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S02.E10: Every Potato Has a Receipt 2018.06.29

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On 7/2/2018 at 11:07 PM, txhorns79 said:

If the network owned the show and the rights, and stood to make a good amount of money from a syndication deal, they would look incompetent in refusing to sell the show into syndication.  I mean, syndication is just another way for a show to be distributed outside the network system to many different markets around the country it might not otherwise be available in.  It doesn’t really say anything about the network that originally aired the show as a show can easily be unpopular in one market, but very successful in another. 

They certainly teased it like it was going to be sold in syndication.

The offer to perform at a Vegas club is completely out of left field.

But maybe there was women's pro wrestling there and the show is just being true to history?  Because we didn't see some syndicated pro lady's wrestling show did we?


I can't imagine they'll ever have the show become a big hit.  They'll always be striving to commit to the show and make it a success, rather than settle into a routine like a lot of Vegas acts and mail it in for years of checks.

5 hours ago, scrb said:

They certainly teased it like it was going to be sold in syndication.

The offer to perform at a Vegas club is completely out of left field.

But maybe there was women's pro wrestling there and the show is just being true to history?  Because we didn't see some syndicated pro lady's wrestling show did we?


I can't imagine they'll ever have the show become a big hit.  They'll always be striving to commit to the show and make it a success, rather than settle into a routine like a lot of Vegas acts and mail it in for years of checks.

Apparently, that's where the original Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling started out, at the Riviera. Though instead of it being a Vegas type show, it was filmed at the Riviera. So, that's where that bit comes from, I guess. A twist on the real thing, but still in the ball park, as it were.


On 7/4/2018 at 11:54 PM, Kostgard said:

I don’t think Bash is truly aware/accepts his orientation and wasn’t in a romantic/physical relationship with Florian based on his reaction to discovering that the bar where Florian would hang out was a gay bar. I think if he were gay and aware of it and/or in a romantic relationship with Florian his reaction to “Shenanigans” would have been much different.

I think Bash is so deeply closeted he can’t even privately acknowledge the truth to himself. But discovering things about Florian (things he probably knew deep down but refused to acknowledge) brought things to a head - Florian hangs out at a gay bar. What does that say about me?? Florian died of that gay disease! Scrub it out! Scrub it out of the house so you don’t have to face it! (Yes, part of the cleaning was probably AIDS-panic, but I think Bash was also trying to scrub the gay away). Then he has to face that he’s devastated at Florian’s death. But instead of asking himself why, he throws himself into a marriage with Rhonda, declaring that he loves her even though he’s barely ever looked at her. He just saw a convenient out and took it. It will surely blow up in his face.

I didn’t pick up on the “Bash might be gay” thing last season, though I suppose I should have because the clues were there and I did wonder why this young, single, handsome man who was surrounded by scantily-clad beautiful young women never hit on or even really looked at any of them. At the time I just thought he was super-nerdy about wrestling and his nerdy enthusiasm was overriding hormones, but perhaps there was nothing to override.

Also, when he accidentally interrupted Debbie in the shower and saw her completely naked, he was clearly embarrassed, which is normal since he knows her, but not at all aroused.

On 7/13/2018 at 1:59 PM, DrSpaceman said:

I just thought he was freaked out over someone dying in the house in general and wanted it thoroughly cleansed, physically and emotionally.  Get everything out, all memories of him so he could move on

On 7/13/2018 at 10:08 PM, DianeDobbler said:

Bash was emphasizing using bleach and then he told the clean up foreman his crew should wear gloves. The foreman said that he knows, they've done it before.

Yes. And Florian didn't die in Bash's house-a nurse had called Bash to report his death.  It was fear of contamination from AIDS.

On 8/12/2018 at 5:39 PM, SnarkEnthusiast said:

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Yolanda and Arthie fell in love through one silent dance scene with zero sexual introspection from Arthie and are a couple by the end of the next episode despite having exchanged maybe three lines all season? Far be it from me to complain about gratuitous lesbianism, but build up your romantic subplots for fuck's sake! You can't just tell us people are in love now without showing them interacting or growing attraction at all.

Who says they're in love?  It's a mutual attraction.

So they brought the move stealing back. Again, it felt completely unnecessary at the time. 

According to Google, Sacramento to Encino is less than a 6 hour drive. Which isn't nothing but Tamme did way more than that to see her son at Stanford. Justine and Sam aren't that far apart.

What year is it? Does Bash know Florian died of AIDS? Why is he getting his house cleaned like it was an infectious disease?

"Oh, fuck. She's one of my wrestlers. I can't see her take off her clothes now that I know she's a person."

Are Arthie and Yolanda going to start dating? I love it.

Whoa. I did not see Bash objecting to the wedding. Was wrestling that much like reality TV in the 80's? I guess there was Jerry Springer.

I don't believe they could have incorporated the guys into the fight just by communicating moves to each other. They would have needed to rehearse. But I can excuse it for the sake of the show.

Zoya coming in on a zipline was a great touch.

KDTV owns the characters? The bad contracts have reared their heads again!

I knew Ray was going to be important the moment Sam met him at the dance. It's that Law & Order rule. You don't introduce Horatio Sanz to play a nothing character.

Wow. That relationship with Russell was short. I 100% don't trust this show not to throw Ruth and Sam together with Russell out of the picture.

On 7/10/2018 at 11:08 AM, Danny Franks said:

And they end the season with a bit of Starship. Of course.

Way late in discovering this show, but just want to say that the Starship song makes any show or movie better. I already loved this show and especially this season, and even more especially this episode, but ending with that song was perfection. My only complaint is that I really don't want a Sam-Ruth romance or even a "will they or won't they" plotline. Why can't they just be friends?

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