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Special Contestants: All Stars and Firefighters and Lunch Ladies, Oh My!

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OK, I hate hate hate theme episodes of any kind and quad hate hero/saint shows like firefighters, moms, and school employees the most. 



I loathe these episodes (and yet for some reasonI still watch them).


Worst part is they STILL often wind up having Ted call them "Chef".

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I'm really enjoying the teen tournament, though-in large part because while they seem to have cast based on their usual patterns (ie-tear-jerking back stories), the teens don't seem with the process, and are focused on actually cooking.

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"I'm such a blubberbutt!"

I loved Tommie Rae, and I am so thrilled she won. She reminds me of worrying about how on earth I'd be able to go to college because we didn't have the money, but somehow I did it. Bless her.

The baskets seemed a little more challenging this time, except for the dessert round. I was glad the dark-haired girl went when she did, I don't know what it was about her... maybe a sense of entitlement that she should win, or something. Can't put my finger on it.

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At 14, one should be a kid.  With ambitions, and a variety of interests, yes, but good night, Irene -- I'm an EMT, a chef, a guitarist, a this, a that, I've already plotted my life's path ... pull back on the throttle a bit and take time to explore this life you're racing through.

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I liked both Max and Tommie Rae so I would have been happy with either one winning.  I sort of thought they might give the girl an edge if her food justified doing so because the first two finalists are boys.  I was very glad they eliminated the other girl.   She was way too impressed with herself.

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The baskets seemed a little more challenging this time, except for the dessert round. I was glad the dark-haired girl went when she did, I don't know what it was about her... maybe a sense of entitlement that she should win, or something. Can't put my finger on it.


Hannah.  And good lord, if she really was into all of that stuff, she does not need to worry about whether she wins a culinary scholarship from Chopped.  I'm sure she'll find her way through college (assuming she doesn't completely burn herself out between now and then!)  She mentioned a few times that she doesn't have many friends, seems like she is not really a "people person."


It was nice that the judges reminded Tommie Rae that there are plenty of ways for her to be successful even if she doesn't win the money.  Having made it to the finals, she already has a nice feather in her cap and a boost in her confidence.  (Though she already has some of that -- personally, if I had burned my parents' house down, I'd never have set foot in a kitchen again!)

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I liked Tommie Rae from the moment she walked out. She had this "I'm so excited/terrified!" look on her face that I found totally endearing. Glad she won.

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Interesting...I didn't like Tommi Rae at all at first but she grew on me as the competition progressed and I wound up pleased that she won.  I hope she makes friends from this, she seems to want them.  Disease-of-the-day-sob-story (I'm playing for charity!) didn't work this time although I certainly hope that the baby (cousin?) has a complete recovery and a full life ahead of her.  Pulled on the heart strings but he didn't deserve to win for the story.  His plates did look good though and I thought he was going to win.   You just never know on this show.  All in all I am enjoying the teen competition.

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Been on holiday, saw part 2 but not part 3 yet.  I liked Dante, I thought he cooked well and his dishes were well thought out.  Lucy was a little too impressed with herself and her molecular gastronomy.  Why did she have to wait until the dessert round to try it?  I didn't see her using any techniques during the other rounds.  She said something like "I hope I can make it to dessert so I can show them what I can do".  The plump Jewish boy (sorry, I forgot his name) did some kind of vacuum seal thing in an earlier round, so it's not like she couldn't have broken out her "tricks" in either appetizer or dessert.


I hate to pick on a teen, but if they hadn't addressed her as "Mikayla" I wouldn't have known that was a female.  I kept thinking of the old Saturday Night Live skit, "It's Pat".  She was so androgynous looking, there was nothing about her that was remotely feminine.  And she said she was 13, but she was already so tall and large even by a teen male standard.  She was definitely strange and a little weird, the way she talked, etc.

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I think Mikayla might have fetal alcohol syndrome, she had some physical markers. I liked her, though.


I thought the girl last night was Tonya Rae...I immediately did not want the dark haired girl to win because she lives in Westport, CT, which means she has plenty of money to do everything she wants to do in life, and honestly, I'm slightly worried that she may attempt to take over the world. She's one radioactive exposure away from being a superhero/villain!

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I forgot Tommie Rae burned her family's house down with a grease fire!! 

I thought it was completely creepy that she laughed about it!  I'm sure her family is never, ever going to think it's funny no matter how many years go by.


Lance-Yoanne was one of the warmups.  I can watch that a thousand times and have the dialogue memorized by now and it still makes me cry.

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Lance-Yoanne was one of the warmups.  I can watch that a thousand times and have the dialogue memorized by now and it still makes me cry.


My favorite episode, ever. And the one with Joe, who stuttered. I may stalk that guy next time I'm in L.A., he's adorable. :)

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I wondered about the phrasing of the fire story. I mean, she was giggling, the chefs were sort of laughing... I know they used the wording "burned down" but I have to think there was some expanded version of the story clearly on her application/pre-interview process that more clearly established what happened? No one was hurt, so they must not have been home after she turned it on high-but-thought-off. I mean, I have no doubt a grease fire could absolutely burn your house down. As in, total loss, no more, pile of burnt rubble. But given the way it was brought out as sort of an embarrassing anecdote rather than horrible sob story...I really wonder if it wasn't more of a serious-but-salvageable fire, rather than genuine house burned down. It's the "down" I think I'm struggling with because that implies to me complete devastation rather than just "set the house on fire".

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Bless her heart, she was starting to cry because she didn't think she'd done her best. That's when she said something about being a blubberbutt. Ted asked her about the house story, and it totally lightened things up. Everyone was laughing, even though if she'd burnt the house down with a cancer victim inside, it might then have qualified for a sob story. :)

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Chris Santos (in response to black kid about cooking and girls being attracted to guys who do so): Why do you think I learned to cook, because my looks are not getting it done!


So far the teens have been relatively enjoyable because in general they seem like normal teens who go to normal high schools, not 'high schools' that are really fancy prep schools for fancier colleges, and don't have the stereotypical uppity-ness that can come from that insularity. 


Brown haired girl on most recent ep can take it down a notch or 50 at any time.

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Stop it producers! Just stop it!


It's bad enough listening to adults tell sob stories, but hearing kids talk about their battle with cancer, or how the weren't loved as a kid is not entertaining. [/rant]

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What bothers me, is you have 13 year old kids who shouldn't be pigeonholed into a career choice competing against kids who are legitimately choosing colleges. Not that I ever expect the 13 year olds to even make it to the dessert round, but still. How about we let them get a learners permit or be allowed to decide when their own bedtime is before we plot out the rest of their lives. 


And yeah, seeing the girl tonight talk about how she's never seen a functional adult relationship, her mother's depression, and having to take care of her sister, not cool at all. This girl has to go to school in a few weeks, that didn't need to be part of her edit. 

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I'm sick of the sob stories and over-scheduled teens, but I liked the group of kids in this latest round in terms of how they interacted with each other.  Especially the two who made it to the dessert round.

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Jake Diamond. Is that name for real? It would have been funnier, for his TV chef persona, if he called himself Ace Diamond. And came out with that card stuck behind his ear. Maybe then the girls will flock to him, because those yellow shoes ain't going to be getting him any.

Glad both the girls wound up in the dessert round, but my god I was doing everything I could not to go through my TV when they all were overcooking that lovely tenderloin, and cutting it like it was a piece of Play-Doh.

I picked Sequoyah as the winner the minute she started cooking. She's smart, quick, and very talented. I wouldn't be surprised if she wins the whole thing. Would love to see her and Tommie Rae in the finale dessert round. The only thing she screwed up was that cous-cous.

I know I am going to hell for this, but I am glad cancer kid got cut right away, otherwise we'd have had to listen to his story with every other sentence he uttered. I'm glad he's OK now and I hope he gets to see his dream of becoming a doctor. Just, not on my TV dime, please.

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Sequoia is awesome, aside from the "I've never seen a functional adult relationship" - really, editors?! I want that entire sheet of Swiss Roll bark that she's making on my TV right now.

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When the other girl cut her hand I was so not surprised. They only showed maybe a split second of her holding the knife doing...whatever weird move it was she was doing before she cut herself and just that split second was enough to trigger my brain "why are you holding that knife like that" and before I could even finish thinking it she'd sliced herself.

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I knew Sequoia (who names their kid after a tree?) was the winner as soon as they started giving the other girl (can't remember her name) what looked like the winners edit. 

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I knew Sequoia (who names their kid after a tree?)

Quite a few, actually. I work with a girl named Tamarack, whose nickname is Western Larch. Plus, Aspen, Willow, Juniper, Hazel, Laurel, Olive all made the 2013 Social Security List.

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Jake Diamond. Is that name for real? It would have been funnier, for his TV chef persona, if he called himself Ace Diamond.



Or Jack F.(Jack F Diamond...?  No?  I'll show myself out.)


He made me laugh when he was eliminated and he said this wasn't the last time we'd see him on Food Network.  All I could think was, of course it's not.  Once you're on Food Network, you're on it for life.  Two more years and he'll be a guest judge on Grocery Games after he beats Bobby Flay at something and becomes a finalist on Junior Food Network Star.


When the other girl cut her hand I was so not surprised. They only showed maybe a split second of her holding the knife doing...whatever weird move it was she was doing before she cut herself and just that split second was enough to trigger my brain "why are you holding that knife like that" and before I could even finish thinking it she'd sliced herself.




I noticed that, too.  Some of these kids have pretty impressive knife skills for their age, but she instantly made me nervous.

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I thought Sequoia was a little snot. After she said that she would be embarrassed to be beaten by a middle school kid because "I'm 16 years old", I wanted Morgan to beat her.

I also hated her talking about how mature she is. If you have to say it, you aren't.

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Morgan was somewhat of an overachiever but she didn't bug me the way Hannah did.  I still think it's weird to have kids in a vocational school who want to cook for a living competing against kids who are doing it for fun and probably wouldn't use the scholarship.  I couldn't hate on Sequoia after she wanted to taste something and said that she had to taste it even though it would get stuck in her braces.  I feel her pain.

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Confession: I was rooting for Hannah. 


Now that she's out, Tommie Rae might be my favored contestant; any of them I'd be happy winning with except for the "Thank you God" kid; and even then I feel a bit guilty of dissing on him since he isn't economically advantaged. Still, the sense of praying to God for a win in a tv game show bothers me.

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I didn't mind the Tommi girl until she called Dante "homeboy", that just...wasn't necessary, whatsoever. I had a feeling she would win though, but Dante did fall victim to the curse of undercooked pastry.


Admittedly I really didn't care for any of the kids in this tournament, I hope this was a one and done for Chopped, I can barely tolerate bratty adults in the kitchen, and by barely I mean I don't, watching immature kids for a whole hour...no, just no.

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When Dante and his holier than thou attitude lost, I said "Thank god, oh thank god." Bet that wasn't the call to religion Dante was hoping for. I felt horrible for Sequoia though. To tell her her dish was the best, but she lost for a missing basket ingredient when that other kid used 15 extra things in a shitty way, she should had gotten to the next round. I have a feeling it would have been her and Tommi Rae in the dessert round if she had made it.


I was surprised they didn't cough up at least a $5000 scholarship to the other 3. It's not like the school wouldn't have more than made up for it in their remaining tuitions. 

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I was happy that Tommie Rae won! Being the first one to get schooling beyond high school in your family is a big deal. And getting harder to achieve all the time.

Dante needs to choose between being a chef and being a pastor. I thought the prize was less useful for him anyway, since he can't make up his mind. And he seemed a little arrogant for a good Christian boy.

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I was surprised they didn't cough up at least a $5000 scholarship to the other 3. It's not like the school wouldn't have more than made up for it in their remaining tuitions.


Seriously!  Or more of a gift card.  Or at least some signed merch they can pawn on Ebay.  It was a big enough cash prize that runners up didn't need such a small amount. 


I loved everything about the whole tournament.  I laughed, I got a little teary, I was rooting for Tommie Rae hard and yelling at my television set.  And she won, which was awesome (I had a feeling based on one of her early interviews- she was noticeably calm, don't know why that tipped me off).  I felt like some of the things I don't like about regular Chopped contestants were excusable because, y'know, they're young so even the annoying or bratty moments didn't linger.


So I'm the opposite of hoping it's a one and done competition.  I might only watch for this from this point...though I fear the next group of kids will be more self aware and contrived. 

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I was yelling "Shut up Jason!" at the snotty kid with the 70s hair. I can't remember what he said about Tommie Rae in a TH but he totally ticked me off. And I loved the shocked look on his face when he was chopped. @Fostersmom, I was thanking God too. So I guess you can save me a seat. :)

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I'm glad Tommie Rae won.  I was cheering for her on her episode and then last night.  When Dante TOLD her to clean the ice cream machine she should have said "No."  This isn't a sharing competition.

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I liked all the kids on the finale (I pretty much liked all the kids through the whole Teen Tournament) and almost forgot it was a young people's challenge until the end, when Tommy Rae just collapsed in happy tears, and I remembered how young they all are. I agree that they should give the contestants a bit more...didn't they give them all scolarships the last time?

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I'm glad Tommie Rae won.  I was cheering for her on her episode and then last night.  When Dante TOLD her to clean the ice cream machine she should have said "No."  This isn't a sharing competition.

Amanda really didn't like that. I wonder if that factored into the outcome, even a tiny bit, even subconsciously on the part of the judges. Probably not. Either way, I found Dante arrogant and was glad he did not win, but felt for him as he seemed gutted, and would have been happier if he and the other kids had gotten bigger consolation prizes (Sequoia was thrilled, though, which was nice to see).     They can all be proud of their performances. Those baskets were hard.  

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Tommie Rae just made me happy watching her. She seemed fun & bubbly. I enjoyed the camaraderie between Sequoia & her during the first round. I did get tired of Sequoia's continued yelling of omg. For that reason alone I was glad to see her go, otherwise I would've preferred it to be the two girls in the finale. Still would've wanted Tommie Rae to win though.

How disappointing Food Network is again with their tight fists. A gift certificate to the website? Seriously?! The special groups always seem go leave me a bit frustrated. The firefighters & lunch ladies, groups like that, I think they could at least cough up a little cash for them.

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That went just the way I hoped it would.  Sequoia was, I think, the oldest of the competing teens but she acted like she was 12.  Her carrying on was driving me nuts.  She's very pretty and I'll bet she has daddy absolutely wrapped.  I was relieved when she departed and the competition was suddenly not all about her. 


I think that Jason is probably a very intelligent kid based on his vocabulary and speech patterns but his superior attitude was off-putting.  He has real knowledge and skills though.


Dante lost me over the bit with the ice cream machine.  I've never seen cleaning the machine become an issue before and I was surprised that Ted didn't step in.  I was sick of Dante's bringing up religion all the time anyway. 


I was happy for Tommie Rae.  She seemed like a very nice girl who needed some self-esteem which winning Chopped had to help with.  I hope she does go on to college and much success.

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I'm glad Tommie Rae won over Dante, he was annoying me with his God talk & he is so friggin' arrogant. I thought Jason was pretty arrogant too, talking about how the judges made a mistake. Yeah, I can see how at 14 years old he's so much more experienced than they are. As for the ice cream machine, first, did Dante ever watch Chopped? The first person who uses it does not clean it out, BUT they don't normally have two people use the ice cream machine during the same dessert round. I can't remember which show it was, but I absolutely remember someone wanting to use the ice cream machine when someone had just used it, & Ted stopped them from cleaning it & said that the show people (I can't remember what he called them) would clean it out, & they did it in time for the other person to use it. Why weren't they cleaning it out for the teen tournament?

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I remember when the pros were using that machine and someone else needed it, Ted called for the production crew to clean it up. What the hell happened to that suggestion last night, Ted?

Exactly what I said to Ms. Roo when that happened. 


I liked all the kids in the final and thought they were so cute.  I was rooting for Tommie Rae to win but was super impressed by Dante when, eventhough  you could read the disappointment on his face a mile away, said Tommie deserved the win.  Sniff....something flew into my eye right at that very moment.

Edited by Rosieroo
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