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S06.E13: Schenee's Story

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3 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Wait a minute. Did the Reddit post actually say "dry pasta"? Or, did it say "pasta out of a box"? The reason I ask is because during the program she was shown eating spaghetti and sauce out of a styrofoam takeout box. I honestly don't think she - or anyone else- would eat DRY, uncooked pasta. Especially not someone who has a Freddy at their beck and call to boil water and cook it for them on demand.....

They did say out of the box, but you're right. I did see her eat out of Styrofoam, so maybe that's what they meant. I know people use dry ramen in salad toppings, so I was kinda thinking maybe you could eat pasta like that, as icky as dry and boring as that would be.

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On 4/6/2018 at 10:35 AM, Giant Misfit said:

In case anyone was wondering about her dog who was kept in the cage outside of her house, on her FB she claims it was because the dog barked too much and the crew needed "quiet" time. She gave the dog away -- and the dog was killed and discarded by whomever took it. 

Just another uplifting story courtesy of Schenee. 

(I am retelling the anecdote based on her punctuation-free rambling.)

Translation: the dog was aggressive with humans.

On 4/6/2018 at 11:28 AM, aliya said:

No need to imagine.

Don't they have a slicer?

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On 4/6/2018 at 3:01 PM, jpc1 said:

Imagine if Schmuck-nee had answered Dr. Now's "Who is your enabler?" question with "God":  I think Dr. Now would have folded his hands, bowed his head, and said:  "Heavenly fadder, hey y'all doing?  Dis is not good sichwayshun.  Dis is very pat-ological dynamic, and you're killing her.  I'm putting her on 1,200-calorie-per-day high-protein, low-carb diet so she can lose tirty pound in next munt.  I don't want you bringing her snack between meal.  See you later.  Amen."

Best post ever! Thanks for the laugh!!!!!!!!!!!

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I've been reading the reddit thread and I just found the comment about eating dry spaghetti. I think it was meant as a joke (as in, she's so dumb she didn't realize you can actually boil spaghetti).

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I wonder how soon she and Freddy will put up a GoFundMe?

Side note, I am constantly thrilled and amazed at the wit and fine use of the English language in this forum!  Thank you everyone for the laughs and good writing. 

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5 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

The doctor appt after she was in the hospital for controlled diet:

Schenne: I feel like that phone call that we had together - it was an aggravated phone call,-not only from my end, but from your end also. Im apologizing because i feel lke I offended you

Dr. Now: I appreciate that but you don't have to worry about my feelings. My job is to get you healthy. You gained 42 pound in past 2 munt. You want to apologize do it by making the progress you need to.

Shen: I understand but I'm apologizing for MY end.

Dr. Now: apology-  I will accept it when you lose the weight. I need to see action. I need to see you commit to the program. There is no excuse for your lack of progress. You have not lost a single pound on your own. If you dont make the changes no one else can help you.

Lol Lol Lol she wanted him to apologize for HIS end!!

She is so passive aggressive 

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Sorry (Not Sorry?) that I missed most of the Supersized version of this episode. Thank goodness for all of you informing (or, if Schenee was speaking, she'd say "informationing") me about some of the more astounding revelations about this she-beast's non-weight loss journey. One of those I missed was the factoid about her not being able to use the toilet for SIX YEARS!!!!!

That, among other facts about her bleak life leads me to the question of exactly what the Hell is the bottom for this woman? I recall several show participants saying that, although it was difficult and even painful, they refused to have anyone bathe them, let alone wipe their ass. On the contrary, she seems to be almost proud of the fact that she's needs to have her husband do this for her.

Will it be when she's no longer able to drive? Or, now that I observed her in a motorized scooter, will it be when she's unable to walk? Heh heh, Freddy if you think she's a nightmare now just wait until that day comes, which leads me to another rather icky question: if she can't use a toilet then, well, does she just pee and poop--there ought to be other words for what must be her epic bowel movements and her 5x the amount of diuretics worth of liquid she releases--in the bed? Are there adult diapers big enough to cover her carcass? What happens when they're on the road? Oy, my head hurts just pondering the sheer gruesome nature of her daily life.

Edited by DC Gal in VA
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On 4/6/2018 at 3:01 PM, jpc1 said:

Imagine if Schmuck-nee had answered Dr. Now's "Who is your enabler?" question with "God":  I think Dr. Now would have folded his hands, bowed his head, and said:  "Heavenly fadder, hey y'all doing?  Dis is not good sichwayshun.  Dis is very pat-ological dynamic, and you're killing her.  I'm putting her on 1,200-calorie-per-day high-protein, low-carb diet so she can lose tirty pound in next munt.  I don't want you bringing her snack between meal.  See you later.  Amen."

I'm going to die laughing. You got the phonetics so right. I need this framed on my wall to brighten my day. Bless.

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I am so glad I read the comments on this episode here and on Facebook after it aired in the East Coast. I could not bring myself to watch this vile person. Thanks for all the hilarious and pithy comments! 

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13 hours ago, Kaia40 said:

But Aliya, “do you believe in God”? Because if he wants her to lose weight, it’s all in his hands! It doesn’t matter how many truck loads of sugar pasta she eats!!! She’s just so gross!

PS.  Shanaynay! Hilarious!!!!! 

It's all in the devil's hands and God is trying his damnest to show her the way.

Edited by gigiann
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6 hours ago, essexjan said:

The only thing keeping her from being as vile as Steven Assanti is that her Freddy hasn't yet reached the point where he's had enough. If Freddy walked out on her she'd be left with carers, and there's no way they'd put up with that level of abuse.

I really hope there's a follow-up on her, but I doubt she'll expose herself again to the level of online abuse she's had from this TV appearance.

I think I'll need to go wash my hands after typing this, but carefully cleaning that ginormous body on her must really be what Freddy is into. He takes pride in her upkeep like a well-manicured lawn. She's his hobby.

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1 hour ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Sorry (Not Sorry?) that I missed most of the Supersized version of this episode. Thank goodness for all of you informing (or, if Schenee was speaking, she'd say "informationing") me about some of the more astounding revelations about this she-beast's non-weight loss journey. One of those I missed was the factoid about her not being able to use the toilet for SIX YEARS!!!!!

That, among other facts about her bleak life leads me to the question of exactly what the Hell is the bottom for this woman? I recall several show participants saying that, although it was difficult and even painful, they refused to have anyone bathe them, let alone wipe their ass. On the contrary, she seems to be almost proud of the fact that she's needs to have her husband do this for her.

Will it be when she's no longer able to drive? Or, now that I observed her in a motorized scooter, will it be when she's unable to walk? Hey heh, Freddy if you think she's a nightmare now just wait until that day comes, which leads me to another rather icky question: if she can't use a toilet then, well, does she just pee and poop--there ought to be other words for what must be her epic bowel movements and her 5x the amount of diuretics worth of liquid she releases--in the bed? Are there adult diapers big enough to cover her carcass? What happens when they're on the road? Oy, my head hurts just pondering the sheer gruesome nature of her daily life.

OooooooOohhhhhhooooo I hear ya sista!  I felt like I was listening to you preach at church!!!!  Well said.....indeed.  ????? FIVE thumbs up....you nailed it

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2 hours ago, Trees said:

I wonder how soon she and Freddy will put up a GoFundMe?

Side note, I am constantly thrilled and amazed at the wit and fine use of the English language in this forum!  Thank you everyone for the laughs and good writing. 

Excellent thought on the GoFundMe.  I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't already there and it still needs to be found.   Ohhhhh I can't wait!  I love this kind of shit!

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3 hours ago, Trees said:

I wonder how soon she and Freddy will put up a GoFundMe?

Side note, I am constantly thrilled and amazed at the wit and fine use of the English language in this forum!  Thank you everyone for the laughs and good writing. 

I had to read this sentence 3 times. I thought it said" I am constantly thrilled and amazed WIT the fine use of the English language in this forum.

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On 4/6/2018 at 9:19 AM, auntjess said:

This reminds me of Catfish, and when they offer the catfish a chance to meet the ostensible love of their life, they'll stall and say, "I've got a lot of things goin' on right now."

Well yes, but don't forget, this is someone with TWO refrigerators.

Only two, Aunt Jess. Part of the reason Schenee was so irritated with Freddy's inability to find her cleanin' bleach was because they ONLY had two refrigerators, as if two is some paltry number, and most of us have at least a dozen.

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13 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

... wearing ... a washcloth on top of her head. 

I swear I am going to bring a washcloth to work next week, put it on my head, and see if anyone says anything. Workplaces are so touchy about saying anything to anybody these days for fear of not being diverse enough, you practically have to go postal before HR says anything about behavior. I'm gonna bet a dollar I could wear a washcloth on my head all day and no one would say a thing. They'd be torn - it's a professional environment, but it's at a university where eccentricity is tolerated. Plus, in my office they know I am LDS. They'd probably think it was some kind of Mormon thing and leave me alone.

The big question is - do I have to wet the washcloth? 

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13 hours ago, gigiann said:

OooooooOohhhhhhooooo I hear ya sista!  I felt like I was listening to you preach at church!!!!  Well said.....indeed.  ????? FIVE thumbs up....you nailed it

Hahaha, good morning and thanks gigiann. Show participants like Schenee always have me climbing up into my pulpit to rage against their sheer nastiness and ingratitude knowing that there are so many others out there who could have benefited from Dr. Now's expertise as well as the work of all the other medical professionals, physical therapists, nutritionists, etc. working together for the best outcome for each person. To have people like her casually blow off their one chance at a normal life will always be totally infuriating for me.

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12 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

I had to read this sentence 3 times. I thought it said" I am constantly thrilled and amazed WIT the fine use of the English language in this forum.

I read your comment too fast too and thought I had to go back and edit! Ha!

Seriously, everyone here sounds like an English major, which is always refreshing, but especially so, after this episode featuring that "knowledged" creature who can barely pronounce anything right due to that icky tongue piercing and minimal knowledge of the language.

Edited by Trees
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On 4/6/2018 at 2:51 PM, calpurnia99 said:

Maybe it was not section 8 but based on their income and credit they were high risk so no one wanted them except very nasty places.  Why they did not have a place before they moved is not using all that knowledgement available on the internet these days. You can virtually apartment shop these days.

I wonder if a landlord, in feature of the excess wear and tear on his property, could turn down someone so obese?  

Besides the excess weight on the property, there's also that issue that she's too large to use the toilet or shower - so there's a serious question for the landlord about sanitation and odors and hazardous waste disposal if she's using diapers?

Plus, 2 pitbulls.

How would their apartment smell?  And having seen the episode, imagine the amount of screaming you'd hear through the paper-thin walls of cheap apartments?

Are landlords allowed to make such decisions that protect their investment AND the rights of the others who live there?  

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11 hours ago, Miss Ruth said:

So, that's what she's full of, and we all thought it was water!!!!!!!!!

Too funny Miss Ruth! You know, I am so astounded by that whole thing about her being only 27 years old not being able to use the toilet for six years that I forget that this all started when she was just 21. How messed up and delusional can a person be to not be freaked out and apparently content at such a tender age with that kind of self imposed disability?

BTW, because of this show, I tend to think about things that I never, ever considered such as the weight limit of a standard household toilet. After doing a bit of searching online it turns out that it can be anywhere from 250 to 400 pounds which would explain why she can't use  one. How the Hell does a person ignore that wake up call?

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I finished this yesterday & doubt I can say anything that hasn't already been said. It was a 'wow' episode, for sure, & definitely showed the level of patience Dr. Now has to keep trying, even with someone with a complete lack of self awareness, nasty & hell bent on personal destruction as Schenee.

I took note of how when Freddy had the nerve to be moody on their trip to TX Schenee reminded him she takes care of him - financially - & he started keeping sweet with her again right away. He'll be stuck wiping her ass forever, or as long as her forever lasts.

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21 minutes ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Too funny Miss Ruth! You know, I am so astounded by that whole thing about her being only 27 years old not being able to use the toilet for six years that I forget that this all started when she was just 21. How messed up and delusional can a person be to not be freaked out and apparently content at such a tender age with that kind of self imposed disability?

BTW, because of this show, I tend to think about things that I never, ever considered such as the weight limit of a standard household toilet. After doing a bit of searching online it turns out that it can be anywhere from 250 to 400 pounds which would explain why she can't use  one. How the Hell does a person ignore that wake up call?

Addiction.  I was thinking about the addiction thing this morning.  Last night I was telling my husband about Schenee and Freddy and I said it's pretty much along the same lines as watching "Intervention".  These 600-pounders are serious addicts, in just as much serious trouble as an alcoholic or junkie on the street.

I struggle with weight (size 14/16) and am able to deal with it much better now that I recognize food addiction in myself.  Watching this show or Intervention, I've learned to recognize how the "addict brain" can send messages like, "Go ahead, have that piece of cake".  It takes my rational brain to overrule it and remind myself of the intense cravings that happen if that sugary cake hits my system.  I can only succeed when I treat myself like an alcoholic who says, "One drink is too much, and 1000 are not enough".

So this leads me to wonder why these patients never get addiction counseling.  In some episodes past, Dr Now would use the words "addict" and "addiction".  Why is this not standard?  When I hear them say, "I mostly stuck to the diet but I had to cheat", I wish they had been counseled about the addict brain and how to fight those messages, and that cravings only increase/become unbearable with every bite.

Wouldn't Schenee and Freddy be able to deal with this better if they understood that she's an addict and he's an enabler?

Edited by Trees
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Have y’all checked out her personal Facebook page? For the life of me, I can’t figure out why it is still public. She still allows non-friends to post comments and let me tell you some of those comments are frightening.  Frankly, I think some people have gotten completely out of control. This forum celebrates snarkiness and certainly discusses her ridiculousness, delusions, and horrific attitude. But her personal FB page has, in my opinion, crossed the line. People are directing hate-filled messages constantly.


So, again, my question is why would someone keep their personal page public and allow themselves to be subjected to the barrage of hate?  What am I missing here?

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27 minutes ago, Trees said:

I wonder if a landlord, in feature of the excess wear and tear on his property, could turn down someone so obese?  

Besides the excess weight on the property, there's also that issue that she's too large to use the toilet or shower - so there's a serious question for the landlord about sanitation and odors and hazardous waste disposal if she's using diapers?

Plus, 2 pitbulls.

How would their apartment smell?  And having seen the episode, imagine the amount of screaming you'd hear through the paper-thin walls of cheap apartments?

Are landlords allowed to make such decisions that protect their investment AND the rights of the others who live there?  

I think that because of the Americans with Disabilities Act, her obesity would mean that she could not be discriminated against because of her size.  However, many communities have rules forbidding pit bulls. 

But what if she had the pit bulls registered as service dogs?  Right back to ADA rules (which allow service animals even in non-pet communities).  Bingo.  She gets everything she wants.  Again.

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1 minute ago, JJ1 said:

Have y’all checked out her personal Facebook page? For the life of me, I can’t figure out why it is still public. She still allows non-friends to post comments and let me tell you some of those comments are frightening.  Frankly, I think some people have gotten completely out of control. This forum celebrates snarkiness and certainly discusses her ridiculousness, delusions, and horrific attitude. But her personal FB page has, in my opinion, crossed the line. People are directing hate-filled messages constantly.


So, again, my question is why would someone keep their personal page public and allow themselves to be subjected to the barrage of hate?  What am I missing here?

Perhaps, like the naughty kid who acts out, even though he knows there are consequences, "Negative attention is better than none at all."

Or maybe she and Freddy and all of their nasty enabling friends love that she's now a TV star.  

They're not "normal".  Any rules of decent society don't apply to them.  All bets are off.

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1 minute ago, JJ1 said:

Have y’all checked out her personal Facebook page? For the life of me, I can’t figure out why it is still public. She still allows non-friends to post comments and let me tell you some of those comments are frightening.  Frankly, I think some people have gotten completely out of control. This forum celebrates snarkiness and certainly discusses her ridiculousness, delusions, and horrific attitude. But her personal FB page has, in my opinion, crossed the line. People are directing hate-filled messages constantly.


So, again, my question is why would someone keep their personal page public and allow themselves to be subjected to the barrage of hate?  What am I missing here?

I don't know if this is true, but someone on the reddit thread I was reading last night said that she made it public about halfway through the airing of the show. If that's true, I'd say she likes the attention. 

I can't for the life of me imagine why someone would want that kind of attention, though.

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1 minute ago, ams1001 said:

I don't know if this is true, but someone on the reddit thread I was reading last night said that she made it public about halfway through the airing of the show. If that's true, I'd say she likes the attention. 

I can't for the life of me imagine why someone would want that kind of attention, though.

It gives her a chance to be God's missionary . . . wishing a blessed day to all those who are obviously not in touch with His will for her life.  (If He wanted her thin, he'd carve off about 500 pounds miraculously.  Just ask her!)

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22 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

It gives her a chance to be God's missionary . . . wishing a blessed day to all those who are obviously not in touch with His will for her life.  (If He wanted her thin, he'd carve off about 500 pounds miraculously.  Just ask her!)

Ha! Just think!  She could leap off the building, God would reach down his hand to save her, carve off 500 pounds miraculously, and she'd no longer have to hope to be approved for surgery! And, she'd have proved Dr Now wrong! Maybe THEN she could weasel Dr Now into that apology she so desperately wants!

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42 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I think that because of the Americans with Disabilities Act, her obesity would mean that she could not be discriminated against because of her size.  However, many communities have rules forbidding pit bulls. 

But what if she had the pit bulls registered as service dogs?  Right back to ADA rules (which allow service animals even in non-pet communities).  Bingo.  She gets everything she wants.  Again.

Reminds me of the woman who tried to bring peacocks on an airplane because they were service animals. How they serviced her I can't begin to imagine.

I know of a woman who has lupus who had her cats declared as service animals. She didn't have energy to care for them so she simply threw the cat chow or whatever onto the kitchen floor and the back porch causing cockroaches to come into the entire duplex. 

But don't dare harass her for having "service animals."

BTW, has anyone figured out the 'Demon House' video that her friend Schenee's keeps posting? It's for braver minds than mine.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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45 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Reminds me of the woman who tried to bring peacocks on an airplane because they were service animals. How they serviced her I can't begin to imagine.

I know of a woman who has lupus who had her cats declared as service animals. She didn't have energy to care for them so she simply threw the cat chow or whatever onto the kitchen floor and the back porch causing cockroaches to come into the entire duplex. 

But don't dare harass her for having "service animals."

BTW, has anyone figured out the 'Demon House' video that her friend Schenee's keeps posting? It's for braver minds than mine.

Those poor cats!  I wonder what she does for litter boxes?  

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7 minutes ago, Trees said:

Those poor cats!  I wonder what she does for litter boxes?  

If she tosses food on the porch I'm guessing they aren't strictly indoor cats. Probably just lets them go outside.

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2 hours ago, Trees said:

I wonder if a andlord, in feature of the excess wear and tear on his property, could turn down someone so obese?  

Besides the excess weight on the property, there's also that issue that she's too large to use the toilet or shower - so there's a serious question for the landlord about sanitation and odors and hazardous waste disposal if she's using diapers?

It has been my experience that if landlords wants to screen out tenants who belong to a protected class, they use other legal methods to discriminate.  For example, in Schenee’s case they could require proof that her income is 3 times the rent.  Something tells me it isn’t...and that effectively exempts them from being accused of discriminating against her for things such as her excessive size disability or even pit bull service dogs.

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On 4/5/2018 at 10:01 AM, Tinfoil Hat said:

My guess is that Freddy is paid to be a caretaker for her, and since that means he doesn’t have to look for or go to a traditional job, Schenee thinks it means she’s supporting him. Perhaps she thinks that he wipes her ass out of love. Maybe he does. I can’t imagine that taking care of her would be easier work than a job in a convenience store, or sweeping sidewalks, or even shoveling horse manure, for that matter.

Freddy didn't seem totally zoned out the way some of the family members do. I thought he might have a backbone at first when he was arguing with her about the bleach, but he rolled over the second she brought up money. The immediate groveling and promising to do better was cringeworthy. Then in the hospital, he jumped in right away to take the blame for the pizza. So is he a browbeaten enabler or is this a conscious choice to live off Schenee?

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2 hours ago, MillieSparklepants said:

Freddy didn't seem totally zoned out the way some of the family members do. I thought he might have a backbone at first when he was arguing with her about the bleach, but he rolled over the second she brought up money. The immediate groveling and promising to do better was cringeworthy. Then in the hospital, he jumped in right away to take the blame for the pizza. So is he a browbeaten enabler or is this a conscious choice to live off Schenee?

Freddy supposedly weighed a lot more when she met him. I’m guessing he lost his appetite cleaning her ass and folds, and lost all that weight. 

Edited by iwasish
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16 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Freddy supposedly weighed a lot more when she met him. I’m guessing he lost his appetite cleaning her ass and folds, and lost all that weight. 

He's just too spellbound by her intelligement and knowledged to remember to eat regularly.

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4 hours ago, kicotan said:

It has been my experience that if landlords wants to screen out tenants who belong to a protected class, they use other legal methods to discriminate.  For example, in Schenee’s case they could require proof that her income is 3 times the rent.  Something tells me it isn’t...and that effectively exempts them from being accused of discriminating against her for things such as her excessive size disability or even pit bull service dogs.

I certainly would not call it "discrimination" to protect one's property from destruction.  Seems to me that if a potential tenant weights 712 pounds, as this one does, and the property does not have bariatric-strong toilet and bathtub, that would be a good enough reason not to allow them to live there.  Imagine 712 pounds landing on an ordinary toilet (not to mention the gigantic volumes said toilet would be required to swallow up and flush)?  Seems like it would make it shatter and potentially break it loose from the pipes, potentially causing flooding.

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26 minutes ago, Trees said:

Imagine 712 pounds landing on an ordinary toilet

Hell, even the bariatric-strong toilet in Dr. Now's office couldn't survive Lupe!

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58 minutes ago, Trees said:

I certainly would not call it "discrimination" to protect one's property from destruction.

I was merely commenting on the ability of a landlord to deny her housing by using the legal term of “discrimination” if one was to deny her application based on her disability, which includes not being able to use the standard toilet/shower, incontinence, etc.

If she has demonstrated previous destruction of prior rental properties, that can be a legal basis for denying her rental application, but to infer solely based on her disabled status that she would therefore cause destruction and deny her application would most likely fall into the category of illegal discrimination because the disabled are a protected class.  People who destroy property do not belong to a protected class, so therefore it is legal to discriminate against property-destroyers and to deny their applications to rent.

I wasn’t speaking of discrimination in a moral sense.

58 minutes ago, Trees said:

Seems to me that if a potential tenant weights 712 pounds, as this one does, and the property does not have bariatric-strong toilet and bathtub, that would be a good enough reason not to allow them to live there.  Imagine 712 pounds landing on an ordinary toilet (not to mention the gigantic volumes said toilet would be required to swallow up and flush)?  Seems like it would make it shatter and potentially break it loose from the pipes, potentially causing flooding.

I’m pretty sure she’d have other needs to be met like ramps from sidewalk to her first floor doorway that is wide enough for a wheelchair to get through and those would be her requirements, not the landlord.  Considering that unless she inhabits the future Dr. Nowzardian Residential Complex with bariatric toilets in each unit, most rental units aren’t going to have them installed, so she’d have to use her bedpan, custom diapers or whatever she was sitting down on in the corner with her pants pulled down during that interview, like she’s been doing since she got too big for a normal commode.

Edited by kicotan
Wrong word usage
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2 minutes ago, TVWatcher12 said:

What was up with her using bleach to wash herself?! 

It's sometimes recommended for people with certain types of skin conditions (like eczema caused by a staph infection), but it's supposed to be very diluted -- like, half a cup in a full 40 gallon bathtub. I don't know how much they were using but if they're just using a bucket of water it shouldn't be more than a few teaspoons, at most. I'm no doctor but the instructions I found say to soak in the bath for 10 minutes or so, then rinse with fresh water, so using it in a bed-bath situation seems like not a great idea to me.

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I’ve dealt with buying a bariatric toilet. They are rated for static weight. That’s sitting down gently. Dropping down is a whole different weight profile. Most of these guys wouldn’t be dainty in their sitting down. 

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10 hours ago, Trees said:

Addiction.  I was thinking about the addiction thing this morning.  Last night I was telling my husband about Schenee and Freddy and I said it's pretty much along the same lines as watching "Intervention".  These 600-pounders are serious addicts, in just as much serious trouble as an alcoholic or junkie on the street.

I struggle with weight (size 14/16) and am able to deal with it much better now that I recognize food addiction in myself.  Watching this show or Intervention, I've learned to recognize how the "addict brain" can send messages like, "Go ahead, have that piece of cake".  It takes my rational brain to overrule it and remind myself of the intense cravings that happen if that sugary cake hits my system.  I can only succeed when I treat myself like an alcoholic who says, "One drink is too much, and 1000 are not enough".

So this leads me to wonder why these patients never get addiction counseling.  In some episodes past, Dr Now would use the words "addict" and "addiction".  Why is this not standard?  When I hear them say, "I mostly stuck to the diet but I had to cheat", I wish they had been counseled about the addict brain and how to fight those messages, and that cravings only increase/become unbearable with every bite.

Wouldn't Schenee and Freddy be able to deal with this better if they understood that she's an addict and he's an enabler?


What great insights Trees. ITA completely about not only the addiction counseling but also therapy to address the issues that lead to their super morbid obesity in the first place. All of these people have varying levels of both childhood and even adult traumas that were never addressed.

I too have struggled with my weight most of my life. Although I am much smaller than I used to be I still have a ways to go. I need to more actively practice listening to my rational mind like you do. However, what has also helped is to realize that I have roller coaster low blood sugar and need to eat several times a day (I do best on lower carb, and higher fats and proteins) or my addict brain will just go WTF and I will totally crush cookies, candy, Klondike Bars, nothing is safe, lol!

Anyway, back to M600PL, I am always frustrated and confused about why aren't all of these therapeutic approaches mandatory before any weight loss consultation let alone surgery is done. That whole scene of Dr. Now sending the participant to therapy waaaaay after they repeatedly fail to lose weight is absolutely maddening to me. Is it just a formulaic TLC thing? Is Dr. Now never made aware of severe traumas like childhood sexual abuse before their first visit? What role does Dr. Now's son, who is a producer of the show, play in all of this? I suspect it's just the usual TLC ratings driven bullshit without any regard for the real human beings that are the focus of these shows.

In the case of Schenee and Freddy, it's my humble opinion that, as a couple, these two don't really see anything wrong with their relationship. I mean when you have a grown woman look at her husband and say "all you do for me is wash my ass" like that's normal and he takes it, I don't believe either is ready to seriously accept the insights any therapist or addiction counselor could provide. So very sad.

Edited by DC Gal in VA
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24 minutes ago, magemaud said:
2 hours ago, TVWatcher12 said:

What was up with her using bleach to wash herself?! 

I thought she might be doing anal bleaching

Lololol ???

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11 hours ago, Trees said:

that icky tongue piercing

Speaking of tongue piercings and tattoos, I have often wondered why, when they can't even get out of bed to use the bathroom, they find it necessary to have these?  Do they think it hides their obesity?  If I had to ask myself "Does this tongue piercing make my face look thinner?" then I need help.  

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