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Amber: A Rill Woman Goes to Gel

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2 hours ago, druzy said:

I believe Simon. 

I do too.  Even if TheAshley says it wasn't Amber, it actually seems like the only logical explanation.  I can't imagine anyone admitting it though.  Well, more likely Matt thinking Heather gossiped to Farrah or something.  

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2 hours ago, druzy said:

I believe Simon. 

Oh, I do as well. 

Honestly, I didn't even realize Heather was missing. LOL 

I'd love the back story on this Heather and Amber situation. Did Amber accuse Heather of something? 

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2 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

What did Amber have against Heather?

A while back on one of the Teen Mom subreddits someone said they sent Simon a Snapchat message about Heather not working with Amber anymore and Simon said it was because Heather was sick of Matt beating Amber. I don't thing domestic abuse would be shocking with either of them. But now I think it makes perfect sense. Heather wouldn't work with Amber anymore because of how Matt treated her. She told Farrah and Simon, which is probably against the rules and now she's fired. I seem to recall Amber was bitching about folks that worked on the show...memory is a bit hazy but that was why she was "quiting" after the whole reunion debacle. 

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
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5 hours ago, druzy said:

This is regarding the article from The Ashley. I posted it in Farah's thread I will post it here.

Amber is throwing shade- I hope Simon responds.


There is always shit happening. Why doesn't MTV just air all this drama instead of giving us Amber and her bullshit "boutique" and showing us Matt talk shit? 

4 minutes ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

A while back on one of the Teen Mom subreddits someone said they sent Simon a Snapchat message about Heather not working with Amber anymore and Simon said it was because Heather was sick of Matt beating Amber. I don't thing domestic abuse would be shocking with either of them. But now I think it makes perfect sense. Heather wouldn't work with Amber anymore because of how Matt treated her. She told Farrah and Simon, which is probably against the rules and now she's fired. I seem to recall Amber was bitching about folks that worked on the show...memory is a bit hazy but that was why she was "quiting" after the whole reunion debacle. 

This makes a whole lot of sense. Heather likely knows so much. She was the one who was part of the crew when Matt hit the wall in Vegas. She was also there when Matt and Amber blew their gaskets and Matt ripped the cameras out of the car and then later were heard fighting in the house. 

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Anyone see the preview for next week????

Typical grease ball matt. Trying his best to lock Amber down. Gaslighting the shit out of her. Absolute textbook emotional abuse. Trying to control your every move, isolate you from your loved ones, manipulating things to make you the bad person, and then guilt tripping you for making your own choices.

I think Matt is starting to panic because Amber is catching on to his bullshit. SHe probably called her brother so he woudl be the scapegoat because she in no way wanted to marry him, but is too scared to say it herself.  


Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
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34 minutes ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Anyone see the preview for next week????

Typical grease ball matt. Trying his best to lock Amber down. Gaslighting the shit out of her. Absolute textbook emotional abuse. Trying to control your every move, isolate you from your loved ones, manipulating things to make you the bad person, and then guilt tripping you for making your own choices.

I think Matt is starting to panic because Amber is catching on to his bullshit. SHe probably called her brother so he woudl be the scapegoat because she in no way wanted to marry him, but is too scared to say it herself.  


Dude is psycho times a trillion. 

 "She wants to marry her brother." What a skeevy asshole. 

  "I will never marry her. Ever."  Thank God. Now pack your shit and leave. 

And that producer???? STFU! Don't these people fucking get it? Why do they downplay the truth and try and appease that fucker? I wish I was there. I would have gotten in Matt's face and told him, "That's right. She doesn't want to get married. Stop trying to control her." The only thing I can think of is, the producer is trying her best to calm Matt down so that Amber doesn't get the shit beaten out of her later. 

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Does Amber not understand that the easiest way to get the haters back on her side is to dump Matt????? I know a big reason she stays if to prove them wrong, but most people would do a 180 and root for her and support her again if she were to leave Matt. 

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Just like how if Leah Messer would just admit she cheated and was a drug user? To this day, she refuses to own her shit and that is what keeps many people, like me, from supporting her. Not to mention the refusal to follow doctor's orders, but that is a different topic on a different show. As for Ambie, it's baby steps, but I am hoping this is Amber's way of severing the relationship. I think she wants Matt to dump her. She can't bring herself to do it. She is stuck on proving people wrong. It is the outer exterior that she is concerned with, just like the Christmas tree in the window. It is all about appearances. 

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8 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Does Amber not understand that the easiest way to get the haters back on her side is to dump Matt????? I know a big reason she stays if to prove them wrong, but most people would do a 180 and root for her and support her again if she were to leave Matt. 

Exactly, I wasn't a huge fan of her even before Matt, but I didn't actively hate her... it's hard to forget all the crap she's said and done since being with Matt, especially for this long... but I could probably go back to being indifferent to her.

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I can't access Simon's tweets eithr. But it just says "Twitter is taking too long to load". Weird, because I can find other crap on there.

As for that preview. Um yea, Matt is fucking nuts. Amber's brother didn't do anything wrong. What's so bad about wanting to be at a loved one's wedding? Amber asked him a question, was he supposed to lie? My guess, though, is that Amber kind of used Bubby to put the kibosh on Matt's idea, because she was scared to stand up herself and say it. I don't blame her, though. He's all, "It's fine, it's fine" - but you know behind closed doors it won't be fine. 

Some people do elope and that's okay. But most people do want their family at their wedding. Nothing weird or creepy about it. Matt probably doesn't get it because he has no family - just a string of unwanted children and a "cousin" on the payroll. 

Edited by ghoulina
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13 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I can't access Simon's tweets eithr. But it just says "Twitter is taking too long to load". Weird, because I can find other crap on there.

That's what I got too, hit the reload button on your top bar and this will pop up

Account suspended

The profile you're trying to view has been suspended. Why not try a search to find something else?

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10 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Ahhh, okay. Interesting. I'd bet Matt and Amber spent all night reporting Simon until they got him in trouble. 

Completely agree. As someone else said, Matt is panicking because the truth is coming out.

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11 minutes ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

I see Simon's twitter. Don't see the tweet about Heather.

Huh, that's weird. I can see it too if I google it. Maybe it got suspended for those tweets and the link is to that cache.

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Simon had tweeted the information about Amber being beaten by Matt:


One thing that Simon Saran said is that Matt Baier beats Amber Portwood’s behind closed doors. He even said that everyone should just be patient because it will come out. Simon wasn’t afraid to tag Amber Portwood in the posts either. 

Simon is all over Twitter trashing MTV, too. He made sure to let fans know that the same producers who made Farrah and Amber famous are the ones who did the show Jackass. He even shared that MTV provides free rehab and counseling, but the cast members still can’t get their act together according to Saran. Amber and Matt live together, and Simon says that they get paid more money for having a live-in boyfriend. He has shared that the only person that he still is in contact with from the show is Farrah Abraham. Talking this kind of trash on Amber, Matt and others it isn’t surprising that he doesn’t talk to them anymore.

I didn't realize the same producers of Teen Mom are the same ones from Jackass. That's funny.  

Edited by GreatKazu
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21 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I also own short fingers! My fingers are so short!

(how short are they?!) 

They are so short I have to play a children's guitar! They are so short that I can barely reach an octave on the piano! They're so short I can never wear cool rings, because like the picture above, they go up to my knuckle.  I seriously envy people with lovely, long fingers who can wear cool rings.

I have accepted this and went for a simple art deco style engagement ring and plain wedding band (size 5 - I'm not a tiny person, I just have infuratingly tiny fucking hands. Pity me).

Amber, I have so much to teach you. Learn from me. DTMFA.

Totally sympathize. My fingers aren't short, they're actually kind of long compared to the rest of me because I am a tiny person (not LP, just petite), but I wear size 4 1/2. Difficult to buy rings without re-sizing, which can get expensive. On topic - why does Amber think these nails look like anything other than someone who doesn't do anything because wouldn't they stab everything? Whew.

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13 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Anyone see the preview for next week????

Typical grease ball matt. Trying his best to lock Amber down. Gaslighting the shit out of her. Absolute textbook emotional abuse. Trying to control your every move, isolate you from your loved ones, manipulating things to make you the bad person, and then guilt tripping you for making your own choices.

I think Matt is starting to panic because Amber is catching on to his bullshit. SHe probably called her brother so he woudl be the scapegoat because she in no way wanted to marry him, but is too scared to say it herself.  


Oh, if only it was true and he was REALLY done. He was talking $hit about Bubba on camera but he doesn't want Amber to embarrass him on camera? GTFOH

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8 hours ago, Evenshorter said:

 On topic - why does Amber think these nails look like anything other than someone who doesn't do anything because wouldn't they stab everything? Whew.

I ALWAYS wonder how people with nails like that perform bathroom functions. Doesn't...stuff....get under there?  And you wash yeah, but it's still there. Direct contact. 

I have no idea how long nails work because I also bite my nails.  I'm a charmer, I tell ya! 

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Although I think both Amber and Simon are liars, having to be high to work with Farrah just makes sense to me. 

One of the theories of her being fired had to do with her helping Farrah with her house flipping show, that has now been allegedly purchased by some network. That makes more sense than both Simon and Amber's statements, to me, and doubt we will ever know the truth. 

Edited by Christina
missing necessary words
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37 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I ALWAYS wonder how people with nails like that perform bathroom functions. Doesn't...stuff....get under there?  And you wash yeah, but it's still there. Direct contact. 

I have no idea how long nails work because I also bite my nails.  I'm a charmer, I tell ya! 

I'm a biter too, but can get them long a couple of times a year. After I gave birth, they were strong like steel, which was just not the right time - changing diapers and general baby goo. Back on topic - Amber is a lady of leisure. But how does she type to update her haute website??

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Matt was most likely against her going to school -- she could meet a man her own age there. 

He has completely isolated Amber from any friends.  She wants her brother at her wedding and he accuses her of incest, so I'm sure after their Vegas trip she couldn't talk to Bubby in order to make Matt happy.  He is psychologically abusive.  Amber has no friends. She has to use a massage therapist for exposition scenes. Hell, she can't even have her own massage therapist -- he uses the same one!

Perhaps once Matt is gone she will consider school again. 

Edited by CofCinci
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I wonder if she actually did the school thing (that tweet was from 2015). I remember it and posting something like, the only way it would happen was if Matt was in the chair next to her. I wonder if it was going to be at a school, or online from bed. I don't recall mention of it again, at all.

Whe Amber was typing in the name of her website, it made her look like she was in 1st grade. I get that she wanted the name on film, but why not have a shortcut, going right to the page with the logo?

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On 5/17/2017 at 7:40 AM, ghoulina said:

I can't access Simon's tweets eithr. But it just says "Twitter is taking too long to load". Weird, because I can find other crap on there.

As for that preview. Um yea, Matt is fucking nuts. Amber's brother didn't do anything wrong. What's so bad about wanting to be at a loved one's wedding? Amber asked him a question, was he supposed to lie? My guess, though, is that Amber kind of used Bubby to put the kibosh on Matt's idea, because she was scared to stand up herself and say it. I don't blame her, though. He's all, "It's fine, it's fine" - but you know behind closed doors it won't be fine. 

Some people do elope and that's okay. But most people do want their family at their wedding. Nothing weird or creepy about it. Matt probably doesn't get it because he has no family - just a string of unwanted children and a "cousin" on the payroll. 

Totally agree with this whole post @ghoulina . Also, I am sure that Bubby is just fine with Amber scapegoating him to get out of marrying Matt, as long as it protects Amber from Matt's abuse and manipulation. A divorce would lead to messy court entanglements.  Additionally, if it's true that Matt is physically abusive, it also protects Amber from physical harm. It's not like Matt can abuse her brother the way he abuses her. Amber is lucky to have a brother like that. It's possible that he's a complete mess but comes across as sensible, loving, and dutiful on the show. 

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2 hours ago, ClassyCourtHeels said:

I'm not understanding their angle at all...apparently Amber is an abusive partner?  yeah, I don't quite think *that's* the reason

(but I wish she'd just kick him to the curb once and for all.  for all her feistiness, I just wish she were stronger.)

Edited by teapot
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I don't think it's out the realm of possibility that Amber hits Matt. Or has hit Matt. She hit Gary. We know she can abusive, we've seen it. I think it's quite likely that there's physical stuff on both sides. But Matt does seem to have Amber under his control, so there's some emotional abuse going on as well. 

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Us is reporting it as well


Maybe this means no engagement at all? I think Amber is a heinous bitch but even she doesn't deserve loser Matt. I just watched the mid season clip show and she and Catelyn were being so nasty when they showed the Farrah clips. Farrah is batshit crazy and she still parents in circles around those assholes. 

ETA: I also watched the clip of Amber calling her brother in Vegas. Matt is incredibly emotional abusive. The "wants to marry her brother" thing is so lame and gross. Matt will never be the one to leave her though, no matter what he says. 

Edited by Faul McCartney
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Poor Annette and partner (forgot his name, too lazy to look).  She can't buy a dress without My Little Bubblegum Pony (probably not a real thing but I don't care) trying to be all runaway bride. Then their actual wedding gets clouded with those two bitches doing last minute drama about whether THEY are getting married or not. I hope it was worth it for a free Vegas wedding. Kinda doubt it though.  

Where has Tonya been? Even Krystal has been pretty scarce. Matt lurking around is brilliant camera work. He's looking very Dateline! And I know I am a Dateline freak, but I too don't understand why he wants to marry her unless she's got life insurance with a husband as a beneficiary. Maybe it all goes to Leah if they don't marry. Because Matt is obviously free to spend her money like water, and any charges he rings up will be in her name (the only breadwinner).  If they don't marry he can just make a run for it and leave her on the hook for everything.  

She was beyond a judgmental bitch about Farrah's parenting. So my sympathy for her always falls when she shows her true iciness (spellchecked to iciness from ickiness - both work). But she's SUCH a young gal (oh to be in my 20s again), no reason why she can't meet a decent (young) man. She's cute ... just needs to refine the overdone Joan Crawford/Go Gos shit she has going on. Even though she was blasted out of her mind, her simple style in earlier seasons is how I dress. Colorful tees, leggings, shorts, capris. Perfect for a young mom doing things with their child. Now she does herself up like she's about to appear in a low grade fashion show, or an 80s revival concert. 

I feel such a sad need to save her (I'm a saver in my family). It's just so damned hard to watch. 

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I guess it means you're still engaged but have stopped the process of actually planning the wedding? 

I guess.  Makes more sense to say "wedding is postponed" though.  Engagement On Hold isn't a thing.

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I'm thrilled.  I'm hoping that it's really over between Matt and Amber so Leah will never have to lay eyes on that POS again.  It always made me uncomfortable watching him and Leah together.  I didn't like him being alone with her and I didn't like the way he talked to her.   I'd love to know what Gary is thinking.

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I may be alone, but I DO think Amber deserves Matt. She's no prize herself. She was emotionally AND physically abusive to the father of her child. In front of said child. Now, while there is no excuse, I was willing to realize she was addicted to drugs at the time. And when she actually chose to go to prison in an attempt to really straighten herself out, I did have some hope for her. When she first came out, I had some hope. She seemed much more calm and sensible. I was optimistic that she would do something to improve her life and make a stable future for Leah. 

So what does she do? Move some guy in that she barely knows and continue to shirk her parenting duties. She was warned a billion times over and she chose to put this scumbag before Leah. She talks trash on Gary, at every turn, but he is debt-free, owns several homes, and raises their daughter day in and day out. I have moments here and there where Amber makes me feel a squeak of empathy, but then I go back to thinking she brought it all on herself and water seeks its own level. Scumbags love scumbags. 

Maybe if she kicked him out and stayed single for a while, got a job, was consistent with her visitation, and got along with Gary - all of this for several YEARS - maybe then I'd start to have some hope for her again. But right now all I see is two losers' dysfunctional relationship imploding. 

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At the risk of being repetitive (although it can't be said enough), Matt is disgusting.

My husband and I got married in Vegas - at that exact chapel, actually. We were originally going to elope, but I wanted my family there. So we decided to schedule it for a month later so our parents and siblings could come. My husband isn't particularly close to his parents (no bad blood or anything, just not super close) so he was fine not having them there. I'm close to my family and wanted them there. If he had pulled what Matt did and demanded I marry him then and there or he wouldn't marry me at all - oh hell no. I'm not a huge Amber fan, but good for her for finally seeing some red flags (although, Jesus, Amber, this guy is basically just one giant human red flag - better late than never I guess). 

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Amber came out of prison with the anger still bubbling underneath. She flipped on her mother when they went for mani-pedis and started bitching about how great it was to not have bars in front of her face (while screaming up a storm - yeah that's happiness). Then she did nothing but scream at Gary every time she saw him. She still can't even look at the guy without starting shit. Some might think she resents him for getting her pregnant, but I think she never got over him. She desperately wants the life Kristina has. Only you know - without that pesky waking up to care for children. 

And that massage gave me a major OCD freak out. How many icky bodies do you have to touch ALL over? MATT? Oh lord no. 

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