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The Duggars and Their World: Fashion, Food, Finance, Schoolin’ and Child Rearin'

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This pair of passages -- "The high school from which you graduated and/or college you previously attended must send an official transcript directly to the Registrar’s office. This transcript must show the date of graduation, if applicable.

If you have completed the GED, the official scores must be sent directly to the Admissions Office."   -- gives the college a perfect out to do that.


First of all, it says "if you have a GED." So obviously no GED is required.

I don't think it's obvious at all. Context matters. And - forgive me if I don't state this clearly because I'm not a professional grammarian and I don't diagram sentences for a living as some posters here do - within the context of that document, after the phrase "If you have a GED",  there is an implied "instead of a HS diploma", with the logical conclusion being that you must have one or the other, and I really think that's how the school meant it. JMHO.


That said, some of their tech programs such as auto mechanics do have quite valid and widely accepted accreditations.

That may be because in fields such as auto repair there is a recognized national testing body, the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence, or ASE.

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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I also thought that the implication of either a HS diploma OR a GED was implied. I don't think even these clowns will admit a student without one or the other, even a high-profile Duggar or Bates.

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I thought either diploma or GED was implied as well. That doesn't mean you need a GED or a diploma from a public or private high school, though. I am also still baffled by the lack of even a mention of SAT/ACT scores.

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I don't think it's obvious at all. Context matters. And - forgive me if I don't state this clearly because I'm not a professional grammarian and I don't diagram sentences for a living as some posters here do - within the context of that document, after the phrase "If you have a GED",  there is an implied "instead of a HS diploma", with the logical conclusion being that you must have one or the other, and I really think that's how the school meant it. JMHO.



I basically think the same thing except that I think I must be defining "high school diploma" more broadly than you are, and I think that Crown goes with the broad definition, too. I'm not sure, but I think that you're saying that Joe must have the GED, because he attended Crown but didn't go to a high school that offered any kind of state-sponsored diploma. But I don't think that's the case.


I'm looking at Crown as what I believe they are -- a school that fully embraces the complete validity of all homeschooling diplomas, including those from states that put absolutely no requirements on homeschoolers at all. As I read it, Joe absolutely did not need a GED to attend Crown -- nobody there did -- as long as they have a high school diploma. And a high school diploma that has no backing by anything or anyone except Michelle Duggar, who wrote it out and printed it on her home computer printer, is just as valid and fully acceptable as any other high school diploma. That's clearly the stance of the fundie homeschooling movement. The GED is a state-sponsored credential. And they'll accept it. But it's not necessary, since they also happily accept the non-state-sponsored credential that is a diploma from Duggar High School. That's the context that I think is being used there. 

I thought either diploma or GED was implied as well. That doesn't mean you need a GED or a diploma from a public or private high school, though. I am also still baffled by the lack of even a mention of SAT/ACT scores.


I thought either diploma or GED was implied as well. That doesn't mean you need a GED or a diploma from a public or private high school, though. I am also still baffled by the lack of even a mention of SAT/ACT scores.


But Joe has a diploma, almost certainly. Are people saying that Michelle actually only gave diplomas to some of her kids? (And on some accounts, only to Jessa?) Joe  graduated from Duggar High School, almost certainly. So he has a diploma. Therefore he doesn't need a GED. ... I don't see any way that such a very very fundie school could require homeschooled kids to have some kind of diploma other than the ones that homeschools in many states are permitted to give out without any involvement by the state or by a homeschooling association or whatever.

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There was a rumor that Jessa had an actual high school diploma, but proof of that has never panned out (and I never bought it for a hot minute anyway). It's known that the older kids DO have GEDs (stated in one of the books). However, we do not know how far the line this goes. I believe Joy just recently "graduated," but from what exactly, we have no way of knowing. We saw Josiah's graduation party and his pretty, printed "diploma," but I imagine that the Duggars printed out "diplomas" for all of their kids, including the ones who received GEDs. 


Since Clown College requires some form of transcripts if a GED or HS diploma (real) can't be provided, I'd love to see what kids with "diplomas" produce in the form of their transcripts. We know that there is a lot of lack of oversight, and that a lot of the homeschool materials that fundies use are garbage. But, HEY!!!!! Clown College wants your $$$$$$!!!!! Shitty (or non-existent) grades and all!!!!!!111

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While playing tourist today I came across a large group of orthodox Jews touring as well.  All of the girls wore black skirts, black tights, ballet flats and cardigan sweaters.  The black skirts looked sooo much better than the ratty denim skirts the Duggars wear.  Except for the fact they all pretty much wore the same thing, individually the outfits looked quite nice.

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On April 26, 2016 at 11:30 PM, riverblue22 said:

While playing tourist today I came across a large group of orthodox Jews touring as well.  All of the girls wore black skirts, black tights, ballet flats and cardigan sweaters.  The black skirts looked sooo much better than the ratty denim skirts the Duggars wear.  Except for the fact they all pretty much wore the same thing, individually the outfits looked quite nice.

Orthodox Jewish women are known for rocking "modern modest".  Modesty need not be associated with frumpery.  Frumpery finds its way to Fundieland via thrift shop and outlet finds of ill fitting clothes and simple pinafore and prairie dress patterns.

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On April 25, 2016 at 4:44 PM, maraleia said:

Seriously can't anyone who lives in their area do something to at least rescue Joy, Josiah, Joe, Jinger, Jana and even John-David so they can help their younger siblings escape from their crazy parents and their warped way of "raising" kids.

Aaaaaaaaand, while they're at it, they could rescue the Rodriguii!

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A "Christian" "rod"-selling guy who had to abandon his Internet-based business about a decade ago because of public pressure is thrilled to announce (quietly) that he's back to sell again to all those "Christian" families -- and Bible-school teachers! -- who've been missing his wares -- only not on the ebil Internet. Hallelujah!    https://homeschoolersanonymous.org/2016/05/20/that-christian-man-selling-child-training-whips-is-back/

Story includes numerous hideous links that the sensitive should probably just ignore, I think.

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37 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

A "Christian" "rod"-selling guy who had to abandon his Internet-based business about a decade ago because of public pressure is thrilled to announce (quietly) that he's back to sell again to all those "Christian" families -- and Bible-school teachers! -- who've been missing his wares -- only not on the ebil Internet. Hallelujah!    https://homeschoolersanonymous.org/2016/05/20/that-christian-man-selling-child-training-whips-is-back/

Story includes numerous hideous links that the sensitive should probably just ignore, I think.

Churchie, thanks for sharing...OMG just when I think this cult and others like it couldn't be any more effed up than they already are...

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How nice that the rods have a cushioned vinyl grip, so the ones doing the beating don't have to be uncomfortable at all.  And they come in toddler chastising size!

So horrible.

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These folks reming me of the Deadheads whose only visible means of support was sell tie dye to each othe (and drugs).  The fundys only do busies with other funds.  Their books are bought by other families who also sell their goodies to each other.  That way they don't have to have jobs, and it's pretty successful because do make a living, well all except JillR whose husband is lousy at making money off his tract business.  No matter, they grift and trot the kids all over the country to mooch off any church that will put them up, offer their shows, and feed them for  a while.  I really fell sympathy for those kids.  How do they manage to get anything, including child care done with all that hair care and makeup.  I din't do that for work.  Then again, my co workers ad superiors would not have been impressed with my appearance.

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5 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

I guess there's no more empty lot by the highway car dealership. Now it's the low traffic location of the pool house, accessible via easement road. 

I wonder if the IRS follows the Duggars. Sales tax on cars adds up.

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Over on the Seewald forum, Gee Golly wrote this, to which I'm responding below:

Gee Golly: "From Lily's & Ellie's blog:

"Q: Are the Duggars part of the QuiverFull movement? 
A: The Duggars write in their second book, A Love That Multiplies: "Even though Wikipedia and some Internet blogs report that we are part of a QuiverFull movement, we are not. We are simply Bible-believing Christians who desire to follow God's Word and apply it to our lives" 

"From the Bible:

"Psalm 127:3-5

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

"From GeeGolly :)

"To me being part of a movement is not only doing said belief, but also promoting it. 

"While the Duggars say they are not part of a movement, they not only follow the belief, they actually promote it. They have said at least a zillion times, "as many children as God sees fit", "every child is a blessing", "we'll see what the lord has in store for us" regarding children. And lets not forget "19 children, and I delivered everyone of them"."


Also, the actual quote from "their" book states that they're not "part of a Quiverfull movement," with the "a" there essentially implying that there is no Quiverfull "movement" and that the notion that such a "movement" exists is a fig newton of liberals' and ungodlies' fevered imaginations. And that's just exactly what whichever Gothardites actually wrote the book would say. They and some of the other cultists who are totally part of the drive to build Jesus's very large army are at the same time quite anxious not to let the general population know that that's going on and that they're party to it.

Unlike some of the Quiverfull folks, Gothard's gang and some others want it all to be stealth and don't want to alarm the masses with the idea that such a movement is building, largely, I expect, because Gothardism actually is a movement -- or at least has been one -- with real ambitions to wield significant influence in the world. Note that the same quote also suggests that the Duggs aren't actually part of any group or movement at all -- including Gothardism -- but "simply Bible-believing Christians who desire to follow God's Word and apply it to our lives." Horse hockey. They have long been part of a cult and their crazy-ass views and behavior come right out of that power-hungry cult and not out of their own personal encounters with the Bible in any way shape or form.

The Gothardites wrote JB and M's books, just as they wrote the girls' books, and they wrote them with the plan in mind of spreading their views but not letting people catch on to the potentially scary thought that those views are part of a "movement" that in fact is political and has had a very real intention of seizing as much power in this country and in the world as possible. Gothard's many infiltrations of various government functions over the years and his ongoing programs in numerous countries -- many of which are disguised as nearly secular enterprises -- make that perfectly clear. So ... when it comes to stuff like this, no way can the Duggars' word be trusted, especially when it's found in any of the families' books, which were written wholly by Gothard staff and hired writers, not by them.

Edited by Churchhoney
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17 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

I guess there's no more empty lot by the highway car dealership. Now it's the low traffic location of the pool house, accessible via easement road. 

Wow. At least a couple of sweet rides. Color me surprised.

Bad location. Maybe they're doing Craigslist?

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1 hour ago, NewDigs said:

Wow. At least a couple of sweet rides. Color me surprised.

Bad location. Maybe they're doing Craigslist?

Yeah, they're doing Craigslist. The crazy Plymouth is listed at $159 thou, marked down from $175. ... I wonder if I'd buy a car that expensive out of somebody's front yard.

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This all seems extremely likely to blow up in Josh and Jimbob's face. They ran a used car dealership before, they know they need to be licensed, bonded, have proper business premises etc. 

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That seems to be a lot of cash tied up in flashy cars. Is there really a market for those kind of vehicles in rural Arkansas? Especially for ones sold on Craigslist and not through a proper dealer?

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As much as I dislike them, I will not assume that the Duggars are not licensed to deal in vehicles as required by their state laws. IIRC, JB's dad was in the car biz, and I'd be surprised if there isn't an established Duggar business entity with the necessary credentials to buy/sell vehicles, with any individuals (JB, Josh, any other Duggar kid 18+ years old) holding whatever credentials state law may require for that business. Boob's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he has long experience in this kind of business and should know all the ins and outs.

I have no idea what, if anything, Arkansas requires as to "business premises" for a used car dealer. I've seen some info posted here that suggests Boob does some buying at auctions in various states. Probably gets some used vehicles from fleet auctions when corporations replace their fleets of vehicles and the used ones go to auction. (For example, a local car dealership here - I'm not in Arkansas - often buys up those late model corporate cars in fleet deals and sells them at retail.)

Boob may not have a dedicated public car lot, but keeps the vehicles on his property and sells them via ads vs. having a retail lot open to the public. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to legally buy/sell used vehicles besides having a public car lot.

Edited by Jeeves
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It's kind of amazing to see the differences in how things are dealt with in different countries. You could never ever do that in Deutschland.......you can't even wash your bloody car out on a street here

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12 hours ago, Jeeves said:

As much as I dislike them, I will not assume that the Duggars are not licensed to deal in vehicles as required by their state laws. IIRC, JB's dad was in the car biz, and I'd be surprised if there isn't an established Duggar business entity with the necessary credentials to buy/sell vehicles, with any individuals (JB, Josh, any other Duggar kid 18+ years old) holding whatever credentials state law may require for that business. Boob's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he has long experience in this kind of business and should know all the ins and outs.

I have no idea what, if anything, Arkansas requires as to "business premises" for a used car dealer. I've seen some info posted here that suggests Boob does some buying at auctions in various states. Probably gets some used vehicles from fleet auctions when corporations replace their fleets of vehicles and the used ones go to auction. (For example, a local car dealership here - I'm not in Arkansas - often buys up those late model corporate cars in fleet deals and sells them at retail.)

Boob may not have a dedicated public car lot, but keeps the vehicles on his property and sells them via ads vs. having a retail lot open to the public. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to legally buy/sell used vehicles besides having a public car lot.

I happen to know a lot about the used car business. From what I can gather from pictures posted and comments made by the Duggars, what they appear to be doing would not fly in my state at all. It is actually quite a process to be approved for a used car lot in a business zone, when comparing the process to many other retail businesses, and once approved there are many, many stipulations to selling used cars. My state has laws about selling wholesale, selling, "as is", as well as selling retail. 

Private sales, and having unregistered vehicles in a residential zone are also regulated.

These laws are to protect citizens of being ripped off with no recourse, as well as the city/town being able to collect business taxes. I can't imagine many states that would have such loose regulations about the used car business, or any other business for that matter.

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Over a hundred grand a car? That's a lot of taxes. I can't imagine buying a car from the front yard of some molestor's hush money house, with no warranty and no recourse. I fauve Josh 6 months before he tires of this.

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I don't know about in the Duggar area, but in my area there are a few solid, been around for years, used car lots. The rest seem to pop up and be gone within a year.

And as I've mentioned before "flipping cars" isn't a thing around here either. Too make a living at "flipping cars", you basically have to be a used car lot. It is not like flipping houses where one could make $50,000 in one flip. If they were making a high average of $1000 per car, that would be selling one per week, on Craigslist, to make around $50,000. And who knows what their overhead includes, like auction fees, minor up front repairs, detailing, etc, not including the various taxes they may or may not be paying. 

I doubt the Duggars are selling 1 car per week, @ $1000 profit. I also assume that even if they were successful for 6 months, their reputation would get out and sales would dry up.

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I may have overestimated Jim Bob's willingness/ability to comply with the laws about car dealing, when I posted upthread.

Just now, I took a quick look at the Arkansas car dealer application form online, and just from that it seems that the state regulates used car dealers in more respects than I'd expected.  (It's the South, conservative, tending to lassez-faire vs. consumer protections, which shaped my expectations.) OTOH, the Duggars are homeboys and I don't know that the State of Arkansas allocates much by way of resources to actually enforcing those business regulations, and even if they did, they probably give homeboys some leeway. Maybe JB knows how much he can get away with or has figured out some way to deal in vehicles that's technically legal. Maybe he's affiliated in some way with an actual used car dealership but works on his own. Anyway, it's more than I want to think too much about. We all know it's the TLC dough that's kept the Duggars afloat for years now, and JB must be sweating enough to melt his hairspray as he continues to contemplate the prospect of life without that cash cow in it. Thanks to Absolom (IIRC), we know that the Duggars won't receive any residuals if/when TLC runs repeats of their shows, so "moar showz" is what the Duggars need. 

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Apparently the Duggars own quite a bit of rental property which brings income to the family.  Maybe the car "flipping" is more about keeping a bunch of young adults busy and out of trouble.  He might not have enough work to keep them occupied otherwise.

That twin who just graduated from ALERT looks pretty pleased in that uniform.  Maybe he will rebel and join the military or the police like Zach Bates (I know, just wishful thinking!)

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27 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

so "moar showz" is what the Duggars need. 

Especially now that they have "moar -- n biggur -- kidz" who eat more and have undoubtedly picked up some champagne tastes over the teevee years. (haven't picked up any education or job training, though ...) And some even get married to JB-chosen deadbeats who also eat and don't work and then spawn still moar kidz that they sometimes bring right back home. .... Hard to see how the demographics here work out well for Jim Bob as time moves on.

Even with a regulation used-car lot, he'd need a pretty big and successful one to support this population explosion in the style to which it's become accustomed. I hope he's sweating bullets.

Edited by Churchhoney
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But making money on renting? You presumably are responsible for upkeep and repair as a Landlord, are you not? And do they really have that much money that they owe all their properties outright? Aren't there taxes and such things to pay?

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1 hour ago, MunichNark said:

But making money on renting? You presumably are responsible for upkeep and repair as a Landlord, are you not? And do they really have that much money that they owe all their properties outright? Aren't there taxes and such things to pay?

Tha's what I wonder, too. As far as I've heard, it takes a lot of work to make money as a landlord. On the other hand, JB does have a crew of able-bodied people to do a lot of the scut work -- and, unfortunately, perhaps some of the skilled work, too -- for free. And that's a boon not many people have.

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Duggars are slumlords...they've got to be, given their poor hygiene and housekeeping. Nothing else makes sense.  They always choose the path of least resistance, so anything requiring too much effort soon becomes a train wreck.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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Jim Bob seems like an old fashioned landlord to me.  I'm thinking he probably paid cash for a lot of these properties which were cheap to start with.  I just don't see him loving banks and mortgages.  And if the renter doesn't mail in the check on time, he probably sends over a couple of sons to knock on the door and demand payment.  He buys cheap, flips cheap, and provides minimal maintenance with the work done by unskilled teenagers.

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5 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

Jim Bob seems like an old fashioned landlord to me.  I'm thinking he probably paid cash for a lot of these properties which were cheap to start with.  I just don't see him loving banks and mortgages.  And if the renter doesn't mail in the check on time, he probably sends over a couple of sons to knock on the door and demand payment.  He buys cheap, flips cheap, and provides minimal maintenance with the work done by unskilled teenagers.

I don't know about Arkansas, but my state is considered a "renters state", meaning a tenant usually wins in the end. It takes a lot to evict someone, and the process can take up to a year, and the tenant can remain on the property during that time and actually quit paying rent. However we do have many slum/scumlords who rent out uninhabitable places. But if a tenant reports them, or goes to housing court, the landlord is out some big money for repairs and fines.

I really don't see the Duggars as financially secure, rich, nor skilled enough to keep things afloat for any extended period of time. I would not be surprised if the Duggars end up seeking love offerings again in the next 10 years.

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On 6/1/2016 at 5:27 AM, GeeGolly said:

I wonder if the IRS follows the Duggars. Sales tax on cars adds up.

Sales tax is state run, not federal, but I agree!  I want to see the receipts, and am curious how much is tax free "church" income.

Around here used car dealerships make their money from financing, not the actual sale of cars.

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First they'd have to actually incorporate a church to get anything tax free.  So far no one has found any paper trail that they have ever incorporated as a church or any non-profit entity.  Sorry to burst that bubble. 

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8 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I don't know about Arkansas, but my state is considered a "renters state", meaning a tenant usually wins in the end. It takes a lot to evict someone, and the process can take up to a year, and the tenant can remain on the property during that time and actually quit paying rent. However we do have many slum/scumlords who rent out uninhabitable places. But if a tenant reports them, or goes to housing court, the landlord is out some big money for repairs and fines.

I really don't see the Duggars as financially secure, rich, nor skilled enough to keep things afloat for any extended period of time. I would not be surprised if the Duggars end up seeking love offerings again in the next 10 years.

I agree. If I recall correctly, Grandma Mary's house (the "mold house") was one of their rentals. I don't think that they keep the properties that they own in particularly good condition. They appear to have done virtually no maintenance on the TTH in the past 10 years. They had that McMansion where Jill and Derick lived for years without doing any work on it. 

Someone on this board has done research in the county records, and they don't seem to own multiple rental properties. I don't know what their "flipping" business entails, butI don't think that they've "flipped" multiple properties. Plus, they are well known cheapskates. If I were looking for a rehabbed property, something renovated by the Duggars is the last thing that I would choose.

All of their "businesses" seem half-hearted and half-assed. They have the towing business that JD works at now and then when he's not being a constable, or flying, or filming, or lolling around the TTH. The used car lot is gone, but even when they had it, it hardly looked prosperous enough to support Josh's small family. Now they're flipping houses, or managing rental properties or selling real estate or whatever when they're not filming, or visiting Danger America, or at ALERT, or off on "date night" 

JD is the only one who I can see supporting a family (and that includes JB and J'chelle, too).

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16 minutes ago, FakeJoshDuggar said:

The Duggars have a history of being loan sharks. Giving out $50k+ loans and presumably hiking up predatory interest rates. (I'm looking at you, grandma Duggar.)

Cite please. The tabloids would've reported this. Not that I doubt they're not involved in under-the-table doings.

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1 hour ago, TaxNerd said:

Sales tax is state run, not federal, but I agree!  I want to see the receipts, and am curious how much is tax free "church" income.

Around here used car dealerships make their money from financing, not the actual sale of cars.

Oops, true!  But income tax is federal, and state, for my state.

Used car sales around here make money both ways; on the front end with straight up profit and on the back-end with financing, and warranties.

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There's a lot that the media didn't pick up on. It's been well discussed on forums over the past year that Josh molested a five year old. But no one in the media at the time was willing to say it. They focused on Jessa and Jill as those we're the two who came forward. There's no way that fact been highlighted people would have supported JB and Michelle covering up Josh's crimes. I wrote about it here:


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Don't the Duggars still have the income from the cell phone towers?

After watching the house flip shows on HGTV,  I can't imagine getting a house that the Duggars have flipped.  Just like David Waller, I'm sure most of their supplies are leftovers & hand me downs.  Doesn't matter to them  that Jackson layed the carpet or the bathroom fixtures don't match because they were free.  I can't picture Boob wandering around one of those stone stores picking out expensive granite for the countertops. I can picture him reusing old countertops that came out of someone else's remodel.

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16 hours ago, GeeGolly said:


I really don't see the Duggars as financially secure, rich, nor skilled enough to keep things afloat for any extended period of time. I would not be surprised if the Duggars end up seeking love offerings again in the next 10 years.

I agree. Boob spent 250k of his own money on a doomed Senate campaign. I don't think he's the financial wizard he makes himself out to be. They couldn't even get the TTH finished until TLC stepped in. Right now he's supporting 30 people and there's no indication that's going to end any time soon. I don't know if Boob is getting a slice of the JJCO pie, but I think he's going to start feeling the financial strain before long. Their grocery bill alone has to be double what it was in the early days.

Edited by BitterApple
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