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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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it seems GH is doing the opposite of what the fans want.


I'd love to know the thought process.  Is it that they think that Sonny is the most popular character and the disappointed Sonny Fans will come back now?  This emphasis on Sonny as God and his follower friends/family with Michael forgiveness is nauseating and I'm only reading about it.  It seems also that Alexis as always will be on the wrong side defending Julian, but the right side in my mind, because she's at her best when fighting the Sonny/Carly Corinthos Asshole Contingent.  

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There are quite a few Sonny/Carson fans on Twitter. I don't know if it's just that they are more vocal, or what. But they're out there.

It doesn't matter to me. I skipped their stuff before. I'm skipping it again. They'll never leave. *shrug* I've made my peace with it. As long as characters I like get some focus, and the mob doesn't eat the show, I can live with it.


I have seen some Twitter rumors that Michael Muhney might be a recast Ned. Now of course, it's rumor, likely nothing to it. But it just reminded me how much I miss Ned, and how badly he's needed. I never watched MM on Y&R, wasn't there some bruhaha(I love that word) when he was fired?

Details, please. He's young to play Ned, at forty, but Ned the character is supposed to be late forties, so I can deal. If they can de-Soras Justus and now Jason, the age thing is no biggie to me. Besides, he looks like a Q. I'm game, if he can act.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I know the veto on OLTL actors is strong, but James DePaiva* (Max on OLTL) is still my pick for Ned if they go for someone other than WK or Kurt McKinney. He's also my pick for Ridge on B&B tbh (and that's more than me being a hopeless fangirl of his).


*And to be fair, he was let go from OLTL in 2003, when Malone was in the middle of his second tenure as HW; he only had a three-day guest appearance during Ron's tenure in 2007, just as he became HW. And damn it, I MISS HIM. :(

Edited by UYI
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I don't think the show cares enough to bring Ned back, quite frankly. But if he ever does return in some form, I do not see Michael Muhney ever getting the role what with the alleged sexual harassment history that trails him.


As for James DePaiva, well...I guess it depends on if ABC would want a "name" or not...

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I know the veto on OLTL actors is strong, but James DePaiva* (Max on OLTL) is still my pick for Ned if they go for someone other than WK or Kurt McKinney. He's also my pick for Ridge on B&B tbh (and that's more than me being a hopeless fangirl of his).


*And to be fair, he was let go from OLTL in 2003, when Malone was in the middle of his second tenure as HW; he only had a three-day guest appearance during Ron's tenure in 2007, just as he became HW. And damn it, I MISS HIM. :(


I wouldn't mind him, because you're casting the actor with the character in mind. 

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I'd be happy with JDP as Ned (even if I put aside that he was my very first soap crush as Max).  Just say "no" to Muhney.  Aside from the whole sexual harassment issue, I've always felt he was kind of overrated as an actor.  The only entertainment I'd get out of his casting would be if he and BC ended up disliking each other and waging a Twitter war.  

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JDP is okay, but if they are going to recast, I'd rather they go younger. JE and WK already IMO look like peers, as do JE and Burgi(and I guess Paul is still supposed to be younger? They haven't said). I can only buy WK and JE as kid/parent because they sold it, as did McKinney(who is younger than WK) and JE. I can't imagine JE pulling off selling JDP as her kid. Just can't, unless they are going to say she had him at the age of five. James is a handsome man, but he looks every bit his age and then some IMO.


My only issue with McKinney is that he and Richard Burgi look enough alike that the scenes with the three of them would be very...umm....Oedipal?

I had the hardest time getting past the flirty/sexy vibe with JE and WK when he first started. I don't think I'd ever get over thinking in every scene-Tracy married someone who looks like her son. I liked Kurt, but ewwww. The ick factor. Worse than when Jed played Edward and his scenes with JE.

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I wouldn't mind him, because you're casting the actor with the character in mind. 


Well then, I nominate myself as GH's newest casting director! I mean, at this point, why not? ;)


YMMV, but I actually think JDP has aged pretty well, based on pictures I've seen of him from the last few years (and that's pretty much all I have--he's primarily a stage actor nowadays).

Edited by UYI
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JDP looks late fifties to me, which is fine because that's his age. I just think JE looks around the same age, I don't think she looks late sixties. I'm just saying basically, if they're going to bother to recast, they should go younger. Especially if they are going to say Ned is supposed to be younger than Paul.


All a moot point I guess, because unless they fire a few people, I don't think they are going to bother to bring on Ned.

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I loved James dePaiva on OLTL, but no. I also think this show is under orders, official or unofficial, to not go near any OLTL cast again any time soon, and frankly I think that's for the best.

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I loved James dePaiva on OLTL, but no. I also think this show is under orders, official or unofficial, to not go near any OLTL cast again any time soon, and frankly I think that's for the best.


I do agree it's for the best, after the RH, KA, and ME crap.  I don't think there's any way to bring on a former OLTL actor without the viewers resenting it and starting off predisposed to dislike the character.  If they didn't so spectacularly botch that whole thing, it wouldn't be an issue, but, since they did, as much as I like JDP, I can also see why, if they brought him on, in any role, he'd be starting not only with his grave dug, but in it and partially covered in dirt. 

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Knowing Frank I still half-expect Ned to be presumed dead in an ELQ jet crash while visiting Lois behind Olivia's back.


Alternately, Ned will be un-recast with part-time handyman Kurt McKinney and revealed to be in league with Evil Richard Burgi.

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I read a casting RUMOR that Jon Lindstrom's returning, but just to usher Lynn Herring off the show.  


The same set of RUMORS claims that all three of the gays are gone too, the Asian Quarter story RUMORED for Brad/Lucas having been scrapped.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Another rumor:


JP/SA are tossing around the idea of making Anna the new Mayor of Port Charles. This move allows them to 1) retain Jordan as Commissioner, 2) continue the Anna/Jordan female power duo, and feature Anna more in upcoming PCPD and DA arcs.

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Another rumor:

JP/SA are tossing around the idea of making Anna the new Mayor of Port Charles. This move allows them to 1) retain Jordan as Commissioner, 2) continue the Anna/Jordan female power duo, and feature Anna more in upcoming PCPD and DA arcs.

Hell yes! Best idea I've heard so far!

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Picked up the Fall Preview issue of SOD, here is a summary of the spoilers it has (my comments on the spoilers will be in italics):


*Liz and Jake's wedding is going to be "a turning point for a lot of people".  (Sounds like the show is using the wedding to resolve a lot of stories.).  They also it said it would be interested to see which couple comes out on top.  (I'm getting the strong feeling the writers are going to punt on the whole Liz/Jake/Sam thing - Jake will get his memory back, but will be torn between Liz and Sam, and that will continue to play out.)


*Sonny and Carly are a "destiny couple".  (Blech.)


*Laura is coming back with "a lot of information".  She a "big secret" and will be affecting other people on the canvas.  (The "big secret" I think is the Jake-as-Jason thing, not sure about the other stuff.  I really hope the bit about her affecting other people on the canvas plays out, about time Genie Francis took her place as the matriarch of the show.).


*There's going to be Mob stuff.  (DAMMIT!!!).  FV promises that it will have "emotional and romantic impact".  (Yeah.  Riiiiiiight.).


*Ava will cool her heels in jail.  We're all supposed to wonder who will come to help her.  (Julian.)  "She is the original cat with nine lives".


*Morgan is on a downward spiral and he goes to a dark and dangerous place.


*Franco and Nina have to get their acts together.  "How do they move on?"


*The truth will come out very quickly about Dante/Valerie and "things will explode all over the place".  Dante's life will be ripped apart.


*Anna will "evolve".


*If Hayden figures out that Nik tried to kill her, "all bets are off".  The couple has a lot of "sexual chemistry".


*Maxie's life will change dramatically.


*We'll start to learn more about Paul, why he's in town and what he's up to.


*Michael and Sabrina get a big surprise in the fall.  (Oh, fuck.  She's pregnant.).


*Julian and Alexis's relationship will be challenged by allegations he's still in the mob. 


Also, there was an interview with Jean Passanante and Shelly Altman, the new head writers.  Main points:


*They believe they were brought on to bring more romance to the show.  JP wants to create a world for the characters with "the highest stakes possible", SA wants to make the hospital the "hub" of the show.  (So they do that by rolling out another round of All About Sonny.  Color me skeptical.).


*They want to augment the hospital staff, but it's too soon to say how they will do so.


*Franco and Nina will be intregrated more into the canvas and the more that happens, the more the audience should see their humanity.  (YOU CAN'T POLISH A TURD!!!  JUST STOP ALREADY!!!).


*Characters will have jobs.  "The unemployment rate in Port Charles will go down".


*They plan to shift the focus with Sonny to de-emphasize the mob and emphasize the emotional ramifications of what goes on.  (See above re:  polishing a turd.).


*They consider the Q's to be an important anchor family and plan to reinvigorate them.  ()h, promises, promises...).


*The plan to build the younger character scene around Kristina, Molly, TJ, Morgan, and Kiki.


*They don't plan to add any new characters right away, but if they see a gap in the canvas, they may do so.  At the same time, there will not be "a tsunami that wipes out half the canvas".  (It sounds to me like they are carefully dancing around the issue of pruning the cast down to manageable levels.  I'm thinking that they may do so on a piecemeal basis, one here and one there, but not a bunch all at once.  Or they're not going to get rid of anybody and the cast will continue to be overstuffed.)


*They are excited to write for Laura and Anna.


*The writers played coy about recasting Robin, Lucky, and Ned.  Basically, they may or they may not.  (So glad they cleared that one right up!)  They don't have immediate plans for any of those characters, however.

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*Sonny and Carly are a "destiny couple".  (Blech.)


*Laura is coming back with "a lot of information".  She a "big secret" and will be affecting other people on the canvas.  (The "big secret" I think is the Jake-as-Jason thing, not sure about the other stuff.  I really hope the bit about her affecting other people on the canvas plays out, about time Genie Francis took her place as the matriarch of the show.).


All these "Sonny and Carly are the OMG MTB centerpiece couple!" soundbites are ridiculous because if Vanessa Marcil ever wanted to come back full time, it'd be over so fast your head would spin.


Re: Laura.  There's still Luke's letter, but I could see the new writers ignoring it altogether.

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*Sonny and Carly are a "destiny couple".


It's no great love story, but I'd rather see them together than with other people. Carly, at least, is always yapping about her connection to Sonny. No other partner of hers should have to put up with that.


*Morgan is on a downward spiral and he goes to a dark and dangerous place.




They don't have immediate plans for [Robin, Lucky, and Ned], however.


I'm okay with this. If they're going to bring back characters, have a plan for them. Immediately there are stories to finish, but there needs to be something more long-term in place.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Picked up the Fall Preview issue of SOD, here is a summary of the spoilers it has (my comments on the spoilers will be in italics):


*Liz and Jake's wedding is going to be "a turning point for a lot of people".  (Sounds like the show is using the wedding to resolve a lot of stories.).  They also it said it would be interested to see which couple comes out on top.  (I'm getting the strong feeling the writers are going to punt on the whole Liz/Jake/Sam thing - Jake will get his memory back, but will be torn between Liz and Sam, and that will continue to play out.)


*Sonny and Carly are a "destiny couple".  (Blech.)


*Laura is coming back with "a lot of information".  She a "big secret" and will be affecting other people on the canvas.  (The "big secret" I think is the Jake-as-Jason thing, not sure about the other stuff.  I really hope the bit about her affecting other people on the canvas plays out, about time Genie Francis took her place as the matriarch of the show.).


*There's going to be Mob stuff.  (DAMMIT!!!).  FV promises that it will have "emotional and romantic impact".  (Yeah.  Riiiiiiight.).


*Ava will cool her heels in jail.  We're all supposed to wonder who will come to help her.  (Julian.)  "She is the original cat with nine lives".


*Morgan is on a downward spiral and he goes to a dark and dangerous place.


*Franco and Nina have to get their acts together.  "How do they move on?"


*The truth will come out very quickly about Dante/Valerie and "things will explode all over the place".  Dante's life will be ripped apart.


*Anna will "evolve".


*If Hayden figures out that Nik tried to kill her, "all bets are off".  The couple has a lot of "sexual chemistry".


*Maxie's life will change dramatically.


*We'll start to learn more about Paul, why he's in town and what he's up to.


*Michael and Sabrina get a big surprise in the fall.  (Oh, fuck.  She's pregnant.).


*Julian and Alexis's relationship will be challenged by allegations he's still in the mob. 


Also, there was an interview with Jean Passanante and Shelly Altman, the new head writers.  Main points:


*They believe they were brought on to bring more romance to the show.  JP wants to create a world for the characters with "the highest stakes possible", SA wants to make the hospital the "hub" of the show.  (So they do that by rolling out another round of All About Sonny.  Color me skeptical.).


*They want to augment the hospital staff, but it's too soon to say how they will do so.


*Franco and Nina will be intregrated more into the canvas and the more that happens, the more the audience should see their humanity.  (YOU CAN'T POLISH A TURD!!!  JUST STOP ALREADY!!!).


*Characters will have jobs.  "The unemployment rate in Port Charles will go down".


*They plan to shift the focus with Sonny to de-emphasize the mob and emphasize the emotional ramifications of what goes on.  (See above re:  polishing a turd.).


*They consider the Q's to be an important anchor family and plan to reinvigorate them.  ()h, promises, promises...).


*The plan to build the younger character scene around Kristina, Molly, TJ, Morgan, and Kiki.


*They don't plan to add any new characters right away, but if they see a gap in the canvas, they may do so.  At the same time, there will not be "a tsunami that wipes out half the canvas".  (It sounds to me like they are carefully dancing around the issue of pruning the cast down to manageable levels.  I'm thinking that they may do so on a piecemeal basis, one here and one there, but not a bunch all at once.  Or they're not going to get rid of anybody and the cast will continue to be overstuffed.)


*They are excited to write for Laura and Anna.


*The writers played coy about recasting Robin, Lucky, and Ned.  Basically, they may or they may not.  (So glad they cleared that one right up!)  They don't have immediate plans for any of those characters, however.




Sam e church different pew. wake me when its over so I can watch the very last show ever !

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Nothing about those spoilers will entice me to watch, especially not the Nina, Franco, Kiki, Sonny, Morgan, and Carly bits.


Anna and Jordan have the potential to be good, but they can only ever be an ineffectual power couple because TIIC refuse to make the town's mobsters the horrible criminals that they are.  Why would it be entertaining to watch two strong women be stymied?


And why watch Genie Francis be wasted on Jason, a character that should have never been brought back from the dead to begin with?  She deserves so much better than this.


I'm not even watching and GH continues to disappoint.

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Picked up the Fall Preview issue of SOD, here is a summary of the spoilers it has (my comments on the spoilers will be in italics):


*Liz and Jake's wedding is going to be "a turning point for a lot of people".  (Sounds like the show is using the wedding to resolve a lot of stories.).  They also it said it would be interested to see which couple comes out on top.  (I'm getting the strong feeling the writers are going to punt on the whole Liz/Jake/Sam thing - Jake will get his memory back, but will be torn between Liz and Sam, and that will continue to play out.)


*Sonny and Carly are a "destiny couple".  (Blech.)


*Laura is coming back with "a lot of information".  She a "big secret" and will be affecting other people on the canvas.  (The "big secret" I think is the Jake-as-Jason thing, not sure about the other stuff.  I really hope the bit about her affecting other people on the canvas plays out, about time Genie Francis took her place as the matriarch of the show.).


*There's going to be Mob stuff.  (DAMMIT!!!).  FV promises that it will have "emotional and romantic impact".  (Yeah.  Riiiiiiight.).


*Ava will cool her heels in jail.  We're all supposed to wonder who will come to help her.  (Julian.)  "She is the original cat with nine lives".


*Morgan is on a downward spiral and he goes to a dark and dangerous place.


*Franco and Nina have to get their acts together.  "How do they move on?"


*The truth will come out very quickly about Dante/Valerie and "things will explode all over the place".  Dante's life will be ripped apart.


*Anna will "evolve".


*If Hayden figures out that Nik tried to kill her, "all bets are off".  The couple has a lot of "sexual chemistry".


*Maxie's life will change dramatically.


*We'll start to learn more about Paul, why he's in town and what he's up to.


*Michael and Sabrina get a big surprise in the fall.  (Oh, fuck.  She's pregnant.).


*Julian and Alexis's relationship will be challenged by allegations he's still in the mob. 


Also, there was an interview with Jean Passanante and Shelly Altman, the new head writers.  Main points:


*They believe they were brought on to bring more romance to the show.  JP wants to create a world for the characters with "the highest stakes possible", SA wants to make the hospital the "hub" of the show.  (So they do that by rolling out another round of All About Sonny.  Color me skeptical.).


*They want to augment the hospital staff, but it's too soon to say how they will do so.


*Franco and Nina will be intregrated more into the canvas and the more that happens, the more the audience should see their humanity.  (YOU CAN'T POLISH A TURD!!!  JUST STOP ALREADY!!!).


*Characters will have jobs.  "The unemployment rate in Port Charles will go down".


*They plan to shift the focus with Sonny to de-emphasize the mob and emphasize the emotional ramifications of what goes on.  (See above re:  polishing a turd.).


*They consider the Q's to be an important anchor family and plan to reinvigorate them.  ()h, promises, promises...).


*The plan to build the younger character scene around Kristina, Molly, TJ, Morgan, and Kiki.


*They don't plan to add any new characters right away, but if they see a gap in the canvas, they may do so.  At the same time, there will not be "a tsunami that wipes out half the canvas".  (It sounds to me like they are carefully dancing around the issue of pruning the cast down to manageable levels.  I'm thinking that they may do so on a piecemeal basis, one here and one there, but not a bunch all at once.  Or they're not going to get rid of anybody and the cast will continue to be overstuffed.)


*They are excited to write for Laura and Anna.


*The writers played coy about recasting Robin, Lucky, and Ned.  Basically, they may or they may not.  (So glad they cleared that one right up!)  They don't have immediate plans for any of those characters, however.


Thanks for posting, but this all still sounds like complete shit. This show is doomed.

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Nothing about those spoilers will entice me to watch, especially not the Nina, Franco, Kiki, Sonny, Morgan, and Carly bits.


Anna and Jordan have the potential to be good, but they can only ever be an ineffectual power couple because TIIC refuse to make the town's mobsters the horrible criminals that they are.  Why would it be entertaining to watch two strong women be stymied?


And why watch Genie Francis be wasted on Jason, a character that should have never been brought back from the dead to begin with?  She deserves so much better than this.


I'm not even watching and GH continues to disappoint.

You summed up exactly how I feel about the upcoming spoilers.

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I wish Julian would just fake him out and then yell BOO! at him so he'd run away screaming. I mean, it's MORGAN. What a dumbass loser. I've very much enjoyed the Kiki break we've had recently. Has she decided to self-implode yet since she literally has nothing and no one in her life left to live for?

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Morgan "doesn't want anyone to get in his way" so he's planning to murder Julian in the house where Alexis and her daughters live?

Is there a reason his parents believe he's bipolar and not brain damaged?

Edited by Oracle42
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Calm down, Alexis. 


Yeah, I was going to comment on that, but then I was like, maybe it's time I accept that everyone's performance 99% of the time is going to over-the-top and ridiculous now. But it's not even that she's so hysterical, it's that she's delivering it in this swoony fainting-belle mode. Even when Alexis flips out she usually sounds a little more, I don't know how to describe it. More adult.

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...so is that supposed to be Alexis' house or are they just reusing the set?


And ten bucks right now, Morgan a) won't suffer any consequences for this and b) if anyone does try and arrest him, we'll hear scream of, "BUT HE'S BIPOLAR, IT'S NOT HIS FAULT!"

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I wonder if Michael and Sabrina's surprise is getting Avery back.


Maybe. I don't think there's any way in Hades they'd give Sabrina and Michael a baby this soon. Although I forget that those two are dating half the time, so maybe a baby will happen as lukewarmly as everything else in their relationship.*


*I think they have chemistry actually but their romance was barely written for.

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Well if they decide to have Michael go all mob boss maybe Sabrina gets knocked up and pulls an Olivia and hides it from Michael and then Michael will know first hand what its like to have his kid kept from him.

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Well if they decide to have Michael go all mob boss maybe Sabrina gets knocked up and pulls an Olivia and hides it from Michael and then Michael will know first hand what its like to have his kid kept from him.


I read a very similar RUMOR - that Sabrina gets pregnant and is worried about the child being near Sonny/the mob (which they already hinted at last week), Michael refuses to disavow Sonny/the mob, so she takes off and that's how TeCa will be written out for leave.  Just a RUMOR, but sadly plausible, IMO.

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