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Clock Tower Theater: Fanfic, Fan Music Videos and Art

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It looks super crooked to me, because the time measurements are not in a logical increasing order. It would be like using minute:hour:second.

I think there is a logic to both ways.  The Month-Day-Year for me is equivalent to Hour: Minute : Day and therefore is familiar and logical.  But at the same time, I could understand where the piece of information most crucial to day to day use would actually be the day and it would be following the increasing order of time measurement as well. 


The most logical order for record keeping probably would be Year/Month/Day. 

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8th of October.

is how we say it in Hebrew back home, day first and than the month.

Pretty much the only time they bust out the 8th of October is during courtroom dramas.  "Where were you on the 8th of October?!!"

Edited by BkWurm1
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This gif makes me laugh. Felicity Smoak, setting Oliver Queen's nether regions on fire since 2013 (?).






This comparison is also really nice:


tumblr_nvw25xctoA1u3x97bo4_250_zpsdwimir  tumblr_nvw25xctoA1u3x97bo2_250_zps5t96sx

                       2x02                                                 4x01


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One of those rising tendrils of smoke is coming from a rather unfortunate angle/ location. The one pointing to the O. I can't unsee it.


Edited by BkWurm1
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So a couple new Felicityrapefics, and one in which MM steals O/F's kid to be his heir, who then murders Oliver after he grows up.  I really don't understand that kind of writing.  It's admitted angst-whoriness, very OOC and just rather silly and manipulative.  Here, I'll write a fic in which Oliver turns out to have been evil all along, so he rapes and murders his and Felicity's children in front of Felicity, then murders her, the lines their decapitated heads up on the mantle.  It's just so totally ridiculous and beyond maudlin and I HATE IT.  

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Ew. I'll never understand those types of fics, especially when Arrow is set in a world where there's plenty of other crap/angst they can throw at her.


I hope they're tagged correctly so I can avoid them. I've seen enough of that thanks. 

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I LOVE this new video by Mrseclipse555! I seriously might start watching every Wednesday instead of Arrow--it's so good it needs its own forum! It's an Olicity vid that's Oliver-centric. It nails everything I have ever felt about Oliver Queen.

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Driving in the car, I heard a song that immediately made me think of O/F until of course it got really depressing in the end (but we'll skip over that for now, unless of course this might be For Blue Skies a few years down the road). But it was just so spot on for them, especially in light of some of our conversations in the relationship thread. The song was "Wasn't Expecting That" by Jamie Lawson.


"Wasn't Expecting That" by Jamie Lawson http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/jamielawson/wasntexpectingthat.html

It was only a smile
But my heart it went wild
I wasn't expecting that
Just a delicate kiss
Anyone could've missed
I wasn't expecting that


Did I misread the sign?
Your hand slipped into mine
I wasn't expecting that
You spent the night in my bed
You woke up and you said
"Well, I wasn't expecting that!"


I thought love wasn't meant to last
I thought you were just passing through
If I ever get the nerve to ask
What did I get right to deserve somebody like you?

I wasn't expecting that


It was only a word
It was almost misheard
I wasn't expecting that
But it came without fear
A month turned into a year
I wasn't expecting that


I thought love wasn't meant to last
Honey, I thought you were just passing through
If I ever get the nerve to ask
What did I get right to deserve somebody like you?
I wasn't expecting that


Oh and isn't it strange
How a life can be changed
In the flicker of the sweetest smile
We were married in spring
You know I wouldn't change a thing
Without that innocent kiss
What a life I'd have missed


If you'd not took a chance
On a little romance
When I wasn't expecting that
Time doesn't take long
Three kids up and gone
I wasn't expecting that


When the nurses they came
Said, "It's come back again"
I wasn't expecting that
Then you closed your eyes
You took my heart by surprise
I wasn't expecting that


PS - I know its not an Arrow video, but the original video of this will give you all the feels, tears & smiles. So beautiful!! Worth a watch or two

Edited by kismet
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These are too cute:






There's also this:




Yeah, I'll work as your slave driver. Thanks so much for the hair cut. You're getting a world's best boss mug as soon as I get my first paycheck!

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So a couple new Felicityrapefics, and one in which MM steals O/F's kid to be his heir, who then murders Oliver after he grows up.  I really don't understand that kind of writing.  It's admitted angst-whoriness, very OOC and just rather silly and manipulative.  Here, I'll write a fic in which Oliver turns out to have been evil all along, so he rapes and murders his and Felicity's children in front of Felicity, then murders her, the lines their decapitated heads up on the mantle.  It's just so totally ridiculous and beyond maudlin and I HATE IT.  

DAFUQ? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! WHy?????????????????? I wish I could unlearn this information...

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Not current but awfully cute.


The actual reality of being a penniless superhero.



I love this! It reminds me of one of my favourite scenes in Thor 2: The Dark World, when he has to take the tube (the London Underground) to get to Greenwich. One lucky commuter enjoys it a lot:


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DAFUQ? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! WHy?????????????????? I wish I could unlearn this information...

If it helps at all, the decapitated heads on the mantle thing was me being sarcastic.  As far as I know that is not an actual fic...at least not yet.  But someone did ask yespleasehawkeye to write a fic in which Felicity and Oliver's two children and then Felicity are tortured and murdered in front of Oliver.  Funsies!


I find the proliferation of fics portraying Felicity being raped EXTREMELY UPSETTING.  I guess because she's gotten so popular?  I just don't understand how writing these awesome women characters being raped is a thing, and plenty of the writers seem to be women, so I understand even less.  Does not compute.

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I've just finished reading The Legacies We Leave  and it was PERFECT. What an epic story! It's pretty much everything I hope for Felicity, Oliver, their relationship and more. I know it's 97 chapters (and that's not even counting the first part of the story!) but it's worth a read. I promise!


I really enjoyed the latest chapter of When my time comes around. I've read some of her Community fic before and she's really good.


I'm also really enjoying these one shots/drabbles in Fever Dreams and the AU one shots In Every Star, I See Your Face from the same author are awesome, particularly the Scandal and Grey's Anatomy ones. I want more! 

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There are two very well-written fics right now that are driving me crazy.  Blood Hands, because I hate with every fiber of my being Oliver ever having been involved in sex-trafficking women, and because Oliver and Felicity are both being pretty dumb and stubborn (Oliver in particular refuses to tell either Diggle or Felicity anything, helllooooooo S3 dumbass Oliver making an appearance in an S2-based fic), and because it's just not moving.  I need a little plot movement to go with my characterization.  Then this fic, part of it's called Interludes, by Abbie, I think, in which Tommy came back with the LOA post-S2 and kidnapped Felicity.  He's had her for awhile, Oliver has no idea where she is or who has her, and there are some mind games and Stockholming going on between Tommy and Felicity, and IT IS NOT MOVING.  It's driving me crazy.  Oliver keeps having dreams about Felicity and getting nowhere finding her, and Tommy and Felicity just keep having weird Stockholm stuff.  Like okay, I get it, interesting dynamic, now MOVE IT ALONG.  It's much worse because they are both WIPs.

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"OTA" @david_ramsey @EmilyBett @amellywood @ArrowProdOffice @ARROWwriters @CW_Arrow #OTA Had 2 b drawn



Works on a lot of levels for me


Diggle the 1st recruit - Original

Felicity holds them together as a team

Oliver is the The Arrow

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Works on a lot of levels for me


Diggle the 1st recruit - Original

Felicity holds them together as a team

Oliver is the The Arrow

Another thing that's probably an unintentioanl bonus is that SA gave EBR the jersey that inspired this during the filming of this episde. EBR was wearing Felicity's outfit from the start of this episode in the Facebook video. See you at the club, OTA.
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I have zero ability to make video but I was listening to the "love song" satellite music station and they played an old song from the eighties that I now desperately wish someone would make a video for.


The song is Hands to Heaven by Breathe (huge hit in its day) and it might as well have been written for The Fallen.   Anyone that doesn't know the song.  Go.  Listen. 


Mentions of moonlit rooms, dawn holding no reprieve, needing the sweet caress tonight, saying goodbye, praying to be together someday all wrapped up in a lush moving melody.  It's near perfect.  I could practically see the shots for the different lyrics and musical interludes...except I don't know how to do any of it!! 



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