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Clock Tower Theater: Fanfic, Fan Music Videos and Art

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One of the things I'm most upset about with the decline of this season is how many abandoned fics there are by really good writers who gave up on the show. Sins, I'm looking at you.

Sad but true.  I hate when that happens

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One of the things I'm most upset about with the decline of this season is how many abandoned fics there are by really good writers who gave up on the show. Sins, I'm looking at you.


The author who wrote Sins is SmoakandArrow, I doubt the reason why she's not updating is because of her loss of interest in the show or the couple :p 

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The author who wrote Sins is SmoakandArrow, I doubt the reason why she's not updating is because of her loss of interest in the show or the couple :p 


Really? Huh. Well, now I'm just bummed it hasn't been updated. :)

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Really? Huh. Well, now I'm just bummed it hasn't been updated. :)

Last I heard she suffered from really bad migraines and took a break from writing because of them.  It's a shame, I actually enjoyed her Sabrina story.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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At least in the time being we can entertain ourselves with What happens in Vegas as well as ChronicOlicity's stuff! 

Speaking of ChronicOlicity's fic, you (and Previously TV) got a mention in the author notes for the latest Legacies update:


Also, this may make me a stalker, but I've been on the Previously TV fanfic forum for Arrow (you really should check it out, there's some hilarious stuff going on there, fanfic, fanvids, fanart, etc.), and someone called Wonderwall very nicely keeps reccing Legacies. So this is an excessively roundabout way of saying thanks.

ChronicOlicity, if you're lurking, you're welcome to stalk us all you want and even post with us if you feel like it! I really enjoy your fic, especially the flip on ep 3.16's Raylicity/Oliver scene in your latest chapter. As much as I liked the canon scene, I prefer your version. 

Edited by InsertWordHere
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Speaking of ChronicOlicity's fic, you (and Previously TV) got a mention in the author notes for the latest Legacies update:

ChronicOlicity, if you're lurking, you're welcome to stalk us all you want and even post with us if you feel like it! I really enjoy your fic, especially the flip on ep 3.16's Raylicity/Oliver scene in your latest chapter. As much as I liked the canon scene, I prefer your version. 


I KNOW! I saw that and was so excited :') @ChronicOlicity, if you're seeing this, you should do less lurking and more posting because I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts on some of the stuff that's going on this season :p And THANK YOU for the shout out!


And for realz though, her fics are better than what's happening on the show right now. 

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@InsertWordHere, @wonderwall, @statsgirl Lurking is such an ugly word :p But in all seriousness I was just too lazy to create an account, so the end note was my lazy-ass way of saying thank you for reccing my stuff. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you. This forum is amazing, and you guys are funny, witty people who have just been stalked. Now I'm going to crawl back into bed and write, bai baiiii.

Edited by ChronicOlicity
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@InsertWordHere, @wonderwall, @statsgirl Lurking is such an ugly word :p But in all seriousness I was just too lazy to create an account, so the end note was my lazy-ass way of saying thank you for reccing my stuff. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you. This forum is amazing, and you guys are funny, witty people who have just been stalked. Now I'm going to crawl back into bed and write, bai baiiii.

Welcome!! Im loving your stuff. Thanks for writing :)

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@ChronicOlicity Really enjoying your work, storylines, pacing, character interactions, everything.


Recently a few Olicity fics that I enjoyed were finished off so I though I'll put them here for people who have been avoiding unfinished works.


Rivers & Roads - Oliver Queen returned back to Starling City after being stranded on an island for five years. Felicity Smoak was recommended to the Queen family as his psychiatrist. Season 1 AU


Deputy Mommy - Felicity ends up with an an abandoned boy on her doorstep and she is running for Deputy Mayor while Oliver runs as Mayor. The ending was a little abrupt IMO, but was I always enjoy OyHumbug's style when she (?) write's Felicity's POV.


Between Love & Skate - An Olicity take on Cutting Edge, also the author's WIP Blinded by Love and Daring will finish soon and is worth checking out.


State of mind - AU Oliver looses his memories after a car accident Felicity tries to help get it back


Take her, keep her and make her yours - AU Brava fic which is Oliver is requested (ordered) by the Brava leader (Lance) to marry and protect his daughter Felicity.

Seriously enjoyed the way the AU was written and how characters were written in and used, gets pretty dark and twisty and dramatic and the Bratva gender politics in this story is draconian, but the read was enjoyable IMO. 


There are also some really good WIPs that are being updated on a regular basis. (1 a week at least), in addition to ones that are slower updates or ones that have already been mentioned like Technical Assistance and @ChronicOlicity's The Legacies We Leave


You're love is a waiting Game - Oliver returns to Starling City after The Undertaking and it was back to business as usual for Felicity until a drunken night of passion led to a missed period and a positive pregnancy test. Think that’s the worst part? No, it gets worse. It wasn’t some random guy she met at a bar she woke up next too, oh if only she had been that lucky. It’s the hooded vigilante known as The Arrow himself, her boss, her friend, Oliver Queen....and he doesn't even remember.


Actions Speak Louder Than Words (and other true sayings) - Felicity is publicly outed as the The Arrow's Girlfriend


The Crow - Brava Au and my favourite so far of all the poisonangelmuse, TheAlternativeSource collaborations. This fic also has the added bonus of distracting me during Thursdays lunchtimes at work when Arrow is airing in the US and the episode thread is still locked.


A loss for Words - Dealing with some of the issues coming up in S3 between Olvier and Felicity which I'm enjoying. Also I'm assuming this is our own @CarrieAnn 


Finally Ash1818 Legacy Series's latest has a new WIP - Blood On My Name. As I've said before I LOVE Jonathan Queen and as a future fic, this is totally how I see Oliver and Felicity as parents and married and their relationship with each of the kids.


There is heaps that I missed, I'm sure.

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Someone actually did an 3.20 AU gifset of Married Olicity

Oliver is on trial & they marry for spousal privilege.

which is something I want, but doubt I will get in show. Squee!


WARNING: Spoilery speculation is involved, click at your own peril.


ETA: There are more & some are not spoilery

Edited by Genki
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I really liked this parallel: 


tumblr_nlpc163MfQ1upkpglo2_250.gif tumblr_nlpc163MfQ1upkpglo1_250.gif

tumblr_nlpc163MfQ1upkpglo4_250.gif tumblr_nlpc163MfQ1upkpglo3_250.gif

Loved this parallel. I also loved what SA did with Oliver's hand & facial expression in the lip shown shut thing. I thought his hand gestures about being shown shut just breathed more life into the conversation. It was one of my fav interactions & acting choices during this episode. SA does all these subtle things that make the show better. I think without that subtle acting the show can get a little overacted or underacted (depending on how you see it) as was evident in the Brick trilogy. I truly do not know that the show would survive should SA ever decide to leave.

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I really liked this parallel: 


tumblr_nlpc163MfQ1upkpglo2_250.gif tumblr_nlpc163MfQ1upkpglo1_250.gif

tumblr_nlpc163MfQ1upkpglo4_250.gif tumblr_nlpc163MfQ1upkpglo3_250.gif


Hi! Do you remember where you saw this? Been looking for this parallel but haven't come across it on Tumblr. There was also that GIFset you posted a couple pages ago of Oliver closing his eyes when Felicity got the call from Ray. Love these but can't find them on Tumblr :(

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Hi! Do you remember where you saw this? Been looking for this parallel but haven't come across it on Tumblr. There was also that GIFset you posted a couple pages ago of Oliver closing his eyes when Felicity got the call from Ray. Love these but can't find them on Tumblr :(


The first one: X


The second one: X


Can I also put this on here? They're both so adorable I want to die!!! (apparently cute aggression is a thing?)


tumblr_nll7h7nHFt1sp9xlao2_250.gif tumblr_nll7h7nHFt1sp9xlao1_250.gif


Let these two be happy, dammit! (X)

Edited by wonderwall
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The first one: X


The second one: X


Can I also put this on here? They're both so adorable I want to die!!! (apparently cute aggression is a thing?)


tumblr_nll7h7nHFt1sp9xlao2_250.gif tumblr_nll7h7nHFt1sp9xlao1_250.gif


Let these two be happy, dammit! (X)


Wonderful, thank you! That face scrunch gets me every time I see it. And I've tried not to be pulled in and get all fangirly when Oliver and Felicity smile but damnit, I can't help it. They're the very definition of adorable when they're happy.

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As shitty as this episode was, I liked this parallel: 


tumblr_nlssb3algQ1sxoekjo1_250.gif tumblr_nlssb3algQ1sxoekjo2_250.gif



Also. Oh My God, they really have flipped Oliver and Felicity this season. Same beats. Different characters. 

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SO is it too late to edit something like these Lord Mesa cartoons into 318?? Now a Lord Mesa comicbook, I would buy that in a heartbeat. No begging on Tumblr/twitter needed.

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Nice. I would've liked to see the storyline turn out that way.


Here's a good speculation fic about how the 

"second wedding this season" spoiler by MG

could happen.

I couldn't help myself, sigh.  I had to leave a message about how the whole

married to gain spousal immunity only works from the date of the marriage

  It was in a not too long ago episode of The Good Wife...however I just suggested that naturally Felicity would have backdated it appropriately.

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I know I don't come in this thread very often, but I was curious. Whatever happened to that person who did the cute Team Arrow art, back before Sara was killed? They were the ones of TA doing laundry and at the theater and on a roller coaster? Is she still around or did she quit doing Arrow after Sara died?

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I know I don't come in this thread very often, but I was curious. Whatever happened to that person who did the cute Team Arrow art, back before Sara was killed? They were the ones of TA doing laundry and at the theater and on a roller coaster? Is she still around or did she quit doing Arrow after Sara died?


missmert hasn't really done any arrow ones (last one I think she did was of Felicity). She mainly does The 100 art now. I'm guessing she lost interest in the show. I don't think it had anything to do with Sara because she continued making TA art after she died and included Laurel. The last one she did was this one for Flarrow: 



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Missmert's doing the 100 art! I just finished that show and loved it, I'll have to go check her stuff out. I loved her Arrow stuff and don't blame for her for finding inspiration in another show right now. 

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