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"The View": Week Of 3/26/18

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16 minutes ago, Orillia said:

Meghan hit a new low today. I mean the nerve of those kids to actually swear after surviving what they did and trying to accomplish what the adults haven't been able to for years. How much lower can she go ?

Meghan is in a contest with herself to say the stupidest thing possible.

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19 minutes ago, Orillia said:

Meghan hit a new low today. I mean the nerve of those kids to actually swear after surviving what they did and trying to accomplish what the adults haven't been able to for years. How much lower can she go ?

Her attitude and words remind me of BAB* from a couple of years ago.  BAB thought that Black Lives Matter protestors should protest more quietly and not make a ruckus and "disturb" others. And then someone pointed out to her that the Founding Fathers were rabble rousers and that we gained Independence from England because we didn't protest quietly; nor did those that protested during the '60s for their civil rights.

And now we have Meghan, who would prefer these kids to be seen, but not heard. It wasn't the adults that fought for change. They were all KIDS. Or rather, Teens and very young adults.

*Born Again Barbie a.k.a Candace Cameron Bure

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2 hours ago, bannana said:

Whoopi's comments about not denigrating them were pointed, though subtle as @Apprentice79 noted.  But Elsa did not get to respond.

The camera was on Sara for what seemed to be a long time while Elsa was doing her diatribe.  And she had a funny look, kind like she was in disbelief that Elsa was going there, and also kind of like she was trying to understand her rambling monologue.

When Elsa mentioned David Hogg, Joy said, who is he, and Elsa kind of snorted in disbelief, that Joy wouldn't know who he is.  She already had the bile in her throat before she went on to quote what he said.

Elsa did mention Kyle Kashuv, and that was funny because she pretended like she was uncertain of his surname.  Yeah, right.  She mentioned that he had met with Congress people and the VP, twice, and that he was looking for solutions, implying what he was doing was more effective than millions of people marching all over the US and the world.

She also attacked Hogg for his statements regarding the 1st and 4th amendments, when he is advocating infringing on people's 2nd amendment rights, and no one countered her on that point, IIRC.

During the Avenatti interview, she went on about how she doesn't care about the sex, and he spoke to say even though people don't care about the sex, and the spanking, and she groaned again, and said she didn't care, and he led into saying that it really is about the cover-up. To which she said, I do want to talk about the sex, or something like that.  It was odd.

I thought it was Sunny who asked who David Hogg was. I could be wrong, but, I was very surprised and disappointed that Sunny didn't know. I thought Joy was agreeing with whoever explained who DH is. 

ETA Either way, it's inexcusable for any of them not to know who he is. 

@bannana You're probably right. I hardly watched. 

Edited by AdeleDazeem
I'm probably wrong
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3 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And now we have Meghan, who would prefer these kids to be seen, but not heard. It wasn't the adults that fought for change. They were all KIDS. Or rather, Teens and very young adults.

Meghan has never felt the  need to protest for anything because she has always had whatever she needed at her fingertips.

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41 minutes ago, Orillia said:

Meghan hit a new low today. I mean the nerve of those kids to actually swear after surviving what they did and trying to accomplish what the adults haven't been able to for years. How much lower can she go ?

I'm sure she'll show us.  On a daily basis. 

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Kind of a boring show today. They sped through Hot Topics because they needed to save time for the lawyer, and then Tyler Perry/Henson, and of course their QVC segment. This is why I rarely look forward to guests on this show. I would rather listen to the co-hosts talk than watch guests do their song and dance schilling some new product.

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1 hour ago, Medicine Crow said:

Meggie dear, you don't get to tell the guest & others on the panel what YOU want to talk about.  STFU!!!

But that's her go-to move. 

When there's a topic where her "side" is clearly in the wrong, or when she cannot defend the conservative view, she says a version of "why are we talking about this? We should be talking about ( Syria, the debt, Hillary, etc)."

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2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

And I'm the polar opposite, I FF through all of Hot Topics to get to the interviews.

Don't get me wrong, I was fine with the lawyer because the co-hosts asked about things related to Hot Topics. I couldn't care less about most actors though. The ones I'd actually care to hear talk are few and far between (John Goodman is one of them, btw).

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1 hour ago, AdeleDazeem said:

I thought it was Sunny who asked who David Hogg was. I could be wrong, but, I was very surprised and disappointed that Sunny didn't know. I thought Joy was agreeing with whoever explained who DH is. 

ETA Either way, it's inexcusable for any of them not to know who he is. 

@bannana You're probably right. I hardly watched. 

No, it was Joy who asked who David Hogg is. I was surprised and disappointed that she didn't know since he's been all over MSNBC and CNN.  

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Man - I sure wish Sunny had expressed herself better about Rick Santorum, she brought him today up for saying on State of the Union - "How about kids instead of looking for SOMEONE ELSE TO SOLVE THEIR PROBLEM, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that." I actually gasped out loud when I heard that. 

But the show was so packed they could not discuss any subject more than 57 seconds.

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Meghan made it very clear that she wasn't interested in watching the coverage of the marches except that she knew they'd be talking about it on the show. 

That says to me that she watched, looking for something to criticize.  I picture her and her husband watching TV, waiting until one of these young people said something that she could pounce on.  

She is trying to be the next Elizabeth hasselbeck, just like she said on her first day.

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Someone on Twitter pointed out the meghan's Twitter profile includes "#Fuckcancer", so she is faking outrage over the "strong language" used by teens who watched their friends die.


ETA:  correction - she is FAKNG outrage, not taking. 

Edited by backformore
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It’s possible that Joy didn’t know who David was at that moment because of Megan’s accent/speed of talking when she said his name. I know who he is but I blanked like Joy did because to my ears, Megan didn’t say his name clearly. 

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Meghan pretending she is such a bad a$$ and a "poker face" player today was such a joke.  Bless your heart girl, unless you are actually a really nice decent human being playing a "gotcha" role of some sort --- you are really easily played and a fool.  Everyone is being nice to you only because they have to be.  No one likes you.

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2 hours ago, maggiemae said:

Man - I sure wish Sunny had expressed herself better about Rick Santorum, she brought him today up for saying on State of the Union - "How about kids instead of looking for SOMEONE ELSE TO SOLVE THEIR PROBLEM, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that." I actually gasped out loud when I heard that. 


I couldn't believe my ears when he said that. Am I missing something here, but by the kids doing what they're doing, aren't they trying to solve the problem for themselves ?And as David Hogg so aptly pointed out, CPR doesn't work too well on a dead person.

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48 minutes ago, burghgal said:

Meghan pretending she is such a bad a$$ and a "poker face" player today was such a joke.  Bless your heart girl, unless you are actually a really nice decent human being playing a "gotcha" role of some sort --- you are really easily played and a fool.  Everyone is being nice to you only because they have to be.  No one likes you.

Don't you wish you could actually SAY something like that to someone's face??  Everyone is thinking it, but, I for one, wouldn't have the nerve to say it to her face.  Deck her, yes ... LOL!!!

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5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

It would be more accurate to say her fake-ass acting like a prude bullshit.


Uh-huh. And no one could counter (with video PROOF!) that no one from Congress was willing to meet with those that protested? Going all the way back to right after the massacre? Or that Kyle is not fighting with his classmates that disagree with his stance, and that they are all working together? I swear, this...SHIT! I'm not allowed to say the word I'm thinking, so I'll just call her a SHEBEAST.

THiS. Hogg and Kashuv have gone out of their way to compliment each other on Twitter; they have different views and ideas about gun reform. Meghan has half the maturity that they do.

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2 hours ago, Watchingtv said:

It’s possible that Joy didn’t know who David was at that moment because of Megan’s accent/speed of talking when she said his name. I know who he is but I blanked like Joy did because to my ears, Megan didn’t say his name clearly. 

I blanked too because the way MM said it, I thought she was talking about some politician. Wonder what Joy thought of MM's "Oh, Honey...." directed at her.

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2 hours ago, backformore said:

Someone on Twitter pointed out the meghan's Twitter profile includes "#Fuckcancer", so she is faking outrage over the "strong language" used by teens who watched their friends die.

Anyone on Twitter? please tweet her that!

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My God I thought I’d be prepared for watching today,  because I had read all the comments, but I just don’t understand how ABC continues to keep this hateful viper on this show. None, NONE of the kids who were protesting on the Mall and across the country were doing it to “infringe” on your Second Amendment right, you insufferable vitriolic self absorbed narcissistic piece of shit TWAT.??? They want the Congress, whose job it is and right now, the only body of the government, to pass stricter gun control laws-so that those that shouldn’t have them, wont get their hands on them and so that NO MORE KIDS will get MASSACRED. Or adults. But you’re perfectly comfortable in trying to infringe the rights of those who don’t think like you do. Meghan is such a waste of space.

I don’t wanna talk about SEX!!! NOOOO!!’n

Then when Stormy’s attorney goes into the legal aspects, 

“Let’s talk about sex!”



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9 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

Let me add my voice to those expressing outrage that she had the gall to criticize  anyone speaking Saturday who has survived/experienced a shooting.

And yet she is incensed when anyone goes anywhere near criticizing soldiers or prisoners of war, because she is related to someone who went through that ordeal. Victim-by-proxy, that's Meghan.

Then she has the gall to criticize kids who saw their friends and teachers slaughtered by weapons of war ... in a school ... in one of the nicest and safest communities in Florida. She's insufferable.

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6 hours ago, merriebreeze said:

Meghan is being so disingenuous (but ever the obsequious, subservient wife) in repeating her husband's words that David Hogg should not use offensive language if he wants to change people's minds. "Grab 'em by the pussy" "Shithole countries" "Go F*ck themselves" and yet they voted for him/support him anyway. These minds are closed to logical arguments. The answer is to get out the vote among the open-minded, more rational people. 

Pretty much what HRC recently said in Mumbai. And Claire McCaskill told her to shut up. 

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4 hours ago, Watchingtv said:

It’s possible that Joy didn’t know who David was at that moment because of Megan’s accent/speed of talking when she said his name. I know who he is but I blanked like Joy did because to my ears, Megan didn’t say his name clearly. 

Hey guys, another newbie has jumped on board!!  Welcome @watchingtv!!! 

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2 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

I live in NH and we get all the candidates here for the two years prior to the "first in the nation primary".  I ran into Rick Santorum at our town hall while I was registering my husband's car.  He approached me, asked to shake my hand and asked for my vote.  I don't know what possessed me because I am usually so polite but I looked at his racist homophobic ass and said  "There is no way in hell I would ever vote for your hypocritical racist homophobic ass.  Besides you are a fucking idiot."  I then turned my attention to getting my car tags.  You could have heard a pin drop.  I felt proud but embarrassed about being "rude".  Six months later I went back to the scene of the crime to register my car.  The town clerk looked at me and gave me a big smile and said "Honey we are still talking about what you said to the Senator.  You said what we were all thinking but we could not say it."  Any embarrassment I had went away.  Since I heard Santorum's comments yesterday I just want to do it all over again because he can not hear it enough. 

Movintargetgal, you are my heroine! well-done and well-said..

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5 hours ago, backformore said:

She is trying to be the next Elizabeth hasselbeck, just like she said on her first day.

I didn't like much about Elisabeth Hasselbeck except her look: she was pretty and dressed well.  She was, however, never CRUEL!   We watched Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Megan, and you're no Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

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I could not stand Elisabeth. Stalking the teens in the park kissing while her daughter wanted to go home because she was ill, asking Obama "where are the jobs" while her crap clothes on QVC were made in China, gays marrying a toaster, calling Cindy McCain fresh compared to Michelle Obama (that she fist bumped) and curling up in BW's lap after the pill thing.

Yep - MM is giving EH a run for the money.

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1 hour ago, maggiemae said:

I could not stand Elisabeth. Stalking the teens in the park kissing while her daughter wanted to go home because she was ill, asking Obama "where are the jobs" while her crap clothes on QVC were made in China, gays marrying a toaster, calling Cindy McCain fresh compared to Michelle Obama (that she fist bumped) and curling up in BW's lap after the pill thing.

Yep - MM is giving EH a run for the money.

^^^^^ x 1000 ^^^^  Don't get me started on Hasselblech ... she was beyond despicable & not too bright!!!

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DB - I kind of agree - except they are both brain washed. For one thing Geddie told EH what to say- and did like a parrot. Actually Hannity did too for a brief time.  But MM is just smart enough to listen to her husband and stupid enough not to think for herself. Or the larger picture as a self proclaimed "political analyst." Which makes me giggle because she does not analyse anything and is hardly in demand. I think it is the bubble thing. And her status as her Dad's daughter, yet not a single credential to her name. 

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