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S14.E03: Week 3

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Clay is flippin' adorable.  And his operation is outpatient. He could be back before the next group date.  He could make a surprise return. 

Chris is a no-go for me.  His episode 1 tattle-tale put him out of the running.  Connor (picture thrower)--NO.

Colton is handsome but I don't find him attractive.  Maybe it's the baby face too but he seems young.   Being a virgin doesn't help either.  But he'll likely be around for hometowns-- and they'll deliver a vest to someone....

Dave- no--  a shit stirrer and a bully.  I mean, Jordan is such easy pickins.    It's pathetic. ("Dave is in intensive care") .....but he'll be back tomorrow... Umm okay...  

1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

Damn, does anyone else have DirecTV Now and it keeps buffering every 30 seconds?!? I

I think DTV Now is all streaming.  You can thank the gov't for ending Net Neutrality.  It started today.  Now  providers are allowed to slow down your speed unless you or DTV pays more. 

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6 hours ago, seasick said:


I think DTV Now is all streaming.  You can thank the gov't for ending Net Neutrality.  It started today.  Now  providers are allowed to slow down your speed unless you or DTV pays more. 

DTV slowed down considerably for me long before Net Neutrality ended.  I know tons of other people who experienced the same thing.  Providers have been screwing people out of their speed for a long time.  Net Neutrality has nothing to do with it.


I think Colton is handsome, but I do not trust him at all in regards to his claiming he is there for Becca.  I don't think he is an evil guy by any means, but he really doesn't seem interested in Becca.  None of the guys do, actually.  I think he is there to promote his charity and that's it.

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I know growing up our bunk beds never had the side panels, but now I always wonder why they don't always have them.  If we ever had my son in a bunk bed I think I would always worry about him falling out (not because he normally falls out, but just what if, and how far of a fall it would be).  

I am finding all of the episodes boring so far, but I do think Becca has some really nice guys in the group and I like that she gravitates to the nice ones--not always looking for the bad boy or the one that won't treat her right, etc.

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Yep, Clay for Bachelor!  I loved how much humility he showed on the football field, while still taking charge and getting the job done.  What a role model.  And a cutie pie.  Watching him doing the drills, you caught glimpses of the true athlete that he is, yet he never rubbed it in anyone's face (yes, Jordan, I'm talkin' to you).  Which is cooler:  playing in the NFL or posing with "pensive" shots in tight suits?  

Colton is there for the cameras.  He hooked up with Tia because he thought it would get him into the limelight, then he "met" Olympic gymnast Ali Raisman on an MTV chat and asked her out, while he was waiting to hear if he was chosen for The Bachelorette.  Once he got in, he broke up with Ali, citing "distance", as they lived in different states.  Um, hello, do you think The Bachelorette magically lives in your state?  Of course not.

He's a football player who wasn't good enough to continue playing, and I suspect he was always fawned over.  

Plus he has a lisp, which should have been attended to when he was 5.

Edited by Sterling
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Clay seems to be a nice guy, and he'd probably make a good Bachelor.  However, while he's nice-looking, he does nothing for me and he's got a weird-sounding voice (wow, I think I just described Becca).  So if he's chosen I'd probably be bored and I'd call him HeBecca.  

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I have watched this stupid show since its inception and this was probably the most boring episode I’ve seen. Minus Clay. What a pleasant surprise he was. Sad he had to leave. 

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LOL at Chris Harrison saying David was in "Intensive Care".  I think he meant the Emergency Room.  Either that, or he was miraculously healed by Becca's voice.

Jordan has gone from inadvertently amusing to insufferable.  David seemed funny... now a jerk.  Clay was sweet and did the right thing.  Why wasn't Becca more supportive.  He can't trash his career for a "maybe".  He's still one of what, 15 or so.  I also like Wills which means he's probably going home soon.

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34 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

I have watched this stupid show since its inception and this was probably the most boring episode I’ve seen. Minus Clay. What a pleasant surprise he was. Sad he had to leave. 

Totally agree.  Becca may or may not find Colton and his cartoon caricature face handsome, but the producers clearly had to make her keep him around for the Tia episode.  The entire hour was about the high drama of Tia, Colton and Becca being in the same room. So incredibly boring, I turned over to "Dietland" for the last hour and missed  Chicken Man falling out of bed.

There's no way Jordan would get 100% whatever on whichever thing "tinder, " is.    No matter how good looking someone is there are always people who just aren't into that type.  Jordan's face is far too boyish for me. Jason's larger nosed, longer face is much more my type. I like Daniel Day Lewis and not Brad Pitt and I'm sure 100% of the population doesn't disagree with me.  (Maybe 85%.)

I never thought it would be possible for someone as striking as Becca to be so completely lacking in sex appeal.  I'm not gonna' lie.

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12 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

Oh she was totally grinning when Chris Harrison told her how it happened. Just as she was making the phone call, it was pretty apparent to me she was trying to stifle a laugh.

So who else besides Nick did not get a date? There was this clean- cut brunette, very slim, that I swear I have not heard one word from. No idea what his name is. I must confess I was not paying much attention during the football session, so not sure which guys were on that date, except Clay and Lincoln.

If no one else mentioned this yet, I wonder if you mean Ryan. If that is who you meant, I never seem him before either.   I find it weird that there is no info on him, compared to the other guys on this site. What the heck?



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37 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I like Daniel Day Lewis and not Brad Pitt and I'm sure 100% of the population doesn't disagree with me.  (Maybe 85%.)

I like both of them.  My tastes are all over the map!


37 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I never thought it would be possible for someone as striking as Becca to be so completely lacking in sex appeal.  I'm not gonna' lie.

I don't know what it is about her, but there's no "heat" there.  She looks like she'd make a great soccer mom though.  

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1 hour ago, NaughtyKitty said:
  • I miss the bloopers at the end.  I don't need to see the 100dth replay of the commercial for the stupid new show.

Same! Those are usually the best part of the ep. I wonder why they got rid of them?

This ep was pretty boring, but there were some great moments. David being in 'intensive care' was probably the best, but Jason and Wills cracking up while David and Jordan made fools of themselves was straight-up awesome and now they're my 2 faves.

Awww, sweet Clay! What a genuinely nice guy. I don't think I'd really wanna see him as The Bachelor, but I do hope he finds happiness.

I can't decide if I like Blake or not. Sometimes he's just, I don't know, creepy or something. And this ep, wow, clingy much lol.

I hate that I know Garrett is trash because I feel like I'd like him on the show otherwise.

The less said about Colton the better. Becca is gonna be pissed when she finds out he's a virgin since she's clearly keeping him because she thinks he's hot and now she won't even get to fuck him!

ETA: Oh, I forgot to ask if someone can tell me what Chris' childhood baggage is because I fast forwarded their 1-on-1 date.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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14 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

What the heck kind of "dress" is she wearing at the Cocktail party?!  It looks like a silvery bathrobe & is so short I don't want her to bend over.  A very strange fashion choice....

Bad color, bad fabric, bad style and unsuitable for the occasion.  If she were going to wear a robe to the cocktail party, she would have been better off sticking with the one from the spa.  Maybe she borrowed it from Tia, the queen of wearing everything 1/4" longer than necessary to hide a sanitary pad.

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1 hour ago, Carly13817 said:

If no one else mentioned this yet, I wonder if you mean Ryan. If that is who you meant, I never seem him before either.   I find it weird that there is no info on him, compared to the other guys on this site. What the heck?



YES! That is him, CARLY13817!  I don't think I have seen him have a conversation with either Becca or any of the men.  What's his deal, I wonder.

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13 hours ago, hyacinth said:

Where's Chad when we need him?     Seriously.     Where is Chad?     

I wonder if Becca specified no big partiers.    This is the calmest group ever as far as alcohol consumption and general embarrassing behavior.     

Some of the guys looks as bored as we are.   

I suspect alcohol was involved in David falling out of bed and not catching himself to avoid the faceplant.  ;>   I didn't watch last night but did a quick FF to see who went to the hospital.   Why is David wrong reasons guy?  I liked him from what little I saw.  

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

This ep was pretty boring, but there were some great moments. David being in 'intensive care' was probably the best, but Jason and Wills cracking up while David and Jordan made fools of themselves was straight-up awesome and now they're my 2 faves.

Yep, this is what I want now. I respect a guy who realizes how batshit crazy this all is and just sits back and enjoys the show. David quickly went from a top pick for me to bottom of the barrel. I don't like people who try that hard to rile someone else up. He was picking and picking and picking at Jordan who is a bit delusional but seems reasonably harmless to me. Unless there is something that happened between them that wasn't shown I find David's constant antagonism very unsettling. It's coming across as mean spirited and I don't like mean people.

Wills is slowly sneaking his way up into my top spot. Now that Clay is gone there is an opening. I'll miss Clay. He seems like he's just a really all around great person. I hope this stupid show didn't ruin his chance at a long and prosperous career.

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I like Becca and was glad she got to the Bachelorette over Tia but this season is slightly boring so far. And it doesn’t help that ABC didn’t do a fantasy league for whatever reason this season. That strangely kept my interest levels up because I wanted to see how many questions I got right so I actually watched the show.  Will they eat key lime pie or chocolate cheesecake? Will the group date be football or soccer? It’s just sort of been on in the background so far for me this season. 

I also truly hate the Franken-biting as Sharleen from JP’s season has coined it. Hey producers, if you have to piece together words from six different sentences to get Becca saying something as mundane as  “I like him. He seems really thoughtful” you either need to: 1) Get better technology so it’s not so wildly obvious you’re splicing together audio or 3) Fix the show if you have to put together different sentences for such a simple statement. When they don’t show Becca or a guy actually saying the full sentence, they also lose credibility (but I recognize most reality shows do this). 

Hopefully things pick up as the group gets smaller. A lot of these guys are just filler and some have not even had one sentence in a talking head. I’m pretty sure the banjo guy from the night she was announced as being the bachelorette is still there but we haven’t seen him other than getting a rose so he obviously isn’t going far. Blake, Garrett, Colton, and possibly Wills seem like a strong final for right now. And I miracously have not been spoiled this season so far. 

Oh and Jason from certain angles is a poor, poor, poor mans version of 90s teen heartthrob Andrew Keegan. It might mainly be the hair but I see glimpses every now and then. 

Edited by UGAmp
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15 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Thank you to the person who pointed out that guy (who went on the Richard Marx) date looks exactly like Ben Stiller.  Wow.  Talk about something you can't unsee.

And New Kids Danny Wood.  If Danny and Ben had a son (and apparently never kept in contact with him)...

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I'm sure Becca is a nice person, but she is kind of a dud as a bachelorette. I don't see a huge amount of interest from the guys yet, except maybe Jason who perked up when she said she has a crush on him, and Clay who is gone. Why can't Clay have the surgery and come back? I guess it wouldn't work, people have come back before from various reasons and it's always like. A 'snooze you lose' kind of thing. 

I didn't understand Becca's silver robe dress and thought it was related to the spa thing at first. It was really lame to bring back Tia just so Becca could see Colton's reaction. Also don't need to see femme fatale Beca anymore either. I don't think Colton is any more of a fame whore than the rest. Even minor sports pros end up meeting a lot of people and why wouldn't he date attractive women? That being said, I have no idea if he likes Becca. I usually ask my husband and now twenty year old son their opinions on the bachelorette. They both said Becca is attractive in a girl next door way, but they don't know they would notice her in a crowd. 

I also laughed when Chris said David was in intensive care, then handed the phone to Becca for a regular call. People in intensive care are usually too sick to have a pleasant conversation! I also don't think a broken nose or even cheekbone should cause someone to be in intensive care unless there is a complication. I didn't like the football playing because of course someone would get hurt. One the plus side, I have no idea who might be a finalist because there doesn't seem to be much interest either way. 

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3 hours ago, NaughtyKitty said:

I don't need to see the 100dth replay of the commercial for the stupid new show.

In my opinion, ANY program, book or concert that gets this much media attention is usually a dog and not worth watching.  I will be avoiding this one.

Jordan;  Anyone notice him drilling rails into the bunk bed David fell out of?  I don't think it was out of the goodness of his heart - just a further indication that he's a producer pick and if he wants to stay on the show, he was coerced into wielding a drill.

@Kiss my mutt


Curious as to why there was no rose ceremony. 

Well, not sure what the original schedule looked like, but last night was supposed to be the continuation of the NBA playoffs.  That ended over the weekend, but they had to do a quick schedule change for last night on ABC - such to the point that the guide in my hotel room still had the Jimmy Kimmel lead in and game displayed in the program grid.

My guess is, they probably decided not to do a rose ceremony in editing this week because fewer would be around to watch it, if they were broadcasting the episode AFTER the game.

Edited by b2H
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I don't think any of these guys are that bad (it's just that the Bachelorette is dull), so I wouldn't mind seeing them on Bachelor in Paradise.  That's probably what they want anyway.

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15 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


I'm really enjoying this season.  Becca says "I'm not going to lie" too much, but she proved me wrong and I've really been enjoying this season. 

I am not gonna lie, this fucking show SUCKS this season. Why are they trying to make the Tia kissed the guy into this big.dramatic.moment? oh yeah, we need a story line, Im not gonna like, to keep from falling asleep But pretending this is someone deep and profound is not working.  Andi also said Im not gonna lie constantly. Im not gonna lie, it's a fucking stupid thing to say. 


A term that when prefixed to a statement does more damage than good. Its purpose is to state that you are about to tell the truth about something. However, If one has to use this statement, it can be concluded that when that same person does not use this statement then they are lying, because when they are telling the truth, they state that they are about to tell the truth by saying, "I’m not gonna lie..."

no I do not agree with this urban dictionary entry. I am going to say it means you hop onto dump phrase trends like a ten year old.

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15 minutes ago, b2H said:

In my opinion, ANY program, book or concert that gets this much media attention is usually a dog and not worth watching.  I will be avoiding this one.

Jordan;  Anyone notice him drilling rails into the bunk bed David fell out of?  I don't think it was out of the goodness of his heart - just a further indication that he's a producer pick and if he wants to stay on the show, he was coerced into wielding a drill.

@Kiss my mutt

Well, not sure what the original schedule looked like, but last night was supposed to be the continuation of the NBA playoffs.  That ended over the weekend, but they had to do a quick schedule change for last night on ABC - such to the point that the guide in my hotel room still had the Jimmy Kimmel lead in and game displayed in the program grid.

My guess is, they probably decided not to do a rose ceremony in editing this week because fewer would be around to watch it, if they were broadcasting the episode AFTER the game.

Makes sense! Thank you kindly.  

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They are really trying to bump the drama up, and its just not working. Becca is just so chill, and I like that in a person, and I bet its nice in a contestant, but as the Bachelorette? Makes for kind of dull television. I love how they had to play up David going to the hospital, and the commercials were trying to imply that Jordan beat the shit out of him (which, yeah, no) to get some excitement out of this random accident. And unless it turns out Colton really is just fishing to find a Bachelorette, the Tia/Becca/Colton drama is so not dramatic. 

Clay seems like a nice guy, it sucks that he is already leaving. Really, I think one of the reasons this season isnt super exciting is that Becca is just a nice, chill person, and a lot of the guys she is gravitating towards seem like nice, chill people, and that doesn't make for a lot of OMG moments for a reality show. I do like that she is clearly looking for someone who will be a decent person and a good partner for her, and not someone obviously awful or fake though. As not exciting as it is, I have a soft spot for reality show contestants who just seem basically normal.

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

This ep was pretty boring, but there were some great moments. David being in 'intensive care' was probably the best, but Jason and Wills cracking up while David and Jordan made fools of themselves was straight-up awesome and now they're my 2 faves.


Oh that was a major highlight, and also bumped Jason and Willis up on my top guy list. They were the whole audience watching that embarrassing display. David and Jordan both came off as such petty losers, while the two of them are practically passing popcorn back and fourth, just looking amused and a bit amazed that these guys are being this ridiculous on television,and cracking up at this whole thing. Jordan is clearly just here to stir up drama, but David isnt doing himself any favors by winding him up. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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9 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I have a soft spot for reality show contestants who just seem basically normal.

I had to laugh at this because I think that anyone who would go on a reality show is so not normal, even though I might like him/her. 

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2 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

I had to laugh at this because I think that anyone who would go on a reality show is so not normal, even though I might like him/her. 

Well, thats why I said basically normal, and not full on normal ;) 

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The best looking guys to me are Jason and Jon.  Yet we know more about Joe the Grocer (who was my fave) than these other two.  I don’t think I’ve ever heard Jon say a word.

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Looking over the original cast of characters again, I think the best-looking one was dear, departed Christian.  Too bad we didn't get to see more of him.

Did somebody bury long-haired Mike somewhere?

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I thought Clay was really sweet from the first episode to now.  Totally want him to get the a Bachelor gig.  It can't be any worse than this season.

9 hours ago, DEL901 said:

LOL at Chris Harrison saying David was in "Intensive Care".  I think he meant the Emergency Room.  Either that, or he was miraculously healed by Becca's voice.

Jordan has gone from inadvertently amusing to insufferable.  David seemed funny... now a jerk.  Clay was sweet and did the right thing.  Why wasn't Becca more supportive.  He can't trash his career for a "maybe".  He's still one of what, 15 or so.  I also like Wills which means he's probably going home soon.

Yea I wondered about the ICU also...had to be just the ER.

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9 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

If Clay is trying to make a football team I doubt he'd have time to do the Bachelor.

I had to quote myself because I realized that if he was really focused on trying to make a team he wouldn't have been on this show in the first place.   So now I'm thinking that he just wanted the publicity just like the other guys.  (Although when I call them fame whores, I don't necessarily mean it in a negative sense.   Maybe they want social media money.) 

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2 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

And New Kids Danny Wood.  If Danny and Ben had a son (and apparently never kept in contact with him)...

Chandler's roommate, Eddie.  Saving Private Ryan.  Adam Goldberg.

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12 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

So now I'm thinking that he just wanted the publicity just like the other guys.  (Although when I call them fame whores, I don't necessarily mean it in a negative sense.   Maybe they want social media money.) 

honestly I don't think someone looking for publicity is necessarily a fame whore, if said publicity is for something legit. It's the ones who go on the show looking to start a "Career" of shilling crap on instagram and getting invited to all the parties so they can date other people from the show in the hopes some gossip mag will pick up on it and print their pictures everywhere.

Clay could end up being that way, but so far he seems like he was probably in between teams for football and figured if he did this he'd at least get his name out there, not so much for "fame" as for brand recognition for his chosen field. Now, he could have totally conned me and he is just looking to hook up with "famous" women and shill shit on social media, time will tell. But his walking away because of an injury that could jeopardize his football career makes me think he is less fame whorey and more just trying to network. Bachelor is the new Linked In dontcha know.

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Clay never did say what his injury was, just some vague "the doctor said it needed surgery NOW." But was it a break? A sprain? A what? He never said. Any ER doc could diagnose a green stick or fracture or break or even a sprain. But he needed an orthopedic doc to look at it? Plus he gave a better reason of why he was leaving to the other guys and sort of hemmed/hawed it around Becca.

The whole injury thing also could have been faked, a way to get another producer plant off the show and add some drah-ma. Not that this show would ever do anything like that.

Clay has a constant Elvis lip sneer that bugs me. I'm not sorry to see him go. Here today, gone tomorrow. Like everyone ... who doesn't make it to BIP.

The David/Jordan thing is a repeat of the two women a couple seasons ago. One kept antagonizing the other. So of course they got the two-on-one, where the worst villain was kept and the lesser villain sent home. Look for a David/Jordan two-on-one coming to an episode near you.

The TH of Long-Hair Leo saying he thought Long-Hair Blond Guy was a woman because he has long hair had to be put in for comedic effect. I guess it wasn't that funny since no one here has mentioned it. Although Long-Hair Blond Guy did get one TH this week, which is one more than he's gotten in the past.

I wanted to know how David in the hospital knew that was Becca calling since it was CH's phone. Yet he answered, "Hi Becca." I guess they let people keep their cellphones while they are in INTENSIVE CARE?

Kimmel showed the clip of CH telling Becca about David falling out of bed on his show last night, and even though it was what I had just seen, watching it on Kimmel made me LOL. You could see both CH and Becca trying hard to keep a straight face. David's face being pixellated in the previews for next week ... too funny. I guess even the show editors have to break up the monotony of this boring season.

I suppose the Kim meeting break in is what kept the after-credits blooper from being show. So rats, the best part of this show we didn't even get to see.

Garrett does have a nice smile. For a Nazi.

Edited by saber5055
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1 hour ago, TomGirl said:

The best looking guys to me are Jason and Jon.  Yet we know more about Joe the Grocer (who was my fave) than these other two.  I don’t think I’ve ever heard Jon say a word.

Jon actually spoke last night. He's the Venmo guy, right? He said something to the effect that he had never played football in his life, but he'd do it for Becca, or some such thing. When Becca told Jason last night she had a little crush on him, I was wondering if she just said that b/c she had had a brain freeze earlier on the spa date and could not remember his name. Aww, I felt so bad for him.  I have to admit I have a little crush on Jason too. He's got that imperfect type face... a  nose just a bit large for his face that makes him good-looking, imo. And the cutest cleft in his chin. Pretty boys like Jordan do nothing for me. I also do not see the appeal for Colton, whom Becca seems to be quite fond of.  I don't like his hair and he has a very boyish looking face. I mean, he's cute enough, but not my cuppa.

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I, too, wondered why Clay didn't just have his (outpatient) surgery and then just return?  Like in a day or so, and just excuse himself for a few hours with each followup visit?

I suspect that ABC didn't want to be liable for any post-injury injury, and they gave him the option.  What if he returned with stitches, and it got infected?  Or hurt even worse?

Yes, they are allowing David to return (from ER, not ICU), but with Clay, this is a possible NFL career-ending injury.  A bit different than a cosmetic face plant.

The NFL has lawyers that would love to get their hands on ABC if they allowed Clay to come back and the injury wasn't properly healed.

Edited by Sterling
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6 hours ago, NaughtyKitty said:
  • I miss the bloopers at the end.  I don't need to see the 100dth replay of the commercial for the stupid new show.

That new show!! Gawd  just the commercials alone are a whole new level of second-hand embarrassment. 

This season is a bit dull but I thought the many others were dull too.  For me there aren't many guys I'm excited about and that makes a huge diff to me. 

Jojo 's season was boring-you could see from day one who the winner was-- and it was the Chad show. It was painful..  Nick was a total snooze himself--we had the Corrinne show there but I grew to like her.   

And please, not the Kaitlyn  shit-show... Didn't they finally have to put her in a hotel miles away to keep her from sleeping with what;s his face every night and completely blowing things up?  Oh yeah she apparently slept with NIck.  I'd sleep with Nick too..;like a stone if I was next to that potted plant.  

I'll take the boring over lots of manufactured drama.  I'll take Jordan over Chad for the laughs.  

The best dramas have been the authentic ones..  Several where the girl has it big for the guy and he just up and leaves.   or Deanna/ Graham where he obviously had nothing for her.   the Jake and Vienna breakup (oh so good) To name a few.    They are real and often sad... but...good tv.

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2 minutes ago, Sterling said:

I, too, wondered why Clay didn't just have his (outpatient) surgery and then just return?  Like in a day or so, and just excuse himself for a few hours with each followup visit?

They're about to start traveling to a different location every week, which would make follow-up visits or rehab difficult. I got the impression that for Clay being on the Bachelorette was supposed to be a fun interlude, but football is still his top priority (as it should be). If I were him in this situation, I would have left the show as well.

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I find it amusing that so many of the comments, this early in the series, are who should be the next bachelor. Clearly no one's really rooting for a single one of these guys to "find true love with Becca" :) I'll keep reading here but I'm tuning out until it sounds like there's something worth watching.

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3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

They are really trying to bump the drama up, and its just not working. Becca is just so chill, and I like that in a person, and I bet its nice in a contestant, but as the Bachelorette? Makes for kind of dull television.

I'm liking Becca! She's cool and at this point the show is formulaic. She snarked at Jordan to his face about his 4,000 matches, so she's not taking these dudes that seriously. Plus, her side-eye when Jordan came up needing a hug was funny. The editors are going to package the moments to make the show they want. Clearly, right now, they have two story lines ... the lame Colton/Tia dating and the Jordan/David antagonism. But for a third episode it was okay. 

Did anyone else think that the "spa" was gross? There was some very old and dated maroon carpeting on the floor, some 1980s throw pillows from Hobby Lobby as decor, and not enough chairs or even a table to do nails on? I've seen enough Real Housewives of Somewhere episodes to know that there are a lot of upscale-looking spas out there. ABC must have had to scramble at the last minute for some old office space they could repurpose into a "spa."


35 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Clay has a constant Elvis lip sneer that bugs me. I'm not sorry to see him go. Here today, gone tomorrow. Like everyone ... who doesn't make it to BIP.

Yeah, add him into the Juan Pablo memorial cautionary tale files of getting too attached to an early exit.  I'm throwing Joe the Grocer in there too.  


3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Jason and Wills cracking up while David and Jordan made fools of themselves was straight-up awesome and now they're my 2 faves.

Jason emerged as someone to watch this episode, IMO.  He does not seem like a goober.


Garrett does have a nice smile. For a Nazi.

Well, I wouldn't put him up there with the Nazis, but I thought the "I'm going to teach you how to tackle when you are wearing half of a robe" approach was dumb. Becca's "put me down!" screech was the real-est thing she's said all season. 

And clearly, Chris Harrison has never had a relative in intensive care. It's clearly there for patients with serious, life-threatening conditions who need intensive monitoring and observation with dedicated nurses. How did they go from a talking head of someone being afraid David was going to die to Chris Harrison using the bunk bed fall as a "gotcha" line in delivering the news to Becca and neither of them being able to keep a straight face?

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Many of you have mentioned Wills as a favorite. I think I recall typing that name in episode 1 or 2 as someone I liked, but I can’t recall which one he is now. Please describe in depth with looks or actions. Thank you kindly. 

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33 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

Many of you have mentioned Wills as a favorite. I think I recall typing that name in episode 1 or 2 as someone I liked, but I can’t recall which one he is now. Please describe in depth with looks or actions. Thank you kindly. 

He's the one whose parents (or grandparents) have been married for 50 years.

I'll be the one to say I really liked Becca's silver bathrobe dress. I liked her red dress and, especially, her white coat, too. Now, the look for the Chris date was something though.

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@JenE4  Willis is the African American guy who has the Harry Potter tattoo.  He was openly laughing at Jordan on the couch.  He seems like a fun guy and I hope he goes far.  

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