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It makes sense that they would hire someone who's pretty, but with the other stuff: I'm not that pretty, and babies and toddlers love me. I'm not being self-deprecating, either. 

The show was okay. I'm bingeing it online. I guess I'll be looking up Vida, too, whatever that is. Always on the lookout for something good. 

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On 5/20/2018 at 3:09 AM, BigDfromLA said:

These characters are one of this biggest collections of narcissistic jerk-offs I have seen in a show. I wouldn't want to spend ten seconds interacting with any of them. Are they typical of New York City hipster millennial yuppies?

That's how I feel about most of them. From that one guy taking the chips and dip from her, as soon as the boss disappeared, to them not saying a word to her about the after-hours partying, and then moving on to another place (and that one guy setting her up to get smacked by someone. 

Was that Simone making out in the hallway, with that guy from work?

I googled Williamsburg, and found it described as the coolest neighbourhood in NYC, which leaves me wondering how she afforded a place there. I was worried something would happen to her, on that bridge. 

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1 hour ago, Anela said:

which leaves me wondering how she afforded a place there.

In the third episode, Tessa talks about her living situation a little bit:


Tessa: It's my roommate's, Jesse. It's his place, but I never see him. He works in finance. I've actually never seen him.

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I was half asleep as I tried to watch this, not giving it my full attention. I need to watch again. 

The screen was too dark for me, so I was confused as to who she was kissing. 

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I've just downloaded the book from library, for my kindle. I don't mind the show, but I'm not into drugs, and don't see anything good about taking things without knowing what they are, or trusting people who would do that to you. It's beyond stupid. 

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The guy she likes, doesn't want to lie to her? That was out of left field. Unless I missed something. Of course Simone stabs her in the back after that. 

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I enjoyed this episode the most, maybe because the coworkers were actually decent to Tess instead of being jerks for no apparent reason. 

Can someone please explain what "trails" are? Isn't this something this show should have spelled out at some point? I don't understand why she failed - yes, the wine and the fall, but apparently that wasn't the reason when the trainer guy (whose name I can never remember) told Howard that she failed. What did she do wrong that night? The way it was written, we saw her as trying really hard to learn and doing well until the wine cellar eavesdropping messed with her head (and she pulled the wrong bottle).

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On 6/13/2018 at 7:09 PM, Moxie Cat said:

Can someone please explain what "trails" are? Isn't this something this show should have spelled out at some point? I don't understand why she failed - yes, the wine and the fall, but apparently that wasn't the reason when the trainer guy (whose name I can never remember) told Howard that she failed. What did she do wrong that night? The way it was written, we saw her as trying really hard to learn and doing well until the wine cellar eavesdropping messed with her head (and she pulled the wrong bottle).

Not sure what trails are, but it sounded like Tess was better when it came to the social aspects of waitressing (talking to the customers, personable attitude, etc) and was only OK at the technical aspects, like working her way around a kitchen, handling food properly, and how she did on her test.  If she didn't do those correctly, I can see why Will said she didn't pass.  But to be fair, he also said that Tess would benefit from more training, meaning she could pass her trails when given the chance.  

I would watch for s2, but the plot with the douchey bartender does nothing for me.  They have no chemistry and he's as deep as a puddle.  I'm more interesting in the dynamic between him and Simone.  At least Simone is interesting.  They need to flesh Tess out, too.  She can't be the innocent baby forever.

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Holy crap, according to TV Guide this first season only covered her first 2 weeks in New York. It felt like months, not weeks. Granted, it makes sense that her try out period would only be weeks, but her stalking of Simone and her various hook ups made that whole period seem longer.

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On 7/14/2018 at 7:55 AM, NeenerNeener said:

Holy crap, according to TV Guide this first season only covered her first 2 weeks in New York. It felt like months, not weeks. Granted, it makes sense that her try out period would only be weeks, but her stalking of Simone and her various hook ups made that whole period seem longer.

I honestly thought it was only the first week since episode 4 was her first off day.

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S2.E1: The Pork Special


Howard takes his staff to learn where their food comes from; Tess learns information that makes her wonder whom she can trust.

S2.E2: Equifax & Experian


Tess' bad credit score reveals something about her past; Sasha is accused when Santos' new shoes go missing.

S2 promo:

Original air date: 7/14/19

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Wait, is that really a thing? Women actually go to public bathhouses in New York City? are those for straight women? I thought only gay men go to public bathhouses. Is Simone a lesbian? does that little touch on Tess's wrist mean something?

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Heather: Is this New Jersey?
Ari: What gave it away? The smell of shit or the fact that we're all miserable?

Tess: Happy to be back?
Sasha: I've been eating pancakes and drinking Franzia, jerking off in a sock for a week - living the real American dream.

Will: I never understood jerking off into socks. I love my socks.

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I just can't with Tess. As a waitress, she has the time to stand still in the kitchen and just stare at a pig being cut up and then ask Howard if he thinks the pig knew it was going to die.

And why was she getting so bent out of shape because a dead slaughtered pig was being cut up for parts to eat? What did she think was going to happen to the pig after it was killed? They would give it a funeral and bury it whole?

And why was she stupid enough to tell Jake about Sasha and then think he wouldn't tell Simone? She knows those two tell each other everything.

I also didn't understand why Simone thought it was TOO MUCH to take everyone on a pig slaughter field trip. It's a pretty common attitude in the food industry that you should know where the food comes from.

It makes me sad to see Tess running after everyone like a puppy dog begging for attention and approval. Girl, find some self esteem and nicer people to hang out with outside of work.

Even worse, the old hostess got fired and is still sleeping with Howard. Is he secretly amazing? Because he doesn't seem worth losing your job over.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Will: My mom chaperoned my prom and she made me slow dance with her.

Ari: It's from this amazing store called our lost and found.

Ari: Parents suck.
Nicky: Hey!
Ari: Oh, I'm sorry, Nicky. I'm sure your kids will never need therapy because their dad's a bartender.
Nicky: Hey, fuck you. Your dad hasn't called you in a year.
Ari: Fuck you, eight months. He called to tell me he had another kid that he named Ariel.
Scott: Terrible boy's name.

Scott: I'm the only kid my parents don't pester about having grandkids.
Heather: Isn't that a good thing?
Scott: No, it's offensive. My kid would be fucking awesome.

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OF COURSE Jake has already fucked the new hostess!

I don't know what made Tess think that she could just rearrange the entire wine cellar. There's already a system in place that allows everyone to find wine quickly. It's called the alphabet. Why would you think there's a more efficient way to find things quickly?

The way Simone is written makes no sense to me. She didn't vouch for Tess after her trials, but she's telling her how brave she is and asking to help her fix her credit? Okay then.

What world does this show take place in that Tess has to use Howard's laptop to look for her mom's MySpace page?

I sometimes roll my eyes at Tess and her naivete but I felt for her in this situation. It seems like the least that her absentee mother could do was not ruin her credit. I'm not a fan of Simone's world weary know it all attitude, but I'm glad she told Tess that this was a fixable problem. As much as it sucks to not get a credit card now, the larger problem is her future. If you ever want to buy a car or a house (or rent a place to live that isn't a shady sublet), your credit is important. It's better for her to start taking the necessary steps to deal with it now so that she won't have such a difficult time dealing with her bad credit later in life. You really don't want to wait until you need to do one of the above things to start looking into how to fix it.

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7 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I really don't like Sasha

What a racist elitist asshole! I feel sorry for Russia if he gets deported.

Nothing about this show is interesting.  The totally bland forgettable guy everyone seems obsessed with is a bad actor.

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Rant here: Tess rearranging the wine cabinet was beyond frustrating.  Why would she take that upon herself to do, after only having been there a month?  And yeah, I know it was a metaphor for her actual troubles.  But she's lucky that she didn't get snapped at by one of the staff, or even a stern lecture from Howard.  And if the system is in place and works for everyone else, it's your job to adjust to it, not the other way around.  

Then she's plopped on the floor trying to figure out a new model (using an actual map no less) during the dinner service?  So moronic.  The restaurant wasn't going to stop for her crisis.  If I was one of the staff, I would have hauled her ass off the floor and told her to get back to work.

Sorry, that just pissed me off.  Minor as it was, it's stuff like that that makes Tess seem stupid, not naive.

Otherwise, I couldn't blame Tess for wanting to keep her personal life private, especially when it comes to money.  Will should have kept his mouth shut, even if he meant well.  

The conversation between Santos and his friend was probably the best part of the episode.  Seeing the very-real cultural divide actually gave some depth to the stupidity going on around them.  Nice subtlety as they slipped out when everyone was oohing over Tess' "new" coat.  They don't feel like a part of the group, so why hang around?  Still wondering who took Santos' new gym shoes.

I get that Sasha is upset about his Visa, but racism ain't cute.  He could have gotten his ass kicked and he would have deserved it.

LOL at Howard trying to hold onto his f*ck buddy.  Jake isn't anything special, but pretty sure he saw through that.

Basically agreed with everything you said, @ElectricBoogaloo.  I don't know what Simone's deal is, either.  She's maternal towards Tess, but looks like she and Jake hooked up once and she wants more.  

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Forget prostitution, in this day and age, no one was worried about Will being filmed while he was masturbating?  That alone would make the offer a hard no.  

EDIT: I just remembered this takes place in 2006, not 2019, so cell phone cameras and social media weren’t really a thing yet.  Still possible to be recorded, though.

I think Simone resents Howard for not giving her more responsibility, which is why she phoned Maddie.  And Tess’ youth just reminds Simone that she’s getting older and hasn’t accomplished much.  

Edited by Amethyst
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Scott: Tex Mex is not a valid food genre!

Sasha: Tell [Will] he must masturbate for money. It's Gabe and Giselle.
Heather: They're so freaky.
Ari: He'll never do it. Not Will.
Will: What do you mean "not Will"? Who would?
Ari: Jake, Sasha.
Sasha: Yes, please!
Ari: Me, Scott - ooh, RIP Scott.

Maddie: Somebody better get me another parsley salad that doesn't look like a rabbit shit it out.

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Dear Will,

Please fall in love with someone besides Lame, Ridiculous Tess. I'm wholeheartedly recommending the former law school woman who is ever-so-awesomely at your side.

Sincerely With All My Will-Lovin' Heart,


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Omar: It's textbook overdevelopment. Frank should be ashamed to stake his legacy on a stadium in downtown Brooklyn. Who wants it?
Tess: Jay-Z, apparently.

Tess: You're mixed with Italian?
Heather: I'm black mixed with black, but since blackness is generally not equated with beauty, people often assume mine comes from elsewhere, usually wherever they're from, so some nights, I'm Greek, Puerto Rican, Italian.
Tess: How does that not make you mad?
Heather: If I got mad about every ignorant thing a guest said to me, I couldn't work here.

Simone: [Tess is] experimenting with Omar. 
Howard: Omar Gamal? 
Simone: Mmm hmm. I mean, he's a little old for her. He's old enough to be her father.
Howard: I suppose it's not anyone's business.
Simone: I suppose. I mean, I'm glad she's dating an adult, but it's him I can't understand, avoiding his mortality and his receding hairline by pursuing a literal child. I'm sure they all think they're good men, but there's something so predatory about it, don't you think?

Simone: Did you ask for what you wanted?
Tess: I don't think I knew what I wanted.
Simone: Do you know what you like? A couple months ago, you didn't know what you liked in wine, and now - sec or demi-sec?
Tess: Sec.
Simone: Once you know what you like, you can ask for it. Then it becomes pleasure.

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I was over Omar long before Tess was. His pretentious complaining during their dinner was enough for me to know I had no interest in this guy.

Similarly, I have no idea what Becky ever saw in Howard but I'm glad she finally sees that he's a selfish asshole. 99.9999% of the time when someone tells you to keep your relationship a secret from everyone, you're dealing with a selfish asshole.

I laughed SO HARD when Simone was going on and on to Howard about how sad and predatory it is for a grown man to date a young girl. Usually Simone annoys me, but I liked her this week. Between that conversation and later telling Tess to find out what she likes so that she can ask for it, she seemed like a normal human being. I also appreciated that as soon as Tess said the sex with Omar was humiliating, Simone immediately snapped to attention and asked, "Did he do something to you?"

Like Heather, I get told I look exotic and I get asked where I'm from by total strangers. It's fucking annoying and rude, but luckily I don't work in the service industry so I don't have to smile and act like it's any of their business.

I don't understand why Tess is so intrigued by Jake, but I also don't understand why Will is so intrigued by Tess. In both cases (Tess and Jake), there's no there there.

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Omar may have been a lousy lay, but he's right about Simone.  I don't think anyone really knows her.  I also want to know if she has something on Howard, because their power dynamic is weird.

Howard can be skeevy as hell, but I think he does care about the restaurant.  He recognized Scott's talents as a chef, and he sees a clear disparity between the staff.  I just don't think Howard handled the tip thing well.  Changes like that never go over well with the waitstaff, because it literally means giving money out of their own pockets, and they're already underpaid.  And announcing that right before a shift was stupid.  

I've been on the receiving end of "compliments" like Heather's, and it sucks.  All you can do is grin and bear it.  Otherwise you'd never get anything done.

Last week was the first time Jake has shown something other than "sullen teenager" for a change, but he and Tess are doing this stupid dance again.  At this point, do it or don't, but stop dragging it out.

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Rosalyn: Fucking bartenders. They're all the same. Great lay but holes in their underwear and cash under the mattress, don't wake up before 3pm.

Howard: The guest comes first - it is the prevailing philosophy of this industry and I have never agreed with it. The guest is actually irrelevant.

Ari: I wish I were that devious or invested.

Sasha: I hope you don't have herpes or something.

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When Howard brought up kabuki and Simone got exasperated, I laughed my ass off because usually she's the one being Howard and bringing up random stuff during conversations.

Ugh, I am SO SICK of the Jake/Tess/Will situation where they're always looking at each other longingly. I want nothing more than for ALL of them to move on and realize the other person isn't into them.

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4 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Of course Sasha was hiding the forks. 

I still don't see what Jake's appeal is. I was glad when Tess blew him off

Bad casting he has no appeal 

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On 8/4/2019 at 6:37 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I was over Omar long before Tess was. His pretentious complaining during their dinner was enough for me to know I had no interest in this guy.

Similarly, I have no idea what Becky ever saw in Howard but I'm glad she finally sees that he's a selfish asshole. 99.9999% of the time when someone tells you to keep your relationship a secret from everyone, you're dealing with a selfish asshole.

I laughed SO HARD when Simone was going on and on to Howard about how sad and predatory it is for a grown man to date a young girl. Usually Simone annoys me, but I liked her this week. Between that conversation and later telling Tess to find out what she likes so that she can ask for it, she seemed like a normal human being. I also appreciated that as soon as Tess said the sex with Omar was humiliating, Simone immediately snapped to attention and asked, "Did he do something to you?"

Like Heather, I get told I look exotic and I get asked where I'm from by total strangers. It's fucking annoying and rude, but luckily I don't work in the service industry so I don't have to smile and act like it's any of their business.

I don't understand why Tess is so intrigued by Jake, but I also don't understand why Will is so intrigued by Tess. In both cases (Tess and Jake), there's no there there.

And yet... Howard is one of my favorite characters. I love how stiff and repressed he is. Time passed him by and he got old before he knew it. The restaurant biz can do that to a person -- also it sucks your soul so there is that. Howard is now a soulless middle aged man still working in the restaurant that was originally only supposed to be a "temporary gig" while he honed his acting skills.

Anywho.. I pretty much like all the characters on this show. I have made it a point to watch it when it's on. 

On 8/4/2019 at 6:37 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I don't understand why Tess is so intrigued by Jake, but I also don't understand why Will is so intrigued by Tess. In both cases (Tess and Jake), there's no there there.

Because he doesn't want her. I think it's as simple and as complicated as that.

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Simone: I can't figure out is [Etienne] trying to get my attention or does he just hate me?
Tess: Probably both.

Eddie: Can I buy you a drink?
Heather: Why would I?
Eddie: Cause I'm in the top three hottest guys in here.

Sasha: People never believe they deserve things they want.

Tess: Second day as manager and you're already breaking into the safe.
Will: It's not really breaking in if you have the combination.

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Jake reminding Simone how Etienne made her miserable and that she used to call him to complain and say that she wanted to come home was definitely the most I've ever liked him, mostly because I could relate to him. It's really hard to listen to someone rhapsodize about a shitty relationship when you remember how unhappy they were.

The really sad thing is that Simone doesn't love Etienne. She just sees him as an opportunity to escape the life she has now. I'm glad he turned down her offer.

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4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Jake reminding Simone how Etienne made her miserable and that she used to call him to complain and say that she wanted to come home was definitely the most I've ever liked him, mostly because I could relate to him. It's really hard to listen to someone rhapsodize about a shitty relationship when you remember how unhappy they were.

The really sad thing is that Simone doesn't love Etienne. She just sees him as an opportunity to escape the life she has now. I'm glad he turned down her offer.

That’s interesting because I wonder if that’s what really happened or what Jake wanted to hear.  

Tess leave Will alone 

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5 hours ago, dmc said:

That’s interesting because I wonder if that’s what really happened or what Jake wanted to hear.  

Etienne's conversation with Simone seemed to indicate that Jake's version of the past was more accurate than Simone's romanticized version.

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42 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Etienne's conversation with Simone seemed to indicate that Jake's version of the past was more accurate than Simone's romanticized version.

Yes Etienne did indicate he thought she was unhappy but I guess I just think Jake and Simone like for each other to be unhappy and relish in saving each other.   Their relationship is odd, they aren’t together but they are both jealous of the other moving on.   I fully expected she vented to Jake but instead of telling her the first year of marriage is the hardest and work on it I think he was more glad she was leaning on him and unhappy 

Edited by dmc
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Someone needs to sit Tess down and tell her that Simone and Jake have been doing their codependent little dance long before she was in their lives, and they'll be doing it long after she's out of their lives. 


The really sad thing is that Simone doesn't love Etienne. 

I don't think Simone is capable of loving anyone.

Sometimes this show feels like a Greatest Hits of 2006, and it feels a little perfunctory on the part of the writers. Remember when you had to get around without Google Maps? Remember when The Secret was a big deal?

Edited by Eyes High
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So both Tess and Simone turned down some really great guys to be with a man who is as fascinating as watching paint dry.

A rich handsome Frenchman marries you and whisks you away to his fantastic estate.  Not to mention, you both could make some of the best wines and champagnes in the world together. However, you choose to be a friendless waitress in New York and continue a situationship with the blandest fuck boy on the planet because it feeds into your queen bee delusions.  I wonder why you are not happy.

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S2.E7: Peach Treats


Tess and Jake take their relationship to the next level, causing tension with Simone. Ari feels abandoned. Will uses his power for a questionable purpose.

S2.E8: Bodega Cat


Tess learns the truth about Jake and Simone’s past, and she forms a plan to get everything she wants in the restaurant.


Original air date: 8/18/19

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Jake: Who exactly is coming to a truck depot in Bushwick for a mezcal cocktail?
Scott: Oh, for fuck's sake - everyone!

Tess: Caring isn't pretentious, Jake. Apathy is.

Tess: Ever since I got here, someone has been warning me about somebody else.

Jake: You're different.
Tess: Different from what?
Jake: Than you were before.
Tess: Don't be condescending.
Jake: I'm complimenting you.

Ari: This is the first is the first time you've spoken directly to me in the five years we've worked together and you want drugs?

Ari: I just can't figure out if I'm annoyed or impressed.

Ari: My friends are narcissistic delusional assholes.

Simone: I discovered that being tipsy at work is the best. Who knew?
Tess: Everyone. Literally everyone.

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Ugh, Jake continues to be THE WORST. He shows up at a group hang just to get Tess to leave with him. "I want to eat with you. Now. Alone." And even worse, she can't resist this asshole behavior and leaves without saying a word to everyone else. NOT COOL. If I was at a club and my friend said she was going to get a drink and never came back, I would be freaking out. But of course Tess has to drop everything whenever Jake calls. And of course she's fascinated by watching him eat shitty diner food.

I get what Heather is saying about how she probably won't say friends with Ari whenever she ends up leaving, but at the same time, if you really want to stay friends with someone then you make the effort. Sometimes it takes work to stay in touch when you have totally different schedules, but you can make it happen if you want to. At one point, a good friend of mine was living in a different  time zone AND working a third shift job so we would schedule times to call each other so we could catch up.

I have mixed feelings about Will being mad at Tess for sleeping with Jake. On the one hand, I get it. She kissed him at work and then turned around and slept with Jake. That's fucked up. On the other hand, she is not his girlfriend so he really doesn't have the right to get jealous or possessive of someone who he isn't even dating.

Even if Ari is a poor little rich girl who doesn't have to pay rent to live in the building that her parents own, why not cash her paychecks? She doesn't have to spend the money but she should at least deposit them. She seems to be spiraling so hopefully she doesn't OD.

Nice to see Simone was back to the shit stirrer that she is. Even though she blamed it on the drugs, the truth is that the drugs just made her less stealthy about her shit stirring than usual.

Ooh, I kind of hope that Scott and Jake end up opening their own place, mostly because it would annoy both Simone and Howard. But realistially, it would take months for them to get a new place up and running, even if they didn't do any renovations to the space, so unless we do a time jump next season, that's probably not going to happen.

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