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S06.E16: The Thanatos Guild

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Nyssa Al Ghul returns to Star City to warn Thea that a group of renegade League of Assassins members are planning to attack her. This group, led by Athena, is intent on finding a mysterious box that Malcolm left behind and will stop at nothing to get it. Nyssa helps Oliver come to a life-changing realization.

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I'm going to miss Thea. We should have gotten more sibling convos than we did the last couple of seasons. 

Really liked all the Oliver/Thea, Thea/Roy stuff. 

Still can't believe that they never let Felicity and Thea talk on-screen. NO EXCUSE, Arrow. And now that's it.

I like Nyssa as someone the team can work with, but way too much about that "marriage" in this episode, which, I get, all leading up to the annulment (FINALLY), but still.

So annoyed by Diggle wanting to be the Green Arrow again so badly. Still no explanation, including one for why he'd want to be out on the streets alone. 

Hoping this is the last we get of League stuff too. 

And the newbies were ... I don't remember because I don't care? 

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NTA is still a waste of screentime but they are much more tolerable when they aren't constantly talking about how much Oliver sucks.

I see that John still wants to be the Green Arrow.  Does he see himself as the Robin to Oliver's Batman?  This still doesn't make any sense.

I hope Star City is OK with the person who has been doing most of the real work running the city heading off on some sort of Indiana Jones like adventure.

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For a mid-season filler episode, there have been worse. I'm glad they gave Thea somewhat of a peaceful ending. After not being Speedy for so long, I'm glad that they had her leave with a purpose instead of taking off with Roy (although her just going off and being happy and doing nothing would've been great too, after everything she's been through). Really hope she succeeds in murdering those Lazarus pits though - the last thing this show needs is more ways for dead people to show up again. 

Not fond of Diggle acting like a brat, but...sigh. 

Glad Oliver's finally divorced from his not wife. 

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I really hope that next week explains why Diggle has such a hard on to be the Green Arrow. Because otherwise, his pissiness over Oliver not handing the hood over not only makes no sense but is bordering on character assassination. After the MG interview in EW, I suspect


the explanation is that they just needed Diggle to be mad at Oliver and any reason, no matter how ridiculous, would do.

But Spartan goes everywhere that the Green Arrow does and it’s incomprehensible that Diggle feels like that’s not enough. He's not even an archer! Fix it, show. I really, really don’t like being irritated Diggle. It’s unnatural!

In any case, I’m glad Oliver came to the realization that he didn’t want to give up being the Green Arrow. And now that he has, that needs to be the end of Diggle’s fixation.

It sucks that the show wasted Thea for the past couple of seasons because she was great tonight. I’ve had lots of issues with Thea over the years — I’m still pissed that the Queens lost their fortune because of her brattiness and her advice to Oliver about keeping William a secret from Felicity is still the worst. But despite all that, I’ve always loved her and I put attribute all of that to Willa’s performance. I’m really going to miss her, and I’m going to miss the Queen sibs having scenes together. Their last scene together made me tear up, and Stephen’s tweet after the show made me tear up again.

I’m also glad Roy finally got the goodbye hug from Oliver that he deserved in 319.

Everything Dinah/Curtis is not even worth discussing. What a complete waste of time and space compared to the characters we’ve loved for six seasons.

Finally, I’m glad Nyssa finally gave Oliver his annulment, because that “husband” joke was played out the first time she made it. I love their dynamic, though. And I loved Felicity and Nyssa’s back and forth tonight. Even though they’re no longer sister wives, I’m so down for a spinoff.  Actually, maybe they can spin Oliver, Felicity, Nyssa, Roy, and Thea into their own show and leave Diggle to be the Green Arrow with the noobs backing him up. (Show, I’m so mad that you made me just type that about Diggle! Ugh!)

Edited by KenyaJ
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2 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

Is Holland actually leaving?

Yes, this was her last episode.

I hate the LoA stuff so this episode was not good for me. I also felt that they tied too much of Thea to Merlyn as her exit and I hated Merlyn and this show's stupidity in constantly claiming Merlyn is her father when Robert and Walter were more her father than Merlyn.

Sorry to see Thea go but, as an exit episode this one felt a bit hollow.

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It was a good episode but it left me feeling so weird. Felicity/Nyssa banter just felt off to me somehow, I kind of enjoyed it but I think it might've been a tad to much.

I feel like I blinked and Roy was gone just as soon as he came. His return to the show was very bittersweet, he didn't get much to do since he was just a plot device to get Thea off the show which in the ended in a plot where he wasn't even really needed to get her off the show lol. Just being there for Thea with no real character development just wasn't the right decision in the long run.

Oliver/Thea scenes were great, they havent gotten much to do in a while so I'll miss em but I wont even notice it. 

Nyssa/Thea teaming up was fantastic. I love that Nyssa has had major connections/storylines to Sara, Laurel, and now Thea. Shame we didn't get to see her interact with Siren at all, I was wanting to see those two play off each other.

While I am glad that Curtis finally gets a love interest...I just fear it will go no where and majority of the relationship will be off screen. Don't give these characters relationships if you dont plan to commit to it. But his speed babble was atrocious.

Dinah looked nice! She was just "there" for me this episode. 

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I liked this plot. Why do we have to deal with Arrow Civil War and The Villains Who Aren't Cayden James And Therefore Irrelevant? Just give Thea, Roy and Nyssa. And maybe Sara pops up every six months to shake things up.

Even in death, Malcolm Merlyn wrecks lives. And there's still a part of me convinced that Damien Dark and Reverse Flash "recruited" him from Lian Yu in the season finale. Aside from that, this was a fun episode. Puzzle box, assassin ninjas, Felicity and Nyssa tossing shade at each other . . . .and the Fibonacci Sequence. And Nyssa officially gives up Oliver, but not before referring to Felicity as "Sister Wife," which was cute.

Oh, and Dinah did come investigating, and Curtis might have a new love interest. Yay? Seriously, I think Curtis needs therapy . . .  not for the choices he's made this season, but because he's always talking way too fast, way too often Kinda like Early Felicity. Still not hating the guy. Or Felicity Or Rene, though I'd be amused if he spent a few episodes only able to say "Hoss."

If Thea .is gone, does that mean EBR gets third billing? I'm good with Willa, but how long was Thea in a coma this season?

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1 minute ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I like Nyssa as someone the team can work with, but way too much about that "marriage" in this episode, which, I get, all leading up to the annulment (FINALLY), but still.

It doesn't bother me now that I know for sure it was Nyssa's version of teasing.    


1 minute ago, ladylaw99 said:

On the plus side I didn't swear once, on the down side I was bored. I wanted a better send off for Thea and Roy. 

I think it was probably better than I could have hoped for after how much they've sidelined Thea in the last couple years.  Thea gets to be with Roy and be her bad ass self as she searches the world to destroy her father's legacy.  It's better than her just leaving and going into hiding.  And leaves the door wide open for guest spots in the future.  It wasn't an episode with huge twists or a big resolution but I really enjoyed the character interactions and the moments they let everyone shine.  

I have almost no clue what Dinah and Curtis were doing.  I just couldn't bring myself to care.  The end result seemed to be that DInah proved to herself that Cap Hill was dirty.  And Curtis got a date.  And it's hilarious that none of the NTA noticed ninjas in the city leaving behind dead bodies. 

Also, nice to know that Rene was shipped off and left to deal with his recovery alone.  Lol. 

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It was an okay episode. I think I appreciated the nostalgia of the old team and characters I actually like and care about. I'm so glad they gave Roy and Thea a happy ending, as much as they can. And it leaves it open for one-off appearances later (though I doubt that will happen, never say never). 

Can we not with the lazarus pits though? I'm so sick of people coming back from the dead. ENOUGH.

Diggle is acting so OOC with this wanting to be GA nonsense. I just don't understand any of it. I'm glad Oliver admitted he wants to be GA but not knowing why is kinda annoying. We've been over this.

I loved how Felicity was allowed to be brilliant and not have Curtis there to steal all of her lines and skills. BLESSED. 

Dinah and Curtis are so irrelevant, they really should not have been in this episode at all. Curtis was peak annoying. 

Edited by Guest
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I didn't find Nyssa and Felicity too much. The only one who could solve the box was Felicity. Plus the only one who could find the box was Thea/Nyssa.  So it makes sense if they banter considering Felicity knows her history and Nyssa knows the league.

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2 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Felicity/Nyssa banter just felt off to me somehow, I kind of enjoyed it but I think it might've been a tad to much.

It seemed like too much for me because Nyssa and Felicity haven't ever been even remotely antagonistic to each other. Why Nyssa would needle Felicity about her marriage is weird - especially since this episode made it clear that Nyssa wasn't calling Oliver husband because she thought the marriage was actually binding. 

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1 minute ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

I liked the episode for the most part but why did it take Athena so long to find Thea? She's been in her and Malcolm's hometown the entire time. She might not have very useful while comatose but she's been awake for months.

Getting her while she was comatose would've been the best plan - prick her finger, you have your map and all the rich stuff is yours.

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7 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

It seemed like too much for me because Nyssa and Felicity haven't ever been even remotely antagonistic to each other.

But at the same time, I wouldn't say that there were any positive feelings between them. They pretty much were apathetic towards each other until just now. 

Edited by wingster55
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7 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

It was a good episode but it left me feeling so weird. Felicity/Nyssa banter just felt off to me somehow, I kind of enjoyed it but I think it might've been a tad to much.



The back and forth reminded me of the first time they met with Felicity's "MIT Class of 09"  I also liked that Felicity is just a bit possessive of Oliver, enough that Nyssa was irritating her and I liked that the fact that Nyssa was a skilled assassin didn't intimidate Felicity or keep her from asking her to get out of her way and I liked that Nyssa really did seem clueless that she was the distraction, lol.  

I also got a feeling that Nyssa never really understood what Felicity brought to the team beyond the computer stuff.  It wasn't spelled out but KL made me think that Nyssa was suitably impressed with Felicity's brilliance and skill set.  

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Just now, wingster55 said:

But at the same time, I wouldn't say that there were any positive feelings between them. They pretty much were ambivalent towards each other until just now. 

And Nyssa still didn't have any reason to be snarky about it. 

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

And Nyssa still didn't have any reason to be snarky about it. 

Maybe, but at this point I just think she enjoys needling him about it. Or she considers the marriage legitimate...it was done by the League way, the traditions she's known her entire life. 

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Just now, wingster55 said:

Maybe, but at this point I just think she enjoys needling him about it. Or she considers the marriage legitimate...it was done by the League way, the traditions she's known her entire life. 

But she specifically said told Oliver she was doing it because Felicity didn't like it. 

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I do want to point out that this episode had more female/female interactions than we've ever had in one single episode of Arrow. That's...a really sad statement to say. But it definitely added to the positives of this episode for me. The women saved the day this episode! 

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Tvline brought up Thea/Quentins relationship and now I am PISSED that they didn't get a goodbye! OR any scenes together! Once again he was an AFTERTHOUGHT when it came to his relationship with a character. He wasn't there to see his daughters last words because they didn't think about it and now he wasn't even there to see his glorified daughters last moments. Especially after how they've supported each other since Laurels death.

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9 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

It seemed like too much for me because Nyssa and Felicity haven't ever been even remotely antagonistic to each other. Why Nyssa would needle Felicity about her marriage is weird - especially since this episode made it clear that Nyssa wasn't calling Oliver husband because she thought the marriage was actually binding. 

I think being actually married to Oliver was enough to make her actually annoyed by Nyssa this time.  Even back in season three, Felicity did not seem happy with the fake marriage and so now with her and Oliver being officially wed, I can see why it would have come to a head now when it hadn't been much of an issue before. And wanting Nyssa to back off I think was just not being willing to work with someone breathing down her neck.  Even Oliver doesn't get that luxury.  

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Tvline brought up Thea/Quentins relationship and now I am PISSED that they didn't get a goodbye! OR any scenes together! Once again he was an AFTERTHOUGHT when it came to his relationship with a character. He wasn't there to see his daughters last words because they didn't think about it and now he wasn't even there to see his glorified daughters last moments. Especially after how they've supported each other since Laurels death.

At least he was at her goodbye party.  

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I enjoyed that episode. The marriage jokes were a little played but I did laugh at the “sister wife” line. Lots of great callbacks to previous episodes (Felicity helping Roy diffuse a bomb, Thea’s callback line to when Oliver returned from the island, etc). There’s something poetic about Thea and Oliver both having a crusade around righting their fathers’ wrongs. And we even got some nice Olicity moments (though I have to say, I’m getting a little tired of Felicity always being the one who initiates them.  Oliver could once in a while. Or at the very least he could smile and/or look into it.) 

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1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:

I think being actually married to Oliver was enough to make her actually annoyed by Nyssa this time.  Even back in season three, Felicity did not seem happy with the fake marriage and so now with her and Oliver being officially wed, I can see why it would have come to a head now when it hadn't been much of an issue before. And wanting Nyssa to back off I think was just not being willing to work with someone breathing down her neck.  Even Oliver doesn't get that luxury.  

I get Felicity being annoyed. I don't get why Nyssa was needling her about it in the first place (I do get her using it to get at Oliver, since he's the one who willingly entered into that ~marriage in the first place. Felicity didn't have anything to do with it!). At the very most they've just been acquaintances - what she did with Felicity is the kind of thing you do to people you don't like. If Nyssa didn't like her, they should've shown that in previous episodes - here it just didn't make much sense to me. 

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What struck me most about this episode was how much fun Amell was having.  He looked so happy to have Colton and Katrina back as well as share significant screentime with Willa.  Hope the show can work out at least one guest appearance for those three next season.

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haha I really enjoyed the scene where Nyssa is hovering while Felicity did her work. She looked like she wanted Felicity to give her a line by line run down of whatever she was doing or chat to her while she was working. 

To me it feels like Nyssa's constant needling of Felicity are all awkward attempts on Nyssa's part to engage her. The sister wives scene confirmed it for me. She wanted to hang around Felicity.

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8 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

TI liked that Nyssa really did seem clueless that she was the distraction, lol.  

I loved that. KL is so great and she plays so well off of all the other actors on the show.

I have a confession. I really, really love Dad!Oliver. It first occurred to me in 611, when he told William to take his Flash backpack and go learn something. And it was reinforced tonight when he told William to go get a fork and a plate. I'm sorry, it just cracks me up.

My other confession is that EBR in that blue dress made me briefly question my heterosexuality. 

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I see what once the LOA was disbanded, Nyssa spent her extra time learning the art of trolling people!  I knew she still referred to Oliver as "husband" in the past, but I definitely wasn't expecting her to be that snarky about it and needle poor Felicity.  Kind of off, although I did laugh at the "sister-wife" bit.  But since the episode ended with her giving Oliver an annulment (in the form of a dagger, because of course that's how it is for the LOA), I guess she just wanted to get it all out of her system.  Still, I love me some Nyssa!  Katrina Law somehow looks more gorgeous each time she appears here.  Still wish she would take a ride on the Waverider with Sara and the Legends some day...

Anyway, so there is a new LOA that is headed by this Athena character, played by Kyra Zagorsky.  Not sure I'm all that interested in a new LOA, but I'm glad she's still around, since always awesome (and I just found out that she's married to Patrick Sabongui a.k.a. Captain Singh from The Flash!)

All in all though, this was basically just an episode to find a way to get Thea off screen for good, since Willa Holland is apparently leaving.  I guess it was a happy enough of ending for her since she still gets to be with Roy, and hang out with Nyssa, but still kind of sucks.  Then again, it really felt like the show couldn't figure out how to use her after season 3/4, so it really isn't that surprising.  Wasted potential, sadly.

Dinah and Curtis are off in their own investigating and, in Curtis' case, awkwardly flirting.  Riveting stuff here!

I'm really, really, really not liking the direction they are going with Diggle.

"I'm not stupid!"  Hate to say it, Quentin, but you've kind of fooled me there lately.

Still one of the better episodes this season, but granted, any episode with Nyssa automatically goes up several points in my book.  Katrina Law is the best!

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I think KL missed the mark in the Nyssa/Felicity scenes. I think she played it too dry. 

Roy didn’t really feel like Roy to me. I don’t know if it was the writing or CH just forgot how to play him. Maybe both?

I’m going to miss Thea. I’m so bummed they didn’t spend more time on Thea this season. The character deserved better. I was mostly bored during the episode, but that last scene got me. 

Diggle hurt me this episode. 

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Nyssa! Any episode with Nyssa will always be a good time for Nyssa content alone! And yes, we confirm that Nyssa calling Oliver "husband" all the time is her messing with him, because I guess when your a former assassin trying to atone from your evil fathers years of murder, you take the laughs where you can get them. Growing up in a weird murder cult, I guess a persons sense of humor can get kind of weird. It was also rather sweet that she finally, officially annulled their fake League marriage. I always do like their weird friendship/ally relationship. Also, Nyssa can do many things well. Reading a room is not one of them, especially when her sister wife (snicker!)  is trying to tell her to back off. It reminds me of when she and Laurel were hanging out, which were really some of my favorite Laurel moments. 

On the other hand, I am truly heartbroken that this is the end of Thea and Roy, at least for awhile. This isnt a bad ending for them, at least their together and have some purpose now, but it still really sucks. Thea and Roy have both come so far from where they started, both as individuals and as a couple, and the show will be less without them here. At least we got some nice brother sister moments from Thea and Oliver, both funny (Oliver needed a nightlight!) as well as more dramatic (all their talks about Thea's future and Oliver being the GA and not wanting to stop) and it was great. Stephen and Willa have such a great dynamic, they really have a wonderful sibling chemistry, and its just so sad we haven't seen much of it the last few seasons. Thea could have had a better send off, but she could have had a worse one. At least the door is open for Thea and Roy to come back to guest star from time to time. I need more Queen sibling bonding, even if its only once in awhile.

Seriously Curtis, you think you and Felicity are still business partners? Like two days ago, you said you never wanted to see her face again and that she was a monster! SHUT UP CURTIS! He and Dinah were better than the last few episodes, where NTA just seemed to live to bitch at OTA at best, and actively hurt and try to KILL them at worst. This week, they weren't disgusting so much as boring. I dont care about Dinah's hunt for corruption, or Curtis's love life. At all.  You can pick which is worse! I swear, if they are going to have NTA join up again now that Thea and Roy are gone...*shakes fist at the sky*.

This John and Oliver conflict is painfully contrived, and I have no idea why this is happening. Why must they hurt one of the strongest relationships in the show? Why are they writing it like John is secretly hoping his best friend gets shot a million times so he can take his job? Or that Oliver is doing something wrong by wanting to stay Green Arrow? I mean, could they just talk about it? Why do they both want this so bad? I can guess why Oliver wants to stay the GA, but why is that title so important to John now? He is acting so OOC, I half expect it to turn out he was possessed or an alien in disguise or a clone or something. What, that shit happens in this universe pretty frequently!

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Just now, Mellowyellow said:

I miss Olicity cuddles! Bless you for making the most of what little looks we got this week @Soulfire

Just now, BkWurm1 said:

There was Felicity touching his chest too at some point.  :D

I'll try to replace these with GIFs later today when I'm at a computer. :)


Edited by Soulfire
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I do wish I felt more for Thea's exit than I do, but I feel like the writing really didn't know how to utilize her in her reduced screentime the past two seasons. Because when I really should be verklempt over her leaving SC and Oliver, I'm honestly here thinking huh, so reasons for being Speedy go: 1. Roy, 2. cool alien invasion, 3. Malcolm's shit, ...(?) Oliver. So, yeah. I don't think this is a bad ending for her, in fact I do like that she has a bigger purpose, but I don't like that they tied it in with Malcolm very much. Maybe it's not even tying it in with Malcolm what's bothering me most, but the attempt of making a false equivalency with Robert. He was no father of the year, but he was actually a father to Oliver for 22 years and did try to do best for him, however mistaken that was at times. And then there's Malcolm who found out Thea was his bio kid and promptly proceeded to mindrape her in order to have her kill one of her friends.

I do think Nyssa's statement were just her brand of humor, but the only thing that actually made me laugh was her being clueless. Then I shall remain to make sure you don't get distracted. Awesome. :D

Dig I still do not get. Okay, yay for getting Oliver to realize that being GA is actually important to him, but maybe explain Dig's sudden hard on for green? Because Oliver made the totally valid point of Dig having no one else out there if Oliver quit when they were facing big shit. And it's canon that this was a problem even for Oliver, which is how we ended up with the n00bs in the first place. Plus, as has been shown tonight, Oliver is clearly the best out in the field. If he needed help, I don't see how and why Dig expects to get by without it. 

I'm glad Roy healed enough in a week to get his flips before he left again. And Oliver shooting an arrow to him was cool.

I hope that cop is corrupt. Just to see Curtis suffer.

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Much better than some recent ones. It's always nice to see Nyssa. I did enjoy the Felicity/Nyssa mutual banter, but I thought it would have worked better if they'd actually shared more than 10 words before those scenes. I get Nyssa winding up Oliver about it, but I'm not sure why she thought it was so funny with Felicity. That said, the "reading the room" (or lack thereof) scene was funny and I liked Oliver asking her to just cool it now and the dagger (of course that's how they end marriages.) I still think the "joke" wore thin in the first episode it was used, because I don't think a forced marriage/rape or death of a lesbian at the hands of her evil father to someone he's giving her planned status to is funny and I think she'd be more likely to try and castrate him than snark at his wife. Not to mention it relied on Nyssa needing Oliver's help too much in the "cutting off Malcolm's hand" ep. I guess it was just Nyssa's way of coping with that shit. 

Sob, I'm going to miss Queen Sibling scenes so much, even if those were the most they had in ages, liked the again mutual sassing (nightlight, really Playboy Ollie?) You're lucky your mother probably didn't allow a girl staying in your room that young. I was worried because CH seemed a bit of an afterthought compared to the "Guild"/Daddy drama but I'm glad he decided to go with her, not let her go to "fulfil her purpose" on her own. Sigh about the Lazarus Pits Plural, no way those aren't coming into play at some point, but hopefully they'll help a character I actually like when needed. I'm not enthused that they pushed so hard on the Malcolm thread, and Thea and Oliver didn't even mention Robert together. Malcolm was the worst of Fathers. At least Robert loved and raised his kids, even if he had shady business practices and was unfaithful. Still I'm glad Thea left with a purpose. It was probably the happiest departure they would write for her. 

On another plus note, this must be one of the most Bechdel Test passing eps of Arrow ever, lots of women talked to each other, and even the Felicity/Nyssa interactions didn't always 100% reference Oliver. 

Tiny step up on the Toddler front. They didn't actively have me seething, they were just so boring I was able to tune them out, I couldn't give a damn about Curtis's new crush, it makes Avalance and ConstantGary seem like Star crossed lovers even though I know that's unfair because it's their first meeting. 

BS being a better cook than E1LL did make me giggle in the way Q said it, but he's deluding himself if he thinks a couple of weeks makes it less crazy to trust her just yet. 

But Diggle is not only gunning for GA, he's gunning for most WTF? character of the week. Why do you want to be GA so badly? Oliver actually mentioned you'd be a "leader" of a "team" of one, which you might as well do as Spartan, especially as you have a cool high tech helmet and a weapon you've been using for decades. Though no one is stopping you if you want to use the crossbow either. Plus with the LOA/Guild and Diaz and his apparently massive web of corruption in town, do you really want Oliver out of the game so badly? If it's an icon thing, make Spartain iconic, if it's a "I want to make my own calls" thing suggest they each have areas where it's their call, which they already did anyway. 

Edited by Featherhat
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Did Lance just leave BS alone in his apartment to go to Thea's party? It seems like a bad plan. Of course, so do eating anything her murdery ass cooked and literally everything else he's done where she's concerned since he shot her so I'm not sure why I'm surprised.

Edited by JamieLynn832002
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Decided to rewatch the Oliver/Diggle scene at the beginning to see if it's possible I missed something that doesn't make Diggle just sound ridiculous. (I did not.) But first:

Lance: "I'm not stupid. I know who she is, I know what she's done." Do you, Lance? I'm not really sure that you do...

As for Oliver and Diggle:

Diggle: "You said that I'd be the Green Arrow again."

Oliver: logical response

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5 hours ago, bijoux said:

Plus, as has been shown tonight, Oliver is clearly the best out in the field. If he needed help, I don't see how and why Dig expects to get by without it. 

Maybe the crossbow is made of magic?

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44 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

Did Lance just leave BS alone in his apartment to go to Thea's party? It seems like a bad plan. Of course, so do eating anything her murdery ass cooked and literally everything else he's done where she's concerned since he shot her so I'm not sure why I'm surprised.

She knows where he lives so locking her out wouldn't do anything since she could break in. Unless you want him to drag her to Thea's party.

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