leave his family and flee to Ecuador with Suzanne. 

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I watch a lot of “Murder Shows”, maybe too many.  When I see the stories with these seemingly “perfect family, perfect marriage”, I already know the spouse did it.  The “perfect” or “happy” label is the giveaway at this point.

Husband did it, no doubt.  That foreign male DNA in the car could have come from a mechanic or car wash detail. It should be investigated to rule it in/out, but my money is on the jealous, illegal antler poaching, avid chipmunk and elk hunting guy with a tranquilizer gun.

Cool info on the car computer tracking info being used to investigate crimes. Just like cell tower hits for phones, this is new tech that can help police.  I know it may make some people concerned about Big Brother or Government encroachment, but honestly, we are all already being ‘tracked’ on a daily basis.  Cell phones, computers, credit cards, EZ-Pass logs, ATM’s and bank records, traffic and store surveillance cameras… even Alexa, Apple TV and Netflix know more about you than your best friend does.

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7 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

I watch a lot of “Murder Shows”, maybe too many.  When I see the stories with these seemingly “perfect family, perfect marriage”, I already know the spouse did it.  The “perfect” or “happy” label is the giveaway at this point.

You could definitely make a drinking game out of the whole "They seemed like the perfect couple/family" line that always pops up in these shows, for sure. 

I do share a lot of the concerns people have about all the technological surveillance that's out there nowadays - it may be helpful to law enforcement ,sure, but it's also really creepy, and it'd be easy for people to abuse this ability to track others, too. But I'm also not surprised it exists, and it seems inevitable that it will exist at this point, and like I said above, anyone who thinks they'll be able to get rid of all their technological footprints so easily is living in a dream world. 

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51 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

but it's also really creepy, and it'd be easy for people to abuse this ability to track others, too.

This has happened already unfortunately. People have used Apple Air Tags to stalk unsuspecting victims.  Technology is a double edged sword for sure.

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Sorry but guilty or not, anybody who shoots unbearably adorable chipmunks and cuts antlers off deer can rot in hell for all I care. 

Sometimes I wish these shows would not disclose how the car computer helps solves crimes or how the husbands big mistake was giving a bunch of interviews. I don't want criminals learning from these mistakes! 

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I will say the family sure took pretty pictures. I guess that’s where the phrase “They looked like the perfect couple/family comes from”. I still think the whole thing with the daughters going away camping on Mother’s Day was weird. Finally, when they get can’t get in touch with her they got all worried. It was either planned perfectly or it was a happy coincidence that they were away from the house and the father was away a certain amount of time for a potential alibi that no one really knows what happened. The phone tracking shows him up all around the house at certain points makes me believe he was hunting her while she attempted to escape. Their home was huge and away from anyone so they probably fought and then she either fled the house or he chased her out of the house. The gun used wasn’t using a bullet so there wouldn’t be any traces of blood. So was the tranquilizer gun a last minute idea of his or was that planned out, too? 

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There is no doubt in my mind that the husband did it.  It was said in the show that the guy was very controlling and domineering (sounds like a real bully) and guys like that tend to think of their women as personal property.  And from the looks of that house he probably had plenty to lose in a divorce.   This story made me think of the Jennifer Doulos caser.  THAT bastard at least died by his own hand but gave the final finger to his missing wife's family by still saying he didn't do it and not saying what he did with her body.  I'm sure that this guy dumped his wife where she'll never be found.  

And when watching the daughters, all I can say is that we see this on these shows so many times how the kids stick up for Daddy Dearest.  Makes you wonder if these kids gave a damn about their mother at all.   

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57 minutes ago, 12catcrazy said:

There is no doubt in my mind that the husband did it.  It was said in the show that the guy was very controlling and domineering (sounds like a real bully) and guys like that tend to think of their women as personal property.  And from the looks of that house he probably had plenty to lose in a divorce.   This story made me think of the Jennifer Doulos caser.  THAT bastard at least died by his own hand but gave the final finger to his missing wife's family by still saying he didn't do it and not saying what he did with her body.  I'm sure that this guy dumped his wife where she'll never be found.  

And when watching the daughters, all I can say is that we see this on these shows so many times how the kids stick up for Daddy Dearest.  Makes you wonder if these kids gave a damn about their mother at all.   

And, we didn’t even get the obligatory interview with the daughters standing up for their father and saying that he would never do this. Also, not explaining why they went camping. Maybe, they knew of the Mothers affair and were closer to the Father. Who knows??

Edited by ByaNose
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2 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

And, we didn’t even get the obligatory interview of the daughters standing up to their father and saying that he would never do this. Also, not explaining why they went camping. Maybe, they knew of the Mothers affair and were closer to the Father. Who knows??

Yes, I would say that the mother's years long and well documented affair with the school chum who was married and had 6 children might have migrated into the daughters' opinion of their mother, regardless of the fact that she was 100% devoted and loving toward them.

My thoughts and life experience (working on the defense side of the criminal justice system for MANY YEARS) tell me that because of the longevity of the affair and the text messages at the end stating that Suzanne was finally going to leave the marriage was the trigger that caused him to murder her. 

One can only imagine the deception and deep dismay Suzanne must have borne emotionally for all those years ESPECIALLY as regards the many trips she made out of town to be with the lover.  I wonder how she paid for those trips??  The lies she had to conjure up to account for her time and the emotional drain it must have placed on her relationship with her daughters (whether she acknowledged it or not) must have been intense.

I wish Suzanne could have worked with a professional therapist to sort through her life circumstances to a point of creating and implementing an effective plan to get out of the marriage without it costing her her life.

As for the trial, I think there is a decent possibility tha he will be found NOT GUILTY, not because the jury thinks he didn't kill Suzanne, but because the State couldn't make a convincing case BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.  That's a very high threshold to meet and if he has a great attorney, enough holes probably will be punched through the State's case to achieve that outcome.  Of course, a hung jury would also be a possibility.

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