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The Duggars and Their World: Fashion, Food, Finance, Schoolin’ and Child Rearin'

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It's clear that a style revolution took place at the TTH, even the howlers don't wear the multipack polo shirts anymore. Who do you think would have been the driving force behind that?

Edited by Kokapetl
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It's clear that a style revolution took place the TTH, even the howlers don't wear the multipack polo shirts anymore. Who do you think would have been the driving force behind that?


It seems that since the girls have more access to the public at large, and with friendships with people like the Bates girls, they may have decided to up their fashion game--such as it is.  I think the older girls do more of the clothes shopping for the littler kids now, and that may have contributed to their style change as well.  Poor Jordyn though...It always looks like they just throw any old thing on her!

Edited by zenme
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It's clear that a style revolution took place at the TTH, even the howlers don't wear the multipack polo shirts anymore. Who do you think would have been the driving force behind that?

The boys no longer wear the polos all buttoned up to the chin! On the link that showed the owner of Sam's Furniture, there are lots of pictures of the Duggar boys in SHORTS!!!

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I've always wondered why none of the girls have tried to emulate a 1950s type style. You know, since it was probably the preferred era, they wore long skirts and sleeves back then, I'm sure the duggar girls could make it work. Or any fundie girl really.

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I've always wondered why none of the girls have tried to emulate a 1950s type style. You know, since it was probably the preferred era, they wore long skirts and sleeves back then, I'm sure the duggar girls could make it work. Or any fundie girl really.

Anthropologie and Mod Cloth have great modest-style skirts/dresses. We know their "buy used save the difference" motto no longer applies to the women-children since they have Uggs and Vera Bradley purses. Edited by CofCinci
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Anthropologie and Mod Cloth have great modest-style skirts/dresses. We know their "buy used save the difference" motto no longer applies to the women-children since they have Uggs and Vera Bradley purses.

And Jill & Derick wear those ugly chacos that run $100 a pair.

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I was fortunate growing up in that prairie skirts actually WERE in style. Actually, before then, Fundys didn't wear them. (Maybe FLDS did, but I'm talking denim skirt Fundies.). They wore housedresses and "good" dresses. Well to do Fundies might have dressy "suits" sort of like Jackie Kennedy, with high necks and three quarter length sleeves, long pencil skirt and matching jacket and (if southern) hat and sometimes gloves.

Edited by GEML
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My sister loved those type of dresses. She liked multiple tiers on the skirt though. I always thought they felt heavy. I'm not sure what the official brand was because they were made from patterns not purchased.

Edited by ramble
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^^^Me too, GEML. They were made by Gunne Sax. They were maxi skirts and maxi dresses with tiny floral print, and some had more of a Victorian look to them with puffed sleeves and lace collars. Yes, I was a child of the 70's & 80's too. https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/188/477926058_a40c0460d2.jpg


That brown dress looks as though there's about 5 square metres of fabric in it.

We never saw the Duggar girls wear anything as form fitting as that, their early style was more ill fitting, infantilizing frilly 6 year olds party dresses circa 1988 for all. Joy through to Jessa looked ok, if outdated, but Jana had breasts, and the scaled up dress for a little girl looked ridiculous.

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Yes, the Duggars never really dressed in actually Prairie style dresses but in what was known as a "mother Hubbard" type outfit that even Prairie women considered frumpy and old fashioned.

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Yes, the Duggars never really dressed in actually Prairie style dresses but in what was known as a "mother Hubbard" type outfit that even Prairie women considered frumpy and old fashioned.

I always thought that 16 kids era Michelle wore fancy muumuus with collars, and after looking up "mother Hubbard dress" on Wikipedia, it turns out that muumuus are an evolution of those dresses.

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My sister loved those type of dresses. She liked multiple tiers on the skirt though. I always thought they felt heavy. I'm not sure what the official brand was because they were made from patterns not purchased.

Looks like Simplicity was the largest purveyor of Gunne Sax patterns: http://www.serendipityvintage.com/images/patterns/Simplicity_5828.jpg


Yes, the kind of prairie dresses the Duggar girls wore were the shapeless dresses we saw on Little House on the Prairie worn by Mary, Laura. and Carrie. They were sort of jumper-ish looking, and not at all form fitting.. The Ingalls' girl's Sunday dress was more fitted like the Gunne Sax style with the high collar. I always loved Laura's braids tied up in a loop with a ribbon on Sundays and special occasions when she wore that dress. Lol

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Looks like Simplicity was the largest purveyor of Gunne Sax patterns: http://www.serendipityvintage.com/images/patterns/Simplicity_5828.jpg


Yes, the kind of prairie dresses the Duggar girls wore were the shapeless dresses we saw on Little House on the Prairie worn by Mary, Laura. and Carrie. They were sort of jumper-ish looking, and not at all form fitting.. The Ingalls' girl's Sunday dress was more fitted like the Gunne Sax style with the high collar. I always loved Laura's braids tied up in a loop with a ribbon on Sundays and special occasions when she wore that dress. Lol




My understanding of Gunne Sax was Brooke Shields in Endless Love.


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^^^I think we're in agreement, Kokapetl.

Gunne Sax had formal dresses, like the one you posted Brooke Shields wearing, and the less formal cotton dresses. I had both styles growing up. I wore Gunne Sax formal dresses (which later became Jessica McClintock) to school dances, in weddings, prom, and in my senior pictures.

Edited by msblossom
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Brooke Shields looked amazing in that movie, but she would look amazing in a burlap sack. Yet it took me ages to find that pic, the movie must have been very poorly received. Now I've got the Diana Ross song stuck in my head ♫ My love ♫ ... ♫ My love ♫ ... ♫ My ♫ ... ♫ Endless looove♫

Edited by Kokapetl
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My mother wore a Jessica McClintock dress to my wedding. And yes, in proper Fundy fashion, both her dress and mine were modified for modesty! ;)

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I think the dresses Laura, Mary and Carrie wore were nicer. Michelle and the girls looked like freaks in those dresses.

Edited by NEGirl
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Gunne Sax had formal dresses, like the one you posted Brooke Shields wearing, and the less formal cotton dresses. I had both styles growing up. I wore Gunne Sax formal dresses (which later became Jessica McClintock) to school dances, in weddings, prom, and in my senior pictures.


Everyone did, I think. The only other choice was Qiana.

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You know...that flashback pic of the Duggars in bright red irks me. Modesty, my ass. When they say "modest," they really just mean "asexual" or something like it. If you are truly modest, you don't dress everyone in eye-gouging bright red and travel in a formation that brings traffic to a screeching halt. They stand out, screaming for attention, in the ugliest way possible.

I think their having morphed into more mainstream fashion, while continuing to congratulate themselves on being condescendingly, "Jesus expects more of us" "modest," is incredibly hypocritical but for the kids' sake, I am glad about it. I can remember going to school with the occasional kid whose parents insisted on dressing them in ways that assured they'd be ostracized and it still makes me crazy, decades later. Of course, the Duggars have their own little kingdom of superiority with no mainstream friends to pity them, so there's that.

I keep hoping that the girls (and boys) will eventually understand and appreciate that God gives skills and intelligence to women as well as men, and that it is an abomination to waste what God gave them by knuckling under to any yahoo with a dick and a Bible. I keep hoping that their fashion choices are just the tip of that free-will iceberg, waiting to be hit.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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I've been going through the pickles and hairspray photo album, and the family routinely dress like this when they go out



Girls wear what they always do, boys wear clothes of varying levels of formality, even on one person, eg. polo shirts with ties.

I've seen Justin wear this weird little getup more than once.



I don't know what this event was, but half the kids are wearing blacktie:


And their parents wore this:


Edited by Kokapetl
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Now that the show's canceled, will Mechelle stop whitening her teefs? Hell, I bet she has it done professionally. JB may skimp on his kids' wardrobe budget, but $$$ is no object when MEchelle is concerned. 

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Now that the show's canceled, will Mechelle stop whitening her teefs? Hell, I bet she has it done professionally. JB may skimp on his kids' wardrobe budget, but $$$ is no object when MEchelle is concerned.

These people do love their dentistry.
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Maybe Josie has hair like my cousins- it's like a poodle or sheep, it just gets curlier and curlier, and that hides how long it actually is.  Presuming, of course, that Josie's hair is not due to application of a curling iron.  Or her hair is like my younger sister's, which took almost ten years to reach her shoulders after the chemo hair fall ended.

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I've been going through the pickles and hairspray photo album, and the family routinely dress like this when they go out



Girls wear what they always do, boys wear clothes of varying levels of formality, even on one person, eg. polo shirts with ties.

I've seen Justin wear this weird little getup more than once.



I don't know what this event was, but half the kids are wearing blacktie:


And their parents wore this:


Ugghh... I just want to burn those blue and green shirts that Mullet wears in every fucking photo.

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I've been going through the pickles and hairspray photo album, and the family routinely dress like this when they go out



Girls wear what they always do, boys wear clothes of varying levels of formality, even on one person, eg. polo shirts with ties.

I've seen Justin wear this weird little getup more than once.



I don't know what this event was, but half the kids are wearing blacktie:


And their parents wore this:


None of these people know how to dress themselves. Why didn't TLC put them on a conservative version of what not to wear? It would have saved lives.

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You know...that flashback pic of the Duggars in bright red irks me. Modesty, my ass. When they say "modest," they really just mean "asexual" or something like it. If you are truly modest, you don't dress everyone in eye-gouging bright red and travel in a formation that brings traffic to a screeching halt. They stand out, screaming for attention, in the ugliest way possible.

I think their having morphed into more mainstream fashion, while continuing to congratulate themselves on being condescendingly, "Jesus expects more of us" "modest," is incredibly hypocritical but for the kids' sake, I am glad about it. I can remember going to school with the occasional kid whose parents insisted on dressing them in ways that assured they'd be ostracized and it still makes me crazy, decades later. Of course, the Duggars have their own little kingdom of superiority with no mainstream friends to pity them, so there's that.

I keep hoping that the girls (and boys) will eventually understand and appreciate that God gives skills and intelligence to women as well as men, and that it is an abomination to waste what God gave them by knuckling under to any yahoo with a dick and a Bible. I keep hoping that their fashion choices are just the tip of that free-will iceberg, waiting to be hit.

Yes the bright red modest picture is one for the scrapbook alright.  Notice how everyone except baby Mechelle has a kid to look after.  Even Josh bringing up the back with a stroller.  Wasn't that around 'confession' time?  JB & Mechelle certainly don't look like they are thinking they are terrible parents, they look like they're thinking - look how wonderful we are!

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You know,im not being at all sarcatic here,I find myself really sorry for Josiah.He is probably going through a living hell right now.Im not going to spell it out but a ceratin percentage of posters on here know what I mean.

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Oh Whitney, no, no, no. She must be mourning the days when she got to wear tank tops and pants. I agree with everyone else, that these girls don't realize people's eyes are still drawn to the boob area just because of how the dress is cut. She might as well not even bother with the t-shirt.

Edited by BitterApple
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I think Whitney was pregnant when that was taken (she darkened her hair  so she wouldn't have to bleach it while pregnant), so I'll cut her some slack. However, I agree that dress wasn't the best idea with pregnancy boobs. The less said about Zach's shirt, the better. 


They should have kidnapped Josie. She'd certainly be wearing much cuter outfits than what she's forced to wear these days. Her hair might even look a sight better; it sure couldn't look much worse! 

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Does every fundie couple have to play matchy-matchy with the costumes while at these events? Do they think they will get lost or separated, or is it a case of the wife 'belonging' to the husband? Either way....gag.


I guess Whitney got the sunflower (or sunflower-colored mums) dress somewhere normal (low-cut neckline), then frumped it up with the t-shirt, then went on e-bay and typed in "Men's shirt, sunflower yellow, size Portly Cadet" and BINGO....there we are. Surprised he doesn't have a grey tie.


Can someone find a pic ANYWHERE with a fundie couple NOT matching???? At an event.

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I find it so creepy that Michelle is dressed just like the girls, instead of having a separate "I'm an adult as well" dress. And it's such a tacky looking dress that it looks really out of place next to Boob's suit.

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I find it so creepy that Michelle is dressed just like the girls, instead of having a separate "I'm an adult as well" dress. And it's such a tacky looking dress that it looks really out of place next to Boob's suit.

Jana really only knew how to make one type of dress at this point in time.

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And tight.


Yah, looks like Zack is following right along with the Josh Duggar Post-Wedding Diet. Do all fundie men gain a minimum of 30 lbs within a year of marriage? The younger ones certainly seem to, at least in many cases.

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Good grief a48r4p.jpg

I feel defrauded by that white tie.


In the photos upthread of Justin, I think they were dressing him like Nazi youth.  The eye patch really completes the look. 

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I also think this was during their Amish phase. When they didn't want there to be distinctions between the way the children and the adults dressed. This also would have been the relatively short time they would have been blanket training (also Amish) and using some other organization/jurisdiction type models used in Amish homes.

Now mind you, like their Jewish phase, it's seriously about picking and choosing. And like everything else about the Duggars, completely superficial, because anything else would have required reading. (I doubt they even read the tiny Pearl book for instance, just had a "good friend" sum it up for them.)

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I've been going through the pickles and hairspray photo album, and the family routinely dress like this when they go out 2ikf80k.jpg1tlgjs.jpg

Girls wear what they always do, boys wear clothes of varying levels of formality, even on one person, eg. polo shirts with ties.

I've seen Justin wear this weird little getup more than once. ka1cn8.jpg2hh0mmh.jpg

I don't know what this event was, but half the kids are wearing blacktie:2dqseqb.jpg

And their parents wore this:t8ufrs.jpg

In the second photo with the guys wearing ties, why is the girl (not sure which one it is, Jenny or Hannie?) wearing what looks like sweat pants under her dress & old tennis shoes? Couldn't she just wear the dress without the leggings since it's long& some more appropriate shoes, even cleaner shoes would have been better. (I know why they wear leggings, I'm just questioning what she is wearing.) Same thing on the formal photo. Couldn't they splurge & buy the younger girls some tights instead of them wearing leggings which look like they are either too small or large depending on the girl.

Also in the second photo, anyone else notice how Boob has his arm around Josiah's shoulder? Knowing their history, Josiah was probably cringing.

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